How would you do a game where the setting is based on Polynesian mythology?
How would you do a game where the setting is based on Polynesian mythology?
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Step 1: Research Polynesian mythology beyond hungry volcano gods and tiki idols.
Wouldn't. Not worth being called a racist for "cultural appropriation" in order to produce a product that doesn't appeal to that many people.
This. I don't know shit about it. The stuff I do know is pretty cool, and it could be fun to play a low tech setting.
But there's like.. lots of gods and.. er.. islands. Something about dolphins and bitching tattoos too. Thats about all I know.
I'd probably learn more searching that film than I know now.
Lots of rape and cannibalism
You know, like the Greeks
You're going to be called racist and sexist anyway, and idiots will screech about cultural appropriation no matter what you end up doing. Don't stop creating because of adversity.
Run a Bionicle game.
I wouldn't because regurgitating to my players every last Disney movie I see is bad GMing. Also why is it that since Disney discovered 3D animation,everybody is a smug anime girl? I hate it. Give me my drawings back.
Lots of mini-adventures on far off islands separated by creative means of travel that players must work to use (not just ships, but whales, magic bullshit, underground tunnels, etc) and one comfy as fuck main island village built near some massive ruin of a civilization that is actually the top of a massive underwater temple complex and ancient civilization that was swallowed by a flood, which can be explored late-game as its remaining inhabitants try to summon an undersea volcanic rift to evaporate the ocean.
That sounds really comfy/awesome.
Laugh in their faces and call them pathetic and narrow minded for their lack of interest in other cultures on this old Earth.
But most of all laugh and carry on and part fools no mind.
Build a boat and sail to America.
Like this.
has it down.
>Also why is it that since Disney discovered 3D animation,everybody is a smug anime girl?
Right? I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by this.
Barbarians get bonuses to rage depending on how well they Haka?
Kneecap the sun
We should all strive to have the village bards compose and sing songs about our genitals
And the anons in the previous Polynesian thread laughted at me when I said there is going to be explosion of stupid "How do I setting of this film" threads...
... I really wish I was unable to say "Who's laughing now"
You mean Water Afrikan mythology
Try treating the subject material appropriately, and not just as an excuse to make racist jokes.
It's the difference between "Rich and vibrant Central African Campaign" and "lol, niggers and nigger-shamans"
Contact fellow respectable people to start a "letter writting" campaign to inform all distributers about the racism present in the material being released siting the lack of any person of actual Polynesian (not ten times removed and trying to be an honorary white person) being involved in the project creation and how it disrespects a marginalized people. Repeat this while informing the communities who use the materiel how bigoted they are. Repeat this until the company shuts down or stops producing the material as no one wants to play the game.
well, for the maori, tatooing was very ritualistic and tied to advances in life and accomplishments in battle. that would be an easy way to detail anything from feats to spells.
have the main mode of transportation be a canoe that gets upgraded over time to be able to handle stronger waves and longer voyages.
weapons are going to be made of wood, bone, stone and obsidian. by level ten, you might be able to have them learn to start making iron weapons and shit. standard stats for the weapons, but iron would be considered something akin to adamantine. copper could be mithril. using shards of gemstones grants different powers based on the elements.
>Also why is it that since Disney discovered 3D animation,everybody is a smug anime girl?
The thing that's most annoying about this is that, at least in Frozen, the characters weren't actually generic smug women. The smarm brow that Elsa always sports in merchandise and ads doesn't fit her character at all. But Disney just ignores the actual content of their movie in order to sell merch with a generic, one dimensional "strong" female role model on it.
Get new friends then if they're insufferable SJWs. Nobody's asking you to start a company and publish anything.
>Muh sjw boogeyman
Oh stop being a gibbering pussy.
I was actually trying to build a setting once with the pantheon being a mix of Greek and Polynesian mythology. Its pretty crazy how similar the two are.
Fucking rad. Sold. All you anons have good ideas.
Besides doing basic research, I'd strongly recommend watching pic related. You could call it a pre-contact Maori martial arts film.
I'd probably go pretty light and Disneyfied, just personally. Its not as if my players would have in-depth knowledge of polynesian folklore anyway. The overall setting feels like it would be a fun, not too dark adventure. Lots of fun polynesian flavour, but light on accuracy.
I'd probably run it as an island-hopping adventure, like Windwaker. The players must go from island to island collecting (insert polynesian flavoured macguffins) to strengthen (local polynesian good god) so that he has the power to defeat (local polynesian bad god), who is a volcano. BBEG is a shaman/warrior (who is actually an older angry god) who wishes to awaken said volcano and empowered the bad god in the first place.
As for system, I'd go gurps.
OP. Just use this.
The Maori also used a lot of greenstones and jades for their tools and weapons.
Set in a KFC
>someone at the table takes a dislike to the setting
>person leaves the game
>problem solved
???? I don't get the problem here
>smug anime girl
I mean I guess Maoi counts as a smug anime but he's pretty masculine, yo.
