>the high elves were the bad guys all along
The high elves were the bad guys all along
Another thread worthy of Veeky Forums's attention.
What is "The most boring twist someone could come up with"?
God damned elves
>the party was a bunch of misanthropic edgelords all along
>The dark elves dindu nuffin
>It was the orcs all along
I want my GM to create an empire of tree hugging elves that tries to convert the rest of the world to tree hugging by force, just because I want an excuse to play an elf-hating dwarf.
>The kenders were the good guys all along
I love this age. So much shit has come out that there is no point in reading or understanding shit, it's been done into the ground and even good writing and wordplay is old hat. I mean fuck if you do allow yourself a moment of being retarded and liking something you'll see it turn to shit in under a year as either the fan community make any mention of it just bring up shitty memes and pictures, the author stops giving a shit and just milks it into the ground, or someone buys them out and reboots it making you realize it wasn't special at all.
>The high elves were right and working in everyone's best interests all along, but they acted like such superior, stuck up cunts that everyone fought against them and fucked everything up
They always are.
Name three settings.
>The High Elves aren't good or bad guys, they're just off in their own little world and completely unaware of the effects their actions have
>Orks aren't inherently evil, it's just that violence is so central to their society that traditionally you attempt a warband will make contact with another by laying waste to their homes to show how tough they are, then wait for them to show up so you can make bloodpacts and such and share grog. Every Ork invasion to date has been a desperate attempt to make friends
>Dwarves aren't greedy, they just believe that Gold is the catalyst of great miracles and by accruing enough any hardship can be overcome
>Half-Elves don't exist, they're just a joke played by particularly ugly Elves
>Gnomes are cunts
Dark Sun
Forgotten Realms
Any setting featuring Elves.
So Warcraft.
Add in Dragonlance and Elder Scrolls
>>Dwarves aren't greedy, they just believe that Gold is the catalyst of great miracles and by accruing enough any hardship can be overcome
Well they're not completely wrong.
>teaching humans magic
>teaching humans how to civilization
>fighting with humans against evil
>actually being one of the first that ever saved the world from evil
>so subverted
>so original
>so twist
>Halflings aren't fat and lazy it's just that they're really good civic planners.
>Zombies aren't mindless they just don't feel like explaining themselves.
>Ogres aren't stupid they just can't drink water unless it's mixed with alcohol.
>Ogres aren't stupid they just can't drink water unless it's mixed with alcohol.
That's good shit user.
Kender are always the good guys.
That is literally canon. Kender are incapable of being villains and any attempt by a Kender at being a villain is met with cries of how cute they are, playing pretend like that.
The twist would be if Kender actually were the villain.
Isn't that halfling one kind of true?
It sort of makes sense in the same way a crazy person isn't in control of their actions
>Kender wants to be hardcore but genetics won't let him
my campaign is just as bad
"The high elves seem like the bad guys but you were being deceived by the real bad guys, the immortal skeletons who seemed good when you first met them"
That depends on if you'r reading 3e shit or 2e, because 2e takes the stance of 'literally everybody hates these annoying cunts, although they're relatively harmless'.
That sounds awesome
I think even in 2e, the worst they could be was extra annoying above and beyond the normal Kender baseline.
Instead of snatching something small and pretty and then forgetting to return it, they snatch it and *intentionally* forget where they put it to be spiteful.
At least 2e had the Marak Kender from Taladas, which are kender who realised that the world is in fact shit, and aren't hyper-happy little bastards.
At this point, humans and elves actually being allies in every sense of the word would probably be refreshing.
It would be boring though.
also shadowrun, middle-earth and palladium fantasy
Elder scrolls?
Not from their perspective.
>still this mad that they got played by the Big Lork
>not an argument
The goblins/orcs are technically elves and they are the villains minions, but the aren't really anything more than minions.
remove pointy eared scum
Noldor dindu nuffin.
>the high elves were high all along
>that's why they prance around singing riddles and pranking travelers
>that's why they rarely get anything done
>that's why their eyes seem slightly larger than those of wood elves
>that's why they take 115 years to reach adulthood
>that's why they level up more slowly than humans
You don't actually need an excuse for that. Playing a racist character is fun, especially if he is a totally nice and amiable person otherwise,
>the OP was heterosexual all along
My first character was a racist, because I thought that should come naturally with a fantasy setting.
The party killed him.
Yes. I thought that was apparent when I introduced them as a Wild Hunt that razes any city in their path and considers other sentient beings as game. Normal elves are decent enough people, though.