"Early thread so the other faggot can't ruin it" edition.
Previous thread: Pastebin: pastebin.com
"Early thread so the other faggot can't ruin it" edition.
Previous thread: Pastebin: pastebin.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Face: Model
Breasts: Large
Bodytype: Agile
Genitals: Vagina
63.01e: Climate Control, Depilation
Decent: Sportswear
Lewd: Lingerie
Addons: Accessories
Special Rules: Burn the Wardrobe, Nudity OK
Job: Superheroine
Terms and Conditions: Masked
63.04e: New Identity
Pets: Biosuit
Superpowers: Tentacles
Companions: user's Choice
Mode of Control: Marking
Powers: Addict, Arousal, Orgasm, Triggers
Slaves: Jasmine, Aubree
Subsidized Housing: Penthouse
Signing Bonuses: Batmobile
Hypno-Conditioning: Student
63.05a: Slut
Requesting a Pet or Guardian (picking out a guardian, not being a guardian) themed CYOA.
I don't know if this one is the Halloween version, the latest. Wasn't there supposed to be an update?
Does user want to BE a pet?
Oops. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Basically requesting a CYOA where you get a companion.
So, would the Doctor make a good Traveller?
Nightmare waifu user here. I decided to try my hand at an old idea I had for a while but never pursued. Now's as good a time as ever.
I was blessed to find a page full of the UI inventory elements so I cooked up a frankenstein's monster in a dark soul's themed dress.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Part 2
> The Fifth Chaos-God.
Expedite seamless eyeballs, maximize integrated technologies, and revolutionize viral channels. Never transform 24/7 infomediaries, for if you do you shall enhance distributed e-business without the ability to exploit cross-platform action-items. To iterate impactful infomediaries is to live, and we are all destined to integrate proactive e-tailers. These are my holy words. Heed them, and live as dictated.
The Bloodborne waifu better be Mother Kos herself.
Bless you user.
Priscilla. I NEED to protect that smile.
Kosm remains to be best MILF.
Made just a small update. Got rid of Multiplicty since it's kinda pointless for me, and traded it for True Name. Seems like I ought to have a true name anyway, and it gives me 1 more Pedigree.
Queen Saralindra Helviiryn, Fallen Angel, Mother of Spiders
Pedigree XXXX
Status XXXXX
>Vagina (1)
>Plush (x3)
>Psuedodevascent (Angel)
>Ouroboros Metabolism
>Godly Cleanliness
>Lernaean Hymen
>Gate to Ecstasy (x2) w/Plush x2 each
>Reproductive Channel (x2)
>Synergism (no Specialty)
>Primordial Woad
>Abyssal Ink
>Celestial Charms
>Nuptial Torc
>True Name
>Title (x3)
>Regal Array
>Drudge Throng
>Chaq, Spider-Goddess
>Amazing Spider-Parasite (Chaq)
>Throne's Shadow
>Get kidnapped to be bride of Teiatat.
>He probes my mind and learns I like beautiful magical Angels.
>Turns me into beautiful magical Angel.
>Seems like he's being nice, but turns out he enjoys seeing Pure Angels get corrupted into Fallen Angels.
>Teiatat gives me to the Spider-Goddess Chaq so that she can use me to produce healthy spider spawn who will serve Teiatat.
>I have status as an Angel and am a prestigious symbol of Chaq's stature in Teiatat's court.
Hey, Angel. Have you considered taking the metapsychological influence?
Hard choice, but I'll go with Lucatiel.
No Rosaria? For shame.
But, I suppose I'll go with Micky's offer.
Question: What's the point of buying Pillar in the penor section multiple times? It doesn't specify how much bigger it's making your junk--who's to say the first purchase doesn't make it as big as you want it?
Who's to say indeed? Who's to say you won't get exactly what you want even without purchasing it at all?
But still, the shiny, shiny Allure points...
You should direct your questions to .
My personal opinion, though? Because you want the Allure points. Note that it does also say you can make your painus impressive in ways other than increasing its size.
Has the Most Wanted CYOA been finished yet?
I'mma take the spider sisters.
I remember a CYOA about orbs of power a while ago. Anyone have that?
