Probably get some from a bits store to use in Mordheim. Or, if the cost is too high, I'll just buy the box and trade/sell any spares.
>Who else is going to buy this and replace all the bases with square ones so as to play WHF again?
Shill pls, it was shit in 8th edition, it's shit now.
Does arcan'dor on the background included in box?
£50 in the UK, which is great. Converting currencies of the NZ price would put it at £88, ouch.
>which is great.
For what? bad rules and ugly models?
Why so salty?
Doesn't really look like the arcan'dor.
I hate to admit, but that's really not bad.
>Why so salty?
Since when "critique" becomes synonym of "salty"?
You should be elder to post outside of your general.
Honestly I hate GW's guts by now but this box is quite amazing. It's 65 EUR and full of models, most of whom look quite cool. The Elves are good, the Gryphon is amazing, the Skaven vary from ok to actually nice. I'm seriously considering it.
I don't find these models 'ugly', especially considering their price. And I really don't care for the rules, since sure as hell I'm not going to use them for AOS or WHFB
>I don't find these models 'ugly', especially considering their price.
WoW is still cheaper.
>especially considering their price.
How price related with quality?
>And I really don't care for the rules
>t. 3+ player
That's not critique, that is being a nagger.
it comes with square and round bases
>That's not critique,
>stop talking bad abouyt GW, it's not critique
>>stop talking bad abouyt GW, it's not critique
He's right. Talking bad about something is not a critique. Critique is requires analysis, not just bad mouthing.
>He's right.
I see you samefag.
Thats Monopoly $ it's roughly 85$ in real money.
How's the sight from so far beyond the horizon of retardation?
I'm going to buy it to play AoS with it
>How's the sight from so far beyond the horizon of retardation?
Ask youyrself AoS-player.
Does it now?
Well that gives me even more reason to look into WHFB with it.
You fucking faggot. Everybody knows that Smegmar is a filty abomination.
I will buy it for AoS, too. Two boxes, in fact.
Sure! Have fun. If that's what your local meta is into, be sure to help keep the positive community of it going, and post in the /whfbg/ to keep that one going as well. It's important to be a contributor to it.
I'm an AoS player, and that's my goal too. We have a few guys who play 9th age in our store as well, and we help eachother out with loaning minis and promoting events. No matter what game you play, the important thing is to keep it a friendly environment for new and existing players.
Rock on, brother. I don't even collect skaven or aelves, but I will be starting now.
Hi Kevin, IoB was shit in 8th edition and it's still shit.
>We have a few guys who play 9th age in our store as well
>GW store
>9th Age
>and post in the /whfbg/ to keep that one going as well.
Could be shilling be more obvious?
Guy didn't say he plays at a GW you stupid cunt
Well sinc ehe is trying to shill so hard, he obviously play in GW-store.
getting two boxes myself since there is a lot of value
>since there is a lot of value
Such as.?
>ugly models
They're fine, particularly the skaven and PARTICULARLY considering that box for £50 is Mantic money
74 models for £50 is a good deal imo
>They're fine,
Well any models fine for AoSplayers.
Bad models aren't worth any monies.
Whats a good model in your opinion, oh master of the superior taste
You misspellings nigger
It's a god set of minatures and I think it's good that GW decided to keep them around.
>It's a god set of minatures
>carttonish MMO-design
>god set of miniatures
aren't those 8th edition miniatures tho and not from AoS ?
Well, it was supposed to say good, but autocorrect fucked me.
Aesthetic taste is also subjective and you could always buy Mantic miniatures if you don't like classic Warhammer aesthetics.
Good thing I already round based mine and got it for $60 when lgs was told to pull it from shelf.
Yes they are. And now you realize you have been arguing with a retard. A true idiot. It will get you nowhere. He frequents any thread using the same stupid arguments like it's going to make a difference.
I believe this obsessive behaviour falls within the autism spectrum.
it was worth a shoot all things considered user
I never played the old WHFB, is 9th Age any good? Also I might actually play AoS with them on occasion bc the closest store to me is a GW.
Not to shit on your parade but... you could just buy the original Island of blood on ebay on 50-60 usd and play with the rules...
>aren't those 8th edition miniatures tho and not from AoS ?
So what? In AoS GW just wasn't bounded by Old World aesthetic, but switching from grim design to bhright cartoonis MMO design statrts in 8th edition (one of reasons why 8th ed. failed were ugly new releases).
>if you don't like classic Warhammer aesthetics.
>8th edition
>classic Warhammer aesthetics.
COuld you remind since when classic warhammer aesthetics has Dwarven version of chinook helicopter with disel engine?
