W-we're going to get plastic sisters, guys

>W-we're going to get plastic sisters, guys.
>GW finally cares about us

I cant fucking wait

So the 5 sister fans stop making these fucking threads

At 800$ for all the sets its make KD@1666$ seem like an ok deal... I'm think about cancelling my Kickstarter. It's just too pricey.

Well I'm happy you guys finally got what you wanted. You can send the loveys to their deaths.

>NZ prices

Well will you shitposters learn?

And they'll still get a release. They're just selling those for the Inquisition codex.
They wouldn't have done the resin sister otherwise.
Resin and metal are for the codex, the actual release is bound to hit the stores between February and June. They're just getting everyone hyped, and seeing as how the announcement video of Magnus with the SoB message is by far the most liked, viewed, commented and shared video of their fb page, it's working.

Sisters fans need counseling... you all collectively have Stockholm syndrome. Your army got squatted because they didn't make money. They still won't make money. They aren't coming back. Time to snuff that candle you've been burning since 3rd edition. Do yourself a collective favor and either look into DIYing bolter bitches or play a sytem that features bolter bitches. This isn't healthy.

Well atleast give them hope.

Im a Storm Trooper fan who had hope for the Scions. but hey whatcha gonna do who cares about Storm Troopers/Scions now

I already have plastic sisters.

And I have these fine ladies on the way no matter what GW does.

I am beginning to think the only reason people like sisters is the nun fetish

Mmm plastic sisters.

And? Your point is?

I mean I dont get say IG because I have a flak jacket fetish

Going to use the Wolf and sister color scheme for them, because fuck it, that little comic sis more to rekindle my interest in 40k stuff than gw has in the last 5 years.

>They aren't coming back
but they announced that it is coming back

are you a retarded person?

They didn't announce shit; they said it was a goof after the video came out.

Personally, I like the fact that they aren't like the Eldar - they aren't an army of "oh my god these women are beautiful!", their veterans have scars and broken noses and shit.
As in, they actually LOOK like they go out and break faces on a regular basis ignoring that one sameface artist, of course

I might have collected a few IG models in the past.

Since 2nd ed have had an eldar army, a tau army, an ork army, 2 ig armies, and somehow got my hands on about 800 points worth of marines that were given away to a buddy of mine in the army because his kid wanted to get into the game.

It might be nice to have an army that fields lots of power armor for a change.

[citation required]

Umm got a citation for that?

Im currently building this list Scions are like cheap space marines.

fuck me this place is still a hivemind.

>Well will you shitposters learn?
The GW website updates in NZ first. That is why he is using NZ prices.

For some reason, GW felt the need to link to the SoB range on today's update.

Nice army there.

>make claim
>have no source
>i was only pretending to be retarded!!!

Scions also have a nice Red and Gold color scheme

Scions of Khorne ill call them

m8, That isn't the same poster as

Just based on how annoying you sistersfags are on this board I'm outraged that you're going to get anything you want

It's heresy, but I like it, proceed.

Stay angry my friend.

>you've been shit on so long that it makes me angry for you not to be!

fuck off

No, GW has this policy of no codex entry without models for quite some time now.
These sisters (and others like the preachers) are released again to fill the gaps in the model range for the book. So its another sign of not-dead-yet, nothing of a remake of them but the life-support is overhauled.

I will take ten thousand sisterfags over every one marinefag on this board.

What about IG fags?

As a GSC player who finally got my day in the sun this year, I think you're kind of being a short sighted dick here dude.

One way or another I am fielding this army god damn it.

They are resin, actually.

But they're awesome.

-little reminder

IGfags can stay.

People who post those cute comics of the guardsman and the sister are free to post without time limits and captchas for all I care.

You can't actually buy these, at least not yet.

>those helmets

I bought some, fuck me I have to paint these things almost entirely with a detail brush and assemble them in stages so I don't miss anything. The level of detail on these "Off brand" minis is fucking amazing.

I can always headswap. I saved a couple of the heads from the resin sister kit I got that I can make duplicates from. still if they have optional heads the hoods don't look too bad.

But they're so fucking sexy dude.

We shall fight together brother, and if we die this day, we die for Cadia, we die for the Imperium, we die for the sake of humanity, and we live for the Enperor with each one of the tens of billions of lives we fight until we can no longer as, our fathers and fathers-fathers have, just as we expect our sons to follow us

The fuck are you talking about?

What new model did the Eldar book have? The Dark Eldar? Imperial Guard? Tau?

>Mickey Mouse on the bolters

They're dodging GW but heading full speed ahead into Disney's firing line instead.


Oh shit, I never noticed that.

I really like their repentas too.

Wtf, someone actually stole my list? I guess that means it ain't total garbage.

I actually swapped to using Renegades and Heretics, ironically enough, to run this. Using a Bloody-Handed Reaver to get access to Renegade Grenadiers which are, for all practical purposes, Scions that get 2 hotshot volley guns, a plasma gun, and a vox-caster in each squad.

Wait you made that list

The minute I saw it I instantly loved it

So it's a traitor guard army with halfway decent rules then?

Also I am not really the biggest table top player but when I saw that list the idea of chaos scions working with some warp smith just got me rock hard.

Scions are all about honor or pride and its perfect for Khorne.

Nice woobie.

Are these even out yet?


Woobie is love, Guard is life.

Even in NZD those are absurd prices
Stop supporting this shit

"Soon" ™

They have a FB pageif you want to go yell at them.

Basically. I fucking love Stormtroopers, and I fucking love the Daemon Engine Dinos. And the idea of fielding an army that's primarily a bunch of operational operators operating from dropships with a bunch of fuckhuge murder-dino-mechs acting as the anvil for their hammer? Fuck. Yes.