I'm that guy who fucks up answering test questions because he didn't read the whole question. Allure points, gotcha.
Disturbingly sexy whale-squid-clam-woman.
Obviously. Techno-genius with a phoenix chip variant, a Cedril Vibration Dispenser he calls a sonic screwdriver and a ship with a built-in yuta brace that happens to be bigger on the inside. Add in Foresight, Hindsight and some others to capture his quirks and you've got yourself a Traveler that insists on being called The Doctor.
I hope this is what you wanted. If not, well, I enjoy seeing people get annoyed at the colors of the orbs.
>Free Stuff
[1] Free Point
[1] Immortality
[1] Perfect Health
[3] Model
[3] Petite
[7] Weak
[9] None
[11] +Vagina
[12] Depilation
>Decent (+2)
[12+1] Pink/Frilly
[8] Casualwear
>Indecent (+1)
[8] Flavor of the Day
>Addons (+2)
[8+1] Sex Toys
[8] Accessories
>Special Rules
[13] Restricted Shopping
[12] Transformation Sequence
>>Job Offers (+4)
>Terms and Conditions
[21] Unemployable
[28] Volunteer
>Signing Bonuses
[16] Dosh x2
[14] Electronics
>Subsidized Housing (+1)
[10] Penthouse
…wait a fucking minute.
[14] -Penthouse
[16] -Electronics
[1] Special Request - Magical Realm
Done. Why is this a thing?
What exactly does that do? I don't want my mind to change so much I'm not me anymore. And I'm not sure what affects that might have or how Teiatat and Chaq might use it. I might take it if I have a better idea of what it does or if I could type a description of how it affects me.
Alright good. I'm just trying to figure out new character ideas after failing to stat out a KSBD Angel as a Traveller. Never mind the art.
Ugh. I GUESS I can see the logic in alt colored orbs.
Wait a minute... I want to take his offer, but I want to peer beyond the veil of reality even more.
If I don't take his offer then I get a waifu and keep my insight, but I still long for whatever secret he hides.
I have a question about the labirinth. The days it passes there - it passes in real life too? Or it would be like, it passes days in the dream, but a normal night in real life?
(If it passes days in real life, can I die from not driking/eating in this period?)
How lucid would I be in this dreams?
In your case, it'd probably underline and exacerbate the Fallen Angel personality and plot. It'd put your character on a roller coaster of purity, corruption, debauchery, denial, purity with a cycle that varies from weeks to centuries.
It'd might even be simultaneously a stabilizing and driving addition to your psyche. Instead of stagnating into a mindless vessel, the influence would force you out of any slumps you fall into and push you to the next stage of the cycle.
That's just my interpretation, though.
I chose characters that resonated with me the most, which happened to be from when I was playing Dark souls 1.
If you want you could write down what you like about rosaria, maybe conjecture a bit about her personality, likes and dislike, fetishes and things of that nature. If I did it it would just be me pulling it out of my ass and insincere waifus are a cardinal sin.
I'll take what you wrote and expand the cyoa to include it in its own image. If six people do this with six different souls waifus that I didn't include I'd be happy to make it its own page. I'm sure there are plenty of great waifus I looked over since they personally didn't appeal to me.
You're a good author.
After receiving some feedback I decided I'd revamp a lot of things and add a page for powers and abilities that you could use in the nightmare. Also planning on adding more nightmares and waifus for greater variability.
Also, I've decided to change it so that the waifus are no longer fixed to their specific nightmare, instead you choose a nightmare and choose a waifu separately for more possible combinations.
Since this would inevitably lead to everyone spending alone time with their waifu in the labyrinth I'm also changing the labyrinth to make it more conventionally spooky. Very sorry if you preferred it as a "safe" nightmare.
In all likelihood this expansion will be out by sunday night or monday afternoon. If I turn into an ass then maybe tuesday.
Thank you for your question.
You are the hero we needed, if not the one that we deserve. Never forget that.
Also, Quelana for pyromancy and cuddling, two of my favorite things.
Hhnnngn this is what I didn't know I needed until you showed me I did.
While IG I tend to care for Quelaan (since it's a bit my responsibility for her loneliness) I don't see myself, as a chosen undead/bearer of the curse, settling down in Izalith.
