So, there's a DM at my LFGS. He's had his own world formed through previous player efforts, and the world is one of total oppression by an "Order of Light" who kill anyone that looks, sounds, or acts evil. This means that certain races are instant targets for death, like drow and duergar. In fact, anyone not human is considered inferior. This is all on the Sword Coast. There's a group of rebels, but they essentially do the government's work without realizing it. I want to stage a rebellion and overturn the government. More info will be on the way, but that is what I have so far. The thing is, I need advice and help on doing this. Couple things about the DM, he always follows RAW, and he knows the rules front and back.
And for older posters, if you're reminded of Headmaster, yes, that's probably the direction this will go.
D&D Rebellion Help
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Are you asking how to run an oppressive order of light or how to rebel against one?
How to rebel against one!
Found a counter-order. Sooner or later he's got to realize that 'justice' doesn't hold a candle to JUSTICE!
I wish....if it weren't for the fact that we would be branded heretics and immediately denied lodging, services, and supplies from every single person,
Are the gods on their side?
(I know this seems like an obvious yes because he's probably wanking on his own power fantasy, but still.)
If not, then fuck 'em.
If so, find some Good or at least Lawful god to put some firepower in your corner.
Probably a god of martyrs, like Ilmater.
Is the Order of Light a religious organisation?
You go to the schools and lay waste to the moral teachings of the forefathers, you make sediucus art and music, you make ot sexy and cool.
Basicly do what the commies did to the united states. Win the culture war.
I'm actually not completely sure. He hasn't told me the state of the gods yet, but it seems they either support or stay out of it. If I'm lucky, I might get help.
Yes, kind of.
From what I understand, it's more of an abstract thing, but the gods don't seem to do much opposing.
Kinda goes back to everyone's a fanatic or too scared, so I get targeted for being killed. Though, this does give the idea of having appeal for my rebellion (depending on how it comes around based off everyone's advice) based off culture.
You identify alternative centres of power. Nobility or kings could be interested in getting the lands of this church. Inspire them with heretical believes that tamper to their self-interest and greed.
Thank you everybody who's already decided to pitch in. I had some ideas, but this has already helped formulate them. I got to head off to sleep now. I'll be checking back as much as I can and reply whenever I can. Feel free to ask as many questions as possible. I have sessions every Wednesday, so I can pick up more info then. Just a piece of info, the campaign has not yet actually kicked off. I'm just very aware of what his world is, and I plan on making some changes, but for that need I need tg's help. Good night, and thanks for already bringing my post up!
Now we're cooking. The government does have corruption in it, and I plan on asking him who the major figures are next Wednesday. As a quick note, the church is essentially the king. But if you're referring to outside powers, well I have no idea if this kingdom has conquered everything on the Sword Coast (which is where this takes place).
Teach a vanguard of peasants (the elders/most successful ones of the villages) to read. Instruct them in law, ways of government, and low-intensity warfare.
What edition? If 3.5, build pun-pun, then proceed to rape his whole setting. Or break the game in one of the many, many other ways that it's breakable.
I don't see why you'd want to oppose a humans-only Sword Coast. It sounds like an utopia desu
Play a bard. Make a mockery of their system and put as much as you can into being a diplomancer. Become a prophet teaching sex, drugs and rock and roll. The key to remember is that you need to start small and work your way up. Also, if this is 5e and the GM really is a stickler for rules as written then the Entertainer background states that you can always find a place to stay and receive free food and lodging so long as you preform every night. The food and lodging is modest or comfortable standard (so don't settle for no 'yeah but the only place is a prison where they're gonna feed you pig shit and make you sleep in a pile of rusty nails'). Also, it states that when people see you in a town where you've preformed they automatically take a liking to you. Pretty much the entertainer background will ruin his campaign all by itself.
>In fact, anyone not human is considered inferior.
Sounds about right. I've never played a setting where humans are totally dominant to the point of being evil overlords.
Well not d20 I mean.
Why not just enjoy it?
You've never played almost every setting out there? 'Age of Man' is the most tired concept in history.