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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Which jumps have a good import option for a single companion?
wtf is this cyoa? ive seen this thread for like years and i have never opened it cuz it looked uninteresting.
someone give me a TLDR?
Dark Souls 3, Bloodbourne, Demon Souls, Sherlock Holmes, Great Detective
Your self insert hops between worlds, gaining momentum as they start getting involved in larger scale shenanigans the further they get along.
Multiverse reincarnation/Insertion guide to end up in an available setting (Jumps) of your choosing with more Jumps being created as time progresses.
Or lots and lots of self-inserting and getting powers and other goodies from different places.
So Jumpers, what do you do when you have more than 8 companions?
Ignore the companion limit.
Regret having this much waifu, resolve to ignore the companion limit, end up only bringing way less than 8 out of the House of Mystery/Nomanisan Island/Etc to do shit during jumps.
Are there multiple magic systems in Hero BBS that we can choose from? To put it another way, are there different types of Magician like how D&D has different types of spellcaster: wizards, sorcerers, mystics, warlocks, etc?
Basically you do a jumpchain cyoa like and then do another one and keep all the abilities you bought and continue until you get bored or do one of the jumps that are meant to be used as an end to the jumpchain, like Gurren Lagann, Tenchi or DBZ.
Technically you're supposed to start with the Pokemon jump by Quicksilver as that was the very first jump made. Then you do supplements for the warehouse and body mod which give you additional stuff to take with you.
All of the jumps are in the google drive:
There are quite a few but they don't go into much detail, the whole thing is just about the heroes shitposting on interdimensional Veeky Forums.
Pretty sure the Sage rewrites an entire world's magic system because it offended him with how much it sucked, I'm going to say there are probably lots of them.
Sonic Classic updated! Guardian perkline completed (knock knock, is knuckles) and Conqueror outline drafted
Take a look!
Also, I'm thinking of offering replica Emeralds a la what Tails made in the later games. as the actual canon emeralds are capable of some stupid shit when you get down to it
I only have eleven, so two are permanent part of the team (Lapis and the Clone from GUNNM), and I divided the rest into groups of three, and whatever two groups fit more are imported, while the last group gets a break on Nomanisan Island or my Animal Crossing Town, and can switch out with active companions at any time.
Some super god called the Benefactor offers your character (usually a self-insert since it's the easiest, but other people fabricate their own from scratch) a deal, and if you take the deal, they then send your character on a multiversal adventure across different settings.
Each setting or "Jump" operates as its own CYOA where you can pick/purchase your origin (basically an incarnation of yourself in the world) Perks (powers, skills and abilities based on the setting) and Items (self-explanatory) using a point allotment received at the start of a Jump (usually 1000CP, though you can take Drawbacks to receive more points at the cost of varying challenges).
After your time in the world is up, you can either go home, stay in that world or move on to the next. Time is frozen in your homeworld and other worlds you've been too as you Jump, so you don't have to worry about "going missing" or something in your homeworld.
Everything you purchased carries over to your next Jump. Leftover points do not, neither do Drawbacks. It's part game, part writefag prompting due to the numerous settings people can visit and scenarios that can pop up in the process.
Meh, Why would I waste points on weak replicas?
(James Cameron's Avatar) #163
-Background: Scientist (950CP) -Well here I am on Pan-FUCKING-Dora! Time to learn!
-Avatar (Free) -Study it, then take samples of an actual Na'Vi.
-Skills: Acrobatics (850CP) -It's a jungle. I'm gonna need a refresher.
-Skills: Piloting (750CP) -How did I even GET my license as a pilot? Whatever.
-Skills: Analytical (Free) -Time to study!
-Skills: Medicine (Free) -Time to be a doctor as well!
-Skills: Repair (700CP) (Discount) -And now I can succeed here.
-Skills: Archery (600CP) -BOOOOOWS. I have a sick bow!
-Skills: Melee (500CP) -And now I shall never go hungry.
-Exopack (Free) -Oh this will be so useful, you have no idea. JUST IN CASE.
-Standard Equipment: Avatar Gear (Free) -I'll at least look somewhat decent.
-Computer Tablet (Free) -Some extra tech may be nice.
-Link Shack (0CP) -The RDA can go fuck itself, I operate on my own!
