Brand new PC or 1/3 of a BTC?
Don't worry though, it's not a bubble.
Brand new PC or 1/3 of a BTC?
Don't worry though, it's not a bubble.
I saw recently that someone tried creating this exact build themselves for a lower price. Same specs, 5k display, everything.
The result was that it was just a few hundred dollars cheaper, but that doesn't account for time/labor cost; you have to select the individual parts yourself, wait for them all to arrive, assemble everything yourself, and troubleshoot any issues.
And of course, you don't have the guarantee that everything will "just work" out of the box within minutes of unboxing.
The components are just expensive. So are 5k displays. Remember that 4k used to be pretty expensive, and that 1080p televisions used to be $2000.
the price of an apple product sure is a bubble boi
BTC? Monero my friend, fuck the materialistic things.
>buying apple """""""""products""""""""
I despise people who buy Apple products. I don't care if you're a billionaire, you're still shit to me. Apple is the biggest company in the world because so many people are obsessed with status and would rather pay 2-3x for the same configuration just for the fucking Apple logo and some mediocre aesthetics.
I bought a nice PC from some of my gains a few days ago.
I'm typing this in a computer with an i7 7700k ,16 gigs of ram and a GTX 1070. I also own a 27 ultra wide full HD screen. That's more than enough for me. I play all games on max settings 60 fps. Also what did i pay for everything? Around 1000 dollars?
>poorfag detected
apple makes products for people who want to live their lives with technology not for people like you whose lives ARE technology.
learn the difference little channer boy. it could save your life.
ya you should totally get the computer bro, don't forget to pick up some ciggies and booze for the boys too. f bitcoin, what you gonna do with that shit lmfa
Well nobody gives a shit about your opinion, its about preferences.
Me too! I hate people who like things I don't like! I'm a pro gamer! Who needs things I don't need? Impossible!
Lol, it's fucking hilarious that Apple can get away with selling that overpriced shit on branding alone.
That's because they have millions of sheep like who will defend them no matter what
>caring so much
>despising people for such petty reasons
pro gamers aren't people therefore their opinions are not relevant
>spending 5k on a computer
I've 300k to my name (NOT in crypto) and even I think that's retarded.
Better buy a PC and a nice screen for $1500-2000 and invest the rest in crypto.
Unless you render videos, you don't need to spend more than $1500 on a PC.
nigga, i'm just redpilling some people here... no need to get so fucking emotional... i own a stupid overpriced iphone myself, but my nexus 5 was just better than the iphone for 1/3 of the price. the only reason why i'm not using the N5 anymore is that the screen broke. Also i bought the iphone just to see what the big deal about their "smooth OS" was... guess what? not much.
Of course you're a gamer manchild, what did I expect.
>overpriced shit
Show me a PC with the same specs and a 5K screen glued to it that costs less
god you must be trolling
what use does anyone have for a 5k display??? r u mental??? how many youtube videos support 5k resolution? god, you apple fanboys are really sick.
>"haha, what are you, poor? can't you even buy this product that is five times as expensive as a vastly superior product? LOL"
you adhere perfectly to this board's motto.
see Try to refute please, no ad hominem. Try to factor in the cost of time, labor, and the assurance that everything will work out of the box. Can you do it for less than $4000?
Now I'm not saying you need this fucking computer. The specs are total overkill for 99% of people. Would I buy it? No, would I recommend buying it, no. But look at the core components, try to create a similar build, and tell me it's overpriced.
It is overpriced, man. It's the same for their phones. I know Apple is easier to use for most people, but anyone with some tech knowledge prefers Android/Linux. Apple is for dummies and people who wanna look cool.
I'd make this same computer for about $3.50 (tree fiddy)
jesus christ. we NEED btc to crash to $2000 to weed out normalfags
if ur into crypto and can't run a master race distro like arch or something, then mac is actually your best option
At this point I can't tell if you're just being ironic. But yeah I like Linux.
>It is overpriced, man.
Nope. Again, create a similar build for less. Is it a waste of money? Yeah. Do you need that much? No. But overpriced? No, it's pretty reasonable considering the cost of the core components, the fact that it's pre-assembled, and the assurance that everything will just work out of the box without direct user intervention.
Logical reasoning regarding cost basis is normalfagging now? On a Business & Finance board? The only ones who need to be weeded out are /v/ kiddies. I don't own any Apple products, yet all I have to do is point out facts and you go absolutely insane. It's ridiculous.
>Pay 5k for a computer
>Get Vega 56
No thanks
most kids in this board can't cope with the idea that some peoples time is actually worth money
mate, i've built a similar pc 2 years ago with 2000 bucks. i don't need a 5k monitor, the time it took to build it was 2 hours and i just did something else during the installation. as for the assurance, are you living in the 20th century? every part sold currently only needs the most basic of computer knowledge and sometimes not even that to work.
>b-b-but what about the assurance
i can run a diagnostic and see which part is acting up and just use the insurance. And besides all that, i can just buy a new, cheap part and get my pc to run silky smooth when the time comes.
you really think that this hunk is future proof?
underrated post.
truthful post.
