As a sentinel druid, am I allowed to take Vine Serpents as my 5th level druid power?
4th Ed General
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Yep, you can select dailies normally (IIRC).
As a general rule, the Essentials class features that say "Choose X of the following powers" actually allow you to choose any power of the appropriate type (encounter attack, daily attack, utility) and numbered level from the parent class. The online Character Builder confirms this.
I would strongly recommend against playing a druid (sentinel), however. It is probably the worst leader class in the entire system, as its class features offer the party minimal benefits, it is saddled with an awful encounter attack power, and it suffers from an implement/weapon attack power crisis with no easy solution.
I would, on the other hand, suggest a hybrid druid (sentinel). It is one of the *best* hybrid classes in 4e, since it loses little from the base sentinel, and it allows you to be a solid leader/controller.
A Wisdom/Constitution-based wood elf cleric|druid (sentinel) is an excellent leader/controller throughout the heroic tier. Such a build has many upsides:
- Freedom to start with Wisdom 18+2.
- Battle Cleric's Lore.
- Perception for initiative.
- Two uses of Healing Word, which can be upgraded with anything that affects Healing Word, including Battle Cleric's Lore itself.
- Excellent druid control powers, such as Magic Stones (at-will 1), Summon Giant Toad (daily 1), Wind Wall (encounter 3), and Charm Beast (encounter 7).
- An animal companion.
- Only three trained skills, but those will probably be Insight, Nature, and Perception under maxed-out Wisdom with a +2 racial bonus to the latter two anyway.
It is no party-enabling Tactical Presence warlord, but it seems like a good way to be a leader/controller with great survivability and initiative from levels 1 to 10.
Thanks heaps, man.
Thanks for the FYI. I will try with the character builder. I've already progressed to level 5 in the sentinel druid, so cannot begin to hybridize.
What are some good ways of generating magical item rewards besides going purely by player wishlists?
There's way to many different books to go through all of them.
The CBLoader has a shop / item list in it, so you don't need the books.
Probably select a handful that are level appropriate but not weapons/armor (cause that'd clash with their wishlist anyway), and random roll from there.
Hello /4eg/!
I am currently homebrewing a warlord for a different game ok fine, 5e. I want to make it appealing to warlord players, and knew I would find more here than anywhere else.
So - what do you like about the warlord? What are indispensable features/abilities the class must have?
For me the defininig feature of the Warlord is that the Warlord can give extra actions to characters outside their turns. The exact mechanics (the warlord player controlling a different character, warlord making some other character do attacks on the warlords turn) isn't that important.
There's this saying for Warlords that a quite like.
The Warlords primary weapon is the Fighter. And that (though also with other characters) is really it for me.
What are warlocks like in 4e?
Pretty fun.
For one, hex and Eldritch Blast are class features, not a spells, so they don't have to waste spells known/slots on them. They also get pretty nice paragon paths for teleporting and stuff. And have some very debilitating single target control.
I heard that saying as "the fighter hits enemies with his axe, the warlord hits enemies with his fighter." But it is a good saying.
You're hardly the first to make a 5e warlord. I even made one, but sorta left it by the wayside because so many other people made their own.
I played a warlock for a while. I loaded up on Charisma, trained Bluff, took Skill Training (Bluff), and learned the Beguiling Tongue spell. That, to me, wound up leading to way more fun than anything I did in combat.
Not that I didn't enjoy combat, mind you. Warlock dailies are awesome.
>The warlord's primary weapon is the fighter
I am going to quote this in the PDF. Do you know who said it first?
I know I'm not the first one. But I've looked through the ones that exist and none of them quite capture the spirit of the class. That's why I'm trying to figure out what people who like the original warlord want from it.
>I am going to quote this in the PDF. Do you know who said it first?
No idea. If you really put it in a PDF just attribute it to Veeky Forums-user
I first read that line on 1d4chan.
What I like most about the warlord is the fluff. They're not the greatest warrior, and they're not trying to be; they're trying to make their allies the greatest warriors they can be. And they do this all through grit and force of personality. The warlord doesn't heal his or her allies by magically closing their wounds, he or she shouts at them to get up and keep fighting.
And sort of what I think is so cool about that is that any cleric who uses Healing Word is doing basically the same thing, but every warlord's Inspiring Word is different. Most of the warlord's powers (especially Inspiring Warlords) are colored by their personality.
>Get up, you wimp. Is that all it takes to fell you?
>You can't give up yet, we've still got a world to save!
>No, you idiot! If you let them get away, I'll have your head on a plate!
>Fight like a hero! I believe in you.
>Get up, you maggot! You are disgracing your uniform!
>Ranger, Ranger, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can!
Here's the one I made, if you wanna salvage it for parts. It's a bit more cluttered than my usual homebrew; I think the last time I really worked on it was before the Class Design UA was even released.
"The warlord's greatest weapon is the fighter." -user
("user" instead of "anonymous" so it's there for those who know what to look for)
This reminds me of the gruff and mean refulffed paladin using his lay on hands. Good times.
Your archetype certainly has some interesting ideas that I might salvage. I'm working on a full class, though, because putting too much into one archetype does get very cluttered, and the warlord does too many non-fightery things. Otherwise, I'd have been very eager to steal the "grant your class features to others" idea because it works in this context.
I know this isn't /5eg/, but if you want to take a look just for the kinds of features and not necessarily their balance, the homebrew can be found here:
Moving the discussion here:
Sorry, I didn't mean to start a mechanics conversation here. I specifically came to ask what 4e players think makes the warlord what he is, and fully intended for any mechancis conversations to happen in /5eg/. So unless anybody has any more insights on the warlord (and you've been helpful so far), I'll just monitor this thread quietly.
I just now remembered that I never properly finished any of my 4e homebrew classes. Maybe I should pick that back up.
>Dervish, martial controller
Using reach weapons and high mobility to tangle up enemies, reducing their action economy and leaving them vulnerable to allies. Fluffed as artistic performers.
>Dirge, shadow defender
Melee implement user (like the monk) who brings decay to enemies. Fluffed as someone who's made a contract with forces in the Shadowfell to prolong their life.
>Puppeteer, shadow leader
Moved allies around and directed them via ethereal strings, not always voluntarily. It was tricky to maintain a balance where that flavor came through without just making this the most annoying class ever.
>Fellsmith, shadow controller
Used shadow constructs (most importantly walls) to impede enemies and alter the battlefield.
Maybe I'll pick 'em back up. I think I've still got them saved.
I get that. But if you wanna keep discussing mechanics, we can do it in the /5eg/.
>>Dervish, martial controller
That sounds interesting. The other stuff too to an extent.
Late into its creation, I realized it might be easier to go with something like Gladiator. I'm still on the fence about whether to scrap the Dervish for parts of a new class or keep going, despite running low on power ideas.
Well you do what you think is best. I'd love to see what you've made once you're done / willing to share.
Goddamn is vine serpents good.
There's a few classes I'd like to make
>Swashbuckler, martial defender
Dex-primary defender that dances and dodges around attacks, can either use charisma (performing swashbuckler) or wisdom (dueling swashbuckler) as secondary stats
>Wilder, psionic striker
A ranged, power-point-using, implement-based psionic striker, charisma primary, can choose between constitution secondary (forceful wilder) or intelligence secondary (subtle wilder)
>Redone slayer, martial striker
Basically just a striker-version of the fighter(weaponmaster), instead of a shitty MBA-spammer
>Redone runepriest, divine leader
Intelligence-based runepriest with more powers, choosing between strength and wisdom instead of constitution and wisdom for a secondary stat
What would define the swashbuckler and wilder mechanically?