Warhammer 40,000 general

Tomorrow agents of the imperium edition

Previous thread
>Freshest Rules:

>Stale PDFs:

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:


>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you


fuck your image changes

First for Night Lords aren't too bad.

First for jet fuel can't melt rivet elbows

Fack. Phone too slow.

Kabalite supplement WHEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!????

Those proportions though.

Eeh, not diggin it , falls flat of 40k, AT style, not even internally consistent.

that's a really noice pic

post new general pictures


>making this big a deal over something that can be snipped off and greenstuffed over

but user, that's not new

This version has been in rotation for a few weeks, now. Older version can be traced back to about this time last year, I think.

Shit birds can find the old general to easr. requiring filters is the best new filter.

>paying money to then snip something off and greenstuff over

I wasn't aware you wanted to pay for more work which then makes your luxury toys shit

All this hobby has is aesthetics and if you're paying money for shit aesthetics then you're dumber than a GW cuck schill.

FURTHERMORE the reason why I'm making a big deal of this isn't because I particularly care (it's really easy to not buy something) but it's more a matter of being RIGHT.

I said "power armour elbows don't have rivets" to which multiple (or possible same fagging) user(s) (fuck you alpha legion) declared that they had indeed seen elbows with rivets.

When I demanded proof there was none but yet still I was assaulted with the assurance that they had indeed seen power armour elbows with rivets.

So instead I found pictures of power armour wielding heavy weapons which HOLY FUCKING SHIT don't have rivets.
TL;DR I play 40k so it's important that I am right and you are wrong

>Shit birds can find the old general to easr. requiring filters is the best new filter.

I'm glad that we need three filters btw /40kg/ isn't good enough, you need Warhammer 40,000 General and Warhammer 40k General

From now samefags in 40k generals shall be referred to a alphaposters

You're not the same guy who was complaining about Chaos winning in the BL book, are you?

40k has worked for years now, still does.

>Orks have armywide Feel No Pain 6+, I3, and Rage


>not doing some kitbashing and converting occasionally.

Space hulk is now out of stock.

What did I do to deserve this?

>armywide Feel No Pain 6+
I4 on charge
They don't need more attachs they need the ones they make to be better than guardsmen.

>What did I do to deserve this?
You sat with your thumbs up your ass.

They don't need 2A base plus 2CCW AND rage AND furious charge.

Instead of armywide FnP 6, which doesn't make sense given the context of what normally gets FnP 6, give them FnP 5+ only when charging, lasts until the end of the turn. Cybork and Dok Tools stack with other sources.

Leave the initiative alone. It's always been 2, always. At best grant them Hammer of Wrath.

You didn't buy it when you could.

But I'm poor. I didn't have money for Space Hulk right now.

Why must life be so hard? Why can't I afford all the little plastic men that I want? It's unfair.

Honestly I don't think Rage belongs there and I'd even be okay ditching the FnP but can Orks please have Str 4 so that Tau, Eldar and Humans can't armwrestle Orks to the ground

you didn't buy it impulsively and immediately the way GW desire

I'm all for kitbashing and converting, I have a full set of hobby files to minimize transition lines for smooth transitions between pieces

I play orks, too, and love to plasticard the shit out of pretty much anything. Hell my friend and I raided the dollarstore and made gorkamorka vehicles last year for a summer campaign

sadly I'm not, I wish I was though, he collected a lot of (You)s

40k as a filter doesn't even work for this general though

it'll never catch on

>orks getting 3 different legion rules

>tfw new SoB shitdex is coming out
>tfw it still won't include Artificer Celestians, Assault Repressors, or a useful flyer
Hold me, Veeky Forums.

>40k as a filter doesn't even work for this general though
Funny that...

Yes but Orks don't have the equipment which the Legions already have access too so a simple blank comparison as you're making isn't giving the full context.

That being said I don't think they should have rage.

is there any decent literature that focuses on the Sisters of Battle?

only one I've so far read is pic related

Add S4, BS3 on Nob statline units and give Nobz power axes by default and you'd be set.

Daemonifuge IIRC


no. absolutely not.

Casts a Hungry Shadow :^)

Shut the fuck up cunt.

I would never change the base stats of Orks, it's like changing the base stats of marines.