Some heavy research would be involved. I know fuck all about Polynesian myth. Basically all I know is that Ta Moko tattoos are serious fucking business, only given after important events in one's life or as badges of honor for great achievements or positions, and sporting them falsely is basically a thing you'd have to be a complete cunt to do. So I'd probably go heavy on the tattoo magic stuff.
You forgot shark teeth ala Leiomano.
>tfw the film wont be out here where I live until next February.
I wanna see it already.
It looks friggin beautiful.
Also, this song sent shivers down my spine.
Bloody gorgeous film. If you liked that song, you'll enjoy the whole thing.
I do think that I will.
But again, it won't be out here until next friggin year.
I don't understand why Disney does this shit.
I really don't know why in 2016 i can send a 7 hour long video to my mate in australia in a day but it takes companies days or weeks to get shit to different regions.
Paperwork, bureaucracy, and capitalism. Literally. Oh it only takes a day or so to actually ship the film reels, but setting up the time for actually airing it comes down to arcane and strange bureaucratic formula utilized to get maximum profit from all markets across the world.
Māui now considers himself ready to win immortality for humankind. His father tries to dissuade him, predicting that he will fail because of the mistakes in his baptismal ceremony. His father says to him, “My son, I know that you are a brave fellow and that you have done all things. Yet I am afraid that there is someone who will defeat you.”
“Who could that be?” asks Māui. “Your ancestress Hine-nui-te-pō (Goddess of the Night). You can see her flashing there on the horizon.” “Is she as strong as the sun?” asks Māui. “I trapped him and beat him. Is she greater than the sea, which is greater than the land? Yet I have dragged land from it. Now let us see whether we will find life or death.”
His father answers, “You are right, my last-born, and the strength of my old age. Go, find your ancestress who lives at the side of the sky.”
“What does she look like?” asks Māui.
“The red flashing in the western sky comes from her,” says the father. “Her body is like a human being, but her eyes are greenstone, her hair sea-kelp, and her mouth is like a barracouta's mouth” (Biggs 1966:449).
Māui, undaunted, sets out westward, with his companions, to the home of Hine-nui-te-pō. In some versions, his companions are the smallest birds of the forest, the tomtit, the robin, the grey warbler, and the fantail. In other versions, the companions are his brothers. He finds Hine asleep with her legs apart and he and his companions see sharp flints of obsidian and greenstone between her thighs. “Now,” Māui tells his friends, “when I go into the body of this old woman, do not laugh at me. Wait until I come out again from her mouth. Then you may laugh as much as you want.”
“You will be killed!” was all the companions could say.
“If you laugh I will indeed be killed. But if I pass right through her body I will live, and she will die.”
Then he readied himself, winding the cord of his battle club tightly round his wrist and casting aside his garment. As Māui began his task, the cheeks of his watching friends puckered with suppressed laughter. As his head and arms disappear, one of his brothers - or the fantail - can't hold back any longer and bursts out laughing. The old lady wakes, opens her eyes, claps her legs together and cuts Māui in two. Now Māui has become the first being to die and, because he has failed in his task, all human beings are mortal. The goddess keeps her position at the portal to the underworld through which all humans must travel
> Smug Elsa
Agreed. That one image makes me wanna rape the smirk off her, and I'm a 100% flaming cocksucking bottoming faggot.
Fucking birds. What is even that funny about climbing into an evil goddess.
Her legs were apart, thus the bird was probably having a giggle about him climbing inside her.
The guy got naked and was about to climb inside a the crystal vagina of a sleeping goddess with sharkvteeth and seaweed for hair.
I suppose. But such smugness is so completelly associated with hilariously failed attempt at portaying strong female characters in my mind, it femminizes it a little bit to my eyes.
Good Lord, tell me I'm not alone.
Came here for this.
Honestly though, any good sources on Polynesian mythology and culture? Books or website? Always seemed interesting to me, but I know pretty much shit about it.
ERP all the way.
>playing games you think might offend people with people who aren't already your friends
>implying you don't love smug anime girls
One thread doesn't count as an "explosion," friend.
Maui is the smugest anime waifu
You are alone in your autism.
Don't base it off of a flavor of the month movie
Also Bioncle
Well, just found a shit quality stream of the film, and watched it.
Still enjoyed it wholeheartedly despite the poor quality.
Few moments even nearly brought me to tears.
>that fucking Singing Crab.
Bloody fabulous scene and song.
The soundtrack sucked and the movie was pretty fucking forgettable like the all the disney movies of the past years.
>How would you do a game where the setting is based on Polynesian mythology?
I'd just run it in D&D, as a hexcrawl.
Inb4 massive assrage and GURPS Derps
>run it in D&D
Have one of your PCs have the magical tattoos and let those work as a quest system. Start out small like.. a tattoo of a small crab.
