Please do not take these items.
Please do not take these items
That sounds like a challenge.
Which ones, man?
>back when Veeky Forums was still young and fresh
How I miss thee.
The downer ending, man.
Tough shit I'm gonna do it
That was one of the only quests I ever took part in.
Jesus christ user, did you rob a museum?
>young and fresh
u wot m8
Noh was well before Nazimod. She was around 2008, while Nazimod was 2010.
Only been around for like, a year and a half, someone care to explain?
just google the phrase and add Veeky Forums to it
This One of the best bits of storytelling on Veeky Forums.
This reminds me. Has anyone managed to find out who that guy is yet and murder him and his entire family?
It's just an overrated meme popular among pedophiles.
Veeky Forums wouldn't be Veeky Forums without at least one contrarian.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, where we don't feel satisified if there isn't one guy shitting on everyone's fun.
Fine, I don't take the items, strange little girl who lives in side the dungeon! Good thing this isn't 1st ed. where you NEED to take the items to get experience.
suptg puts it in '11. I wouldn't know, I never paid attention to quests at any time, not even HarlemQuest.
Good for you?
Just saying I'm not too knowledgeable about the quest or how suptg works, so maybe it's a rehash, continuation, or some kind of fucked up dating due to storage issues or whatever, in which case I'd be wrong.
The quest came much later and was only a single event. The Noh story is itself one of the oldest of Veeky Forums, predating even suptg.
Some kind of rehash adaption then, got it.
Can we have a nostalgia thread? If so, I'd really like to talk about Oinkbane.
Oinkbane is Reddit-tier unfunny cancer that only newfags could feel nostalgic for.
Oinkbane pretty much seemed like a reskinned ork kommando to me.
Well ribbonfag claimed that the Noh story originated from his group, so it's not surprising he'd draw a quest with her years after.
The guy shitting on someone else's fun is central to the fun to be had here
I love oinkbane
Alright, I'll just take you.
Absolutely disgusting.
Sounds to me like she's trying to trick us into taking those items, I say we leave them alone.
I can't help but think that chainmail would be incredibly painful for hair that long.
Man, it is still astounding how badly people CLING to being 'right', even on an anonymous board. Noh is old, old content.