The Lady of Pain is cute. CUTE!
The Lady of Pain is cute. CUTE!
Is that a mask she is wearing?
Would you like to find out? Pray to her and receive the answers to this and many other questions?
t. xaositect
Does waifuism count as worship?
.... How would LoP react to people making porn of her?
Probably maze them, that's what she does for messing around with a doll of hers.
Pain-chan is best girl.
The Lady is like the least relevant thing in all of Planescape save for her punishments, which are impersonal and automatic.
that's like saying "Judge Dredd is the least relevant thing in all of Judge Dredd Comics save for her punishments", her punishments are kinda the point.
like the entire point of planescape is that there's this one hub, and in this hub there is a giantess who will fuck your shit if you don't follow the very simple and sparse rules laid out for you, or if you cause too much trouble or try to take over the central hub region of the setting.
Do you think she has different levels of mazes for different severities? Like, if you litter in front of her it's just a couple of t-junctions with a plaque saying "Littering is a Mazable offence".
What I'm getting at is maybe she wouldn't use a full on Maze for waifu-ers.
I was merely concerned you would be unable to leave my Maze in a time befitting your crime, my personal affections have no bearing on my decision. B-baka.
They are the point of her "character", but not of the setting.
there are of course things to quibble about - the bit in Factols' manifesto where it's implied that TLP is spreading diseases to deal with indepedents because she dislikes the expansionists removes the heavy "personality" she gives to her punishments - she should really be showing up at the doorstep of every expansionist and mazing or flaying them if she has problems with them.
Or she should be leaving them alone to try to overthrow one of the existing factions and replace it with their own.
The idea that the indeps have these hidden, almost anarchist like, cells of expantionists plotting to pull down the existing factions and replace them with their own is the sort of thing you can hook plots onto "PCs are recruited to root out and infiltrate a suspected anarchist cell amongst the merchants of the indeps, only to discover it was actually an expantionist cell and the proposed "replacement" factions they want to bring about are ones that the PCs actually like better than the canonical ones" is a fun hook, "nah, LP gave them the pox" isn't.
She's basically the DM's canon way of preventing the players from raping and pillaging the whole setting.
well she's also there to explain why bator or the abyss hasn't taken over Sigil, AND also a way to show that there are Gods, they intervene regularly in the world, be careful when stepping into their domain, and doing so in a way that is survivable for PCs for the first offence.
Again, there's a lot of Planescape as a setting conveyed by LP's existence and her use of mazes.
Why aren't people running away in absolute horror or exploding into piles in this pic?
Caine vs. Lady of Pain.
Who wins?
She can literally just say "I win" and she wins.
Didn't help her with Vecna. :^)
If I take it off would she die?
I don't think she even tried with Vecna, did she? She just kinda let it happen I thought, and then cleaned up his mess afterwards to give us 2nd ed.
Caine can shrug off anything thrown at him with his insane amount of plot power and armor
Caine could easily survive flaying, but I think mazing him would work.
He's got above genius level intelligence. Like even beyond the most powerful.
He's got every discipline that can be thought of and can easily shrug off any magical attack with a glance or thought.
He has some 2000+ discipline at a rating of 10 if you do the math.
>Every few years, a pissed off Cain re-emerges from the maze, cutting a swath of destruction through Sigil, only for LoP to maze him again
I find this thought entertaining.
I think Her Serenity could come up with a maze where intellect didn't matter.
Which is why flaying wouldn't work. Even if they cut him up, he's probably got three or four maxed out disciplines that can put him back together immediately.
But escaping an extra-dimensional prison is something else. There are only a couple abilities that cut across dimensions, and few, if any, are designed to escape purpose built prisons.
I don't think you can get Caine into a maze.
There's shit in WoD that make Gods scream in terror. Like the Abyss, where the more intelligent you are the weaker you are.
*3rd ed
Fucking been too long
If there's any entity that could maze him, it's the Lady.
Doubtful since not even God could punish him enough to make it matter.
And God is above the bitch in terms of power by leaps and bounds. She's really weak compared to Caine and his literal mastery of magical powers.
Don't fuck with a being infused with the power of the Biblical God.
I'm fairly certain LoP could kill god. I'm fairly certain she's the supreme being of the multiverse and is a plot device incarnate.
>implying the Lady's power is defined on any scale and could be even described in terms like "weak" or "strong"
Way to think like a small mortal, human.
Isn't LoP on the same level as the Serpent?
you know, the serpent where all magical powers come from?
the serpent that spawns every wish spell, every dark magic that threatens to destroy the worlds, and every holy magic that can put it back together?
she has the power to stop the gods from entering sigil, so she's at least strong enough to give gods commands and have them listen
She also killed the one god that gained any significant following in Sigil with a thought and disbanded his religion without even uttering a word.
I'd say that's a safe bet
She's a parody of Lorraine Williams.
It wouldn't surprise me. I also thought she was a reference to the poem Delores.
It would be extremly Lady of Painfull
She's a big gal
I understand why the LoP and her dumb rules exist and why it's not just a "sentient city",
but that doesn't mean I have to not dislike her.
No one said you did
How quickly can the LoP solve her own mazes?
That's a good question. You should ask her.
>low tolerance for bullshit
>beautiful in her own fearsome way
>allows the DM to keep the campaign from getting out of hand
What's not to like about her, user?
He probably doesn't like plot devices, because as a talented fanfic writer he thinks they're a cop-out.
you're right
doesn't mean i can't call you a faggot about it either.
Pfft. Yeah, preventing the campaign from being broken sure is a "cop-out". You sound like you've known one too many munchkins.
And frankly, a mysterious and terrifying giant woman who can somehow tell gods to piss off, is a way better reset button than a bunch of falling rocks.
