>Evil Overlord List Item #21
>I will hire a talented fashion designer to create original uniforms for my Legions of Terror, as opposed to some cheap knock-offs that make them look like Nazi stormtroopers, Roman footsoldiers, or savage Mongol hordes.
What are some other good styles for evil besides the above and armor that makes people look like blackened steel porupines?
Evil fashion design
Well, if you unironically named them the Legions of Terror you probably want them to be intimidating, so I wouldn't knock the blacksteel porcupine
There's always the classic Soviet look.
>I will hire a talented fashion designer to create original uniforms for my Legions of Terror, as opposed to some cheap knock-offs that make them look like Nazi stormtroopers
Isn't that exactly what led to the Nazi stormtrooper look to begin with?
Muh fuggin IG
I mean it's a great look and all, it's just a bit cliche now.
Their uniforms were so good that they became the cliche look for evil. That's kinda great.
It's true. As my Austrian history teacher once said; "You can't convince people to join you in taking over the world if you dress like crap."
Depends what you're going for - intimidation, impressive, dashing and so on - make your uniform say something about your force
The only impression I'm getting from the US soldier in this is a lack of impression. Everyone else has some sort of style, but he almost looks like a soviet, minus the medals. Very bare.
are those kkk?
Nope, kkk wear white capes as a symbol of white supremacy. Those are some pro-black protesters who mock kkk sarcastically.
>Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nordic Ubermensch SS, looks like a Korean potato baby
This will never not be funny.
Schickelgruber wasn't exactly a blond Adonis either.
Eh, everyone of them minus Italys hat is bland. Than again the US in particular looks like he is wearing a rain coat of some kind.
Seems kind of strange to see Britain taller than all of the mainland Euros, you would think that being on an island would make him much smaller compared to the mainlanders similar to how Japan looks unless the British diet was 100 times better than everyone elses.
Looks like Catholic procession costumes for Holy Week. There are many styles from Spain and South America. I believe that they represent sinners. The costume is designed to mask their identity, you can barely see their eyes, and it's hard to tell exactly how tall they are.
Aren't the Klan anti-Catholic? Kinda sending some mixed messages there, guys...
Is it because their uniforms are evil-looking, or just because we associate them with the evil guys?
The klan is made out of clowns, they unironically use titltes like Gran Wizard. LARP tier.
The Klan is anti-Catholic. Probably mad that they can't look this good.
I fucking love these guys.
The hat was worn by those about to be executedby the inquisition. It wasn't supposed to look badass at all, it's a paperboard cornet. Remember this guys are penitents, so wearing a hat associated with criminals was introduced as part of the self-humiliation they inflict on themselves.
they used to wear these in red but changed it to black because of the kkk
Yeah, because the ones in black totally don't look even more evil.
The Klan is anti everything not barely-literate dipshit redneck.
I'm always a fan of masks that mimic faces. Smiling ones tend to be scarier, and the more uncanny valley you can get, the more evil.