I know this is pretty niche here, but can we get a Dark Eye thread going?
Talk about your current campaign, the characters you play and stuff like this.
Also, I will start with a dump
>sharing means caring
The Dark Eye
guess it's not going to happen, is it?
Odds are low.
Also, I still haven't checked out fifth edition, so I can't really comment.
You can still talk about campaigns or one-shots you did in another edition
I have the english version of 5th edition. It looks pretty cool. I would love to play in a game. Too bad everything else is in Nazi.
they are translating everything right now
In my share, there is additional material
>shitty generic system
>the world is golarion deutsche edition
>metaplot wank
Only reason to play this crap outside Germany (where you might no have a better option) is because you're some sort of Germanboo.
even in Germany, many people play DnD
Does the OP image look... suggestive to somebody else or is it just me?
Well maybe the system would get more attention in Germany if it were available in Arabic.
Don't get me wrong, the Dark Eye is played in Germany. Normally it boils down to the roleplaying community in a city chosing to either play DnD or DE exclusively
>the roleplaying community in a city
>chosing to either play DnD or DE exclusively
Why are Germans such collectivists?
Well, big cities like Berlin are of course an exception, we're talking smaller than 500k inhabitants here
It lacks a certain exoticism I want from fantasy. Feels like strolling over to the castle fair next door.
Well, it basically is the HRE with countries with different aspects of European nations surrounding it. Add a few fantasy elements and there you have it.
The Iconic mage for 5th is a token Arab.
I think a lot of it has to do with Old School Grognards vs Newcomers. In the 80's, DSA was the only game in town. D&D wasn't available in German.
Now that he newer editions of D&D are being translated into German, many newcomers are getting their first taste of rolplaying from D&D and the old school DSA Grognards are starting to feel like "their" space is being threatened.
I bet its a "refugees"
Fuck yeah DE. I've been interested in this system since playing the Drakensang games for PC. I already have the core book, the bestiary is on the way. Too bad the Gazeteer isn't out yet.
I rather like the system. It reminds me of a version of AD&D that addresses many of the issues I have with D&D in general. Especially Hit point bloat and restrictive character classes.
system is fucking great.
Tbh, i don`t now about 5th, i played 4th edition.
Can I make a mage that can one-shots living creatures in a single spell, in this game?
Ironically the arabs of that setting, aside from one small sub culture, worship the same gods as the "europeans" do.
I'd say more people play Shadowrun there.
Also the "arabs" of the setting are gender egalitarians.
That too. Though no shortage of harem babes either.
It's like they took all the nice things of Arabs and left out most of the shit stuff.
>tfw no qt magical girl (male) gf with a flaming volcano cock
Actually, i'm playing TDE right now.
Then stop browsing the internets and focus on the damn game, geez, you people are the worst!
Is there a link to the English translation? the books in the link seem to all be in German
How is that ironic? Arab Christians are a huge part of the population, and even Muslims technically worship the same god, just in a very different way.
Well Arabs in medieval times were the most civilized society but with slaves.
We had a (sort of) break while the mages in our party searched their books for the spell they couldn’t seem to remember. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
not really
I fucking love DSA, currently trying to get a few people on Roll20 together. Sadly not many german players are using it and the rest of the world is rather playing other systems.
DSA has such a great focus on low fantasy roleplay intensive smaller stories that together form and change the metaplot.
Depends what creatures we're talking about but probably not, no. Magic is a lot more utility focused in DSA. It's also not as "high" magic as your typical DnD setting and therfore much more grounded in a realistic way.