So for Dawn of War 3 the only we seem to be getting all the "old" characters back Gabe,Jonah,Gorgutz, and Macha

So for Dawn of War 3 the only we seem to be getting all the "old" characters back Gabe,Jonah,Gorgutz, and Macha

Where the fuck are my Blood Raven boys though?

Hairgel and Thaddeus apparently tricked into going on some crusade

Cyrus still about muh scouts or went back to Death Watch for reasons

Tarkus Captain of the 4th company?

Thule either dead or still wont tell us what happened on Kronus

Diomedies said he cant serve the chapter how he used to or something honestly I could see him being Chaplain now

Avitus was the cannon traitor

Martellus was always kinda meh so eh whatever

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Just watched some DoW III videos, and info about orks will come out next week.
About other Blood Ravens, no idea.

Well orks never disappoint I wonder if Bluddflag and Gorgutz are in for a team up

What's the appeal of Blood Ravens anyway

Loyalist Thousand Sons and basically pretty cool guys in their ranks.

plus the color scheme of red with bone pauldrons is nice

They were just some chapter used for relic to play around with in whatever way without affecting canon the way they might if they'd used dark angels or something.

At this point though, people have played through them in enough games, and they have enough history and good characters behind them for a lot of people to enjoy the chapter, and actually be interested in what happens to them.

and Relic can fuck the gameplay and graphics all they want I just want to know what happens a game with just Jonah and Gabriel will be a huge disappointment

I just hope for my blue weeaboos and their new huge spookum robots to make an appearance somewhere down the line as playables.

I bet Gabe dies

in the IG/Tau DLC

I bet Stubbs and that Tau from DoW 1 comes back

He already died and came back as Chapter Master Jesus already.

I actually never cared for Gabe

Thule before the Dreadnought phase was a leader

I posted the wrong one

Kais or the other one?

Kais probably

Did the other one even survive?

O'Kais I hate Tau but id say he was a pretty cool commander.

I could see Shadow Sun though sadly

Soul Storm was always kind of fucky but he probably died.

Id just leave it as an IG Victory since Stubbs was the only good general in that god damn DLC

I remember him screaming like a child when his ethereal got zogged, nothing more.

> So says the slave to the free man

Burns so sick I thought it was plasma.

>Do the deaths of yours mean so much to you are you that weak!

>So says the slave to the free man

Yeah, Kais represented a lot of what's good with the Tau. He tried to talk other leaders down, cared for his men's lives, sincerely believed in the Greater Good, and could still kick some serious butt in his stealth suit.

It makes the Tau ending all the more bizarre though, but I guess sterilisation is a lot more merciful than simply death to the populace, like any other faction would have given humans that worked against them.

IG its either Castor or Stubbs

Sturnn is ded apparently

>It makes the Tau ending all the more bizarre though, but I guess sterilisation is a lot more merciful than simply death to the populace, like any other faction would have given humans that worked against them.

That's because the narrator is a Imperial Schoolar, he was obviously biased.

It also makes completely 0 sense because the whole reason the Tau want more planets is because more population

It would make more sense for them to relocate the human settlers to the interior of their Empire, resettle the planet with Tau, and forcibly raise the rebellious humans children as Wards of the state - resettling them after a generation or two once they had become loyal members of the Empire

>It makes the Tau ending all the more bizarre though, but I guess sterilisation is a lot more merciful than simply death to the populace

People still think that imperial propaganda is true eh?



>He isn't playing Soulstorm with Ultimate Apocalypse + Tyranid + Grey Knights + Chaos Daemons + Adeptus Titanicus mods

Literally wuuuut


>Blood ravens squads lined up pre battle, all at attention, listening to their captain.
"Brothers, we have a new dreadnaught to serve along side us, he is a veteran of many wars, his experience knows no bounds."
>Creaking of aged, distraught, thrice blessed metal as huge bay doors open.
>The ever imposing yet holy outline of a dreadnaught fills much of the space.
>The only sound is the heavy pneumatic stomping of the behemoth walking out into daylight for the first time in centuries.
>Silence falls as the ancient machine's cox equipment is activated for the first time.
Truly what veteran inhabits this sarcophagus?!


>the perfectly assembled lines of the emperor's finest marines, of the blood raven chapter falters.


>the newer initiates are screaming, clutching their ears, the older veterans and trembling in pure, unadulterated fear.


>The dreadnaught states out at the fleeing scattered crowd of once proud super humans, reduced to gibbering simpletons.


>The captain, veteran of centuries of combat is on his knees, clawing at his face.

