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In the laser lit drug haze of the 40.080's there is only pastels Edition

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For Mars and the Omnissiah

>way too early edition

Third for worst bearers suckiest legion.

Can you explain why the General image is akin to that of an erotic nightclub?

Best Legion reporting in.



Suck a dick. Word Bears Best Legion.

Your vox seems to be breaking up, adequately above average Legion, I think I misunderstood you, please repeat, over.

I didn't have the goggled GSC cover and I had that left piece left over from

Also because I'm rocking some synthwave to get me pumped for tidying the sty that is my apartment

Because 80s style is a meme now.
Also Slaanesh.


they really went a little TOO 90s with this model, it really does look like the existing ancient sisters sculpts

weathered grandma face for +1 realism, in my headcanon SoB are all gruff 40 year old disciplinarian ladies who will smack your shit up just like nuns IRL

It's a homage.

we have the best fortifications. That undisputable.

Which is best .mobi reader? My portable reader reads them 50% of the time and I'd rather not skip parts of the Cain series.

They based it directly off this god-tier piece of Blanche art this is possibly one of the best images in existence to immediately grasp the 40k setting for someone who's never heard of it. It's a masterpiece.


New iron warriors detachment. Use multiple auxillary choices to bottle neck the enemy deployment zone or whatever using munitorum crates etc. Fire from on high with havocs and obliterators perched on 20pt manufactorums.

Just like some kind of Iron Cage

Of course, I love Blanche and that picture. I'm not bitching per se, I mean the model is fine but . . . the face in that pic does not match the mini.

Holy shit I knew I'd seen that Mini's pose before. Cheers user.
Based Blanchitsu.

Nah, I'd rather not have a primarch that was fucked into joining Chaos.

Totally worth building an old shitty mp3 player into a rhino for your dirge casters.



If I was a much more skilled modeller/painter/general hobbyist, I would make a rhino so that when you pressed a button on the one of the track hubs, the top hatch would pop open and a bunch of noise marines would be halfway pushed up somehow out of the rhino, shaking around violently to simulate drug-fueled rave dancing, with a strobe light flashing inside the transport compartment while the middle of Divide by MAGNA plays from a little speaker inside:


So now that Traitor Legions are a thing, and Sisters are getting an update soon, what next? Who needs a new book after that? Tyranids recently got some help in the form of GSC, and anyone who's got a hardcover codex as of 6th ed probably isn't getting a whole new book until after 8th, so what are we going to see? Dark Eldar campaign? Grey Knights?

I'm betting Age of Sigmar for a good while the space marines again.

How mad do you think my opponents would be if I brought a boombox with my Emperor's Children army and pumped some disgusting wubstep tunes during all my Shooting phases?

>Who needs
Orks, Dark Eldar.

So there's an 1850 tourney at my FLGS this Sunday, and here's what I'm thinking of bringing. Our local meta is mostly Space Marines (Some Wolves, Blood Angles, and Ultrasmurfs above all else), some more chaos (all factions), Orks, and one or two 'Crons. The site doesn't have the right points for the Terminator Champion weapons, but everything else fits. Also I'm running Black Legion. So, what does y'all think?

You'd be removed from my club at least.

Other than GK, what do they even possibly have to update for Space Marines right now? They've already got all their other Codices current to 7th plus Angels of Death/Angel's Blade.

well irl nuns are only old weathered ladies because no one young joins anymore
it's basically just religious female neets at this point

Your club sounds like some boring no fun allowed kinda shit. I bet you don't even let the Ork players bellow WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH at the top of their lungs.

I've done that before, though only when my whole squad hit with their weapons. We all had a good laugh. Then they died.

I'm grateful for the supplement but I dislike DLC and would rather have just had a new base CSM codex. Plus I don't field a legion nor can my army even be believably proxied as one, so I will be sticking with the main book for the most part. Plus a couple dataslates.

The problem is that none of the books are really that old now. Everybody has an relatively updated codex, some are just . . . bad. And I would prefer that an edition lasted at least 5 years, these constant updates are a curse and a blessing. Hello awesome new rules, goodbye awesome old rules. Now Dark Eldar characters are squatted, but hey, daemons are OP now! Like bruh, can you just focus on balancing shit before you get carried away with a new faction like genestealers. idk man, I just hope orks and nids are fixed next edition, the two main horde armies being kukt like this kinda sucks, I wish there were more viable blobs in the game.

It's great fun exactly because we have our spergs housetrained, our memesters on a quota and our cheesemongers on the watchlist.

Abaddon/BL, AoS Tzeentch and Sisters in January.

Not sure what then. Maybe DG.

Tough but fair. I respect your position.

No one, they'll be squatted soon like all filthy xenos.