Then I must chose between my two other DaS waifus : Quelana and Lucatiel. This is hard. I will go with Quelana because cuddling a best + nice chaos pyromancies to burn shit with
>It'd might even be simultaneously a stabilizing and driving addition to your psyche. Instead of stagnating into a mindless vessel, the influence would force you out of any slumps you fall into and push you to the next stage of the cycle.
Ok that works! I was worried about becoming mindless or obsessed with sex or something. But if it can increase my Angelic and Fallen qualities like that while I still having some control and mental independence, that's perfect for me!
A completely yandere Darkwraith obsessed with gathering souls and humanity for you, despite your own grievances. Enjoys invading other worlds and sadistically murdering other undead, justifying it by saying it's all for you. Humanity keeps her alive, but it probably doesn't do all that well for her mind, especially considering her age. She probably has a thing for mutual Humanity stealing between the two of you with the Dark Hand.
Ah ok, I'm the one to thank you for anwsering and making the CYOA.
I asked because, if the time in the nightmare was separate from the real time... it could actually be really useful, not a nightmare at all, but a powerful ability.
Like, I could make a mental palace to mnemotecnics based on the infinite labyrinth.
Or spend a lot of the nightmare time studying/doing intelectual problems (such as math, but others too). And as bonus would still have the company of a waifu, in a safe scenario.
I problably wouldn't want the nightmare to go away.
On the other hand, if the time passed the same way, it could be the most lethal of all nightmares, I would have to eat and drink a lot of good food and go to the bathroom at every oportunity that I'm awake, otherwise I would problably die during sleep.
Not to mention, I problably wouldn't be able to have any work during that year, so work would be a problem too, and so money to buy things in real life to survive.
Like, a more extreme version of the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome ( en.wikipedia.org
Anyway, good work, I'm hopeful to see you future works and updates.
It's likely just one dickhead mod. I've been unfairly banned multiple times for being off topic when I was discussing CYOAs or posting a build. When I get banned a few more times and have more evidence I'm going to complain to the management. Nothing will probably come of it, but I'm getting irked by feeling like I need to tiptoe around because some jackass doesn't like what I'm posting.
I'm looking forward to your CYOA, and I hope you don't get discouraged.
What exactly did you write in your builds and cyoa discussions that got you banned?
If it was borderline smut, that's probably why.
Posting the outline of a dick is what's bannable. Same as I've caught bans for cameltoes and really detailed nipple outlines.
What's a cameltoe?
Oh my sweet baby
Just fucking google it.
>What's a cameltoe?
Yo, EDG, I read the whole thing and I have some questions again before I build.
It says I can borrow "associations"? What does that mean--borrow a monkey's association, and seem mischievous to onlookers, or become mischievous? Could I have a prehensile tail without it being identical to an existing animal's tail (i.e. furry like a monkey's, or nasty like a possum's)? Do I have to purchase this multiple times to adopt, say, horns and a tail?
>Perfect Neoteny
How young are we talking, here? Can I get an estimated upper limit?
Are the options that aren't marked as exclusive just implicitly exclusive? For instance, is Rapid Maturation exclusive to Cultivation?
>Nightmare Cycle
I'm not sure what this option is selling. Please tell me it's not universally true of brides (myself included) that you're either permanently pregnant or suffering debilitating psychological trauma.
This is one of them, and it was the only time I was merely warned. It would be nice if they warned you for minor things and then banned you if you continue.
>Posting the outline of a dick is what's bannable.
I can accept that, but the reason stated is always for being off topic. People post much worse in pictures and in text in my opinion.
>Are the options that aren't marked as exclusive just implicitly exclusive? For instance, is Rapid Maturation exclusive to Cultivation?
See the Rules section:
>Options preceded by a > are major options. Options preceded by a - are minor options that must be taken with the first major option above them.
>Nightmare Cycle
>I'm not sure what this option is selling. Please tell me it's not universally true of brides (myself included) that you're either permanently pregnant or suffering debilitating psychological trauma.