Yeah, it was a week or two ago, and amusingly enough it got next to no attention, other than being informed that the Hellforged Warpack is actually kinda shitty if you aren't going to run a Helbrute. Which I ain't, but fuck it. Fun and fluff over WAAC.

Yeah, I could definitely see that, though these boys are Tzeentch followers, actually. The covenant is just too good, and it definitely fits with the these Scions delving a little too deep in their tactical planning for maneuvers, counter-maneuvers, counter-counter-maneuvers, always running off 'slight derivations' of their Master Plan. Part of the reason they fight is simply testing themselves, but not their might or strength but rather their cunning and skill at warcraft.

>immolator back in stock
>$15 price increase for no reason

Now there's the classic Games Workshop we all know and love.

The new CEO is really turning over a new leaf.

Well, I will probably eventually buy the Daemon Engines and some Heldrakes, but the entirety of my Renegades and Heretics list is being constructed out my soon-to-arrive Warpath pledge.

Primarily went for Plague and GCPS, so I'm pretty much set.

Not a bad idea actually. As like the other Forgeworld armies most of the units don't have actual models, using figures from other companies makes sense. It depends on what you are thematically going for I guess.

I might try that and ally it with my Chaos Daemons when I get around to buying some of the DV cultists to use as militia.

Las-rounds won't fly without Supply, eh, Munitorum lackey?

We grunts don't care for lockers and rig stands.

I can't say how I know user..but they may or may not have gone into production today. Soon user...soon

Yeah, it fits perfectly, and I really love the models, too. Plus, with all of my Plague, I have plenty of room to grow into various other stuff, like those Chaos Ogrynn using Bursters. As is, it's a pretty direct conversation.

>Valkyries are Hornets
>Renegade Grenadiers are GCPS Marines
>Renegade Enforcer is the Major-General
>Mutant Rabble are 3rd Gens

And then I've still got Zombies, Teratons, 2nd Gen Leapers and Bursters, Murderbirds, 1st Gens, Aberrations, Plague Hounds for Chaos monsters, and Mules and Striders for heavy arms.

I don't get it. Why are the metal squads going back on pre order? They're not any cheaper

Combat engineer. Clearing IED's and blowing shit up.

Last chance to buy

Just remember who you call when you SWEAR the caps are bad, and it turns out LT and PSG are too fucking stupid to turn and pull the initiator all the way.

They call me, And I have to go down and place a pop and drop then get the fuck out of the blast radius.

Interesting indeed.

is that ausies dollars, right?

Oh shiiit yes boiiiii



Sisters of silence anyone?


That looks like a Sister of Battle/Eldar/Dark Eldar

In NZ, we haven't the squads available, nor the immolater, for years.
We've had to buy them all in blisters at 20-30 bucks each.

NZ and Aus also pay more for GW stuff than any other region, because reasons.

This is why I chinamanned my Immolaters, they've brought them back at $83 when they used to be $64..

I don't think the take-up on these is going to be as high as they are suspecting, which is a shame.

>mfw nisa-chan was me

Time sure flies...

The immolator price hike is so mindboggling stupid. I don't even understand it.

>sisters have one model kit that's priced reasonably (for GW) and is essential to playing the army
>well shit, better tack on a huge price increase for no reason

>I cant fucking wait
For them to get squatted.

>but they announced that it is coming back
>are you a retarded person?
A joke at the end of a video about finding plastic sisters of battle in a bin is not an announcement.

Even if they do have unreleased plastic SoB models it doesn't mean that you're getting them. The new Eldar jetbikes sat around for over a decade before they decided to shell out for moulds and that's an army that hasn't been a flop since day one.

That's not plastic it's resin and I'm seriously wondering how you can't tell the difference.

Technically the resin used when casting resin miniatures is a type of plastic.


>They wouldn't have done the resin sister otherwise.
You mean the recast of an old metal model? Yeah, that totally proves GW gives a fuck about sisters or their players.

>You mean the recast of an old metal model?
Are you stupid?

>You mean the recast of an old metal model?
You're a fucking idiot.

That said, the fact that it's resin so requires miniscule investment compared to a plastoc model tells you that they do not predict many sales of this product.

Other armies got plastic character models because they will, over time, sell enough to pay off the mould and make some money.

If SoB were going to get a full update with plastic models that actually get sold in stores like a proper army then they'd have made this model plastic.

Since they've always been a flop and they're never getting a proper update resin would be the obvious choice.

I like them because they look like fabulous trannies in power armor so I can pretend they are like me

Their Flak Jackets are amazing though. I collect guard because they look so cute. It's also why I play Arty in Dirty Bomb, because he looks like a Guardsman. Helmets and Flak Jackets, go go go.

That's not entirely true. Just a few months ago there was a resin SM captain which, like this SoB model, was a nostalgia throwback limited release model.

The Blanche canoness is not intended to be "the" HQ model for the general sisters release.

>mfw I literally just started a stormtrooper army

>I like them because they look like fabulous trannies in power armor so I can pretend they are like me

Well, hopefully you'll have something in common after GW kills the sisters.

>the general sisters release

I hope sister players get the minis they deserve after waiting this long for. Likely will make it so more people get into them as well.

I've always wondered about why Centos was in resin when Imperial Rogue Trader and both webstore Captains were plastic.

He means there's a policy of not having a unit in a codex without providing the model for said unit, i.e. there can't be a Sisterus Serperiourus Latinicus unit in the codex unless GW also makes a model for it.

I think it's because it's a resin recast of the metal upgrade kit, not the plastic kit that replaced it back in the day. Apparently the moulds for the plastic upgrades broke or something.

Where do you get that new SoB model based on the cover of the codex, anyways? I googled but I just get the old models.