What the fuck is the Burning Wheel, why is it so good, and if it is then why does nobody play it?
Burning Wheel
>What the fuck is the Burning Wheel
A tolkien-esque fantasy RPG focusing on character personality and motivation
>why is it so good
Aforementioned focus on character personality and goals make it great for player driven games. Modular complexity also means that you can (to a certain extent) decide how crunchy you want the system to be and it handles a few different types of game quite well.
>then why does nobody play it?
Well the rules are Shadowrun combat levels of dense and not explained fantastically to new players meaning that it's a tricky game to get into. The focus on character driven games is also an adjustment for a lot of people meaning that if you play it the same way as a lot of other games it winds up feeling awkward. This doesn't exactly do wonders for peoples' first impressions.
>elves can die of grief
they don't die, they sail off to some far-away elf land, LotR style
But one of the listed ways of being written out of the game *includes* literally dying of grief
>The Limit of Grief, pg155
>An Elf whose Grief has reached exponent 10 can no longer tolerate the trials and struggles of this world——his sadness, disgust, contempt or pity has overwhelmed him. He lays aside his worldly trappings and passes on, either wasting away from Grief or wandering into the West. Either way he is not seen or heard from again—until the end of days.
So yes, if your character either chooses to not sail to the west, or he is unable to do so (banished from elven lands or somesuch), he will literally waste away from grief. Whether this takes the form of suicide, physically wasting away as their heart breaks, or whatever else may happen, I suspect is purely the province of the GM.
The intent however is that they are written out of the game, but given that advancing Grief to 10 means your character has seen some SERIOUS fucking shit, you can probably get pretty creative with how it twists your elf up inside.
>Burning Wheel: Figuring out how to Mind Break Elves
Does any of the trove have pdfs of burning wheel? I only heard about it as some Harn players use burning wheel
Dunno, I found the Character Burner pdf (basically the character creation book), but not the newer Gold edition which combines both the rulebook and the burner into one volume
Every question you listed could be answered by a variant of 'it's not D&D'.
Reply if this link doesn't work for you, mediafire appears to have a policy of shadowdeleting my links so it looks usable to me but for others they get a copyright notice
thanks, it is downloading
Don't Orks and Dwarves have similar mechanics? Obviously not with grief, but with (if I recall) rage and greed?
Can't they become dark elves? I don't know why but I recall a supplement had something like that. Or I'm full of shit.
At a glance I do not see the mechanical means through which an Elf could willingly become a Dark Elf, but as Dark Elves can turn their Spite to Hatred, you could likely invent a Grief to Spite check just as easily.
That works, cheers senpai!
But that would be much less useful, famalam.
But, but, what if I want to play a more character-driven game than D&D, but I don't want to spend a lot of time deciding what flavour of shit-farmer my character was? Or whether he made shoelaces or belts?
>The Limits of Greed, pg123
>Once Greed reaches exponent 10, the Dwarf goes mad with his covetous desires and shuts himself in his halls forever.
>Succumbing to Hatred, pg241
If an Orc's Hatred should ever reach exponent 10, he snaps. He either commits suicide (in an orgy of bloodletting) or retreats into catatonia. Everyone has their limits—-an Orc with an exponent 10 Hatred is no longer playable as a character.
So a Dwarf goes full jew and shuts himself in his halls so nobody can ever steal his shekels and an Orc goes feral and just attacks everyone like a mad dog until he dies, or maybe just going catatonic as you realize "that there is no hope for you, and in fact, there never was."
Any scans of the blue codex? They were having printing issues. You can't even buy it now.
I was just at a store that had a copy of Blue Codex on the shelves
The fuck's a blue codex?
They must have gotten it in before the printing was halted.
Burning Wheel Gold is the core rules and character burner updated into a single volume.
The Burning Wheel Codex is the companion to that which includes the Magic Burner and Adventure Burner.
File has been deleted
Anybody know if there have been any significant updates to the Monster Burner, or is that still considered to be compatible with Gold?
Also, jesus fuck are there any easier ways to make monster classes than "Burn a bunch of stock characters and reverse-engineer them?"
The Gold Books, the magic burner, the adventure burner, and the monster burner. Just hit decrypt.
>Hit decrypt
>Get taken to my own account