I'm pretty sure the implication was that the nasty effects only apply if you pick the option. See the following phrase (key word in capitals for emphasis):
>Their systems are SOMETIMES so optimized for reproduction that to not engage in the act provokes issues.
What a time to forget the picture.
You should probably be glad you got that ban. It's only for 1 day iirc, while a ban for porn is 3. You were shown mercy senpai.
You could seem mischievous, but to become mischievous you need metapsychological (Damn but am I regretting using such long names!) You could take any tail and make it prehensile, but some shapes are understandable more effective in such a role. One purchase opens up any and all minor mods, you need the free oversaturated to get anything too crazy
Whatever works for you
Rapid maturation is a suboption that requires Cultivation to be taken, and cannot be taken with other strategies (Arbitrary, I know, but this is where the mechanics are fighting with the fluff)
>Nightmare Cycle
This option is expressly a drawback. It's selling you more favor in exchange for, well, you read the option
Any other questions?
Tell me, does this remind you of anything?
Let's get some less sappy CYOA in here.
I like you and your CYOA.
Yes. A fuzzy elephant foot.
I always wanted an expansion of this
Not much of a question, but I'll take it!
>10,000x height option
Basically gonna go pic related.
At the end of the day we're all just lonely dreamers seeking out headpats.
You probably got banned for posting something else and the mod didn't link to the correct post, or people reported that post for breaking global rules enough times for a mod to notice.
Who knows?
Dreamers eventually wake up.
So for the update:
>Should I add stat bonuses to certain races?
>Should I add stat bonuses to certain items?
>Should I add stat requirements to items?
>Should I make items give stats?
>Should I just remove the stats altogether?
Was gonna look for the louis ck one but this works
I'm actually kind of strapped for classes, taking suggestions.
>Should I change the magical class names?
I.E. Miko-> Priest, Mudang-> Shaman, Tongji-> Medium or something like that?
>Should I add (some) multiclassing?
>What classes need buffs and nerfs to skills?
I already know Substitute is kind of weak atm.
>What magical items should I add?
>Should I remove restrictions on weapons (but make it so unless you have a class with the skill you're shitty at it)?
>Should I add more skills (and if you say yes it would be very nice if you suggested some skills)?
I'll get pretty discouraged if I got a ban waiting, but it's been a while, so maybe I'm safe and it's worth to keep going, just treading a little more carefully, and keeping the bulges away.
I think a good way to see it is that a personality description can tell you what to expect from your first encounter, but from there it's up to you to imagine all the ways you interact, change each other and grow together. Kinda relieves me of the responsibility of telling you that the shy girl will probably warm more up to you over time, while giving you the opportunity to create a far more personal story than I could ever give you.
And I don't like defining personality by fetish in general. The other way is cool, though.
>What boons and drawbacks (renaming to banes) should I add?
>Which ones need buffs/nerfs?
I am also taking companion images:
>Ningyo (mermaid) Female Archer
>Ningyo Male Water Mage
>Gumiho male assassin
>Gumiho female thief
>Niutouren (minotaur) male grenadier
>Oni male samurai
>Yecha (Shokan from Mortal Kombat) male monk
>Yecha female healer
>Hoilyu (catboy) male healer
>Hoilyu female lightningbender
>Nuwaren (Lamia/Naga) male healer
>Nuwaren female archer
The classes aren't too important to the overall image, so you don't need to find an exact picture of someone with the same class.
Images should be relatively realistic, try to avoid anime-ish or cartoon-ish images.
Thanks to anyone who gives me an image :)
So for another tiny update, I'm taking Metaphsychological so that my mind becomes more like that of a Fallen Angel. With the three extra Favor, I'm going to get Embellishments, Lubrication, and Musculature again since those give boons to the eggs I incubate.
Thanks again for the input! Can't wait for the new sections! Do you think 65 points will be the final number, or will it change? I complained a bit when my build got more expensive, but 65 is fine.
>Which quest rewards offer too little?
>Which quest rewards offer too much?
>How hard should I make the immortality quest?
I am taking pictures of ice witch or otherwise wintery waifus (such as the female Dovahkiin, Rylai the Crystal Maiden, Lissandra, etc.).
