Anyone agree that he pretty much exemplifies what a paladin should be? He's not the most zealous of characters, but his actions are always steady and guided by a "good" code.
Anyone agree that he pretty much exemplifies what a paladin should be? He's not the most zealous of characters...
>trying to spark discussion about a shitty "2deep4u" show that's just lame and boring
Go back to /tv/.
he's more of a knight than a paladin. the only code he follows is his own. paladins are pretty obedient.
The most nonsensical post I've read on Veeky Forums today.
I just started watching it... I've never seen it before and I'm 30. I don't think its 2deep4u at all in fact... sometimes its downright dumb. Its a glorified soap opera. But that doesn't mean I can't discuss its relevance to Veeky Forums related materials. I'm trying to have an original dialogue here, sorry if I triggered you.
twin peaks is a pretty silly show man
not a lot of depth, just fun spooky stuff
I disagree, he's fine as a paladin, since he follows a code but not a god. I think you're associating paladins too much with clerics.
It's not really 2deep4u, it's just a nice mix of drama and comedy, it's also comfy as hell, I love me some diners and hotels.
So does that make Windom a Blacke Guarde?
Isn't Twin Peaks supposed to be a parody of soap opera?
Yes. That's why the characters occasionally are caught watching another fake soap-opera; it's a reference to its parody.
If this show was "2deep" by your standards then you're either too young for these forums or too dumb to play any traditional games.
>reddit: the character
I couldn't stand him.
>genuinely nice person with strong moral foundation
>adept social skills and get around with everyone
>knowledge of the occult in a non-autistic or edgy way
>Somehow reddit
If he was a redditor he would give the appearance of a nice person but secretly be a little whiny bitch whose "vast knowledge" breaks down in anything longer than a five minute conversation.
> paladins are pretty obedient.
> more of a knight than a paladin. the only code he follows is his own
A knight is a soldier. He follows his lord's orders. A paladin follows his own code. I'm not sure how you got things reversed, but you did.
If Twin Peaks was too deep for you, you must be pretty shallow.
So Reddit = Cool guy?
Thanks, I guess I'll be spending my time on Reddit from now on.
That does it, I'm going to base my next guy off of him
>He's not the most zealous of characters, but his actions are always steady and guided by a "good" code.
Plus, he doesn't fear, for fear is the mind-killer.