What are some good 40K books to start with? I have the Ahriman series in mind, but the omnibus won't be out for a while. Pic unrelated.
What are some good 40K books to start with? I have the Ahriman series in mind, but the omnibus won't be out for a while...
CIAPHAS CAIN, Hero of the Imperium!
I got to book 4 of the HH series and It already starting feeling like a chore to to read,
The IG stuff sucked because it was just WW1 with xenos
Ignore , for in his ignorance he knows not what he says. Some of the best 40k books around are IG books (Guants Ghosts, Ciaphas Cain).
>ultramarine and grey Knight omnibuses so low
I see flaws. Those are fucking great.
>Blood Angels omnibus so low
It isn't great but I'd say its better than some of the shittier books in the acceptable tier, like the worse Space Wolf stories in their omnibus or the. At least mediocre tier.
And why the fuck is there no Brothers of the Snake on there? That book is a beautiful thing.
I for one really enjoyed The Armageddon Omnibus but maybe thats because I'm a loyal son of Dorn who loves the BT and Celestial Lions
>Soul Drinkers
Whoever made this image must die. The Soul Drinkers are some of the worst 40k books ever written, involving characters and plots that are literal retardation incarnate. It reads like some shitty fan fiction instead of anything of quality. All of Ben Counter's writing is shit in general.
Last Chancers is a far better representation of military life than Gaunt's Ghosts IMO. And I find it more concise and better written.
Start with Eisenhorn
What's so bad about Redemption Corps? I have a copy somewhere that I haven't read.
Redemption Corps is good I thought
It's literally Rainbow 6 Storm Trooper edition
I just listened to the audiobook of the first Eisenhorn novel and found it surprisingly good, so yeah.
I really liked 'Faith and Fire'
Add Crossfire and Brothers of the Snake in good tier and you're all set
The only 40k book I've read is Legion, where does that place?
Grab Dead men walking.
If you like the Dark Kin at all, the Path of the Dark Eldar series was pretty great in my opinion.
That book full of Death Watch short stories was neat
It started the death of Horus Heresy.
It was decent, up until the ending.
Where's seige of castellax
That book was the tits
Seconded, Path of the Dark Eldar is good, especially the second book, Path of the Incubus. Morr was too good for this earth despite being a remorseless murderer.
What if I want to read about Tau? Are there any novels for that?
That's probably under the "Space Marine Battles" category. I don't know about you but the Saturday morning villain behavior in that book was just... eugh.