Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

You get to bring friends! What kind of friends have your characters made lately? How did they become friends? What are the benefits of the friendship?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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>"Kitsune were a mistake" - Inari

Is it a faux pas to write brief outlines of people your character knows when building them?

Why would it be?

I dont know, I've played with some spastic GMs before.

Is there a rule for a opiate type drug that doesn't fuck you with ability damage? My character has seen some shit and needs help sleeping.

Why not just fluff it?

Well, I... could. But that's less fun!

Well you want an item that helps you sleep but doesn't hurt your character. It's entirely fluff, why is it more fun if there's already one written up for you?

Hmm, fair enough. I'll just say its diluted in drink or something.

Just drink night tea

The kitsune in the OP is Inari.

Not them but I'm trying to swear off drinking! It's not good for me, or for anyone around me.

Inari is white!

>want to play wizard
>people get angry when I do
>no one bats an eye at witch
>no one bats an eye at cleric

How bad a person would I be if I was to play a foxboy (i.e. a reynard) named "Reyna Winter" in a Reign of Winter game?

Reyna, reynard. Reyna Winter, Reign of Winter.

Would dump out of chair for maximum indignity before escorting out

How does one play a kitsune or any "animal" humanoid biped so you don't end up being called lol furry?

Don't play with judgemental assheads.

Vishkanya. Can't be furry without fur.

So we're 3 players in a 8th level game and according to my GM my char is pretty strong (35+ damage per round, 29 AC, 70 HPs) even though the Barb deals more damage imo and has 110+ HPs. But here's my problem, I'm having a ridiculously bad streak of bad luck, failing a fucking lot of rolls and the GM hitting against me way more than the average (and with lot of crits too), just in the last session in 7 turns he dropped me unconscious 6 times and crited me 10 times, 7 of them confirmed, even when I standed up while in total defense crits always landed on my face.

This has been happening for several months (we play 4-5 times a month so something like 30 sessions) and after the first 4-5 times I started to roleplay like my char thinks he's a total failure, that everybody is improving but he's rapidly falling behind, so PTSD, freezing in crucial moments, usually spend the first 2 turns of combat in total defense being afraid or what's going to come, etc. This annoys the shit out of both players and GM, so I'm going from PTSD state to normal state, to get hit by bad rolls and crits, to go to PTSD state again, rinse and repeat till yesterday in where in less than 1 minute I fell unconscious at the doors of death 6 times to then stand up another 6 times, which if you think about it is ridiculous as fuck.

What should I do?

Ah, I'm Umonk btw

Focus on the beast and not the man.

If this is some deep insight I have failed. It's almost 7 in the mornin with almost no sleep.

Sounds like your GM is tryign to kill you.

Let him.

Make a much more powerful character and show him that he's an idiot.

>Level 8
>35 DPR
Well first your GM is lying.

... are you guys rolling openly?
Because it's sounding to me like YOU are too powerful and the others aren't, even though the OTHERS are more powerful than you.

My first thought is that maybe you haven't ACTUALLY been crit anywhere near as often as you have...

I did this a little bit when I wrote my druids backstory. I wrote about his parents(a mortician and a midwive) and the druid who introduced him to druidism. I also included a hook, especially with the father, than the DM can take or not.

Not him, but unchained monk can't really deal much damage as you might imagine, 35 is a pretty common number even with Dragon Ferocity and Power Attack.

In what certain builds can you comfortable use Power Attack and Two Weapon Fighting at the same time?

My players are going to enjoy a fine evening at Silverdisk Hall next session, and I need ideas for good gambling games.

Sure, there's the casino classics, but anything fantasist and cool to add?

Three-Dragon Ante?

Tell that fucker to start rolling in the open, or you walk out of that game.

Holy shit this, whenever the DM is out for my head I happily offer my neck to his blade.

Call the bluff, if he pussies out than you've won, if you die you also won since you can now leave the game.

