Iconomi has added REQ to its digital assets list.
My body is fully eREQt
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the stars just keep aligning
Nice, this means more liquidity for REQ token
But it's dumping, anonchan
good. I have 20 eth I'm waiting to catch the bottom with
Thanks just sold 100k
How high we going brother?
It's only dumping if you bough in at ATH. This is good for long term growth considering.
51k REQ holder here, what does this mean?
Small correction, don't worry guys, we gonna make it.
Thank god pajeets sold their coins
Bought at 4 cents senpai
Ok, Veeky Forums. I'm biting.
I'm from Venezuela, the only thing I want in this world is to get out of this fucking socialist shithole. I I bought 44 OMG tokens some time ago (yeah, almost nothing, but that is like 2 paychecks of a bioengineer). I know OMG will explode in 2018, but I'm getting impatient, I want to leave this country now.
Should I sell OMG and get some REQ? I'm doing my research right now, and I can't decide which option is better.
Unironically REQ. OMG is a great project but it's already mooned hard and is still a long way from actually functioning. REQ has a small marketcap and will be an actual product pretty soon.
does this mean my minimal amount of REQ will launch me into lambo land?
If ya having socialist problems I feel bad for ya son
I got 99 problems and the USA becoming more socialist by the day is definitely at least six of them
Holy shit im still holding 700 Iconomi bags. Whill this shit token finally grow?
Minimal amount probably won't do it, I imagine somebody like will do okay. Personally I've only got 10k and I've been casually daytrading other shitcoins and plowing the profits back into REQ. I believe in the mission and the team is ambitious and has delivered on deadlines
What's an Iconomi?
Fuck you REQ is a shitcoin , I should have listened and bought XRP
Isn't Lightning going to destroy REQ?
>just here to earn some money
>realize how many people here and in the crypto scene generally who are brainwashed libertarian idiots
I can't wait until the real FOMO starts kicking in when REQ starts nearing $1.
REQ will be $1 by EOY. Mark my words.
Lightning is a bandaid fix to a problem that will become a problem again down the road. That's why the potential for IOTA, XRB, etc is so great
I just hope it's not until after next Monday, these Gemini bank transfers take FOREVER
Thanks for answering. I still don't get why everyone is so hyped about IOTA, desu. Care to elaborate, user?
Yep. People think this is expensive at 27cents, they are the same people who thought ETH was expensive as $7 (me among them).
Not this time wealth, this time is different. You won't escape me.
OMG is overpriced and in the terminal dump phase.
The growth potential is in REQ. And it appears REQ will take OMG market share and their market cap.
Need some advice
Will I male it with 20K???
double that question
Also when will the test net actually launch???
you guys sure talk about omg alot for it being dead. jealous much
Well with omise you might might 4x in 2018, but with req you can 40x
I bought OMG a couple of months ago, best decision I made in crypto. I've been checking the Request github often, they are always coding something. Good luck getting out of Venezuela, how do you plan on leaving?
We're looking to take their market cap by actually delivering a working product.
Ladyboys blew it.
REQ or Ripple a better buy right now?
Whales gonna eat your REQ if you sell.
Right now Ripple is dumping and REQ is due a pump about midnight GMT (look at the chart, 12pm it pumps one day dumps the next, maybe coincidence, maybe a group working it?). So REQ. Saying that I am an idiot who sold half my XRP yesterday for REQ so lol. I thought this would pump first., Oh well. I should have known as XRP seems to pump about 6pm GMT daily too! I bet there is a group of hedge fund owners or something working sweatshops with a timetable on this shit.
Why would you compare REQ or Ripple?
Every time sth is mooning, people come out and compare it with anything.
Same reason people are comparing a decentralized payment processing system (req) with a decentralized bank and crypto to fiat/fiat to fiat converter (omg): they are brainlets.
People don't even understand REQ, so i don't blame them for that shit...but they are more likely comparing the hype and growth level of REQ & OMG
Anyone else think this is going at least 2x when Colossus drops? Hoping they put it off til later next week so I can get some more in.
You dumb fucks, I am comparing their potential for growth and profit, not actual prodict/company.
SQUEEEEE. I just had to hold me piss waters when I heard this news! Oh, dis gonna be a good un. U wot!
Should i buy REQ? Disney is mooning right now.
wait until january. fiat gateway and Q4 report. They made 3200 ETH profit on one trade in Pinta last week. should be 400k ICN tokens burned when they do the buybacks. Not to mention if Mana Moons they'll make big profits off decentraland, which could happen tomorrow.
Thats not what I fucking asked, you moron. I simply asked which one was a better buy at this moment in time. That does not imply any sort of relation between the two. They can both be doing independent things for independent reasons. I just want to know which ones anons in this thread see as being a better purchase.
>decentralized payment processing system
I don't think you understand what REQ is trying to do. This is more than payment processing. If they succeed, this will be much bigger than PayPal. Very ambitious though.
is Disney a coin i dont know about?
When will it grow again, I want to sell 5k for some zen protocol.
Probably little action until Monday, that's when people start putting in their plays for the Colossus launch.
Could you explain what REQ is trying to do for me? I understand the OMG DEX fairly well, but I skimmed through the REQ white paper and it seemed to me like it’s only a decentralized payment processing system with blockchain to force/anonymize transactions.
Interesting. What happened to boost it like that?
it's been thrown around here and other places
Probably net neutrality. “Request” and “network” are pretty common search terms. You would probably get better results from searching for REQ crypto or something like that.
but 'request network' that specific phrase is one thing
And the colossus launch will be bevor 22th?