>wake up
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Filename Thread
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what the fuck is going on here
ooh that's good
Ghostly tricks
the face at the end
>*Spec Ops: The Line flashbacks intensify*
shite title, but man are Indian productions of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata make for great Veeky Forums moments
>I must leave
sauce of the comic?
Also, great PC dialogue.
What's an X-Card?
Or Krikkit's motto.
Google it.
So I'm curious. Does Superman know who he is in this one?
I really want some watermelon now
Is that even possible. I feel like the umbrella would break first.
>Google Romanesque Necromancer
OOooooohhhhh......tg teaches me things I didn't know...and never really wanted to know...
We would also have accepted "Doctor Who in a nutshell.jpg
The fall is what did it, all the weight of a person going down and driving the umbrella right into her giant anime eyeball.
The google, it does nothing.
Source on yours?
When is the next volume of autistic goblin killing knight coming out anyways?
Going off regular releases, the end of this month. But I wouldn't be surprised if the magazine was on break for December
Whoever drew this is too good at copying the original artstyle. I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't real.
Another user with a slightly better google fu
-Hothouse by Horihone Saizou. It's a bit trippy
Ah, alright, thanks for the info mate.
I will never stop being entertained by the fact that both Batman and Martian Manhunter are canonically fans of Sailor Moon.
I literally didn't get that joke until you pointed it out. Topkek.
Not that guy, but I just googled it and immediately thought of a situation in which a shy and cute anime girl engaged in roleplaying suddenly has her character consensually sexed and raises her card, only to slowly lower it when it gets retconned to forceful rape.
Man, I wish I could draw that.
>In short, from their perspective, I am the goblin.
Like, do people like this actually exist. I could understand if you have actually been raped, say, or your mom was raped, or something, and so you don't want to talk about rape. But seriously, what are the odds you would have more than one thing like that? An actual traumatic event that makes you uncomfortable to relive. For a person from the first world?
Like how can you possibly grow up this thin skinned, that you have so many things that make you uncomfortable, and which are apparently seen as tame enough that people routinely bring them up, that you need cards to wave at people? And among your own friends, you can't just say something like, "I'm not comfortable with this"? I just find it so bewildering that these people can exist. It's like when you meet someone in their 30s who can't watch horror movies because they're "too scary". It would be like meeting an adult who was never toilet trained. How do you get to that point in life? I just don't understand.
I understood that reference!
>ss13 loss
>/v/ joeks
Oh, come on now.
Jesus, that make my fucking skin crawl, I mean, just imagining the sound of the knife against the plate... Fuck
That would be hilarious.
And sounds like something I would do. "Sorry, your descriptions are too vanilla - blood and agony, plz.
....that isn't seduction. That's describing cannibalism.
What is the source of that game?
Is the same
Sauce on these?
Jesus christ it's Dwarf Fortress
How far has Veeky Forums fallen that they don't know fucking Dwarf Fortress when they see it?
There are people out there that actually do have such "trigger words." My sister works with them every day (she's a social worker).
So there was that. Then there were a bunch of attention whores on the internet who acted like attention whores and turned trigger words into a joke. And then the jokesters fed the whores and then things have progressed to where they are now.
I think something like this x card thing is an extension of that bullshittery. There are certainly people that have these kinds of issues. But by the time they EVER get brought up in a campaign, IF they ever get brought up, everyone should be good friends with each other and fine with just talking these things out or cutting them out if somebody asks.
If rape comes up early enough that you need a card to call it out, then maybe your DM is just shit.
And if the trigger is something more generically bad like murder or some weird association with knives or w/e, perhaps D&D isn't the best choice of pastime.
You got a laugh out of me.