I don't need to check the subject to recognize /pfg/

It's true that he rolls behind the screen, but the oponents all had 18-20 crit range weapons though, and by the level we're probably keen weapons or imp crit.

I will tell about rolling on the open, that doesn't fix my long streak of misses, but at least I won't drop unconscious and stand up 5 times in 30 seconds if he really was fudging rolls.

A bit of bad luck is one thing, but what you're describing defies the law of averages. He's fucking with you, period.

Missed the bit about misses.

You're own bad luck just adds to it, but it still sounds off. Switch out your dice maybe.

Barring all that... Sacrifice a goat to the dice gods?

Why not?

So work's slowly beginning on the draconic planetouched race, the wyrmborn. Plans for it is a base race, and then alternative heritages for it for chromatic, metallic, imperial, planar, and other dragon types; right now breath weapon is the thing I'm working with to make this most interesting, but I'm hoping to really allow people to play a fun dragon race with some variance to it.

There's a fox 5 times out of ten.


Breath weapons are often very.... fail. Reflex half, the line is pencil thin (seriously what the *FUCK* is with the line system in d20; you've got shit with mouths five squares wide and all they spit out's some tiny filament), the damage tends to at best scale to something sad like 10d6, incompatible with so many feats,etc,etc...

So what are we looking at, in terms of breath weapon? Pic rather related.

Well you're talking with someone who read the draconomicon, so I know how silly they can get. I'm going to give the baseline ability here (it's still in development obv), but it beats the HELL out of the one listed in the race builder.

>Draconic Breath Weapon A number of times per day equal to the wyrmborn’s Constitution modifier, they can release a gout of elemental energy from their mouth in a 15 foot cone, dealing 1d6 damage + their Constitution modifier (Reflex for half damage). The energy type of this breath weapon is determined by the element chosen for their Draconic Defense racial trait; if they do not have that racial trait, they must select between acid, cold, fire, or electrcity. At 4th level and every 4 levels afterwards, the damage of this breath weapon increases by +1d6 damage.

Ideally, there'll be feats to let you use this every 1d4 rounds, metabreath feats, feats to increase damage, and magical items to buff it as well. But for an out of the box breath weapon, it's not terrible. I do want to support breath weapons, possibly speed them up, and other such things. And don't worry; if you don't want to go through all that, you can just trade it for wings.

I think that's pretty much exactly what user was talking about. 2d6+con modifier damage at fourth level? Limited number of times per day? That's pretty pathetic, and only going to get worse from there.

So, with POW available, what's the best way to make an athletic ninja type? Should I stick with Ninja, or can Stalker do it better?

Preferably with a thing for throwing weapons or archery too.

Tempest Gale or Solar Wind for throwing/archery

And I totally get that, I really do. But the thing you have to get on my end is this is a base racial ability; this has to be in line with things like ferocity and such. I can't give a full level scaling breath weapon with infinite uses for just a base racial ability.

Hell, even the draconomicon abuse stuff required feats. What this base ability is something that's not bad, it's kind of useful, and with the right feats/traits/etc, it can be more viable. I don't have the feats written yet, but right now I'm working on getting a more solid base for what people want, breath weapon wise.

15' cone
6d6+con by 20th.
That's not even a dagger throw (neither in terms of range or damage by then), it's melee ranged, it's limited per day, it's reflex half (that means "half or none" to anything that matters), and it's one of the four base energy damage types which everyone resists enough to be immune to by 20.

Dude, alchemical throwables or a pistol with scatter can hit harder than this thing...

Again, I get that, but do you think a 1d4 round breath weapon that does 1d6 a level is even close to balanced against any other racial trait? Like at all? This is a racial trait being added here, not a class feature. This shouldn't be compared to a dragonfire adept, at least not without some investment.

also consider the draconomicon abuse required A) the draconomicon (that's 3.5), and B) a certain level of leeway from the GM because a draconic shaman or dragonfire adept didn't actually have a breath weapon with a recharge expressed in rounds, which those feats all required.