If you want to be able to hop between AoS and 9th age, just keep them on square bases, which the set comes with.
As for 9th age, I've never played it. To me it took all the things I didn't like about whfb and rolled with it. But I hear many whfb aficionados swear by it. So if there are 9th age players, give it a shot.
>To me it took all the things I didn't like about whfb and rolled with it.
Well yeah, 9th age doesn't have "roll 3+ to win the game"
>(one of reasons why 8th ed. failed were ugly new releases).
See everyone? This is what I am talking about. This guy is a genuine idiot. He uses really stupid arguments to get (You)s. And yes, I know I just gave him one.
Interesting. What game does?
The 8'th edition starter set looks slicker and less overdesigned than most of the 8'th edition range. The art design looks like what most people would expect Warhammer would look like even over 15 years ago. However, I can't stop you from being a contrarian and posting transparent arguments with little substance to back them up.
Something with 8+ rating.
>The art design looks like what most people would expect Warhammer would look like even over 15 years ago
And that's is the reason why 8th edition models sucks.
God, this guy is a moron. There is literally no point to arguing with him.
they're both right though
The 8'th edition models sucks because they overdid the Warhammer aesthetic to such a degree that it looked like a parody of itself.
Seems like a good product for someone that wants to ptry AOS and doesnt want to spend $100
>The 8'th edition models sucks because they overdid the Warhammer aesthetic to such a degree that it looked like a parody of itself.
Well actually it was almost my point.
15 years ago they making models in heroic scale because goodl looking true scale in mass production was impossible, in 210 people awaits that models will looks like from artworks, but instead of this GW turned into "lolguys heroic scale always was out feature" (like they did with "lol we aren't game company we are selling miniatures" ) and switched from simple heroic scale to cartoonish heroic scale.
You are right 85$ for one not even full army is much better than 100$
That it is.
i thought with AOS you just plunked down minis that you liked and played?
>i thought with AOS you just plunked down minis that you liked and played?
It is just another repackage. The price is better than the $100msrp of IoB at least l. While like the other starter set models they are largely snap fit, it isn't a bad deal. I might buy one of these to use in Kings of War.
I just think it's cool that they keep them avaliable considering it's starter minis set from a game they killed.
>g-g-g-guys pls buy it
typical shill.
Typical low energy bait.
Will happily buy Skaven for my Mordheim.
No spite, I hope you AoS guys enjoy it. My favourite fantasy world got murderd to promote ,,muh afterworld fightan' demigods", so I can only hope that raped ashes of something I cheerished for 15 years prove good playground.
I only hope they bring back Mordheim. It would be like keeping old world in the background and maybe ease all those people that are still in mournig. Also, good exuse to shill fiction in that world.
Why the fuck you doubleposting after hours of your first posts?
>I only hope they bring back Mordheim.
>oh-nom-nom I love GW cock so much, please GW gibe me more games with sigmarines and I will shill on Veeky Forums for free.
>Warmaslav shows up again
Just go already you retard, we can all identify your poorly-written posts.
>Hope they bring back mordheim
>Player for 15 years
So you don't own a copy? Pleb please!
I thought I was done with WHFB after they killed it and my Lizardmen were complete, but now I'm tempted to get this. Good deal, nice models and nice price.
Now I have to make a choice between these and historicals.
To be honest I hope they bring back mordheim too but set in the mortal realms.
Always report him. Do not aknowledge that he exists.
Doesn't fit main traits for GW new product.
Sorry shill, but it's not your private GW forum
I ment more like the universe, I bought my 1st. ed. WHFRP in like 2000.
Got a shelf of WF books and RPG splatbooks for 1st and 2nd edition.
I caught interest in Mordheim much later, made Dwarf band from box of warriors and Skull Pass minis (shields on them are pain in the ass when comes to converting) and now I posses some Witch Hunters and some Reikland. I hope that bringing game back reviwes the interest, because game is kinda dead.
I saw Blood Bowl league being organised lately. Fuck, no one plays or cares about American Football here, yet they play it. Makes one wonder.
Oh, shut up salty cuck.
>Doesn't fit main traits for GW new product.
Imagine something like Mordheim but with AoS aesthetics and mixed up with DotA (couple mighty heroes each accompanied by a dozen or so of mooks)
>Imagine something like Mordheim but with AoS aesthetics
Still doesn't fit.
>and mixed up with DotA (couple mighty heroes each accompanied by a dozen or so of mooks)
Unlike DotA GW cannot into rules
>Oh, shut up salty cuck.
Make me, newfag
It kinda does not fit gritty city of betraying mecanaries, strange horrors and ruined city quaters.
Also, the problem with AoSverse is that it cannot accomodate Sword&Soccery and roving bands of adventurers.
