Even barrack Obama recognises $LINK's use, it's not too late to join the marines
>taking financial advice from king nigger
Found then twatter normieuser
Has he learned Go yet? He's on month 7 now right?
wtf, it's real
we are goĆng up, boys
do you biz dummies think you know betta than the nigga prince himself? i mean seriously.
with all that money they can just hire someone
What the fuck, I was sure this was a LARP after scrolling through the majority of his followers list and not finding Obama. But to my surprise, not only does Barack Obama follow him, but he was literally his first ever follower!
How deep does the LINKhole go??
Money advice from Obama?
It's a scam to give money to people who refuse to work!
Donald Trump is father of Sergey
Veeky Forums said this coin was gonna moon for months now. bought into it at $.13 and sold around $.24 knowing that its going to just be shit. its an overhyped shitcoin
Wait, this is fucking real?
Holy fuck that Jay seems like a moron
its real HOLY SHIT
all in on link right now nigga
KEK he follows more than 600k accounts, you fucking linkies
he doesn't follow jus' anyone, you dummy
well its real but he is fallowing almost 700 000 people
Obama is a complete faggot
With all that money they could hire the original Go team
with the amount of dedicated shills on Link kinda makes me optimistic about its future.
Actually he does. When he first became president he literally followed everyone who followed him. I know this cause he followed me.
It is fucking real hahahahah
someone post the AGGRESSIVE pasta please
So it means nothing...
It's true guys. Obama is not /ourguy/, Steves old lover from SanFran days. Obama has visited many times and now we know why. It was to visit Steve! He realises how much Steve loves LINK and will do everything in his power to make it a success.
For the first time in my life I can honestly say THANKS, OBAMA unironically.
Leave skoops alone, its not his fault he's a sperg
Steve is his ex-lover though. He is special!
Not only is Sergei Satoshi Nakamoto, he is also Barack Obama.
>Even barrack Obama recognises $LINK's use, it's not too late to join the marines
Thanks user. Selling all my shares now.