I totally understand the fact that "hey it's a racial" but it does mean it's a bit of a "waste for PCs" type of racial, unless it can combine-into and/or stack with any actual breath weapon abilities one does get elsewhere.

Should be recharge time instead of X/day though.

Absolute worst case, just add either: "you may expend your racial breath weapon when using any other kind of breath weapon, using the latter's shape and values but adding your racial breath weapon's damage as bonus damage dice. The 'extra damage' includes the CON bonus and does not multiply on critical hits" or "If the character gets a scaling breath weapon from other abilities or effects, they may trade this breath ability in for a breath weapon feat immediately"

Or something; just to not let it be a forgotten ability.

>That smug elf

I'd be smug too if I looked like that.

Yeah, it should take racial feats to power it up to remotely that sort of level.

What's each AP villain's battle theme?
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Unity's being Collective Consciousness.

And I'm not asking that. But either it should usable at-will(or every 1d4 rounds or whatever) or it should be at least sort-of useful past first level. Hell, make it a melee-range attack that deals 1d4+con damage as a standard action, and then add feats and shit to enhance it to be effective in combat. At least that could be used to light torches and campfires.

Alright, Veeky Forums, hear me out here.

With the new Avowed options coming out soon, including Bethrothed for everything but esoteric pacts, that means you can be a Bethrothed avowed for an Old One.

Avowed also gets: melee shenanigans, teleporty flash-step bullshit, and a whole lot of utility options.

So what I'm saying is, post-true-ending Plain Doll in Golarion safeguarding her ward/the former bloodborne player character while seeking a place for the pair to call home, where the former PC can grow up into a big, strong eldritch deity.

Android race, obviously; but the question is where should a broad-strokes version of the events of Bloodborne have taken to make this ripoff work?

I'm honestly fine with doing recharge time on it, I just want to start it off slow and require some investment. And as I've said before, it can be traded out for wings at this point if you don't want a relatively weak breath weapon.

I do have plans for helping it out, feats that give damage buffs, increase frequency of use, and other such things, but the book is still in alpha stages, so it's going to take some time until me and my other designer get to all of those (the dragon book is having a second person credited as lead design.)

I'd be fine bumping it to 1d4 to start, might require me to bump it another RP, but RP is a shit formula anything that makes all design work worse because people love to see an RP breakdown.

I hear Ustalav is pretty spooky and full of weird bullshit. U less you mean outside of Golarian.

Nah, on Golarion; Ustalav was my first idea, so I can work that into it quite easily. Random village, university that was rivals with that one big Ustalav village; I was mostly wondering if there was a better place for it.

This is highly important: will the ability to take on a full dragon form of any kind at-will be something this race can do?

Possibly, right now I'm going to be polling people to see what they want from this race and from this book as a whole.

Why do they get upset user?It's all about RP. if they think you're just a furry that's on them. Personally I'd like to play a kitsune at some point for espionage in a political intrigue sort of campaign.

Related story.

>someone said Wizards where overpowered (DM visits Reddit or something so I think comes from there cause I've never seen anyone go off about Wizards here and a few other people went along)
>pretty much since we started PF after 4e launched Wizard has been banned
>have yet to play a non-spellcaster because Sorccerer, Summoner, Cleric, Druid, Witch, Oracle, and more recently Shaman and Arcanist have been perfectly acceptable
>including all of their archtypes
>yes they allow Arcanist
>no I still can't play a Wizard because every time I bring it up with anuone they believe I'm trying to trick them somehow

I'm currently thinking about finding a new group as it's been fun but a lot of them are of different political bent than I since the election and a lot of the stupid shit thay say and do has been really getting on my nerves.

Numeria is soaked in eldritch horror and Androids, some of whom were designed as caretakers and nurses! Maybe your android awoke in a strange cryo tube in the middle of the desert, and when she stumbled out discovered there was something else in the tube with her.