The mooks were advancing, they were characters of their own, advancing, dying, gathering lasting injuries as well as treasures. When you found additional weapons it was a wow.
How you can do something like that with ,,muh celestial beings"?
>Doesn't fit main traits for GW new product.
They just re-released Bloodbowl, so I can imagine a Mordheim release.
>Also, the problem with AoSverse is that it cannot accomodate Sword&Soccery and roving bands of adventurers.
How not?
Easy. Don't include "muh celestial beings".
The fact is there is more to the setting than just the stormcast eternals. Much of which I can see would fit perfectly with mordheim.
Betraying mercenaries, strange horrors, and ruined city quarters are a core part of the mortal realms. The realms were once a utopian paradise until chaos came and fucked it all up, and for about a century you have old cities being abandoned and put into ruins as chaos runs amok like its their own sadistic playground. The current timeframe is called the age of sigmar, because that's when Order had gathered enough strength to do a really huge push back. Now you have regular mortal humans and dwarves, like the Free Peoples and Dispossessed going about trying to reclaim what what taken from them a century ago, and they are not always backed up by the stormcast eternals.
So it may not be sword&sorcerery in the traditional sense, but it is definitely accomodating toward a roving band of very mortal adventurers seeking riches or to reclaim what's theirs.
The mooks can still advance, be characters of their own, advancing, dying gahtering lasting injuries and treasures. Finding weapons and magic items or whatever can still be a wow.
I think a lot of people just see the stormcast eternals and think that's all there is. I really don't blame them because people first getting into 40k think space marines are all there is because GW promotes them like posterboys. But just as 40k players know, there is more deep in the setting.
I think that's one of the things people liked about mordheim so much, is it showed the deep underbelly of the setting and story. It can be the same for AoS.
>The fact is there is more to the setting than just the stormcast eternals
Not him but i'm getting into it and the setting seems cool.
Yeah, the Sylvaneth and Bonesplitters are surpsingly endearing. The worst aspects of the setting is really the focus on dramatic main characters and Lightning Lads.
I really like the stormcast eternals, because I think there is a lot to them as characters, but I think it's a shame they are getting most of the promoting.
Thinking of picking up the Spire of Dawn as a start. Elves and Skaven are cool. Though i'm not really sure yet which army i actually want
You could always look up the rules and see what seems like the most fun to play.
I think the problem I have with them is that they were instantly made posterboys of the setting and my initial reaction was that I didn't hink they were cool.
What is dislike about the setting is how diffuse it is, the old world and generaly the "world that was" as they insist calling it had places, they still had place for "your dudes" but it had places to fight over.
What pisses me off almost as much is what they did to the Lizardmen
that fucking retarded name alone, but realy they always whined that they cant make any books with the lizardmen because they are so "unrelable", so what do they do with age of sigmar?
Do they make em Re Evolve into the Old Ones and perhaps give them some personality? Nope, they make them into summoned demon automatons.
Now they dont even have cities, they dont even have infrastructure, they can be happy if one of them even gets a name.
This pisses me off to no end. They also ruined their atavistic dinosaur theme.
If GW started putting square bases with things again and put the 8e core rules back on their website as a pdf download, I wouldn't be salty anymore. I don't want AoS to die, I just don't want my setting to have died for it to exist. I'm fine with AoS being like Storm Of Chaos and WAR as a different continuity that may have happened.
So yeah. Good release. I'm not buying one because I have the original, but I feel better about having bought some Daemonettes MTO now and would be more open to buying similar things in the future.
My biggest real problem with the setting is that it is without limits and therefore without significant consequences. If some land gets destroyed it doesn't matter because there is infinite land.
HEY, that gryphon model is a beauty to behold.
>WoW is still cheaper.
HAHA, no.
Total War: Warhammer is cheaper. Mordheim is cheaper.
WoW eats both time and money until there's nothing left of you but a husk.
Those are some damn fine High Elf sculpts, and with some filing those Lothern Seaguard are amazing replacements to the monkey-hand Spearmen.
T9A has amazing core rules that fix most problems in the game, but the army books are open to critique depending on your army. Some are good, some remove customization and randomness. Most of that was for internal balance reasons, but its worth considering using 8e army books and T9A core rules.
>Who else is going to buy this and replace all the bases with square ones so as to play WHF again?
Why would you want to? Sigmar isn't a great game, but WHFB is terrible.
There is always Kings of War.
8e failed because it was nothing but big expensive kits. Their ordinary models were quite nice.
Plus, these fit into the classic aesthetic.
You buy two kits, sell the army you don't like. $170 is a fantastic price for a full army.