Dice Rolls: Omaticaya Clan Territory, 30 years old
-End Choice: Next Adventure
Pointless posturing incoming because damn it if not here then when.
I'm sure a fair amount of people decided they were gonna bomb the shit out of the Navi and rip the Unobtanium from the ground. Not me, because the RDA were kind of dicks. So... I don't hold any loyalty to dicks? There's other ways to do it. So, what's gonna happen? Imagine the Na'Vi reaction to a human figure in black armor, smoke flowing from their feet and optics burning red. They not only know how to speak the language, but also understand how to mess with the technology the otherworlders possess. Introducing themselves as a demon spawned from humanity's greed and selfishness, dragged with them across the stars. They promise not to interfere with any of their customs... but will work to prevent their home from being destroyed. Using a giant fucking robot in order to do so.
Cue the song. youtube.com
It is a cyclic nature that drives Man to take what is in front of him. He reaches, reveling in what he has obtained, only to fall into the pits of fear upon convincing himself that it is not enough. This fear makes him search frantically for more of what he has found, and once he has achieved this short-sighted goal the cycle begins anew with a greater desire driving him.
But what will happen once his desires consume him? What will happen should the very thing he lusts for disappears into the unknown, consumed in a mindless frenzy? Yet Man never stops to think of this, for the fear that answer brings is one he refuses to confront. He convinces himself that there will always be more, and that it is his right to take what he seeks, blinded to what he does to the world around him.
Pull yourself away! Remember that this was not always your path! You once sought to preserve your world and care for the people who inhabited it, deeming it an intregral part of Humanity. Wake up from this cycle, and remember what you have forsaken for your ravenous greed! Open your eyes to what you have left behind!
Do not let your demons become your end.
>Looks at the Fake Emerald I got from Sonic the Hedgehog Jump.
>Raises hand.
Can the person you'd Sod the World for be a companion you're already in a relationship with? I figure she'd be ok with it, even if the rest of the world doesn't appreciate me doing crazy stuff to protect her.
I'm generally a fan of body horror and pick up those kinds of perks whenever I get the chance,
But what possible perks or combination of perks would it take to pull off this kinda shit?
1. CP insurance
2. You don't have to really go through a bunch of hoops for the actual thing and usually a weak replica will suffice.
The description of the House of Mystery doesn't mention being able to let inactive companions roam around in it. It also has two 'final notes' in the description.
Eh, sure. You're going full Yandere, though. Hope they like that.
Best evil perks?
I said why, not who.
Suffice for what? There's better stuff out there without having to spend points. They're just an all around inferior object. Like trying to make your knife with copper when there's iron right there.
Use sub companions to fill in the rest of the numbers.
Are finals already over, or did you just not bother since you're probably going to fail?
Go to Skullgirls and get the perk to make your own parasites. Was this an unreleased character or something?
>You'll be Yandere...
Oh we doing Undertale pics now? Cool, Murdertale best evil run.
Ah I wanted it for the Chaos Control I might figure out of it, time stop is something I like to have multiple layers of.
I don't really see how my post is aggressive or insulting. He asked a question, I asked why. Someone followed up with their explanation, I posted my disagreement. You're going to have to tell me where I whined about nerfing or whatever the fuck you expected, or where I even asked to be able to buy the emerdoods at all.
Pure Evil, No Pulp from ActRaiser.
Ungodly Soul from Shadow of the Colossus.
When You're Evil from Hero BBS.
The jumper inn from basalisk lets your companions enter the world, but they can't leave the property of the inn.
Toriko has some sort of bird robot thing, IIRC, so they can be there by proxy. Xenoblade X might be able to pull something similar.
There's a perk in some gun based jump - tf2 or counterstrike or that halo show by roosterteeth - that bumps it up to 9, IIRC.
Thats all I can think of.
The alternative drawback would mean I'd be a dick. Yandere she'd tolerate, but being a dick is right out.
How does the perk sharing perk from Imaginary friends play with stacking perks?
Like, FISS and that charisma perk from harvest moon(?). You can theoretically buy them a few dozen times, so can I grant them to the same person endlessly?
If I recall, there probably wouldn't be a point to granting FISS more that 7 times due to diminishing returns, but being able to do so seem useful.
Up to you to wank, since I have a feeling the original jumpmaker is gone. If you want to use it to stack perks infinitely go ahead, just don't stuff it down anyone's throat.