Orks being I2 is iconic, it's been that way for so long now that if you got rid of I2 they wouldn't be Orks anymore.

No. There is no decent literature on anyone but Space Marines

Why not give them actually decent equipment options then?
Just slapping more special rules on them is boring.

I would definitely give Orks Str 4. They're constantly described as muscular and physically powerful and then given the same Str as an Eldar and Tau.

Neck yourself, bitchboy.

Yes, absolutely yes. They've even had BS4 in the past. Gitz and Bigmeks should have BS3 at least, possibly upgrade options for Lootas and Blood Axe shootaboyz.


>Orks being I2 is iconic, it's been that way for so long now that if you got rid of I2 they wouldn't be Orks anymore.

Changed at the start of 3rd ed. with the advent of the Andy Chambers/Brian Nelson Orks.

The difference is that it used to be circumvented by other rules that made it higher.




that's ten more than one and eleven times more heretical

Just give drop them to BS1 and give Shootas 7 attacks.

Is Flight of the Eisenstein any good?

So you want them to perform as well as they do in a typical overwatch?

>bs 3
>for generic nobs

It's like you don't even know the lore

>They Shall Not Fear
Nope. Fix it.

But I like the idea of Orks having blanket furious charge and s5 boyz is too much.

reduce boyz by a point
reduce 'evy armour cost by a point
'ere we go gives +1 inititive
give grots furious charge
give deff dreads 'ere we go
give killa kans and deff dreads furious charge
give burna boyz, lootas, flash gits and tank bustas 'evy armour base
flash gits get Bs3
Gitfinders allow you to fire one weapon a turn with increased Bs
Give vehicles the option to equip gitfinders

How about Orks get Furious Charge and Painboyz become 0-3 as an Elite slot again? Add wargear to give characters Invulnverable saves, and make Looted Tanks 1-3 squadrons like vehicles in other codices?

I'm ok with giving boyz I3 or S4 too.

you haven't gone to a 3rd part store.
up here there are 3-4 stores that i know to still have 1-7 copies.
also Space hulk was a bit overrated.
atleast for my needs

You shouldn't want to charge Orks anyway.


Any attempted fix to Boys which changes their statline is retarded and wrong

What they need is better special rules. Fix mob rule, fix Ere We Go.

except Gaunts Ghosts, Deff Squadron, Eisenhorn, 14 hours, etc. lots of good non- marine books

Read Faith and fire. Forget the author, but its a really good SOB book.

make mob rule fearless again

in the old editions orks didn't have problems shooiting

Gitz and Blood Axe only then, who cares. Point is, they need at least BS3 to make any form of dakka upgrade (that isn't kombi flamers) useful.

Oh, I think I see what you were talking about now. My mistake. I meant give Shootas (the weapon) 7 shots to make up for the lowered BS, not to give Boyz more attacks.

These, plus a further +1 initiative on a waaagh.

40k 2ed was awful.

3ed up are the only ones that matters.

Make it so model count = leadership, allowed to go above ld10.
A 20 Ork mob is leadership 20, only fails leadership tests on a double 6.

no mbt for orks.
no clan rules.
cannot shoot
it was great just not for orks

Anons, I'm feeling depressed right now. Cheer me up by posting fluffy lists.

That's fucking stupid and breaks one of the fundamental rules of the game.

No stat ever goes above 10. Ever.


Lets not because that only benefits boys and boys are fucking worthless.

Instead lets not be fucking retards about it and just give Nobs LD 8-9 and Warbosses 10.

Now its actually worth while to get the Nob in the group and keep him alive.

>A 20 Ork mob is leadership 20, only fails leadership tests on a double 6.

And the moronic "can't give something fairly decent without huge draw back" for Orks continues.

Orks need simple things:
Invuln save on HQs
Power weapons on Nobz
Higher leadership
And dedicated shooting units that aren't useless tier Lootas. (Flashgitz can do this job so fucking well but they're 6+ armour and far too expensive).

That is pretty much the crux of it.

Actually, I like the idea of giving them twin-linked on all their good weapons over increased BS.
It increases their overall hit rate but makes them much more accurate when firing snapshots.

>...and these dudes ain't scurred

So...fearless above 10 models?

>MORE special rules

No thanks. Just remove Overwatch and all of the Ignores Cover garbage.