Rather than react with fear, her programming as a caretaker overrode her other feelings, and as she held the thing to her chest her mind was filled with visions of the deep sea.

Took years to get to Sandpoint, but when she did she was struck with a profound sense of serenity; this is where she needs to be, for her and her wizened child.

Something more like the Yuan-ti/Nagaji or those Were-Creature things that don't have fur and are more body horror than Furry, or the more horrific flavors of Skinwalkers just play something that is more about the horrible amalgamation of two thinks or the cursey aspect of something instead of just being a Gnoll Peniswoman with brightblue fur and a pink mohawk.

Numeria could be so much more if they didn't have such a gigantic boner for "the loinclothed barbarian trans of the strong independent femwymyn wins against the evil patriarchy robots of order and thus Evil because the G in LG stands for GurkaGurkaSlavery, which is the bad god and also slaverying.

>>someone said Wizards where overpowered (DM visits Reddit or something so I think comes from there cause I've never seen anyone go off about Wizards here and a few other people went along)
People go off about Wizards all the time. Prepared fullcasters are overpowered. It is an undeniable fact. The difference is that we're more of a "if you don't tone it down to be in line with the rest of your party, you're a fucking douchesack faggot".

Oh, and here's the important thing to add; the ship that crashed into Numeria was brought down by the Dominion of the Black, who are a coalition of eldritch horrors and reaver-esque races dedicated to worshiping entropy and the void.

Who's to say a nascent elder thing didn't find it's way onto the ship and snuggle in with a particularly motherly-looking android?

Jolly, Jolly! What are the odds you can talk to Playground Adventures and get us a Royal archetype with some Vigilante features, for when the princess wants to take the field incognito!

That isn't how Numeria is though, it's a hodge-podge of sci-fi tropes that range from 50s body horror to Mad Max to eerie Terminators.

I'm about to spring a Gelatinous Cube on my party, but I don't quite understand it's Engulfing ability. The entry mentions the character can make a Reflex Save to move to another square, but can the Cube then simply move over there and try again, until he is out of movement? And previously Engulfed characters simply move with him?

You can do that with Spheres already. It's literally just a feat, you don't even need to be a caster. Well, two or three feats if you want to scale it well.

>More MILF fetish posting

user, that's my main fetish too, but isn't pregnancy and being motherly the direct opposite of the void?

Yes, but what if my GM doesn't want to use the spheres subsystem, but is okay with Jolly's stuff?

Not every Great Old One is nothingness and the void. Some of them might just be with the Dominion for the ride.

Shub-Niggurath is a thing, after all.

Well, shit. I wasn't aware I was MILFposting, I just saw the user ask for a way to make his Plain Doll character have a baby eldritch horror as her child *and* power source.

Well, that's honestly an pretty odd GM. I'd still recommend showing him the Transformation feat and asking him if he'll allow that, because it's not REALLY using the Spheres subsystem, it's just using an Alteration statblock to enable at-will form changes.

Did you miss how the only place that's really peaceful and nice to visit is run by LG Erastil followers?

How's it odd?

Androids are sterile! The motherliness comes from her demeanor and personality and maaaaaybe appearance, point is if you want a Plain Doll Android you gotta make her motherly.

That isn't how Numeria is at all and you're probably some guy just trying to stir up shit.

Piss off.

This, the idea behind Bloodborne was the Great Ones were desperate for babies, and the Plain Doll is either a Great One herself or is the perfect wetnurse for a nascent Great One formed after the Moon Presence demise.

Heck, want to play up the creepy? Make it ambiguous if the Android or the Squid Kid is the one granting powers, or if the Squid Kid is even a Great One at all; remember, some of the tech in the ship included mind transference or cloning devices... Who's to say the Elder Thing isn't a horrified Human crew member trapped in the wrong flesh?