I'd say that it just gives them what you purchased once, but I'm not the jumpmaker.
If I recall correctly, that's Venus, goddess of the "space" half of spacetime.
It's Venus, one of the trinity, she was one of the possible indiegogo characters. I'm pretty sure that all this freaky shit is a result of her own godlike parasite.
That being said, I don't know if even an artificial parasite would be capable of all this, maybe with out of jump genetic perks
>some stupid shit when you get down to it
Such as?
>When You're Evil from Hero BBS.
I want to combine this with the gamer jump sp badly.
I'll just stand there being a dick to people, and then all of a sudden -
>Oh hey, my dickishness made me level up to a new level of assholery! Whelp, of to kick puppies and steal candy from babies. For the exp, of course.
Tell me more.
>gamer jump
That's a thing?
on Spacebattles, yes.
Cthulhu and SJ-Chan double-team.
Hey, grasping on to the tenuous strand of conversation about Undertale, anyone have any idea how to companion Chara? Like, is there a way to separate her(?) and Frisk without the wisps of her(?) soul disappearing into the ether?
Alternatively; any good ways to drive Frisk bugfuck homicidal insane?
You mean the same people who think putting a fiat-block on DW tech was unjustified? No, fuck that.
Cool. Wish she'd made it into the game as a playable character.
Out of morbid curiosity I have to ask Link?
You didn't really give me a reason other than "They're not STRONG enough"
when the full Emeralds are by canon damn near unlimited power
That's not just in-universe wank either, there's little we see them NOT capable of. Time Travel, Actual reality warping, infinite fonts of energy...Apologies if I see "well if they aren't the infinite stones of power they're useless" and go "well, I'm not sure I think your parameters for what's useless or not are skewed right".
Saying "there's better things out there in other jumps" is also gross interjump balance. By that logic I should bump up the superspeed to mach infinite or something because you can get the Speed Force in some way or form in other jumps
or that I should give you perfect technology understanding because any of the overhyped Worm powers exist
in the CONTEXT OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, even the replica emeralds are enough for 90% of what you'd use a Chaos Emerald for in most situations I.E energy source and a catalyst for the Super form.
The only reason, at least in my eyes, that they wouldn't be desirable in comparison to the real Emeralds is because you want something that is considered on par with the unlocked Infinity Stones on purchase or would rather just grab the real ones and leave if you're going to pull the "waste points" card
I.e "There's better things in other jumps" is not a valid reason for one thing to be bad in its own jump, get a better one. If you don't want to grab it, Whatever. But that reasoning alone doesn't really convince me that they're not a good idea.
Technically it has been for a while now, but it was kind of shit so we ignored it. Cthulhu apparently helped a bit a while ago, and somebody liked a post about it or something, so he decided to take another whack at it.
Amazingly enough, after looking at it, I don't actually want the gamer power. The drop in tree is glorious. Just make sure to hit up monopoly first.
All I know is her name, sorry.
Please be nice with your drawbacks Digger-senpai. I'm already in the negatives from just the perks.
Sometimes a cheap knockoff will do. You'd be surprised how far store brand can carry you.
Later. I just recently purged my internet history after doing christmas shopping, but I'm pretty sure I can find it again in a bit.
Thank you in advance then.
Wow, who pissed in your cheerio's today?
Quick question for any sience-y jumpers, how do (non-cp bought) modifications to your own biology work? Either through genetic modification or implants.
Do they carry over between forms or do they just kind of go away and come back when you return to that form?
Does your biology even allow those types of changes?
Do they function with bodily perks?
I'm just curious to know any stuff like that
It's not even fiat-blocked. It just says the Doctor will kick you out of the TARDIS if you try it.
Murder her.
There's a link to a Gdoc on... God, where was it... Jumpchain thread, obviously... Page... 1040. ish. 1044? 1045? Somewhere around there.
Pretty sure there was a post on SB where Cthulhu mentioned having to nerf things to fit Veeky Forums standards, so it's pretty much to be expected that unless he says explicitly that he's not going to post it in Veeky Forums, the jump is for Veeky Forums.
I said I didn't see why someone would buy them. I didn't ask you to put in anything, not even the real emeralds. I just didn't see the point in the fake ones. That's a different issue entirely. It's an inquisitive question, not a demand, or suggestion. Don't act like it is and use that assumption to get offended.
