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First for sisters aren't getting plastics.

First for fuck you they are

Second for they are getting plastics.

Combined Admech codex When?


How do i into loud marines?

After plastic sisters.

The dubs say never.

Sisters in codex with grey knights fun times ahead

So never then?

1. Buy Traitor Legions
2. Get Kakophoni
3. ???
4. Profit!

+++ Supportive Boop +++
I also want this, as well as transports that I don't have to ally in with the Inq Dex, seeing as I won't have that soon. Unless IA keeps all the old Inquisition stuff.

We are at least getting cool FW toys, cheer up, Magos.

Is the best way to kill as IG to kill MCs a Pasknisher?


Full army list in imperial agents and repackaged metals for pre-order means no new models for the foreseeable future

Plasma vets do it better imo.


Nope, Plastics in the next 4 months.

So no any leaky info about Imperial Agents yet?

-A full army list for the Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas

TFW Grey Knights get an update in the same book as sisters

khornate psykers

Pask with Punisher, Plasma Vets, Ratlings and Lascannon Heavy Weapons Squads all do a good job.

>A full army list for the Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas

It's not an update

Couple more hours.

>A full army list for the Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas

They're not going to get two army books in 3 months, senpai.

Come to terms with it.

Why couple hours? Saturday in New Zealand? Friday in New Zealand?

Azariah Kyras

Although as far as I can remember, he never actually used magic after his possession.



It'll be great.

And it's not an update for GK just formations so Imperials can nab Dreadknights and Termies.

Dude who leaks is going to work/at work and can't update right now.

We've all known for like a week.

Guess what GK Termi and Dreadknight models are made of?

And when was the last time you saw an army get two updates in 4 months?

I've been playing sisters for 15 years, trust me I wish we were getting plastics, but it's just not happening any time soon.

oh shit

Thousand Sons.

Got an army in Wrath of Magnus, then reprinted in Traitor Legions. About a week apart.


But the models came first, and both lists were the same.

I guess cutting off plastic heads is eaiser than metal ^^

Lists are going to be the same, and the models come second this time.

>Ork Superheavies


I just can't imagine them printing a codex with a bunch of old models in it, when they've got plastics ready to sell.

The reboxed models don't have this.

The new model has a new box, with army name and everything on it.

Just how we saw with Magnus before the other TSons stuff.


Once Imperial Agents leaks, and there are no pictures of any plastic Sisters, will you concede they're not coming then?

Not until the end of April.

To make one last quick buck.


Why would you even

This goddamn ork vehicle shows up a lot in 40k-related games.
It's a converted bottle, isn't it?

Cool, so you're just clinging on irrationally.

I hope you're right, but I remember rumours of plastics before the white dwarf codex was released and that never happened.

Same goes for Grey Knights.

Ok I need Grey Knights heads from Chinaman now to glue on my SoB tanks

"plastic sister in December!!!"

>no plastics on the horizon

"no I meant april"

I said next 4 months. I'm not dropping that until it's done.

welp, time to purge all the sisters

There we go, now I just need to come up with a final power for the Tzeentch discipline.

February, always February. Canoness in december.

Get it right.

Why does gw hate the sisters?

>printing a codex with a bunch of old models in it, when they've got plastics ready to sell.

Black Legion, Traitor's Hate, Wrath of Magnus, Traitor Legions

If Plastic comes, then they'll print out a stand alone.

When was I suppose to buy this shit? I need this as an Inquisitor. Hell if they start selling the old female inquisitor models I'd be happy

And here I was thinking it was a decent quality scan of Tzeentch and not some fan thing.

>Rumours specifically stated a single Canoness model would be released this month
>Same source stated plastic kits would arrive sometime in 2017, time unknown

Okay, let's suppose there are new plastics. They will be completely done by now, it takes around a year to produce a new line, they wouldn't cut it this fine.

Why wouldn't they put pictures of them in the supplement? This supplement is for adding aux units to imperial armies, so it's going to be current even after a supposed SoB full codex comes out.

Also, this supplement specifically contains a full army list for SoB. Why would they print the same entire book twice within months of one another? And why would they take two sets of photos for two seperate model lines for that?

They don't, plastics soon.

It's up for pre order Saturday. Made to Order also has a Inquisitor theme, so go check it out.

is inquisitor not sister, look at the =I=
ecclesiarchy has an I in an iron halo thingy

Can't wait to post the screencaps I took of all you bitterly denialist Sisterfags.

>Why would they print the same entire book twice within months of one another?

Wrath of Magnus.

It's no longer limited. Just grab it off the web store at some point.

what's wrong with the grey knights codex again?

Plastics are probably coming out after 8th in the summer, so that's still a ways off.

Careful, there was a time I had thought Fires of Cyraxus would be out in July. I guess technically I have another chance to be right.

You seem really bitter yourself. Why do you care?

Nope, don't move the goalposts. All the rumours have said February.

Its only worth using the Dread Knights and Librarian.

Grey Knights are in it.

what's a TDA

One did say they would be the 8th starter box set.

I don't care about rumors, familia. I care only about the official tease made by Games Workshop, which specified only "months".

Honestly, it's just funny to me.

About a dozen units and half are trash.

Fun fact: 5 years is still 60 months.

TDAs are approximately the same price as a NDK, but:
>Easier to Kill
>Less Dangerous

You take 1 TDA as a tax to unlock 2 NDKs

an over coasted option with a bad tenancy to explode to plasma and the omni-present grav

Bring it, daddy's boy.

what are all these acronyms

Hey, FW have explicitly moved the deadline for a lot of their stuff, like HH7 - Inferno, so thats not exactly unusual.
I like it, since as im starting 30k at Xmas I can have a good Mechanicum force built up by March.

They are? The ones with fabulous and outrageous hair and more swag than Harlequins?

anyone have those ITC results we were discussing multiple threads ago?

Tactical Dreadnought Armour
>also known as Terminators

Nemesis Dreadknights

I've got them, but they're on my pc and I'm very comfy in bed. What do you want them for?

Kroot? Well at least the Kroot existed in the lore way before than the Tau. Shame they are so left behind.


Wow, that is a fun fact

ID shells

Why the fuck are people calling termies TDAs

Kroot, you know, the snipers who don't do melee, who have no need to take their sub-species.

and this one.

Tactical Dreadnought Armour.

Because they don't get to call them MANZ

because the name for their armor is Tactical Dreadnought Armor