How much body hair do your characters have?
Do they take care to groom their hair from the neck down?
Do they shave, tweeze, thread, or wax their body hair?
Do your characters even have body hair from their race?
How much body hair do your characters have?
Do they take care to groom their hair from the neck down?
Do they shave, tweeze, thread, or wax their body hair?
Do your characters even have body hair from their race?
> How much body hair do your characters have?
Copious amounts.
Is this meant to be a jab at the constant "haha how often do your characters go poopoo? you know, just for laughs :)" threads?
Have you ever had a player insist on rolling a constitution check to see if they shat their pants, failing, and verbally roleplaying the act for about seven seconds before the DM got up and left the room for 20?
They're a paladin so they make an effort to wash at least once every several days when possible, shave once a week, etc. They aren't vain or a gayboi though so they don't overdo it.
Pic related because fuck you he has high cha so hes a sexy lumberjack
None. because elf.
What is that twintail doing with her hands?
Wait, is rolling for anal circumference ACTUALLY a thing in FATAL?
Someone tell me about FATAL, the only thing I know about it is that one spell that makes an enemy's genitals explode.
It was, the thing has dumb rules for everyfucking possible thing, including anything and anything related to monster on player interfacing.
Check page 75 if you are curious.
It has things like anal circumference and a lot more in that vein. But that's not the worst thing, the thing is that it's just a horrendously shitty system that nobody in their right mind would play. The perversion is just window dressing.
There's a stove behind the DM, so they're playing at the kitchen table. Where's mom bringing those snacks from?
The onyl game worth playing with FATAL is rolling on a d1000 to see if you land on a page with no misogyny, scat, rape, semen, urine, or prejudice on it.
The record is still 17 rolls.
The other kitchen.
>Should a vagina or anus stretch to accomodate the entry of an object that exceeds the Vaginal or Anal Circumference potential, damage may result to the individual due to a ripped Orifice. A vagina or anus that is stretched to twice its limit results in the necessity of a Health check at TH 70. If this check fails, then death occurs. If succesful for a female character, the skin between the vagina and anus rips and the two orifices effectively become one.
>Crying about "misogyny" and "prejudice"
Come on mate, just because FATAL is a steaming pile of shit doesn't mean you get to be a faggot about it.
>house full of women
Every room is a kitchen.
>How much body hair do your characters have?
My current character has quite a bit of it.
>Do they take care to groom their hair from the neck down?
He washes himself, otherwise no.
>Do they shave, tweeze, thread, or wax their body hair?
>Do your characters even have body hair from their race?
Italians are hairy people, yes.
This was before the SJW boom, kiddo.
Doesn't matter. If you say misogynist instead of sexist, you're a misandrist.
Except you were using the words just now, you don't get to claim that you aren't being a fag just because FATAL came out in yesteryear, you double faggot.
We all know sexist is code for misogynist, and that misandry is the standard point of view in a post-feminist society.
Our GM likes to slap us with gritty realism when we start getting on his nerves, so we usually stay near sources of clean water and take provisions for at least basic daily hygiene when we venture into drylands.
As for the body hair, our new sawbones shaves everything below his eyebrows whenever possible. He was a big city hooker before joining our rubbish little expedition, and his backstory doesn't say he hated the job.
Bitch more, princess.
"misogyny" "prejudice"
I hope don't you kiss your wife's boyfriend with that mouth.
Do you often store your chips and dip in the oven?
Time to get shitfaced, and pretend I did not look that up.
>If succesful for a female character, the skin between the vagina and anus rips and the two orifices effectively become one.
why would you need rules for going that far somebody hold me please
love is dead
>you're not allowed to use words where they actually can be because of muh boogeymans
i fucking hate how obsessed this place has become with sjws
Then fucking leave. They're a cancer and they're the first step on the road to Marxism, the most murderous fucking political movement in history.
Excuuuuuse me, princess, but people don't want to fucking accept that shit, so they fight against it.
(Especially because they ruin everything they touch -- look at what they're doingto Magic)
Then how come there weren't any SJWs in communism?
There were? SJWs ARE Communists. They just use Marxist principles to emphasize sexual and racial identity groups as opposed to class (not that they DON'T talk about class, they just rarely talk about it). Communists OFTEN utilized the same tactics to encourage Communist revolutionaries in Africa.
The reason, however, why SJWs seem so much more common now is because of a change of tactic. Communist Academics realized that the Class War narrative had largely been defeated in the west (read "Road to Whigam Pier, by George Orwell. Purty good). So, they changed the tactic to focus almost exclusively on identity and racial/sexual oppression. There wasn't a huge literature fighting back against this (as there was in the case of Class War) and it took root.
But we are getting super off topic from the thread. Sorry guys.
Wigan* Pier
>the same tactics
This can be said about most social groups. SJWs are obviously far more specific. When you say SJW what you mean is the modern extremely liberal college head-disease that some people are subscribing to. Almost none of those ideas were present back in the days when communism was actually successful enough to spread.