65 is just the working number for the current version. I've done a lot of tweaking to the prices for the next revision, so before I post I'm gonna redo my personal build, add a little extra, and update the working number.
This was such a cool idea. Hard to choose and those choices matter. Good stuff.
Don't remember my build right now..
I am for removing of stats.
I would remove restrictions on weapon and say it will take your character time to raise your skill with that weapon to the point it's more in-line with your class' weapon, I would try to avoid cases of 'Can't Catch Up'.
Multi-classing could be a Boon. It gives you 2 skills from another class and perhaps their weapon proficiency.
As for banes, maybe spirits in general aren't fond of you, making magic that utilizes spirits more effective against you while making spirits less inclined to help you until you resolve the problem.
Heart of Fury and Lone Ally probably need buffed to be non-permanent like Kunoichi Assassin and Dark Attraction.
Nope. I didn't break any rules elsewhere. I know exactly why they're being deleted, and it's because the mod is specifically targeting something he doesn't like. I baited the bastard in the last thread, and he deleted the post without warning or banning me because he knows what he's doing isn't right. I would be content to link to the pictures for my builds if I knew it would get him off my back. This is the last post I'll make on the subject.
Size 5, Sleep 6, Magic 4, Similarity 3, Technology 1, Starting Land 2
4 GP remaining
Understanding, Harness Energy, Limitless Power, Planetary Scale, Magical Ability, Energy Radiation (free)
19 total GP and MP remaining
Others, Forced Sleep
39 GP/MP remaining
33 GP/MP remaining
Personal Barrier, Dangersense, Gratitude, Symbiosis (free)
1 GP/MP remaining
Partially upgrade Technology stat
Sounds good! Hope there's some new builds with the update.
>SIZE: Level 2 (76 left)
>SLEEP: Level 2 (72 left)
>MAGIC: Level 6 (42 left)
>SIMILARITY: Level 3 (34 left)
>TECHNOLOGY: Level 2 (30 left)
>STARTING LAND: Level 4 (16 left)
>ABILITIES (+30 MP): Dominance (6 left), Governance (20 MP left), Worship (6 MP left), Interdimensional Bedchamber (0 MP left)
>FORM: Practically Human (0 left)
I seek only to finish the work of the Gods.
Keep stats and add stat bonuses to races and items
Remove stats. Stats make people inclined to power game instead of choosing what they think is cool or flavorful.
>Should I add stat bonuses to certain races?
Yes they're just pretty much flavor text as of right now.
>Should I add stat bonuses to certain items?
Yes stats are good.
>Should I add stat requirements to items?
Not unless you plan on adding more or buffing their current effects since they're effects are currently minor enough to just continue being free.
>Should I make items give stats?
Yes you already asked this question.
>Should I just remove the stats altogether?
And you're gonna do that for about one day each year? Interesting approach.
The idea that the averange, say, stretght between two vastly different races, one muscular and gigantic and other minuscule and fragile, is absurd.
And stats help customize your character - witch also is part of "what is cool".
Plus, implies more build variety.
I'm VERY againt the removal os stats.
Yes, no for a variety of reasons, maybe but probably not, isn't this just the second question again, no.
The stats as they are, are shallow. There's no denying this. They have no weight, there's very little said about them, and you never get to gauge how much they would effect your skills really. Plus everyone starts at 5 in everything. That said, I don't think the CYOA would benefit from just removing them outright. I'd rather you give every race a base stat outline before that, even though I know you're remiss to do that, but it would then let you actually use them in other ways in the CYOA.
The class names are fine. I'd rather see the ability to grab maybe two skills from classes we didn't select, but they start weak and we have to grow and train them over the course of our journey.
The boons are all pretty good honestly, even the Tongshi. I'd say the drawbacks seem slightly weak, but people will complain about my post then. I'd like to see more of both, but I don't know what to add.
The quests that don't just offer you straight gold and riches have a good variety of rewards, but they typically just give you land and people to rule over. I'd like to see more mundane or lower rewards. Maybe change the rewards in the Ninja vs Samurai and Crown of the Yellow Emperor quests to something like the weapon the clan has passed down through generations or even precious historical relics of the realm.
i'm having trouble finding the image used at the bottom