'H-he was just a story, a horror tale to scare the initiates, he can't be real!'


>The armoured tomb creaks as it directs its gaze upwards, before pointing a stubby assault cannon vertically up.


>One recruit grabs another by the collar, bleeding from his eyes and ears.

'We Fucking came from orbit ten minutes ago, of course we know we were in space AAAARGGGG!!'


And on that day Boreale was responsible for the death of a second entire company.

please have boreale in dow 3,I don't care how much canon it breaks


>Hairgel and Thaddeus apparently tricked into going on some crusade
Their whereabouts post-Chaos Rising were and are unknown. Penance crusade ending was never confirmed or implied to be canon.

>Diomedies said he cant serve the chapter how he used to or something
That could be interpreted in two ways: either he abandoned his old rank, or he's still HG Captain but no longer the Political Animal™ he was under Kyras.

Or'es'Ka's death was confirmed in several factions' campaigns.
>Their commander and their false saint were slain. Canoness Agna took their skulls as offerings to the Emperor and tokens of her devotion.

I thought Hairgel became captain of 4th company or something.
That's what happened when I played.

Hairgel apparently got sent on some mission by Kyras but it was a trick to separate the 4th

>game crashes because memory overflow.

Thule is insane

>Relic before made sure to make up their own named characters so that they wouldn't fuck up 40k lore
>were even allowed to have their own chapter to fuck around with
>Dawn of War III
>now has a fucking Phoenix Lord

I don't exactly mind, but I'm really curious why the sudden change in that regard. I mean they did include Abaddon in II, but only in a really background sort of way.

And I still really don't like how they are handling a lot of the game, so I can't say I'm optimistic about it story wise either. So I'm bracing myself for some lore rape while I'm at it too.

why are the blood ravens so highly prized as a chapter though by Abaddon and Eliphas? Eliphas i can understand, he wants revenge for what happened on kronus, but why does Abaddon want them?

if good old iron tarkus isn't in the game at all, ill be upset. man what is it with tough, old marines that provide such compelling character design

A whole chapter of mostly psykers would be a good grab if he could corrupt them. It'd mean he wouldn't have to play nice with Magnus and his boys to get some sorcerers for the next Crusade.

GW stopped trying to keep its own narrative straight and adopted the "everything is true and nothing is" policy for their codices, lore, and novels. Nothing that isn't crunch can be said to be 100% certain anymore

It's pretty gay but absolves them of needing to do any curation

Knowing Abaddon, some sort of long con

Perhaps he needs un-mutated thousand son generated for something

Keep in mind Magnus was central to the Emperor's original plans for the golden throne... Maybe he wants to build his own beacon so he can navigate out of the eye without needing to pass Cadoa

>tfw there will never be a sequel to Space Marine where Sidonus makes a surprise re-appearance as a dreadnought to save Titus when he needs it most

thule is cule

that's why he's the only one gorgutz didn't outright hate

>And I have room for you under by boot, alien.

he had the opportunity to gain an entire chapter in alleys, it wasn't impossible to believe they could have joined chaos. its literally an option in chaos riseing

>or titus gets to "redeem" himself as a grey knight.

My favorite fan theory is that Cato Sicarus is actually Titus in disguise, but Titus doesn't know how to act or lie so he just hams it up because he thinks that is convincing. This is why he constantly reminds others that he is Cato Sicarus. And absolutely not Titus.

titus's apparent immunity to the effects of the warp more likely led him one of two paths, either he's a grey knight/Deathwatch, or he's been treated like every other null and put to work for an inquisitor.

>Grey Knight

Nah, man. Nah. Black Shield in the Deathwatch.

So what are the current bets on the Ork named characters?

Obviously Gorgutz is in since they already said the campaign had him. But I can't really think of something for the other two.

And what's your guess on the secret fourth faction involved in the story? Going by the "weapon" plot they are going with I think it's pretty obvious it will be Chaos or Necron related.

Would be pretty interesting to see Newcrons in a game I suppose, so I would personally go with them.

Our favorite governor-general is coming back to kick some fish people butt.

Phoenix Lords aren't actually characters per se

Pheonix Lords are simply Exarchs inhabiting special suits of armour that contain the knowledge/experience of all those Exarchs before them, right back to the progenitor of the Aspect. So Phoenix Lords are more like gestalt beings that exists for a time, die, and then remain dead/inert until another worthy Exarch finds their armour and reassumes the mantle of Phoenix Lord.

This Jain Zar is probably not THE Jain Zar, the first Howling Banshee, but rather a Biel'Tan Howling Banshee Exarch who was worthy of the role.