40k RP ->

Sisters are prob in February. Death Guard are probably further away than people think, though definitely in the pipeline somewhere. Combined AdMech Codex is almost certainly on the horizon, though. Lastly, expect an Inquisitor boxed game in the same vein as Deathwatch: Overkill but for the new Imperial Agents stuff sometime soon, might be included alongside new Chaos Cultists or plague zombies.

>might be included alongside new Chaos Cultists

Yes please.

Xenos are dead m8. Artemis got the ball rolling. Xenos never did shit so I don't know why you'd care

>I'm grateful for the supplement but I dislike DLC and would rather have just had a new base CSM codex

Fucking CSMfags whine whine whine

Note that it's purely speculation. The Inquisitor boxed game itself was hinted by Atia so that's solid, and those games always need a Traitor or Xenos force as the antagonists, so my best guess considering recent and upcoming releases, and what would make sense to go against Inquisitorial Warbands, is Cultists/Plague Zombies. But it could be anything. Maybe Pestigors, maybe Dark Mechanicus (that's very much in wishlisting territory), maybe plastic Cult Marine troops.

Just use legion rules or graft space chapter tactics on using the same pattern. Chaos iron hands anyone?

Honestly I'm building up my cultists right now and I fucking hate those snap fit bastards. And I have to Ebay the fucking special weapons.

Who Alpha Legion here?


t. Loyalist player who got an extremely OP current up-to-date main Codex BEFORE his expansive Angels of Death supplement.

Considering Alpha Legion wants to run tons of them and can potentially get back 2 units when one dies, I can see the demand going up.

DLC is rather annoying. Thank goodness we have diigital books now.

Let's say little jimmy wants to play super imperial friends.
He would need the inquisitions, scion, IG, knight, SoB, some other random data sheet because formation DLC. Another book for rules to vehicles that should had been in the bigger book.

Is Little Jimmy an idiot for using so many different stuff? Yes
Is his army fun to play and still wonders why the fuck scion has its on mini book and Repressor is in another castle. Yes.

Do chaos players bitch more than a college girl in gender studies? Yes they do.

Do SoB players bitch like an abused house wife? No, because they fear their GW husban would murder them if they say something. For some reason they still think GW actually cares and it is their fault no new models had been made for a dacade.

I had a point here but forgot.

So chaos players bitch a lot and retarded number of books for basically the same thing is stupid.

I've started supplementing my snapfit cultists with the 1/2gen genestealer hybrids. I just snip the heads off of the chaos cultists I don't like and put them on the hybrids. Removing some of the genestealer iconography is tedious though.

The lost and the damned formation doesn't seem that useful for most of the legions. Without obj secured Whats the point? They come back again and again and accomplish nothing.

T. Iron warriors player who just painted 30 traitor guard

The funniest part is every time Chaosbabbies are called out they flail around and claim it's a marinefag telling him to shut the fuck up. You ever stop to think that literally every other faction hates you too because you're such a whiny bitch?

You're literally getting what you asked for including buffs new models and legion rules and you still fucking crying

but I also said I'm grateful, I aint even mad. you just want to nitpick about the "chaos whiners" meme

people who cry "csm players are whiners" are the actual whiners. really makes you think.

>Do chaos players bitch more than a college girl in gender studies? Yes they do.
Woah buddy let's not go that far.

The neophytes? Yeah that boxset is really nice. Try some pigiron miniatures heads. They fit just right and look bangin

>now the CSMbabby is whining about whiners

Their relic is just a seroskull that just cusses in Dark Mechanicus techno language.

I'm sorry, what new Slaanesh models did I get that I've been asking for?

What buffs to Possessed did we get? Dark Apostles?

Please fill me in.

Meanwhile smurfs get "lol literally all of your transports are free" and Skyhammer.

>Its scrapcode chant is so maddening that opposing war engines will spontaneously immolate themselves in order to avoid spending another second near the floating, anarchic device


it's the ghost of kyr vhalen

>now the whiner is whining about csm whiners whining about whiners

Tyranids still have large amount of their units outside the codex so hopefully them

the fact that nids are my main army has nothing to do with this opinion

Tyranids aren't getting updated until after 8th.

Then they'll be fucking disgusting top tier.

Nids are getting squatted, along with all Xenos, when the Loyalist Primarchs return they'll kill them all quick

Iron Warriors confirmed for having TERMINALLY good bantz and shit posts


Not so fast, Yugi-boy, you've activated my trap card: now you're whining about whiners whining about whiners whining about whining.


The walls you can build out of all the bricks you're going to shit when you see their 8ed rules will still not be enough to save you when they hit the table.

Magnificent. Peturabo would be proud

Who gives a fuck? Craftworld Knife-ears have good stats didn't stop Artemis from squatting them. Nids will die witht he rest of the abominations soon enigh, the galaxy is mankind's

Fucking incredible, user. Saved.

