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Fighter UA is out! dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/fighter
Be sure to fill out the survey on last week's Druids.
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Community DMs Guild trove
Submit to 5eg.mega.user@gmail.com, cleaning available!
>Pastebin with resources and so on:
Previous thread
Have you tried 4th edition?, edition
Is this the second 4e thread today
>have you tried 4e
yes, not bad, didnt love it either
prefer 5e
dualwieldadin dexadin, yes?
or dualwieldadin charadin.
How many buttons on my mouse should I have to play 4e?
How much damage would throwing a torch at a troll do?
Probably as many as you need playing 5e. I know I filled up my macros on roll 20 with fifth edition.