Better than fearless against powers that target leadership, although....
>laugh of sorrows
>13 dead Orks

I'm a huge advocate for more twin-linked on all Orks weapons but the problem is it does make them nearly BS4.

Orks need something like re-roll all 1s and 2s that miss which both reflects their ungodly amount of fire power in the form of rerolls representing more bullets that did hit their mark by accident, but not the full re-roll on everything that our S3 Tau friends will be crying is unfair because not lore friendly.

removing ignore cover garbage can only be done if they reduce all the shit that gives cover.

Sup guys.

With the latest Traitor Legions list out, I'm revamping my list for my Iron Warriors and could do with some advice on what I need to shore up on. I have 2 ideas on what I want to do. Pic related is my old CAD force.


Chaos Lord: Sigil of Corruption, Bike, Veteran of the Long Wars, Siegebreaker Mace - 135
5 Chaos Space Marines: Flamer, Veterans of the Long War, Rhino - 115
5 Chaos Space Marines: Meltagun, Veterans of the Long War, Rhino - 120
3 Terminators: Combi-Plasma/Chainfist, Combi-Plasma/Power Maul, Combi-Plasma/Power Maul Veterans of the Long War - 124
5 Bikers: 2 Meltaguns, Veteran of the Long Wars - 130
5 Havocs: 4 Autocannons Veterans of the Long War - 115

Warpsmith: Aura of Dark Glory, Veterans of the Long War - 125
3 Vindicators - 360
Predator: Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 95
Predator: Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 95

Aegis Defence Line - 50

Now, I'm not sure on what to really get next.

Option A is to include a Renegade Knight Paladin in, which I already have, and maybe a Sorcerer to turn the bike/chaos lord into a death star. Plus, the Heretek powers would be sweet with all dis armour.

The other option is to go full siege mode. Drop a predator, add in another 3 vindicators, get more havocs and maybe a sorcerer.

Option C is something I haven't thought up of yet to shore up on a weakness I have yet to discover.

My local meta barely runs flyers, hence the lack of flyer support.

Any ideas iron brahs?

I don't make the art, user. I just slap a general sticker on it. That's how we got the Duke Boys Taurox general, the adventure time general, the other one with the cute little 40k dudes, the real world 40k general, and I didn't even do anything to the rose of versaille general.

I just try to keep it an ensemble image or at least non-official art that otherwise shows strong merit. Official art is bad for generals.

It's pretty easy, actually.

But I don't like the idea of a hulking green gorilla alien described as being incredibly physically powerful only being as strong as an Eldar or Tau

My new Death Guard fluff 1k list:

Termi Chaos Lord w/ Dual Lightning Claws

5 Termis w/ Reaper Autocannon, Chainfist & Combi-Plas

10 CSM w/ Plasma Gun, Autocannon, extra CCW

10 CSM w/ Plasma Gun, Autocannon, extra CCW

5 Havocs w/ 4 Missile Launchers

It's called "Walk The Fuck Over And Shoot Bitches"

Overwatch is a fundamental part of the game and has been for quite a while, you can't remove it.

As another idea, I may upgrade the 2 5 man squads into 10 man squads with just autocannons if I have the spare points. I'm kinda lacking on bodies, I feel.

Why do they need to be Bs 4?

your table cloth goes well with your army.

I think he meant to say no decent non-Imperium literature. Which would still not make sense given the context but whatever

What're the upcoming rules for the Emperor Children? I know it's combat drugs but I don't remember what else it is.

Your reading ability is shit.

Fortifications that fire barrage/ordanace would be a options.

4th played just fine without overwatch.

Maybe do some quality control first then.

I would put my dink in that eldar

They need to bring back consolidating into combat.

I'm pretty sure the lore says your bottom of the barrel lad is barely stronger than a human.
Boyz S3 -> 4 when worked up
Then they grow in to nobz who are stronger than humans at 4 -> 5(!) when worked up
Then warbosses 5 -> 6 on the charge, enough to tear through tank armour bear handed.

That's fluffy enough.

if only we hade some repository for rules, maybe like a wiki or something, but for Veeky Forums...

>Barely managed to survive combat because S3, AP-, I2
>Down to 4 models
>Win combat
>Forced to consolidate into combat
>...e-e-ree we go...

What good would that do exactly to a foundation broken race like Orks?