Sup Veeky Forums here
Is 7th edition worth the 100$+ dollars? Im really hesitant. Even the PDF is 30$
Whats the deal with CoC editions anyway, which is the best one for a newbie?
And why dont you guys have any Cthulhu threads in the catalog or archive? I coulda swore there was a community for it here a few years ago
Sup Veeky Forums here
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You posted a picture of 6th edition, so we can't answer your question. Sorry.
Thats because it was the first thing to pop up the on google
You got a link for the pdf?
Okay, I'll bite
>Sup Veeky Forums here
Fuck off
>Is 7th edition worth the 100$+ dollars?
>Even the PDF is 30$
The PDF is 0 dollars if you're willing to type 'Cthulhu Mediafire' into one of the many Veeky Forums archives
>Whats the deal with CoC editions anyway, which is the best one for a newbie?
Your best bet is the new Delta Green.
>And why dont you guys have any Cthulhu threads in the catalog or archive?
We do
>I coulda swore there was a community for it here a few years ago
So why didn't you ask then?
Wtf since when is the "nicest" board so fucking hostile? All Im asking for is LESS newfag support than your OSR D&D threads already have.
Jesus christ did Quests ruin that much?
Up to 6th edition, they're all more or less the same, only gradually becoming more polished. 7th edition has some significant differences.
>Is 7th edition worth the 100$+ dollars? Im really hesitant. Even the PDF is 30$
Check the share thread, you should find a really nice trove will everything
>Whats the deal with CoC editions anyway, which is the best one for a newbie?
They're just updates really, the changes between editions are not as dramatic as with D&D, for example. 5th or 6th would be your best start because they're well supported.
>And why dont you guys have any Cthulhu threads in the catalog or archive?
In fact there's the Yog-Sothothery General from time to time, if you look for that in the archives you should find some stuff.
These guys do not represent Veeky Forums as whole.
Eat a dick, fuckwads.
We have CoC threads fairly regularly, maybe it's just been a slow week.
I'd say get the 6th edition, which you can find for very reasonable prices, and which is the edition most people are familiar with. If you like it after playing it for a while, then you will know if you want to make the change for the 7th edition or not.
>significant differences
Are we talking like, 4E style D&D level different? What was changed?
I dropped over 100$ on the AD&D 1E reprints so im not averse to the price if its actually good
>w-why won't anyone spoonfeed me?
>stop bullying him ;_;
Likewise cancer
>>w-why won't anyone spoonfeed me?
Im also an /m/ user, so I know the entire argument behind implementing spoonfeed rules is 100% autistic bullshit
Goddamn I leave for a few years and the cancer sets in and starts calling itself oldfag. Guess its happening everywhere on the site after all.
>Are we talking like, 4E style D&D level different?
No, not at all. More like minor changes to subsystems, like streamlining the clue finding process, changing up how skills work, etc. It's really a more player-friendly system, i'd say. 6th is more 90s, if that makes sense to you, but it's completely playable.
I love how /a/ssblasted /v/irgins spend two weeks browsing Veeky Forums and think they know how we run things here.
Have they started doing this too now? I used to browse /m/ and recommend cool mecha shit all day.
No see /m/ DOESN'T do that and DOES have recommendation threads and has a NOTICEABLY less pleb population than /a/ and higher quality posts as well.
Its depressing that fappening newfags are trying to push /v/tier, /b/tier, & /a/tier faggot behavior as the "norm" for all the boards.
Bet if I did stupid newfag shit like blogposting in a General thread i wouldn't get such Asshurt responses, SAD!
Oh, alright. And yeah, from what I remember /m/ was a top-tier board in terms of quality. It's really sad to see these communities turn to shit because newfags are just reproducing cancerous behavior.
Im just shocked there isnt a Cthulhu general but theres a Traveller and OSR general
Think about it, its really weird
Just play 5.5
Especially on boards where it isnt appropriate
We have yog-sothery generals every so often, but they're not popular enough to keep them up all the time.
Thats another thing, its incredible how "artificially fast" Veeky Forums is now compared to when I used to browse. I mean, yeah its okay for a place like Veeky Forums to have generals I just hope their speed doesn't wipe out your board like it did /toy/
Man, that was a massacre. Inviting /a/ & /v/ to a small board like that then allowing them to call the shots.
>Fast board
>Post-August 2016 Veeky Forums
Pick one
>August 2016
What happened? I haven't been here in years so its fast in comparison to then
quest threads got rightfully moved to their own board.
>quests were forced into a containment board by a bunch of autistic manchildren screaming at the mods for years
Why did it take them so long to enforce that anyway? Since theyre gone now I might stay around this time.
sounds like you should be at the containment board.
OP here, you remind me of the /a/nons crying about their fap threads getting removed recently
Face it, online RP is totally different than PnP RPGs. Ones gay the other isnt.