Chainlink Insider

Hey guys, chainlink insider here. I could get fired for what I'm about to tell you, but at this point I feel like it's necessary to give something to the community. The reason why I'm telling you all of this is because I can see the community outcry for any information from the development team and I know some of you guys might be getting too desperate and selling your chainlinks before we start revealing the big things. I'm getting paid in chainlink, so when the price goes down, I suffer from it just like you but I can at least see the big picture.

First thing is that the end of year announcement will be fairly big. You already know from Rory that it's not going to be an exchange or partnership announcement (although we are talking with Bittrex currently and I'm pretty positive we will get listed there by February). The announcement will effectively be a roadmap, alongside with main net launch date. The GO rewrite is going very quickly and the main net launch will be in Q1 2018.

As for partnerships, the reason why you haven't heard any news is because of NDAs that prevent us from sharing anything. We are actually working with SWIFT, but I really can't tell you much more about this just due to how strict the NDA is. All I can tell you is that it's huge, bigger than what most of you probably think. We are also working with Request Network (which you already know) and Factom, which both chose us as their oracle provider after we launch on the main net.

Last thing I will tell you is that we are working on something with Microsoft, Intel and VISA. These are not necessarily partnerships, but we are still working with those companies and there is a potential for this to evolve into actual partnerships.

I hope you will find this information worth it, even if you may not believe me currently.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The announcement will effectively be a roadmap, alongside with main net launch date.
this alone would be sufficient. the hype train would start that day.

High quality larp.

Mortgaged my wife and bought 100k

nice larp

lol, try harder

becasue of this bullshits like you, link will dump again because we will no way get a mainnet date you faggot, kys

Just sold 100k

Thanks insider. I appreciate your tip after the moon. I'll definitely buy in now.

>we will no way get a mainnet date
says who, fag


big if true

this may sound crazy , but when I went to mexico with my family some guy saw that we were white, and was seriously trying to sell his wife to my dad.

Ya I'm curious what a roadmap will actually do for the price. On one hand, we all know that's likely the best we'll get. But on the other hand, maybe the whales are getting bored of accumulating and let the pent up hype rally for a change while people try to get in ahead of the key dates.

LINK is such a fucking weird meme.

big if true but this could also be a whale waiting to dump on us.


fuck your mother if you want to fuck. You will see, screencap this and kys after eoy.

I know you guys might not believe me and I understand why since this is all anonymous and anyone could write this, but at least remember me a month from now that I was risking getting fired to tell you all of this.

false if small

I'm going to read comics and when I be back link better be at 1700 sat to buy again after selling my bags

>getting fired

from where? that non existent building in san francisco?

Why the fuck would someone risk their job to give us information here on Veeky Forums? Like what idiot in their right mind would believe this? A+ for effort though but we like to use our brain sometimes over here. Well, I guess today I will use my brain.

It's okay user, I was gonna keep hodling even without reading your larp attempt.

Maybe I'm retarded but I'm inclined to believe you, can you provide us with any kind of proof? Even something small
Capcha 'minds moon'

SHITTY LARP. KYS. posting this screencap in a month when LINK is below 1k sats. fucking LINKTARDS HOLY FUCK

nice sellwall you just set on Binance OP, good strategy, nice try

I believe you, user. Thanks for taking a risk for the rest of us, even if its in your self interest sicne you are getting paid in link. got 76980 links at .21 and am ready to go to the moon with you. Think its enough? My faith has never been shaken in link. and i have a lot of req too, they seem to go hand in hand.

in b4 the rest of you idiots start with your stinky linky poopoopeepee bullshit

Big if blue

Any proof would probably give me away, I don't want to risk any more than I have to, sorry.

it's so obvious as well

fuck you OP

thnks for heds up freind. orcles are apsolute best and price singulurity soon


someone who just want to get rid of his bags, the same time this thread was here, a sellwall on binance appeared

also look at this retard shit. "i am being paid in chainlink" LMAO so this guy's working with sergey and co? they havent even fucking finished reviewing the applications. in any case, it narrows down this "leak". fucking nigger, really. kys kys kys FUCK YOU. i just wanna shout NIGGER in the faces of you sad pathetic bagholders

how many employees do they have? This is unbelievable because we know there are four people on the payroll. Thomas is lackie, rory is a nobody, and steve and sergey don't use Veeky Forums. Are there more now?

Sergey here, is this you Thomas?

Obvious retarded larp. Your stated reason for sharing info is nonsensical. However LINK will indeed moon, though not for a while.


no one else. shitty linktards posting rory the cuck's slack message stated that they havent finished reviewing applications and now apparently someone's an insider being paid in LINK LMAO OP KYS NIGGER. DUMB NIGGER PAJEET KYS

true if big

>raises 32m in an ico
>can't pay employees in USD
The absolute state of chainlink.

I haven't set any sell orders on binance and I don't know who could have. But then again there isn't really any way for me to prove it. You can either believe me or not.