I think you missed the inherent sarcasm and mockery of my post.
Shit tsundere lady of pain makes me rock hard
There's another D&D setting that is that, though.
See the guy in the lower left? Holding the rose? He's about to get flayed. Getting her attention at all is generally bad. Whatever the hell she is, it's not remotely like us.
Ravenloft is a sentient city, yeah?
What if you decide to just walk right next to her? What about asking her politely before doing this?
No, user.
Very appropriate filename.
And who says getting flayed is a bad thing? So long as Pain-dono pays attention to me, it was worth it.
Don't worship her, don't praise her, don't mock her, don't piss her off, stay out of her way, and by god stay out of her shadow.
so just run far far away?
>Be a human
>waifu Her Serenity
>bring her roses and go on walks with her every day
>just stay out of her shadow and walk beside her to avoid her gaze
>she never acknowledges you once your entire life
>spend all your waking years like this
>die happy and old
Spoony did. It was for a player who made a minotaur specifically to get mazed and abuse a bullshit minotaur ability to automatically navigate mazes (which didn't exist, but the guy insisted it was in some book, and Spoony relented before doing this).
The maze was like "You're in a featureless tunnel stretching away in either direction as far as you can see. Your ridiculous minotaur sense tells you that the exit is in that direction, about seven light years down. Better get to walking."
So just walking next to her would be fine? Cause I can see some dumb idiot using the Lady as a free travel method since nobody else would ever even think of getting close.
The general wisdom in Sigil is "run as fast as you can, pass through as many archways as you can, and close as many doors behind you as you can."
Nah, just don't interact with her and don't stand in such a way that she gets between you and a light source.
Exactly. Case and point. The maze can be anything and may not even have an exit.
She'd better hope she is at least seven times as fast as Cain.
Her shadow's not out?
I think everyone's just nervously acting casual, so as not to attract her attention.
>Pfft. Yeah, preventing the campaign from being broken sure is a "cop-out".
Minotaurs do have that ability in some editions.
Why would that matter? He's the one getting mazed, and maze creation is instantaneous.
>Hey don't be a CStupid asshole and you won't get mazed and largely do what you want
>the Lady
>feeling hope
>being beholden to any concept of emotion or measurement
All these assumptions
Is this some kind of meme? Because I don't get it.
>Why would that matter?
CAIN. As in, God's curse Cain?
If we're talking war of attrition because both sides are indestructible, yeah it would kind of matter.
Okay let's remove the Lady of Pain.
Now Sigil is just a pile of corpses because every outsider across the planes have no reason to at least tolerate the existence of one-another.
>do what I want or the DM self-insert plot device will kill your character (no save)
>be an evil character
>get put in arrested for being evil
>complain about said punishment for your actions
And yes, you have an option to avoid it, its called not doing whatever you're fucking doing in Sigil.
Railroading is a term for DMs that make players stick to their narrow predefined story without having any real space to decide on their own path.
It's not really an apt comparison because the Lady of Pain exists to give the DM a tool for preventing players from just breaking and forcibly derailing all of the DMs preparation. Role playing games normally have some form of story, be it loose or tight and there are enough PCs who just want to watch the world burn that she can be a useful tool. You must've played with one of those characters before who'll just murder everyone, alienate every quest giver and so on.
LoP is supposed to be a plot device that stops takeovers of sigil. But they gave it a face to stop it from being just a "sentient city" without making it an actual character. Thing is, even though LoP is soulless, anthropomorphising her still kind of makes her smack of snowflakeism. The literally edgy (if unintentionally so) design certainly doesn't help.
To further this, the reason she's not a bad tool is because while she exists only to maintain Sigil and mercilessly enforce the laws of it, there simply aren't that many laws. Basically the following are the only things you can't do:
>Worship the Lady of Pain
>fight the Lady of Pain
>obstruct the Lady of Pain
>Try to take over Sigil
>Kill loads and loads of people
Notice around half of the list is around not fucking with one particular NPC and how the rest are basically asking you not to destroy the setting.
Lady of Pain has some pretty well defined rules that you'd know beforehand, though. It's not just "do what I want" or anything. The same reason towns have guards that arrest criminals. This isn't railroading in the slightest. Also,
>Lady of Pain
>DM self insert
Listen here you pedophile, you know fine well she exists purely to stop the entire setting imploding on itself or having cunts rattle their tits over how there are multiple alignments of immortals in the same room without killing each other.
>It's not really an apt comparison because the Lady of Pain exists to give the DM a tool for preventing players from just breaking and forcibly derailing all of the DMs preparation.
Where is this rail located?
>I'm a cock gargling faggot
Except you can't reasonably expect a DM to sit down and prepare weeks of notes int heir free time only to start the first session with 'lol I rape the queen' and have all his efforts be wasted. Roleplaying games should be open but they're not often pure sandboxes and the DM is your friend who put a lot of work into a story, derailing and breaking the entire thing is an absolute dick move. If something is coming from another mind you have to accept there are limits, they're generally very generous limits too so I don't see how you could be sore that you're not allowed to destroy the fucking setting.
She wouldn't get mazed, tho. He would. She can just stick him in a maze with no exit. Problem solved.
Show me on this planescape manual where the DM touched you.
>She wouldn't get mazed, tho. He would.
I guess it really comes down to how removed from direct physical harm you can get before God's Curse stops triggering.
How can she be a snowflake if she has no character? That's like saying a mountain shaped like a woman is a snowflake.
Western US, by the looks of it.
Like the people who follow police cars to get through traffic?
She's the bestestest and can kill any god and will punish you if you like her or try to fight her*
*she has no soul tho so it's ok