Most normalfags can't cope with the idea that they are too dumb to build their own pc and are being scammed
>i don't need a 5k monitor
There's the flaw in your argument. Of course you don't NEED it. It's a luxury item. But it's not overpriced considering the current market value for a 5k monitor.
>I can run a diagnostic
The other flaw. This isn't an issue for you if your time is worthless. You can assemble your own computer and troubleshoot any issues, but normies don't want to have to assemble their own shit or run into any problems in the first place. Why would they? They're not you. They don't have something to prove about computer knowledge. They don't care about that at all.
you're not welcome here normie
I'm calling bullshit.
You can build a brand new pc with an 8700k processor and max out the ram for under $1600. Buying a mac equivalent is going to be a ton more. I don't even think you can buy a mac with an 8700k yet anyways lul
Macs are made for the masses who know little about their components and are willing to pay a premium for the exact same hardware as a pc.
Pc=master race
buying a fucking overpriced apple product, come on lad.. don't buy into BTC you don't deserve it with that taste
Prove it. Show me your build.
>The components are just expensive
I wonder if apple is affected by cryptocalypse in terms of component prices or they have wholesale long term contracts.
Well, even if Apple can get the components cheaper than consumers can, they can still get away with it if the resulting build isn't much more than a DIY build.
I'm honestly not sure who the target market is for this computer though, because most people who want specs like these are autistic gaming kids.
You can absolutely make a build with the same specs for cheaper. Most hardware components have become significantly less expensive over the years, including high quality display monitors. The only exception is ram, which has more than doubled in price over the past few years thanks to the need for ddr in mobile phones.
Did you notice that the only thing this mac skipped was a good amount of ram? That's because offering barely any ram is the way they can jew the buyer while keeping their margins high.
>24 month financing on a computer
>You can absolutely make a build with the same specs for cheaper.
Then do it.
Yeah if you need to finance a computer, then you shouldn't be buying that computer to begin with.
Not really, Apple has top priority for Vega which is one of the reasons for the severe shortages, aside from crypto.
ok shitstain, add 500 to that to make it a 5k, that's still half for an actual future proof machine versus the scrap you call a computer.
>This isn't an issue for you if your time is worthless
>running a diagnostic is something you can't do while doing something else
>running a diagnostic is time consuming
>people can't google "how to run diagnostics"
>need to run diagnostics frequently
again, you realise you are not in 1995, and troubleshooting is literally just clicking a preexisting program, which tells you exactly what's wrong and how to fix it? not even mentioning the reason why one would have a good computer. unlike what you seem to think, computers with this kind of power are for either graphic design, game design or gaming in general. all of which know how to press an icon, apperantly severely outranking you in the intelligence department.
also, the time and money that you waste by having to send that brick up to apple inc and having it repaired, which is fucking likely impossible by apple's own admission, won't be factored in, hmm?
It has an 18 core CPU, it's clearly for professional video editors and 3d graphics rendering.
If a company makes around 5% return on their investments and if Apple only asks for about 3% for this finance service then what the fuck do you think that company will do? Retarded fucking chipmunks go to fucking school plebs. Some of you really got no clue how basic economy works ffs. This is what you learn at Financial Accounting. Try to learn this shit instead of watching anime like a little weeb cunt
Is a good option for studios though
>Can you do it for less than $4000?
With an extra 400$ you could get a 5K monitor (for what fucking purpose)
lol 100% correct.
I get 32% ROI on my business so it literally pays me to finance everything I can even at fairly high interests rates because I get to keep my money and expand my business now.
By getting the full value of the machine my business can start growing faster today and I will pay apple with the money their new machine made me. It's like getting it for free at the end of it all.
Since im the sole owner of my business and every employee is a freelancer I also leverage their time to make money with the machine that I got on borrowed money.
Literally by just being in a position to make decisions I make money for free.
Can anyone explain why people tend to think if something doesn't fit their use case it must be useless?
I did, with the exception of a 5k monitor (i have one 4k and two 2k monitors) and I maxed out the ram at 64gb which is the most expensive component now in a build (this mac only offered a measly 8gb), with a shiny new 8700k processor which has nearly a 50% performance boost from the previous 7th gen processors. I believe the bill was under $3,000 and this build would absolutely destroy the mac in any benchmark.
I say this as someone who hates windows and prefers mac os, I just don't think it's worth the premium. And I prefer to customize my workstation over the years which you can't do with Apple.
Btw, no one here needs to believe me. Just go on newegg and put everything you need into the cart and let us know how cheap you can build a master race pc. Catch the weekly sales and you'll get an even better deal.
Dont listen to ignorant kids, its the best computer u can buy and it will last you well over 5 years, unlike cheap PCs which u need to replace every 2 yrs or so.If you need that specs, buy it.
Ok I take that back, the Xeon would likely do better in a benchmark with more cores but my point still holds true. And the 8700k wins in clock speed.
None of whom I assume are autistic enough to build their own.
>add 500 to that to make it a 5k
Prove it. 5k monitors are more than $1200. They can get as expensive as $2000. Where are you seeing it for cheaper? I do believe you just made that up.