My sorcerer is extremely hairy. He had a full beard at 15, and most of his body is covered in thick, black hair. He can into grooming when he feels like it.
no, you fucking leave and stop shitting up every thread, you delusional nigger
when will you fucks learn that we don't want either side of the horseshoe
I'm not on a side of the horseshoe.
Yes they were. What do you think Castro and Che were doing when they went to Africa and stirred up hatred of the white colonialists? It was systems of "racial" oppression instead of class.
>What do you think Castro and Che were doing
They sure as fuck weren't whining about muh misogyny and muh trigger warnings and muh safe space. SJWs are more specific than racial equality movements. Ever heard of a subset?
My half-elf has almost no body hair to speak of.
My half elf has a moustache he is unreasonably proud of.
Go be furry somewhere else.
He was balding man with bad skin complexion even before the whole ghoulification thing.
Both are acceptable in my opinion. As long as you aren't a faggot in-game.
Holding a pregnancy chart.
>no body hair
>not a faggot
the other twintails
Her hands are folded chastely in her lap, of course.
The snack bar that she set up in the living room in the futile hope that her daughter and her friends wouldn't hog the kitchen for the entire afternoon.
I wouldn't put a moustache on a pretty boy in the first place, why would you assume that?
>armor of Nigrous Nincompoopery
FATAL is literally misogynistic and racist
Not the tumblr style 'You disagreed with me and I am a woman!' style misogyny, the literal 'women are stupid useless creatures who's only aspiration should be getting pissed on' misogyny
Facts aren't misogynistic.
>misandry is the standard point of view in a post-feminist society.
>Facts aren't misogynistic.
Those aren't facts. Women are potentially very useful creatures who should aspire to serve their men faithfully.
I'm still imagining this in light of the misandristic rapist elves scenario from the drow immigrant thread and I'm getting turned on.
>How much body hair do your characters have?
A lot, but it's all concentrated in the copious amounts of fur clothing he's wearing since he's a lizardman in not!Greenland working for a half-giant.
He does have a decent amount of body hair naturally, face, arms and chest. He does shave regularly to keep the beard down, but on long hunts he always ends up with stubble. Fortunately he's good looking, so the body hair comes off as ruggedly handsome rather than gross.
I mean, racial oppression was the reason used to help stir up those communist uprisings, because the people were actually being oppressed by white foreigners that basically forced them into slavery after it got outlawed in America.
Unfortunately they usually ended up trading one system of oppression for another, which is why South America isn't exactly stable. I mean, it's not as bad as it was in the eighties, which means it's slowly becoming stable.Probably be quicker if we could stop sticking our dick in the region for while.
>when will you fucks learn that we don't want either side of the horseshoe
This. Forever this.
>They're a cancer and they're the first step on the road to Marxism
Nah, the first step on the road to Marxism is the arming the proletariat to overthrow the bourgeois and oligarchs, not feminists bitching that a man made a dick joke.
There's a vast difference between SJWs and Marxists, unless you fall for the whole retarded "Cultural Marxism" meme.
Modern SJWs are weak and powerless fatties who were lucky enough to be born just rich enough to never have to work, though most of them are not rich enough to actually get things done on money alone.
They don't really go over misogyny and trigger warning and safe spaces because it's really part of the ideology, but because it's all they can HANDLE. They can't get shit done because they're too stupid/fat/lazy to get shit done (take your pick), so instead they just try to complain loud enough so that maybe someone else will get shit done for them.
Since they're a bunch of retards who don't really matter, that usually means whoever's babysitting them (so their college/school/parents, mostly). The rest is just tribal behavior so that they all feel included, despite not really doing anything.
I'm in a VTR game atm, so....standard?
Fuck man, do Vampires even regrow hair?
>How much body hair do your characters have?
>Do they take care to groom their hair from the neck down?
>Do they shave, tweeze, thread, or wax their body hair?
>Do your characters even have body hair from their race?
> Shadowrun street samurai foxgirl:
None*, aside from the tail and ears.
Laser treatments from the cyberware clinic.
Her race is Human, so yes. The fox bits are cyberware.
* Patches of fibre-optic 'hair' don't count as actual hair.
>see this post
>see the OP
>keep clicking up in the reply chain to determine how this thread reached this point
>keep clicking
>it still doesn't make sense
>get to the top of the chain
>it STILL doesn't make sense
You see, FATAL. When FATAL is involved, things stop making sense.
Someone got triggered by the word misogyny.
im sad now, this pepe couldnt dig a hole in the mud to hibernate and is now deded
>Do they shave, tweeze, thread, or wax their body hair?
I don't normally play faggots, so no.
They are fuzzy, and baths and showers involve lots of shampoo everywhere. I like playing wolfmen and bears.