Here you go, senpaitachi docs.google.com
Fucking seriously?
It doesn't say "jump end" or "you won't be allowed to move on with this," it's just canonically The Doctor trying to prevent technology from getting where he feels it shouldn't? Like he does with SEVERAL of his human companions?
THIS is what gets people riled up about Doctor Who?
>mentioned having to nerf things to fit Veeky Forums standards
kek. What?
He hasn't even posted anything for review yet.
user calm down.
People try to do this to him for some reason. New Bleach is this way because he KNOWS we won't accept it, and GH is that way because he KNOWS we won't accept it.
Asshole anons take this to mean that everything he makes is this way. Which, unless said claim is paired with a pic related of him actually saying so, should not be believed.
Not him and I don't really agree with it but a more reasonable argument for user's position is that it would be easy enough, for a jumper at least, to get their hands on the real ones. This would make buying them a poor choice as the real thing can be acquired with effort instead of far more valuable CP.
let me count the ways
>Super transformation: invincibility, super strength, unlimited flight, control of chaos energy which can do the following shit
>Time control and time travel with at least 2
>Instant unlimited teleportation with at least one or two
>Reviving the deceased
>Various abilities to tear open rifts in time and space to do basic attacks a la Sonic Battle
>using said Time/space regression to heal wounds or create barriers
>Infinite fonts of power. Literally their stated ability is to transform thoughts into power
Even if we only count classic feats, it is already said/given that the Emeralds could transform thought to power here
I'll see what I can do. I've still got items to think of here
As mentioned in my earlier post, for 90% of what is unique about emeralds is preserved in the replicas. They even let you do chaos control and similar if you know how to use it already, technically. Plus, yeah, super mode
Here it is.
It's actually pretty good.
There's some other stuff too, but it's easier if you just track his posts. The review gdocs was being circulated around by a few people
My best bet is to make them a body their soul can inhabit, since souls need a physical object, either a body, inanimate object, or a flower to inhabit.
You'd probably be more successful at it than Alphys was, come to think of it, if you don't use Monster Dust to make the body for them to inhabit.
My argument isn't even about being able to get the emeralds. There wasn't much of an argument until he started throwing accusations, I made a statement that I didn't see the point. I, as a jumper, wouldn't spend points on an item that is quickly outclassed and can be lost. I'd spend my points on perks which have wider or more esoteric uses and will be longer lasting even if weak since they can stack. Then I'd just pick up a better energy source elsewhere. So, as a jumpmaker, I wouldn't include them as items. That's really the source of my opinion. I don't care for and never asked to be able to buy the real emeralds. Not once.
>Ignoring my actual post.
And this makes me think you just WANTED to get offended.
I assume it's not finished then?
For someone who only has an opinion you're really trying to push it, fampai.
How dare he try to explain himself huh? He should totally just roll over and accept all the shit and accusations
No, I'm posting it in full to dispel any misconceptions about what I think, what I wanted, and what my goals are. You'll notice that you didn't even get this spiel about my opinion until after several accusations which then REQUIRED me to post it.
I should have refreshed the page after searching for the link. Main things I want from it is the Magic Maker perk and the evolving skills thing.
The drop in tree. GLORIOUS.
I mean, it's almost wholey item and money based, but i've been thinking about doing a chain based around money perks, so I fucking love it.
Money powered reality warping.
He's going to have a lot of problems once the real story arc shows up, and a lot of the fluff that he's using is pretty much going out of date extremely fast as the author retcons some of the existing material to suit the new stuff, like creating Gods, the powers of the Old Ones, the Gamer's ability having shifting boundaries, other Gamers, and so forth.
The "top" abilities that he's using right now have also been confirmed to be pretty low tier, since a new faction of God Slayers has shown up with the real story arc starting off. Presumably he's going to have to update the document accordingly, or he's just going to say "I'm going to ignore this, as well as the other three universes the Gamer is tied to".
For a person who doesn't actually follow the Gamer this looks fine, but that could honestly be said about every jump that either him or SJ has made.
Just like the jumpmaker should accept what he's being told at face value and let user dictate what he place in his jump. Which is "something actually useful and not worthless."
Do you buy items? Ever? Do you think items are only worth CP when they're explicitly better than anything like them you can get in the setting?
