1. An Initiative increase across the board. Boyz are now I3, Nobz are now I4, and Warbosses are now I5.
2. Army-wide Furious Charge.
3. A Ballistic Skill increase across the board. Boyz are now BS3, Nobz are now BS4, and Warbosses are now BS5.
4. Choppas are now AP4. Big Choppas are now AP3.
5. A Toughness increase across the board. Boyz are now T4, Nobz are now T5, and Warbosses are now T6.
6. A Leadership increase across the board. Boyz are now LD8, Nobz are now LD9, and Warbosses are now LD10.
7. Army-wide Feel No Pain 6+. This can be improved with Wargear and Painboyz up to a maximum of 4+.
8. Painboyz and Mekboyz are Elite choices. You may take up to 3 of each type as a single Elites choice, and you may distribute them as Independent Characters.
9. Mekboyz now have access to Kustom Force Fields. A Kustom Force Field grants a 4+ Cover Save to all models completely within 18 inches, including vehicles.
10. A Waaaaagh may be called once per game, and grants all Orks in your army Fearless for that turn. Calling a Waaaaagh also allows all Orks in your army the ability to reroll their Charge distance for that turn.
11. Characters now have access to non-Mega Armour wargear that grants a 2+ armour save, 1 per army.
12. Characters now have access to non-Mega Armour wargear that grants a 3+ invulnerable save, 1 per army.