Alright boys lets settle this
Who is the best Commissar?
Alright boys lets settle this
Who is the best Commissar?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ciaphas Cain
no contest
Gaunt. Period.
Yarrick obviously
I don't know 40k, but judging by those colors the best Commissar is a Commissar who works together with his fellow Commisars.
Also going from the list of named commissars.
We haven't gotten a new named Commissar in a while most recent being Berrn but he was just in a video game while for full on commissar stories the last one was Cain back in '03
>god tier utility
>fistpunches the avatar of khaine
>fist of brockus makes the guards unkillable.
>one shots every single model in the game.
Ultimately Yarrick is probably the most important/badass, but Cain is probably my favorite because those were good 40k books.
>Bernn best commissar
Does he even have any lines?
Ciaphas Cain
>Hero of the Imperium
>Probably has movies based on his exploits
>Cares for the guardsmen of his regiment but isnt afraid to pull the trigger
>Brave enough to be the vanguard on dangerous missions to see shit gets done right
>Every Commissar wishes they were Cain
>Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword.
Go go, Space Maringers!
> is reviving a space marine
Considering Cain is the only readable series, Cain.
Fuck yes he does.
Best commisar is Costellin.
As much as I like Gaunt, he's a better Colonel than he is a Commissar.
>Only one mention of Holt.
Gentlemen, choose your next recommendations with exceptional care...
What part of "John Fuklaw" did you not understand the first time, OP?
I can identify yellow, green and black. Who are blue and red? I assume one is Cain probably except no chainswords in sight. The other might be Holt I guess.
Brave and fearless are not the same thing. You can't be brave if you feel no fear.
Completely seriously, I think Cain is brave. The question is just how much is genuine bravery, how much is ass-covering to stop himself getting executed for incompetence and how much is just caring for the people around him. The implied balance is much heavier on 'he's a good person who cares for people' more than anything else, although I think his first appearance was almost entirely the 'trying not to get killed' interpretation.
If he's not brave, the moment he realized the hole he's going to hide his ass in turned out to be enemy HQ he would've bolted out of there.
Thing is, he's never going 'ah, enemies, excellent we shall defeat them for the emprah'. He's always just trying to survive and to keep the people under his 'command' alive. That said, in the cases where it's seemed like death was absolutely inevitable he HAS embraced a calm fatalism and just decided to go out with a slaughter of enemies.
There are no good Commissars. They're brainwashed fanatical murderers devoid of sympathy. Fuck all this humanizing hero wank that BL puts out.
Don't you have blueberry dick to suck or something
BL hasn't put out a Commissar book in ages
No, I like the Tau as grimdark as possible or not at all.
"Have put out over the years" then.
Does it really need saying?
>Doesn't take pretentious titles like a certain other character
>Fucks up occasionally and cares about his men so much that he takes it hard every time
>Holds a Lord-General hostage for a bit while being suspected of taint
>Leads a suicide mission to a planet held by Chaos forces
>Leads said suicide mission through a portion of the planet that even Chaos won't touch
>Survives said planet with minimal losses
>Contemptor Pattern balls of adamantium
This nigga gets it!
The only one that lacks Sympathy is Yarrick
The others are pretty bro tier
Considering how easy it is for hardcore *asshole* morale officers to die to friendly fire incidences it is unsurprising that the better ones tend to be "bro tier"
damn right. I played that game all the way through just in hopes of getting another Commissar Holt scene.
>Kicking the Planetary Governor around
>Rebuking a Lord Commander
There is some recent stuff about yarrick
Some of the newer stuff fluffs out how much the losses of the seccond war for Armageddon weighed on him.
>participated in trench warfare, hive warfare, airborne drop/assault, deep insertion, killed CSMs, saw a saint, always leads from the from, stayed pure an a world of only taint, fought alongside 3 SMs, based swordsmen,
>oh, and the little tidbit where he fucked the daughter of the most important noble house of the entire hive, all the while single-handedly commanding the entire imperial defense of said hive against millions of traitors and overwhelming odds for nearly a day straight
best commisar is cain because he has jurgen
#blank privilege
I wonder how you write a mother fucker who has a power klaw for an arm
And I'm saying the rest are faggots for being at worst reluctant heroes, when Commissars are supposed to be brainwashed from a young age to be fanatical and merciless executioners. I'll never understand why people don't write about fucking Guardsmen officers of various ranks and specializations if they want sympathetic human heroes, instead of trying to humanize some of the most batshit fuckers in the Imperium. Probably just because of the striking uniforms.
Did you by chance write the Tempestus Scion lore?
Your so right you dont even know man
woah woah woah, back up, who are we talking about?