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Draw Your Party Thread
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I've always disliked this template.
Anyone got the latest of that party that always updates?
The one with my barbarian waifu.
This group?
Yep, thats the one. It's not even a comic and it still updates more often than all my Veeky Forums webcomics.
>tfw you want to participate in these threads but can't draw for shit.
Posting this group because I hope the artist returns someday.
>not satisfying your need to draw by practicing
No sympathy here
Can't draw for shit, but here's the kooks I GM for. Left to right: Claus/Klaus, half of whom thinks he's Santa; Father Sgozum the wise cult leader; and Midnight the tailor and his? her? their? pal, Snakespeare.
Holy shit this group is still going.
Why the hell cant I get a group to last longer than 4 weeks?
Say "Shit artist here, give me something to draw" and go from there. You can start by drawing a dwarf making the "YOU GONNA GET TAKEN HOME" eyes at an anvil. Here's an Imgur on eyes for you;
>mother is a tree
Pressed for time at the moment, so I won't describe their full personalities, but here's my group. We play in a fairly light-hearted, high-fantasy, Earthbound-ian setting, so it might not be terribly jarring to have kids or infant monsters as PC's.
-Shroomin, CN Mushroom-folk Bard
-Dalton, LG Quarter-Dwarf Barbarian/Paladin
-Dracio, NG Baby Dragon Brawler/Beast
-Wanda, TN Human Mage
-Johnny, NG Skeleton Fencer DMPC
-Hexenmesier, CE ??? Sorcerer Recurring Villain
>blackface mage
I... okay.
Cirno to the rescue.
DM said he was mostly inspired by OOT Skullkid, but that's cool too.
Doesn't really work without the hat I'm afraid.
In the middle of updating the characters themselves, but I've updated the descriptions a bit since last time.
This is my Pathfinder group that I am currently running through "Curse of the Crimson Throne".
It's been a blast so far, and the drawing aspect is good practice.
I'm working on it, but I've been busy with things.
I do love playing "which one is poster's" with these.
hint: it's the mary sue
>not playing all your characters in blackface
what are you, an unimaginative racist? I always put on blackface to portray my stable of negroid characters in the most accurate possible fashion.
Once you put on black face, you can really see how racist all your other players are. You can feel their uncomfortable white stares on your ebony hide and sense their resentful disposition for being seen so near a proud african american black negro of color.
That looks awesome. Is that a group you are part of?
Or one that you are running?
it's three out of the 5 characters in the game I currently DM.
Left to right:
>Balthur, Dwarf Tower Shield Fighter, a blacksmith by trade and really just an impenetrable wall of steel and not a whole lot else. Doesn't talk much.
>Shinji, Human Swashbuckler, originally adopted asian-style dress and fighting because it looked cool and different, but has since been trained in traditional rapier use. Drinks a lot, does most of the talking.
>Harrald, Human Invulnerable Rager/Urban Barbarian, was originally the "muscle" of the group, former thug and drug addict who tugs the more evil strings of the party, as he's currently been transformed into something akin to a Vampire and that only made him more violent. Serves a Vampire Lord, but wants real power for himself.
Not Shown:
>Finn, Human Cleric, just a young kid who used to be a sailor and priest, hunting the city for his younger brother. Provides the magic for the group, but doesn't really "get" socializing.
>Maxwell, Human Vigilante, a rich noble in disguise, using his wealth to keep his sister alive, he puts on the mask and tries to make the city safe for her. Currently on hiatus.
Fuck no.
>tfw don't actually remember the names and exact classes of most of the group.
either way, here it is: 3/8 active party members or 4/9 total party members
i'll finish this off and expand the others' descriptions later, maybe! probably after i actually note down everybody's names. i swear i'd done that already but apparently not.
fresh OC here. This was a DnD 5e party I just finished playing in.
>Stolas, Tiefling Warlock, my character. All my previous characters were generally good guy humans, so I wanted to branch out. Generally scheming behind the other players backs and in constant contact with his Great Old One patron. However, he regrets the deal he made and is secretly searching for a way to break his contract. He eventually gets a no-bullshit wish that makes him a god of order to combat the Far Realm's chaos.
>Dudraug, Half-Elf Druid. Really friendly guy who was raised by wolves, the whole shebang. Found a talking dog who turned out to be his polymorphed half-brother and later discovered that he was heir to the throne of an expansive, powerful kingdom.
>Sora, High Elf Bard. Stereotypical bard complete with lute and charisma up the ass. Has a backstory similar to Orpheus and Eurydice, but his lover was trapped in the Shadowfell instead of the underworld. She went crazy and became a necromancer that ended up killing him.
>Gimli, Dwarf Barbarian. Might as well have been Gimli from LOTR, except with a warhammer instead of an axe. After a huge battle against devils and shit, he was captured and taken to the abyss, where he fought a demon, was defeated, and smashed one of the three macguffins in an attempt to break out. It didn't work and the dragon's soul trapped in the macguffin possessed him and took over the Abyss, becoming the BBEG. We kicked his ass into the ground later and saved his life.
