Elf here. Mind explaining pic related because I don't get it

Elf here. Mind explaining pic related because I don't get it.

Get back to work cunt, toys to be made!


>Elf here
Kill yourself, Veeky Forums is for humans not pissy cunts

>Elf here
Yeah sure this won't be a pure shitposting threads. In case you are sincere: it's a meme that some people take far too seriously. Like the guy above my post.

Your ear a knife? Fear for your life.

THis is a human only space fucker get fucked

Assblasted teenager detected
Better get some cream to soothe that poophole before you post again, boy

elves are so edgy their ears are pointy

Elves eat shit and die, that's all they do

You guys are such cringey faggots, holy shit.

Maybe one guy and a phone?

Gonna cry elffag?

Elfies get out reeee

I hope so. I really hope there's not more than one person who doesn't realize how much of an unfunny faggot he is.

fuck off.

>*nasal voice* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenge!!!!!1111!!1

this is how you sound.

Someone hasn't been on Veeky Forums very long clearly


its a nice day today

Kill it

HFY is fun, but you guys are oversaturating everything with it, to the point that it's become an old meme, and that's tragic.


Grow up, the goal is to remove all the non-human players and shitposters so Veeky Forums can get back to being what it was

There's never too much HFY

>how to spot a newfag.

>How to spot someone who's never been on Veeky Forums
Grow up, Veeky Forums is ome to HFY accept it and move on if you got a problem with it already


>Veeky Forums is home of hfy
Nobody denied that.
Veeky Forums has however, never been solely about that, and in fact, Veeky Forums existed for years before you retards started with your inane masturbatory fantasies.

That's the point, they want to get more creative content banned so all that remains are autistic mathemeticians.

Elves are cockwombles

It's just this one sperg.
He keeps posting this same shit all over the board.

>ywn purge HFY autists from Veeky Forums

>nth iteration of "why I'm better than an elf"

Would be the second best day of Veeky Forums, straight after the day when mods purged the smutfags out of here.

>everyone disagreeing with me is one person!

anti-human fags are so whiny

It's bloody obvious that it is the same guy.
He uses the same friggin sentences in his posts in multiple threads.

You are either an utter autist, or a shit troll.

The posting style and wording is just too similar. And let's hope that it's only one persons this retarded and not entire parts of this board.

>And let's hope that it's only one persons this retarded and not entire parts of this board.

Nah, this sperg's tantrums are a recent thing. He only represent his own autistic ass.

>He only represent his own autistic ass.
The same could be said of all Veeky Forums posters.

True, true.
I mostly just meant that one shouldn't take his posts as a sign of general mentality of Veeky Forums, when they are blatantly just the autismal opinions of one retard.

>this is now a general board decision thread
Fucking great

I'm denying that.
HFY is absolute shit, and this thread is a great show as to why.

Holy fuck, you little kids are retarded.

I am not saying that HFY is good.
However, it did originate from here.

Fuck you, if you don't like HFY then go to tumblr and hang out with your otherkin

Murder thyself.

So many edgy Elffags coming out of the woodwork

I think its time for a crusade

What's so edgy about them?

The fact that they think their 'people'

What's so edgy about that?

>Implying liking Elfs doesn't automatically make you edgy

Why is that?

It originated here, but it doesn't belong here.
The few fags trying to bring it back are all from reddit, and more importantly it's not traditional games.

It's just a few people acting lame and dumb, and good riddance to their faggotry.

>Confirmed Elffag

>HFY vanishing from Veeky Forums
I have bad news for you user, you see unlike pussy non-human players the actual master race never loses

Answer the question.

He doesn't need to. If you don't know why Elfs are all edgy cuntlords then you're not welcome on Veeky Forums fuck off

It hardly needs to vanish, it just needs to be well understood that only the absolute worst, lowest-of-the-low, pathetic retards bother with HFY, and that was well established within the first year of its existence.

Thanks for helping people recognize how dumb you fags are.
No one else can display your rigorous dedication to assassinating humor and collecting cringe.

Explain it to me.

user we're winning. HFY is the most popular and uniting topic on Veeky Forums.

Have you ever seen a thread dedicated to talking positive about a non-human which didn't by the end become a HFY? Of course you didn't, because HFY has won.


Your flesh is weak

You yell and fight over pointless ideals yet the true answer lies in front of you

Look, user. Real talk time. You continuing to pretend to be this retarded isn't good for anyone.

HFY is reddit-tier cancer. Just stick to r/HFY, and quit trying to inflate this lame America Fuck Yeah ripoff.


>If I shout loud enough no one can tell me I'm wrong!
That's not how it works

Butthut that HFY wins everytime? lol

>HFY is reddit-tier
>literally in a thread where people are going on about HFY

Knife-ears and dirty human rats don't belong on my board.

Fuck off and die Dwarf, HFY!

Humans will never match the beauty of our women. Never.

Dwarves don't ahve women, they just have dirty whore-pigs


Seriously though, the elf hate comes from the fact that the the cringy Mary Sue players almost always make an elf as their first character, and so the rest of us have that deep laid prejudice. Plus, it's amusing.

Where did the elves touch you, user? Or are you just tsundere for elves?

Don't think that this is a dwarf.

Why would you want sexual congress with a disgusting subhuman?

Epic, contacted reddit.

It's amusing and was refreshing for a time. It's starting to swing back the other way for me, though.

Because the things I do to them are illegal to do to humans.

Kneel down and say that to my face. I bet you smell of onions and moldy cheese. You humans always do.

Enough brother these primitives do not understand

All they do is spew insults when pure equality is the real answer

>reddit fags don't spill over onto Veeky Forums

Judging by how shit Veeky Forums is at the moment, I'm almost willing to wager there's a limp-wristed raid going on.

>contacted reddit
was a bland, shit tier response three years ago, and it's only decayed since then.

>It's amusing
It is? I don't see any joke in it.

We could start telling people to go back to pinterest, but to be frank I've only noticed one recipe thread all week. If you didn't have a hankering for warm apple cider, you do now.

This is pure sex.

>Unironically using the word cringe
>Defending the elf poster
What do you guys think buttmad user meant by this

Good the thread's now about the Master Race Humans again and not whiney non-human shitters. Finally some improvement

This is better. It's delicious.

Humans are shit. The machine is all that matters.

Aye, you're alright human. Maybe we could share a drink.

Machinesa are just slaves of humans

Dwarves aren't allowed to drink with humans, go drink your posion and die with the knife-ears


Sure is summer in here

If you aren't going to support HFY then get off Veeky Forums

Sure, but be warned, I'll probably end up using the top of your head as a table.

Wow this thread makes me actually wish there was someone else who liked Elves like me. Welp I better kill myself apparently (and this thread is legit making me depressed so whatevs). Glad to know Veeky Forums apparently is only for playing as humans now unless you want vitriol hurled at you

>Veeky Forums apparently is only for playing as humans now
Wrong, just don't play a fucking elf

No don't play anything but a human. How many fucking times must this be said? Only play human, anything else is just disgusting and you and your family deserve to get shot

Oh gee user, but I like Elves. I just never realized it was such a heinous crime apparently to do anything other than spam humans rule kill everyone else

I remember the good old days before virtposting when elves were for consensual rape and slaves.

I didn't realize I had stumbled into the Elemental Plane of Edge.

Fucking kill yourself. Anyone who plays Elves or non-humans should kill themselves and spare the species their subhuman genes