Fucking Spookums better return

But I'm pretty sure the Phoenix Lords still maintain the original personality? You're right in that underneath the armor it's an exarch, with one dying another one takes up the mantle. However the personalities of the Phoenix Lords still remain in the armor and overtakes that of the Exarchs.

While the original body of Jain Zar died, it isn't just her knowledge and experience that is in there. But Jain Zar herself.

IG ending is in fact the cannon ending of soulstorm. The bloodravens comment about it in 2

Isn't O'kais now "canon" in the main 40k setting? I'm not sure if it was the same guy, but I recall reading the Farsight Enclave supplement and it talking about how, alongside Farsight and Shadowsun, a guy named O'kais also studied under Puretide.

I can see him returning if the Tau also return as a faction.

>The bloodravens comment about it in 2
they comment on soulstorm, but they do not comment on the victor

I honestly have no clue how it works in terms of personality.

The essential part is that a Phoenix Lord isn't a character with one coherent narrative, but lots of different, disjointed stories in different place. They could have Jain Zar die or kill every Blood Raven by herself and it wouldn't actually contradict the established GW canon.

Going by the recent fluff from the Black Library books it is definitely a case of personalities being overwritten by the original Phoenix Lord.

In the Asurmen novel a female exarch took on his armor and then he took over her body. To the extent that when he spoke he spoke with his own voice rather than hers.

But yeah, I suppose having a Phoenix Lord involved isn't too lore breaking since they die fairly often. I mean the Night Lords trilogy ended with them killing Jain Zar (after she pretty much wipes them out).

But seeing Jain Zar in this game makes me hold out hope we might see someone like Drazhar in a game. If GW is indeed getting more flexible with using established characters. I would kill for a MGR like game with him or Kharn.

A MGR style game would be perfect for an Eldar, particularly a Harlequinn

Khan not as much. Khan isn't curayzee. He is a highly effective straight forward butcher

Shit yeah looked up video and guess they didn't mention who won only that they lost. Just alot of people always said imperial guard won

Because its the only faction that would allow the the Ravens survivors return to the chapter.

Kharn not Khan user. Though I can see how you would make that mistake.

I can see a Harlequin working too.

Didn't every other race's victory thing involve the Blood Ravens getting wiped out though? It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure the IG one was the only one (aside from the Space Marines obviously) that didn't say the chapter was destroyed.

its canon in the Deathwatch RPG

Well tell that to the guy saying it wasn't confirmed then

what survivors, the entirety of dawn of war 2 is "oh shit we lost half of our chapter and now have to deal with all this shit while under-manned"

>>Martellus was always kinda meh so eh whatever
you fucking take that back!

Assuming he became a Grey Knight, can a Space Marine of one chapter undergo all the shit again to effectively join another one? Like how the hell does that even work, because aren't the organs tied to the Primarch? And who the hell knows who the Primarch (it's probably the Emperor...) of the Grey Knights even is

Cyrus was one of those survivors.

Grey Knights are if anything the exception rather than the rule. Everything that makes you you is removed and replaced with a burning hatred for the daemon. Can't really see how they recruit if it wasn't from other chapters.

When they started out they recruited from other sources, but in terms of the current Grey Knights they have their own recruiting methods.

Hyperion was taken in by the Inquisition and that was how he became a Grey Knight. So I can see the psykers they pick up occasionally are a source of recruits for the Grey Knights.

You have to leave something for the inevitable expansions user.
>General Castor vs Gorgutz

I just hope to set Tau ablaze with holy promethium while they shriek and babble in their alien tongue.

Everytime a Tau die the Emperor smiles inside.

Blanda up Gue'la

>but I guess sterilisation is a lot more merciful
Why is it even considered some evidence that the Tau are evil grimdark afterall?

It's a fucking hiveworld of billions mostly subhuman scum, just let them wither away and keep the upper classes.

They want the manpower tho.

People still think it is not and xeno are choir boys.
Propaganda is best if partly true.

Why would they have a manpower problem if they can produce baby Tau artificially.

Ignore the shitty dota style new dow gamewith jumping terminators.
Only statement you can make against this piece of shit is with you wallets. Dont buy it.

>tau redditors in force in this thread


Well Jonah Orion comes back.

He actually survived Retribution (suspended animation FUCK YEAH).

Oh, and for all the shit he went through (battling the Hive Mind during transit to Aurelia, fighting Chaos Marines with Cap "Vanilla Ice/Hairgel" Aramus and co, and finally the whole Retribution thing), he was made Chief Librarian tasked with changing the BR's Librarium culture in order to avoid creating another Kyras.