I'm only including the starting party members, because they were cooler.
Oh, I forgot. Stolas died to some Chain Devils and managed to bargain with his Patron to bring him back to life. Nyarlathotep brought him back, but forced him to rearrange all of his features and stuff. He ended up transforming into a human girl. From that point forward, he developed an obsession with using the disguise self invocation to keep people from finding out what happened to him. This resulted in the rest of the party fighting me to find out what I was hiding.
Don't have a party to contribute but here are some assets for that op template. Hope someone finds them useful.
The team I'm currently GMing for. They're all fairly tall, but one is cyclops-blooded, so he gets an unfair advantage.
I wasn't completely satisfied with the Bloodrager, so here's the new rendition. Shading will follow soon.
Does anyone have a list of all the ones this guy made? I'd like to re-read it from the beginning
I don't have the patience to post them all one after another in this thread, but here, this is updated to my knowledge:
We got around to making another one of these.
>Spider PTSD
Go on
Ra'Lestaa sounds based as hell.
The barbarian is my spirit animal. _______________And Waifu
Does this count?
I'm not sure how talking about something in a nearly vacant thread is a circle jerk
Thanks mate
Group I DM for. Any tips or suggestions to get better at this style of art?
I'm the DM. yes my games elves are gardevoir gijinkas. yes i am trash.
How do you have such clean strokes/lines? Using pen or pencil tool it always comes out looking jank, and I just can't get paths down.
I know one thing for sure about myself - after almost 20 years of trying, practice, tutorials and even taking classes, I'm still on the same level as when I was in kindergarden.
I can't draw, unless it's pure geometry.
quick hand movements and years of practice
Practice, lol
I usually do a separate front/back doodle to get the important design bits together, then sketch the actual drawing in red, turn the layer opacity down to about 50%, do the black line on a new layer over the sketch, and when I'm happy with that the colors go on another new layer below the line.
Also, study anatomy a bit. Knowing how bones and muscles move is super helpful, even in MS paint doodles. It's the difference between making a character look strong instead of lumpy.
After that, I'd say study the way clothes hang on a figure. Where it bunches up or folds under a belt, etc. These little details can make it look much better.
Have you tried playing around with pixel art? It's 100% squares.
Posting my current party. Setting is a sprawling Victorian-style city on the northern coast. Very little sunlight due to regular ashfalls and spooky mist, lots of political factions pressing for power. From left to right:
Quilithra, Dragonborn Sorcerer. Ice Knife cannon. Researching the unnatural mist that covered the entire land several years ago for her patron.
Aeson, Half-Elf War Cleric. Straight-laced altruist/holy laser emitter. Off-tanks for the fighter, does a good bit of the talking in town.
Folas, Half-Elf Ranger. Member of the Royal Guard in our city, brother of the cleric. Shoots a lot of arrows, sneaks around with the monk picking locks and tracking.
Glaucus, Minotaur Fighter. Ex-pirate eldritch knight, main tank. Stranded on the mainland with his crew due to the mists. Lazy, eats whole chickens like hand fruit.
Vorn, Drow Monk. Looks down his nose at everything. Keeps things simple by solving problems with stabbing. Good connections with bad people.
You're already off to a good start.
Any suggestions for the tools / technical part?
Best resolution?
Best tools (brush / presets, pencil, pathing)
Coloring tips?
More technical tips like
If you don't have it already, you can get Photoshop CS2 for free from Adobe because it's not officially supported anymore. Google that shit.
I'd start with a 500x500 canvas and make it bigger as you need. I sketch with a size 2 brush, then use either a size 1 or 2 pencil for the line, depending on what part of the body I'm drawing. Fine features like fingers or eyes need thin lines so they don't get blobby.
Color a base tone first, then isolate each color with the magic wand selector and pencil in a slightly darker shade of the same color for the shadowed bits or clothing folds.
Anyone have more templates like Or really awesome examples of these?
Awesome, thanks!
Don't use a mouse
I'm tempted to post one from the homebrew campaign I'm GMing but half of the characters are anthropomorphic. Should I post it anyway?
Whats the worst that could happen? Your group will get ridiculed?
That's happened to every group posted in these threads, for a multitude of reasons.
Fair point, de gustibus non est disputandum. Have five war machine operators.
yiff, hell, yadda yadda
Accepted with due understanding.
Gunpowder fantasy campaign I've been running for almost 50 sessions now, currently on hiatus. The characters seem semi-interested in concluding but we've got at LEAST 20 sessions to go.
Here's a campaign summary if you're interested. I've considered doing something like what the Pathfinder guy does using pixel art, but I don't have time for it sadly.
These look like some fun dudes.