>troubleshooting is literally just clicking a preexisting program
Lol. NO. Actually, I'm starting to think that you are computer illiterate. And again, none of this is an issue if your time is worthless. Which yours apparently is.
Good attempt, but you missed the camera, and you're missing some features that the original machine has. And also,
>5k monitor (for what fucking purpose)
To match the build, of course.
>cheap pcs
This is why people make fun of you Apple kids. Pcs are only as cheap as the components inside, which are largely the same components in an Apple. If you understood what was in a computer you wouldn't make such a retarded statement.
It is wasteful you must admit.
If you look at it from a financial perspective the person could spend their money elsewhere where they can accumulate interest.
Oh! And it looks like you missed the operating system, too. Of course you could just steal it, but you could also steal any of the other components and negate the price altogether.
>Good attempt, but you missed the camera, and you're missing some features that the original machine has.
Are you fucking serious? Then add 100$ for a good camera/webcam and all that marketing crap terminology apple uses. 3.5k with all your bullshit and 5K screen and a better graphics card
Oh and I forgot, 1$ for an apple sticker
>I did
Software is part of the specs too, so no, you didn't.
That's why Macs don't really have non-Mac equivalents and people arguing in these threads are a bunch of retards.
I'd never buy a Mac, but I can totally see why some people would.
It's only wasteful if whatever you use instead does the same job. It might be true for you or me, but for many Mac users it's not.
you missed the operating system too.
>I'm dumb
What's linux, ubuntu?
A kernel, and an operating system, respectively. Both very good, but not yet well-suited for someone who wants a just-works system, I'm afraid.
Yes, I did. The question was posed if I can build the same specs for cheaper. A mac os is better than windows in my opinion but not $1000-2500 better. And hell, I'm sure I can find a way to install a mac os on top of a custom build (hackintosh?) and it would still be cheaper.
Point still stands.
3.5k with all your miscelaneous shit, 3.6k if you want to be picky
Prove it. New build.
lol @ your lives. apple owns bro just deal with it. if you have an iphone X you are getting LAID
Oh, and you missed the speakers and the microphone, too.
I guess I should have inb4'd muh hackintosh.
I just hope you guys are just larping and aren't this autistic IRL.
There's a reason Linux (desktop) isn't going anywhere while "just werks" Apple is making more money than they know what to do with it.
The average person out there (including this board) doesn't know shit about computers. A good UX is worth a lot of money. That's Apple's business, not fucking hardware specs.
Yeah, but it is a crapple. A load of bollocks. normie standard shit. You are so limited in what you can do on one of those. It is like buying the internet with training wheels. Lame. It is the kind of shit I would buy my mum for Christmas.
Well, I've never owned a mac so I wouldn't know, but what can't you do on a mac that you can do on other computers? AFAIK you can install Windows or Linux on them too.
>thinks crypto is a bubble
>rabid devotion to apple
The memes write themself in this timeline
Apple is built on Linux, is it not?
I'm not disagreeing with you on Apple's os superiority. But again, that doesn't justify a 20,000% hike when most of the performance will be from the hardware.
And for 99% of customers, they barely know their way around the os, including "professionals." They just like how "herp Macs don't get viruses."
>Apple is built on Linux, is it not?
No, it's built on BSD. Both are derivatives of UNIX, and share some similarities, but aren't functionally the same.
They are included in this monitor (literally iMac monitor)
Total $3411.68
Now kill yourself tech illiterate
This isn't too important, but does your build also have a SDXC reader?
>27 in
>only FHD
are you having fun with pxiels the size of your palm
If you ever actually used an apple product, you wouldn't say this. Also, you're a poorfag.
No, but sure you can spend 1.6k on it
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
please kys fucking normie-tier scum
worse GPU/CPU
shitty noisy cooling
non retina display
worse OS
ugly case
Try harder next time
kys normalfag
You are fucking retarded. End yourself
Die in a fire asshole.
Well, whatever. You missed that feature, the CPU isn't as good, the display isn't retina, and you didn't get the whole build but I'll let it slide, because your build has two glaring issues you probably didn't consider.
How much of your own time did you spend picking each individual component? How long will you have to wait for each component to arrive? And how long will you spend assembling the build? And there may not be any issues, but just in case there are, how long will you spend troubleshooting them? Finally, how much space does this build take up?
I'm autistic. I like building computers and installing gentoo. I'm just not autistic enough to think that everyone else likes that kind of thing, and I'm not going to pretend that I can't understand the cost of time/labor, or the cost of convenience/user experience.
ad hominem argument
love this meme
prove all you cited is true
Protip: you can't
>Brand new PC or 1/3 of a BTC?
Implying the PC won't be worthless in a matter of years
Prove it
I'm typing this on a tablet that depreciated by 90% over the last five years
Unlike Bitcoin they make more of these pieces of shit every day
The absolute state of this board
I'm going to buy a laptop soon, just need a few more moons lol and then that laptop will be 1/3 or 1/4 of my portofolio depending on how hard they will moon
Why not build your own comp for 1/10th the price that will be 50x faster and better?
Prove the time/labor cost? Do you know what board you're on? It's one of the most important things to computer manufacturers and software development companies. You should know this. This is a business and finance board, after all.