And he even has a little cupid familiar accompanying him.

>Gabriel and Macha holding the line against chaos invasion
>suddenly portal opens
>Hairgel and Thadeus come out decked out in primarch-tier gear with Frostmourne and Ashbringer
>"kept you waiting, huh?"

>tfw the Cadian 412th Regiment will never come back
>tfw Sturnn, the best Imperial Guard commander ever written, is dead in the canon

Why ?

The game looks like utter trash gameplay wise, so I have no interest in it, or whatever shitheap of a story it will have.

still better than legion.


In the best ending. Which Retribution kinda both supports and clashes with. Sort of.

This myth only exists because people have got it into their heads that he and Thaddeus went on a crusade of penance into the Eye of Terror, as per one of the not-good endings of Chaos Rising. And Retribution mentions that the Force Commander was branded a renegade by Kyras, so obviously it must have been Kyras who ordered it.

Except the idea that the player's Blood Ravens would still follow such an order from Kyras is utterly asinine (even in the relevant CR ending, it isn't Kyras who sends them, it's Angelos). The whole reason they were declared renegade was their disobeyal of his orders, and they started doing that BEFORE they found out he was a Chaos-loving heretic.

Seriously, by this logic, Angelos should have killed himself before the end of CR, since he too was declared renegade and sentenced to death.

>"I’m comin’ fer yer ‘ead, humie!"
>"Come on, then! You’ll see what the best of the chapter has to offer your kind."
>"You sure do like to yammer, don’t ya humie?"
>"We’ll fight to the last man!"
>"O, shut yer maw an’ die, already!"

None of the SM stronghold debriefings said all the Blood Ravens were killed. The Chaos and SoB ones talked about what they did to any survivors (and in the former case it wasn't pretty), but even that could easily be amended to "any survivors that didn't escape". Same for the SoB campaign outro which actually did say they purged "every" Guardsman and Marine - or just every one they could get their hands on.

There will be no Blanda up on my watch!

>mods delete my hairgel image
Mods confirmed for cancerous chaosfags that shit up threads?

IIRC, Hammer of the nameless implies that he was loyal, but was on Kyras' personal Shit list and went crusading so he didn't have any "accidents"

just penance crusade my shit up senpai

What is this?


What is blanda?

The act of mating.

The crusade is fanon; the hammer description only says what we already knew from Chaos Rising and the Retribution campaign intro.

>Hammer of the Nameless
>This mighty weapon was lost to the Blood Ravens ten years ago, when its wielder -- the youngest Force Commander in the Chapter's history -- was branded a renegade by Chapter Master Kyras. Many Blood Ravens believe that this hammer banished the plague daemon Ulkair back into the Warp.

>Angelos: Commander -- you and your brothers have suffered most under this corruption. Kyras branded you as renegades for the temerity of standing against the Black Legion. Yet you refused to yield. You battled the enemies of Man and purged the corruption within your own ranks. Together, we shall gather those in the chapter who share your courage -- the courage to stand against Kyras and his fiendish masters."

>Angelos: We are Space Marines. We are the Blood Ravens. We would act, yet we too are locked in warfare with one another. Azariah Kyras, our Chapter Master and Chief Librarian, has declared the heroes of Aurelia to be renegades. Now we are hunted by our own brothers, brothers unaware of the Chapter Master's secret allegiance to Ulkair.

>Adrastia: This news changes very little. In fact, I am contacting you to inform you the situation has escalated. One of your own captains has made some disturbing accusations regarding your Chapter Master, Azariah Kyras.
>Diomedes: Angelos! It is he and his followers who are traitor and renegade! By all rights, I should turn Gabriel's men over to Kyras.
>Adrastia: So you have often said. Fortunately he did not mirror this sentiment when he sent them to you to command.

I just want Hairgel to come at some important part of the story I know he barely talked by Hairgel was pretty badass

Blood Ravens are and will always be my favorite chapter they got me into 40k and I have an entire army of them they have a nice color scheme,cool lore, and just all around cool dudes.

The characters in the squad were the best thing about DoWII. I especially liked Cyrus, he was so edgy he became an unintentional comic relief character for me.

If it turns out that Magnus the Red is the Blood ravens Primarch then how far do you think gabe will shove god splitterr up his own Primarchs arse?

Pretty fucking far.

Blood Ravens being taking in actual GW lore might be cool that Death Watch board game had a Blood Raven librarian model so maybe we might see more Blood Ravens