Wych Cults

Orks, Nids and DE most need a new book. Followed by IG.

>my chaos cultist champion miraculously kills a space marine terminator captain
>roll on boon table
>66, dark apotheosis
>I replace his model with a daemon prince
>he is immediately gunned down as a wingless IC with no attached unit before I even get to use him

*record scratch*
yeah, that's me. you're probably wondering how I got here

>whoa this 40k game my friend talks about sounds cool
>maybe I'll go with orks, or tyranids, I want a horde army. or maybe space wolves.
>i'll by this dark vengeance box set, seems cool
>i'll be chaos my mate will be loyalists
>well I kind of have a csm force now so better expand it
>csm is my only army, of which I have a few thousand points and have never fielded nids or orks

semi-dodged a bullet there. jokes aside, how did you guys get started in 40k? time for Veeky Forums survey. also, for some weird reason, when I used to browse Veeky Forums before I knew how wargames worked and was only into D&D and MTG, I imagined that 40k was played on some massive table-sized grid of hexes and models could move so many squares etc. I have no idea where I got this misconception, and I had never seen any of the 40k kits that use actual hex tiles either

past 2 weeks iv had a really hard time picking which chaos legion i want to collect, i went from wanting night lords to thousands sons to w/e. really tough time deciding what to sink money into.

but i finally decided and ordered around £70 of stuff for the best legion.....
i am Alpharius

>dark apotheosis daemon princes don't keep their gear
>no daemon princes on motorcycles

I really like the look of the Maulerfiend/Forgefiend model. Are either of them decent on the table top? In the group I play in there is DE, Tau, IG and Ad Mech. Which would be best for most situations?


glad you're able to settle on a legion
I haven't been able to decide between night lords, alpha legion or iron warriors

So I've decided to do all of them. Might as well wring every dollar out of the traitor legion book and use up all my leftover marine bits.

Thousand Sons aren't that bad and are pretty fun to field.

What's everybody's thoughts on keeping Siphon charges across turns?

forgefields sound cool but they get annihilated so easily all you're doing is spending point to have some cool scenery

you never really hear people bitch about this, but the fact that a daemon prince spawns in the middle of the fucking table completely vulnerable means that fucker is dead ASAP, and if the assault just ended on your turn then welp. even if it ended on your opponent's turn, you better pray your slow ass foot prince is close enough to make the charge on another unit or *poof*

would rather just keep my champ 9 times out of 10. thanks phil I'm not complaining though the new traitor legions supplement is great I love it

One of my friends went to the local GW, played a demo game of the LotR skirmish game, told me about it, we grabbed Mines of Moria, and it sorta spiralled from there.

I got into 40k while on holidays at the beach. My parents gave me $100 spending money, so I used it to buy some lollies from the local sweet shop and then also went to the nearby GW to spend the rest. Saw some Tau minis, fell in love with the aesthetic, and was hooked from there. I grabbed a Piranha, some Stealth Suits, and I think a Commander too. I actually still have two of the stealth suits and a very broken Commander around, hiding in my bits box.

yeah man its really hard but il probably end up doing night lords aswell after i got a good force of alphas. goodluck to you buddy

>Plays Tau

The Maulerfiend is great in pairs, they're fast, and destroy pretty much all armour they can get their claws on.

No bully

Although I never actually scraped a Tau army together to play, just really liked the models.

What you gonna source as massed respawning cultists?

"Real" cultists, GSC, IG, third party?

forgefiends are bad because they die too easily to be costing land raider points. that is sad because they put out some respectable dakka and look awesome, but they're basically just souped up dreadnoughts so 150 should be their max cost

maulerfiends are the way to go. 125 points for a fast walker (move as beasts, so 12" and ignore terrain) that will rape any armor they can reach. they suck against pretty much everything else but are good for dedicated anti-vehicle

the best thing to do is model it as a maulerfiend, but attach some magnets above the shoulders so you can slap on the hades autocannons and call him a forgefiend when you feel like it for fun

Liking anything non-human's bad enough this is Veeky Forums not some stupid site

Alrighty thanks man I will give it a shot! The maulerfiend sounds like the way to go if I wanna close the gap to rip and tear some IG tanks.

Are they any decent against infantry?

>tfw Gift of Mutation turns your Lord into a Spawn


Gift of Mutation fucking rules.

got couple of squads of base marines but i would like to do alot of cultist, one on my favorite things about chaos. for cultist models im gonna do guard and maybe some FW stuff too. dont really have an army list yet

They don't put out enough attacks, and while they are more or less unassailable by most infantry (unless they have melta bombs or a power fist) due to it's high armour value.

That's not really their focus, elite units maybe, but they are getting tar pitted otherwise.

What a loser, playing anything other than Imperium is pathetic, even looking at other miniatures is disgusting