Look at what my girlfriend made for me.
Look at what my girlfriend made for me
Is that a Cake? Nice.
By Russ! That is awesome.
I hope its an ale chocolate cake.
My wife sadly has no culinary skills.
I must learn how to do this. I NEED IT!
this rhino is the tastiest rhino in the world
>all that fondant and dye
Awful, I never understood prioritizing look over taste.
>Filename that clearly indicates the picture was downloaded off the net, apparently from reddit where the page claims it was made for a friend
Fuck off with your shitty threads ya fuckstick.
She is deemed most worthy in the eyes of the Emperor!
Ikr? I'd much rather have a shitty looking cake that tasted good than this pile of coloured sugar.
>Even in death, I still serve.
>Awful, I never understood prioritizing look over taste.
Likewise. As neat as that is visually and in terms of the work involved, I'd rather just have a cake covered in buttercream flowers.
There is no joy in your life...
Aesthetics have a direct effect on taste. Presentation is incredibly important.
To spoiled, pretentious faggots. Choke on your sautéed beaver shit, bourgeois cunt.
It's stupid but it's true. It would have to be EXTREMELY delicious to overcome looking like literal feces and bridging that subconscious handicap. And if you had made it look tasty instead? It would have been EVEN TASTIER.
The best example of this is the oddly colored Ketchup, like green or purple.
Plenty of people can't stand the stuff, and even think it tastes disgusting. Only difference is some food coloring, but that difference can drastically alter the taste.
So no, it's not just fancy restaurants. Presentation's important even when you're cooking for your family or friends. You don't need to go insane, but making an effort to make the food look good will make it taste better.
Presentation is important, yes. But it's not worth sacrificing flavour for unnecessarily complex and detailed work.
A nice clean chocolate drizzle in the shape of the Eye of Horus would be both pleasing to look at, and not compromise flavour with absurd quantities of icing.
But what happens when people eat curry that looks like a pool of diarrhea, yet enjoy it?
>Veeky Forums is a cooking board
>Presentation is important, yes.
Presentation is VERY important.
So important in fact, that if someone looks too good like a work of art, it sickens me to eat it.
Culture plays a big role.
Cannibals pls go
Shit he figured it out. Choke down the blond fast.
Sure, but now you're flat out ignoring the social element to the entire piece as well, which also has a big effect on the result.
The cake is being presented as a gift, either for some kind of event or perhaps even just because.
That social element is also going to have a big effect on the enjoyment of the dish, especially with the "right" reactions. Even if the cake itself isn't especially great, the social element is a big deal.
This isn't inbuilt behavior, man, this is all learned. It's entirely subjective. You're honestly veering into the psychology of the thing, which is a fucking minefield of maybes and easily becomes a bunch of stupid bullshit.
But this is also the whole thing with "Home cooked meals". People have favorite dishes from their childhood not only because they looked the meal, but because of the emotional attachment they formed with the dish and the memories it invokes.
Both my girlfriends work together to do all kinds of things for me.
It's a great feeling
pic related (it's my girlfriends)
>This isn't inbuilt behavior, man, this is all learned.
So you're saying was right.
Even though he may be a communist.
>Implying that you even need other boards when you got Veeky Forums
No, I'm not. He's suggesting that presentation only matters in "high society" or whatever you want to call it, that it's some sort of elitist measurement.
But presentation matters no matter what you're cooking. This isn't some insane 5 star chef deal, it's just the concept that if the food looks like it tastes good, it will actually taste better.
Basically, if you go the extra little bit to make the food look better, people are going to like it more.
I mean fuck, companies dealing with food often go to insane lengths to get their product to look just right in their commercials, you think they'd bother with all that time and money if it didn't mean anything?
But you said:
>It's entirely subjective.
Therefore can classify those who care as:
>bourgeois cunt
And economically support it with the superfluous waste of vast amounts of money on visual presentation over flavor and nutrition is a self-perpetuating unhealthy optical fixation.
>that if the food looks like it tastes good, it will actually taste better
Or the study participants will report that it tastes better due to social expectations. Do note the massive reproducibility crisis in psychology. A lot of the studies are just inapplicable garbage.
Scent is actually infinitely more important to subsequent taste perception. There's nerve data on that.
Since RPGs are all-inclusive, Veeky Forums tends to be as well.
It's not subjective in the sense that you can make a choice about it. You're dealing with your basic instincts over what to eat combined with emotional and social memories and attachments coloring your perceptions.
There's no concept of someone not caring, because it's not about caring. It's just about understanding your own subconscious preferences.
Food doesn't taste better if it looks better. Simply looks better.
Shallow people tend to put form over function and food isn't any different
>understanding your own subconscious preferences
But does the promoted research concept exist primarily to support the existence of the food-imagery industry which then uses operant conditioning to maintain its own value?
Could not craft his own theory in which persons having a certain perception may be classified as:
>bourgeois cunt
And thus still dislike them for being vectors which carry forth a meme of societal waste in superficiality.
Never mind all the issues with personal preferences meaning there's no hard line of "better".
I'm bringing up big words, but at the end of the day, I've always considered cooking more an art than a science.
It's ugly territory to tread from any objective sense because there's no objective position to take.
And I'd argue that smell is a very important part of presentation.
No, shallow people insist that form and function must be opposed, and that they can't be married.
If you're going to argue about the OP's cake, then just don't bother. At the end of the day, the cake is just as clearly meant as a present and an art piece as it is something to be eaten.
Oh shit man, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were retarded.
>Oh shit man, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were retarded.
But I mean it's a good point. He could be surmising that all the people who find better flavors in certain presentations to be 'pretentious'.
With the utility that you could have a culture which was less influenced by such factors, as a means to benefit flavor and nutritional content.
But then, the industry of food coloring and photography might take an economic hit.
>there's no objective position to take
Then you're not talking about science in the least.
>put form over function and food isn't any different
This does happen to scientists as well. Too often do they fail to control for social and cultural biases when performing research. The psychology work on 'sex' out of western universities is usually hilarious for example.
So is not having to pick around construction foam, chicken wire and plywood just to get industrial spongecake.
I sincerely hope that's a cake.
Nice filename btw.
Truth is not sad or joyful. It is just the truth.
this is not reddit faggot
>ITT user so autistic he throws a shitfit over the icing of a cake gifted to other user
This is fucking gold.
You can have both user.