Seems you have a disagreement with a particular part of jumpchain, and unfortunately you're running into people getting aggressive about an attack on a jump when you're really just stating your thoughts on a facet of the chain in general.
What three other universes?
Typically I house rule they do keep with each form unless I don't want them too. (Although I use magic to smooth out any funky weird biology stuff that could happen--I've spent a good portion of jumps just mastering and experimenting with magic for this purpose.)
I don't really think you should add replica emeralds since those were in later sonic games and would probably fit much better in the theoretical modern sonic jump.
However since you're basing drop in off dummies out content the 8th debug emerald from s3&k or the extra one from sonic the fighters would be a good replacement in my opinion
Again you come back to accusations. Is the concept of 'middle ground' just impossible to you?
It's a lil annoying when you're trying to make a decent jump and you're getting the impression that the marker for quality is "what does this give me that is more powerful than whatever other jumps give"
I had a similar issue when I heard someone say "I wouldn't buy any superspeed perk below mach 10" in another thread because my only thought is "Then don't jump it, or don't buy the perk?"
It kinda communicates that your interest in the jump or what you get is only tied to if it's better than anything else you can get.
It's not necessarily the user's fault, I just kinda took it wrong because of tiny bits and pieces that make it kinda hard to get motivated for a jump that I feel nobody's gonna give a shit about when I'm done
Already happened with Endless Frontier
Yeah, yeah. I kinda blew it out of proportion a bit. It just DID kinda feel like an implied "There's nothing in this jump worth taking"
and it just smacked of entitlement to things that are powerful and unique rather than just saying "I don't see the point"
You're right, it isn't a demand for anything, but it does imply that the only other thing emeralds are needed for(i.e Super form, and one of the capstones interacts with said form) would be covered by the canon emeralds
which in turn implies they're grabbable for out of jump purposes
which I plan for them not to really be for reasons I've outlined earlier
...Oh, man, you're right. That'd work a lot better for this.
So, I was looking through the new F/SN jump and found this:
> 400 - I Am The Bone Of My Sword
>-One thing. The very core of your being. Something to base your whole life around. For Shirou Emiya, it was Swords. For you? Perhaps something else. You'll find yourself innately understanding the idea you choose, even letting you understand other concepts a bit easier if you can frame it in the context of what you chose. More importantly, you're an absolute genius when it comes to magic based around this one thing. Shirou Emiya, an otherwise poor quality Magus, was able to use magic that approached the level of True Magic when relating to swords. It took him being in a rather unique situation, where usually it would still take years to achieve, but he did what would have been impossible for most Magi.
>You are on the same level with your chosen idea. When related to that idea, your magic will be many times stronger, many times easier to use and many times easier to learn or create, though the broader the concept is from 'Sword' the lesser the effect will be. Careful to not lose yourself in your own ideal.
Is there anything stopping me from choosing "magic" and becoming so amazing at everything that I may as well be a god?
Nobody is trying to dictate anything. Only state opinions. Is dissent a vicious attack now? Not even dissent really, that word is too harsh for a two sentence query.
I buy items when they are unique or aesthetic, mainly.
And no, I'm not in any disagreement about any fundamental aspect of jumpchain. I didn't see the point in something, so I stated that. A very, very harmless post. Nobody is being attacked. If they perceive it as such, that's just rampant paranoia.
Essentially what is happening is that the shitposter isn't around for you people to complain about, so you're trying to warp the first post you can twist into MAYBE sorta being like something he said once into a facsimile of him so you have something to be angry at.
You projected something I never said onto me and then used it as an attack. I shouldn't have to dissect all the problems with this.
>Latest chapter of the gamer
Did he just pull a phoenix wright on a fucking god?
The fact that the broader the concept, the less it is boosted?
The notes I'm putting in the end of the jump probably will yes, given they deal specifically with that, but if you didn't want to wait, you could always actually read the second last sentence of the perk.
There may in fact, be a reason it's a WIP.
Not him but this is a good topic in general.
Jumpers, do you prefer items or perks? I can think of a few good arguments for either of option but which do you prefer and why?
Not in this argument, but dude. Have you even been here long?
Even without the shitposters driving shit to factionalism, arguments here always seem to gravitate towards an Us vs Them.
Hey Spacebattles.