Yeah my dad works at Nintendo you faggot. No bank, especially fucking swift is gonna use this turd. Swift is a huge company that tries out new tech all the time. For example, if they decided to try out mssql you wouldn't see Microsoft parading around that they are partners with swift and the whole world and everything will be stored in an mssql database.

Get. Real. Linktards. Your coin is "mooning" because Obama (aka a staff member / social media farm) who follows 600k people, followed it.

Wake the fuck up you noobs.

The big announcement is a date when some other important thing might happen.... fml

You or your dad or both don't know a word in Spanish, the Mexican guy was probably being nice to him and you didn't understand shit.


Paying employees in LINK is actually a way better motivation. Fiat salary is also given

this related? op?

All this is complete rucking bullshit
Now as punishment I'm dumping this shit to 1000 sats
Check the price in 2 hours


Price prediction? @OP

As I explained in a comment above this isn't me. Most likely a person who saw this thread and wants to either suppress the price or take advantage of it in some other way.

Hey guys, another chainlink insidert here.
I SUCK COCKS and for the love of god BUY MY BAGS.

>Insider on 2 dev team

Are you Sergey or Steve?

if every chainlink insider was legit they'd have enough employees to actually run a successful company. You are one of four people op and we know you aren't any of them so fuck off.

That's a different thing SWIFT is working on, unrelated to chainlink or oracles, we have other projects with SWIFT.

>collects memes from other link shitposts
>could get fired from dead project
At least you got us to respond. 8/10 bait

want to believe 130k hodling since ico reporting in. ;( kill me


>Most likely a person who saw this thread and wants to either suppress the price or take advantage of it in some other way.
fuck you liar

Come on, I take my time to write this and risk a lot by writing this, you may not believe me but the least you could do is stop insulting me.

I know you're like 98% full of shit, but I'm still doing a screencap.

we get at least one chainlink insider a day. why does chainlink have so many leaks

I think it's a fud tactic to discredit any possible real insiders

true if big

Every day there is a larper who knows Sergey personally, who works in a firm accumulating LINK or knows some exchange tips.

Be honest, are you just one guy or every day we see a different linklet break?

Dont worry user, there are some who appreciate what you did.

OP has insider info that guarantees a moon to at least $0.50-$1 and beyond but instead of FUDing and accumulating cheap LINK with a bank loan, desides to pump the price beforehand.


LOL so your NDA is so strict that you can't break it but you can spill other bs here? you are pathetic

how do you know he hasn't already sold his mom's and daughters?

no he was talking in english

What is their roadmap?

When is their Mainnet launch date?

Guys , we are half way through december, even if we just get a roadmap update, we will at least know we are gonna make it. AT MAX we have 2 more weeks of holding bags. by the end of this month we will know if its not the bag which we hold that are heavy, but OUR FEELS. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT BRAHS :')

Seriously tho, two weeks more MAX of bagholding link and you can GTFO if you want. and honestly we should expect it before christmas. so get ready lads.

didn't read, but here's a (you) for your effort

Nice OP. Gonna buy 1 million LINKs


thanks Rory

Too many larpers giving us heart attacks. Go away stinky nolinkies.

Why are you not working with ISDA, since swaps are an actual legitimate use for smart contracts. Not just some bored dude at Microsoft with too much free time and budget authorization.

>having a dad

Nice larp faggot, if you're paid in LINK you're either Rory or thodges guy which means anyone from the team could fire you in a second.

If you're a bagholder you're just making it worse dude.
There are more "insiders" on Veeky Forums than there are actual people employed at Chainlink kek.

Don't fall for this larp fellow linkies!

>but at least remember me a month from now that I was risking getting fired to tell you all of this.
This is the same shit AssBlaster said and it was revealed as one big larp for a quick PnD.

To moon we go

Great stuff.. there is only 2 active people working on this project. Am I really suppose to believe this....loser

Intel SGX isn’t ready till later next year. Your big partnerships will be only using that. So until that’s ready you can’t announce shit.

Road map to McDonald’s is all your going to see.

so many "insiders" these days, makes me wonder is there any outsider left?

If you believe this crap you deserve to lose your money. They still working out the bugs in testNET

jusr sold my kid

People don’t notice all the small coins are getting pumped. That’s all this is.

Sell while your ahead otherwise enjoy the long hold

I like you, user, you're a better larper than AssBlaster. The refusal to provide details for fear of being doxxed is a very nice touch if you ask me. It makes things more realistic.

the jews do the same thing about Bigfoot. ever wonder why there are like 14 shows on television about finding Bigfoot?

lol @ u selling low


weak hands

This guy is LARPing as Rory trying to give us insider info, or is Rory.

>paid in link
>the least you could do is stop insulting me

Another day, another high quality larp.

haha good point

It can't be rory. There would be more spelling mistakes.

Don’t worry by the weekend the volume will drop along with the price.

Screen cap this

Digits say this post is false. I don't trust you OP. Just sold all my bags. Good luck Linkies.

>didn't mention DocuSign
good LARP but brush up on your knowledge if you want to appear believable

I hope so. I need to buy.