Probably pretty good, I spent the other day just BSing with the publisher, so I can bring it up to them tomorrow.

That's some hardcore reaching, famalam. "motherly" doesn't automatically mean "thicc milf looking for babies", no matter what the RotJR fetishposting says.

>Doesn't use spheres
>An odd GM

I don't understand why this is such a strange thing. I guess I could try asking just to see, though, especially since I've been meaning to play an Agathiel Vigilante at some point.

Even if you play a Royal (Incognito), or a Sylph (Mostly Human), we'll still know it's you, Q.

Actually just messaged PGG about it, seems they actually do have something planned for it. This is a direct quote from them.

"ok we will have a champion(hero) class in the upcoming book named "Toolkits and Toyboxes - Some Assembly Required""

GDI, didn't get all of that.

"The imagination is a source of great power, and can be said to exist at the heart of all magic. Every spellcaster learns to envision a spell, manifesting it with willpower and ritual. The champion taps into this depthless wellspring, learning to use his imagination to perform supernatural feats beyond the reach of most mortals. Whether this power is discovered naturally, or sought out, the champion fulfills every intelligent creature's potential by becoming his ideal self. Individual champions vary greatly in ability, as each follows a personal path to greatness.
Role: The champion’s role varies depending on the expression of his imagination through the heroic focus ability. An individual champion might be an accomplished front-line fighter, sling eldritch bolts of energy, or take on a support role as a healer."

Pic included is from the project.

desu senpai that sounds like children will have an unfortunate habit of manifesting psionic blades or worse things.

That's really cool, I want to see young nobles flinging eldritch blasts.

But it's not a secret-identity class, so you should still do your thing.

I'm talking with BJ about it now, so hopefully we can get her to include it. She wants you all to know that Creature Components is close to hitting copper on Drivethru, so if you get the chance, please check it out.

I'm gonna get to work on this dragon book, hopefully I can help PGG on their projects too once I get some time.

(Spoilers because I'm a prissy little princess that needs to vent my brain cells, but don't wanna shit up the thread.)

It honestly is really annoying how all the women fall into two very specific categories for RotJR; skinny slender waifs, and thick motherly types with huge breasts and cushioned asses. Where's the variety? I mean from where I'm sitting, there's only two women that has a solid chest and bubble butt without being thick all over (Zeldana and Agatha). Why can't here be a wee bit more of that in the roster? For that matter, why are all the men slender fuccbois? We've only got like one Slabman Ironjaw and a couple older types.

Most of the guys seem to be described as being of average build though.

Most of the men are pretty averagely built, there's one or two muscles mc-bigs, one skellington, one power-manlet, and one... No, TWO Literal Animals.

The women run a similar spectrum, albeit with spider instead of skellington.

I play enough of those in less lewd campaigns.

Let people have their fetishes.

Which apps do a good job with the character description? I'm getting kind of self-conscious about my ability to discuss character details now.

Heck, I'll ask the thread in general; when you have to give a character appearance, do you focus on their clothes, their features, or what?

Can they have them in a different thread?

Quinn doesn't have a physical description beyond blonde hair and blued eyes, but I feel confident in assuming he's a willowy bishounen with a long coat and constant shadows under his eyes.

Nobody's forcing you to stay here, user.

These threads can interweave normaldiscussion with rotjr well enough.

The RotJR association is tangential, I'm more interested in how to do good character descriptions.

I was talking about fetish character posting, but if that applies to all RotJR characters then so be it.

Alright /pfg/, I'd like to see some of your writing skills! Write me a sentence describing a combat scene involving your character (like casting a spell or using a maneuver) and another sentence describing some out of combat action (like dialogue or asking around for info). I have no idea if this will be a fun/good exercise but I think it might be, so why not try it?.

"I rolled a 26 to hit for.... 33 points of damage, 7 of which are lightning."
"I'm going to try to sneak up to the door and see if it's trapped"