Then the players will go "Hmm I guess the quest should start with a crab" and then it begins.
Also remember to "update" the tattoos as the quests goes on
This seems like bait, but the last line made me laugh so I don't know how I feel on the whole.
> This user clearly doesn't understand how to argue.
that's basically the plot to LoZ: Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass , not that there's a problem with that
Unfortunately, I learned from Polynesians themselves. I speak Tongan and Samoan and some Fijian now. I know lots about Tongan and Samoan culture, and I know a lot of the mythos about Fiji itself. I know quite a bit about Hawaii as well, but not nearly as much as the other three.
I guess I don't count as a credible source, though. Seeing as I'm just another user on an anonymous board.
Absolutely disgusting
That's not autotune you mong.
When they stop ruining people's lives, people will stop being concerned about them.
It's just one Hawaiian island, but here - bunch of stories and stuff from different areas of Oahu:
god you're retarded
SJWs kill over 1000 people a month in San Fransico, but the lamedream liedia (mainstream media) doesn't report it because of cultural Marxism.
>Secret ofmana mural
You're all right
It's a legitimate concern, though. The movie from OP's picture has had quite a few controversies that could have been avoided by just making another Frozen, and yet hasn't done as well in the box office as Frozen has. So basically, it's just not worth doing because it winds up pleasing no one.
Well desu famalamadingdong the movie really did casualize the fuck out of the mythology, and I know that's standard Disney operating procedure, but you know maybe for once they could not take another cultures myths and tone them down for kids?
> hasn't done as well in the box office as Frozen has
It also wasn't nearly as good, and I don't mean that as a complement to frozen either.
>yet hasn't done as well in the box office as Frozen has.
Frozen is the most successful animated film of all time, so every animated film has done worse than Frozen.
>it's just not worth doing because it winds up pleasing no one.
These things displease two loud, shitty groups that nobody really cares about.
Every Disney film has moral outrages. Even Frozen had a gay panic. Unless it's a legitimate controversy, nothing really happens.
>Well that's their shtick but maybe for once they could skip doing their shtick?
>Even Frozen had a gay panic.
No it didn't.
Just sayin mate, just sayin.
Yes, it did. The alt-right lost it's shit because it thought the two sisters were gay for each other. Nothing happened. Nothing ever really happens unless you go full retard like Sony and actively seek trouble.
There were people on tumblr who were indignant about Frozen because the characters were supposed to represent native Sami people of Scandinavia, but were white. Now, the Sami people are the whitest fucking people in the world, but because they're the "native" people a bunch of idiots assumed they should be dark skinned and started complaining on tumblr.
user please, Moana isn't doing as well as Frozen because it doesn't star a pair of fully glitzed up princesses and doesn't contain a song that achieved meme status among little girls.
>Frozen is the most successful animated film of all time, so every animated film has done worse than Frozen.
It hasn't done as well as Zootopia or Tangled. Hell, Brave has outperformed it.
>These things displease two loud, shitty groups that nobody really cares about.
Except that's not true. Again, to take OP's image as an example, they responded to one of the controversies by pulling a costume from the shelves (which cost them money). They do listen to these loud, shitty groups. It sucks.
>doesn't contain a song that achieved meme status among little girls.
Fucking this.
That was one of the worst scenes in the movie too, after the song that the snowman sings.
And I'm saying you sounds stupid for saying it.
Two things.
1: Just because someone is a fucking retard/closet faggot who jumps at shadows doesn't mean it's a "controversy". It's just someone jumping at shadows.
2: A controversy requires at least two sides with legitimate viewpoints. Their viewpoint was retarded and objectively false, thus there was no controversy.
See? This shit always happens. People will invent all kinds of bullshit to be offended over. Just look at dump Star Wars shit, for instance. It never makes a difference.
You mean that people are dumb and get offended about everything, even when they really shouldn't? Tell me more.
Let It Go was the best Disney song of all time.
Little girl please go, Veeky Forums is not a place for you.
I'd feel bad that you can't enjoy things, but I don't because it has no effect on my enjoyment of things.
user this isn't a case of not enjoying things, this is a case of you being a little girl for enjoying one particular thing.
>"But if I like it, they'll think I'm a little girl!"
Let it go.
>Not liking the build a snowman song
but user, it's catchy.
Let It Go was a mediocre pop song that directly conflicted with what actually happens to Elsa's character at that point.
Seriously, she has an entire song about becoming confident and not caring about what other people say about her, then the next time we see her she's just as depressed as she was before.
The song was written and recorded before most of the movie as it was made was even written, and they had to leave it in for corporate reasons even though the movie had been rewritten so that that scene literally wasn't supposed to happen.
Hmm, what?
Bitch please, there's not a single song in Frozen that comes even close to this masterpiece:
It's catchy, full of personality AND educational about Polynesian mythology.