THE Veeky Forums WAY.
THE Veeky Forums WAY.
Doesn't have to be like that... I make more money than I ever did at any job, and had no prior trading experience.
>Lose the feels towards coins, become cold and void of emotion
>Learn basic market geometry
>Trade high volume coins
>Know when you want to get it, know when you're getting out
Low volume coins are all pajeet discord pnd scams right?
Buy the big three on coinbase. HODL most. Put a few buckaroos in Monero, Dash, Ripple, Quantum, and Z-cash on Binance.
Sit back in my lambo and laugh.
Pretty ez pz desu senpai
If you see it mooning without any rumors or news than yea... I wouldn't go so far as to say all low volume coins are bad projects with zero potential. I would say they are far risky and usually lack market geometry technicals.
>basic market geometry
whered you learn it user?
I bought shit coins!!
Most of the videos are an hour long, with 25 views.. but well worth watching..
All you really need are Fibonacci retracements, trend lines, and Eliot waves... but the other other stuff does make predicting the future a little safer.
thank you
No problem man... I'm trying my best to get my friends on board, but only one is balls deep with me. He actually bought BTC when I told him about it at $5. Too bad I was wacked out on benzos at the time!
>no selling really low to see shitcoins pump
step ur gaem senpai
Is there a particular YouTube channel you recommend or do you just watch an assortment?
pretty much. Every single fucking time I try to trade altcoins I get burned. Every fucking time
I did great with Litecoin, everything else (XLM, POWR, BCC, etc I get fucked with)
Watch an assortment... It's best to learn several different perspectives.
Just type in the terms he told us and watch some videos on each topic. That's what I will do.
why not just buy a little chunk of the big alt coins... like monero... and just hodl?
I have a question about Coinbase, y'all.
I bought Bitcoin a couple days ago and it APPEARS I bought @ a price of ~$18,000 per Bitcoin - does Coinbase force you to buy higher than what Bitcoin is listed at? How did I buy at such an astronomical amount? Is Coinbase a shitty place for buying coins?
I'm 100% in alts and have doubled my money in the past month. Not sure what shitcoins you retards have been buying but maybe stop listening to pajeets and do some real research rather than fomoing into pnd coins at ATH?
What alts?
Also, don't click away because the video is low production value, boring and with low views.. Most people are too retarded to sit through them, and expect teachers to jiggle shiney objects in their face while a happy ukulele and xylophone plays in the background
Coinbase is usually higher than the market price, yes.
>does Coinbase force you to buy higher than what Bitcoin is listed at?
Pretty much
>Is Coinbase a shitty place for buying coins?
Yeah, but it's pretty much the most legit place to purchase. There are ways to buy on GDAX with little to no fees, but I dont know how. (dont really care that much either..)
Cool, thanks. Would you say Gemini is a better place to buy?
>Have a whole Bitcoin
>Get hyped up by Veeky Forums during the flippening floppening
>Trade all my BTC for BCH
>BCH Crashes BTC breaks constant ATH's
>Get JUST'd like never before
>Sell BCH at a loss of 5k
>It rebounds
>Get mad and emotional and put all in on DOGE to stop me from doing stupid mistakes
>Literally everything moons the past week
>Doge goes up 10%
>Mean while Cripple tripples
>Meanwhile LTC doubles
>Meanwhile Ether doubles
>This JUSTenning has been going on for two months
Will do. Appreciate the advice, user.
This guy fucks...
Take the coins being shilled here with a mountain of salt. If it's not in the top 30, then forget about it.
Im only holding coinbase coins now
Are the pump groups still active on bittrex?
I remember them pumping shitcoins up over 1000%
>I remember them pumping shitcoins up over 1000%
Avoid like the plague, as you could destroy yourself with one bad pump.
>Are the pump groups still active on bittrex?
If Bittrex finds out you're apart of a PnD group, they will lock you out of your account. That is new as of a few weeks ago.
No problem man. Good luck.. Remember the steps I listed in the first post.
please teach us your ways mighty one
lol im up 1000% from original investment two months ago
He already laid it out for you pajeet.
> stop listening to pajeets and do some real research rather than fomoing into pnd coins at ATH?
>Make a bank tranfer into coinbase.
>Once you get the money in coinbase transfer it over to GDAX for free.
>Buy your cuck coins
>Transfer them back to coinbase or send them to another exchange for shitcoins
There ya go guys. Thanks for explaining.
and still you lost money in comparison to what you would've earned if you just held bitcoin. bitcoin is up way more than 100%
I'm glad I didn't just hold BTC last month.