/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Really Stupid Edition

Veeky Forums Fumbbl Main Season has Season VI is live!

Stunty League Season 2 will have finals one day.

Secret Autism League is in round 3 still.

Veeky Forums BloodBowl 2 League is currently being reformated to be more idiot resilient. Round 3 will begin Sunday.

The new edition is also out!

The latest rules, the CRP (aka LRB6):

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League:

Veeky Forums STALL League:

IRC Server (Not Dead): irc.fumbbl.com
Port: 6667
Channel: #tg

Steam Community for Blood Bowl 2(It is basically dead):

Cknoor's tutorials:

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for crab getting rekt

t. CMonkey

Third for salty crab getting rekt

t. Crab

t. Crab

t. Crab

>ever watching domun and plastic


>watching other games

>watching blood bowl

>playing blood bowl

>blood bowl

>Having Fun



Wow, this thread is a shitshow.

Post Best Big Guy instead.

She's a big player

I'm sorry :(

I'm not.


why are wizzies such shifty bastards
>takes your 150k shekels
>you call on his aid
>he drunkenly slurs some gibberish and lightning zilches a centimeter out of his finger
>>guess it didn't work lad
>goes off on his way

Because people keep paying them

Can someone help me out with a noob question about rules? Pic related.

In the part I've outlined in red towards the bottom, I'm blocking the lone Amazon there with the Black Orc. The Amazon is strength 3, where as the Black Orc is strength 4 and he's also getting assists from the 2 Linemen to his right, effectively making it a strength 6 hit against a strength 3 opponent. So why do I not get to roll 3 dice for this? I was under the impression that if you have higher strength, it's 1 extra dice roll and if you have at least double their strength, it's 3 dice.

What am I missing here? Thanks.

You need to have MORE than double their strength.

you need to be OVER double

fucking what mate

Gingdom of Ind vs Four Angry Sots


Fuck season 6, check out this sweet secret STALL match:


no thanks

what is the point of getting block when everyone else already has it? why not get wrestle

>everyone else already has it
So never?

Ah okay, thanks fellas.

It's a screenshot. You'll get over it eventually.

Because you don't want your slower player falling on the floor

Come play Fumbbl with us, you'll learn a lot faster than playing against AI. For example 8 Rerolls, is not good.

>8 rerolls
>10 cheerleaders
>18 assistant coaches
>grid and names disabled

Look at the right bar. I'm pretty sure that isn't a new team or anything.


I apologize for the "get over it" comment. That was dickish. I have no excuse.

I'm using cheat engine while I learn the rules of the game. A buddy of mine just got the board game and we're starting a season soon.

>That was dickish

Yeah, next time just tell that dude to fuck off.

Let's say the plastic Nurgle team is 2 bloaters, 4 pestigors, 6 rotters and 3 rerolls

Would it be "balanced" against the human team that are currently in the box?

Gingdom of Ind vs Four Angry Sots

ends 2-0 in favor of the Ind

>4 pestigors
>not just 2 of each positional like every other team

I just feel like GW's grape will be 3 rotters, 2 pestigors and one bloater, and you get 2 grapes in the box

nurgle set will be
>4 warriors
>3 pestigors
>4 rotters
>0 rerolls

>selling a big guy in a 30$ box

nah, just like the rest of the BG, they're going to get selled for 10$ each


Set will be:
2 bloaters
2 pestigor
8 rotters

They can't do big guys nor they can do odd numbers of minis. It will be something lame, like

Are norse runners even made for running?
What's with the dauntless?
Are they supposed to receive?

use them as ball carriers, they're your only player with a access. dauntless is nice because you're mostly looking at doubles for guard on norse so it gives you some punch

They fast.
They agile.
They run.
They runners.

One more question, are all the rules of the video game identical to the new board game or did they change some stuff up?
Cuz I could swear that when I was playing my first game at my local GW store that the guy working there told us that you just had to double the strength to get 3 dice rolls and I'm wondering if that was just an error on his part or if that is indeed the case in the new rules and I might be missing some other things.

It was an error. The biggest difference is you need to declare a pass before moving on fumbbl and tabletop. Cyanide lets you move first then decide if you want to do a pass at the end.

There are a couple of minor differences between the rules the games are based on and the new ones, but he fucked up there. thenaf.net/2016/11/from-crp-to-bb2016/

>start league at flgs
>someone plays first game
>their catcher dies
>they quit
>ask to rejoin league with all new team thats literally same roster he originally started with

should we let him back or make him play by the rules like the rest of us? we have shunned for less

he's a shitter, ban him for life

Tell him if he wants to join he can join with the last time. Or just say try next league.

He can fuck off, if he can't handle a single player death he's playing the wrong game

Especially a catcher. Why the fuck cares about human catchers

>should we let him back
Only if he plays his old team with the dead catcher
Else he will do this every time with a major injury and won't learn
>w-w-wait my b-blitzer is injured
>c-can I p-please play with a f-fresh team

Do you self a favor and drop the extras, the AI is bad/easy in Cyanide games, and the conservation of Rerolls is a lesson you need to learn quickly. Some teams will only start with 2. When to reroll and when to take the skull is a hard lesson.

Set yourself to like, 3 rr and learn to work in those constraints, that's pretty standard so it'll help you out

This. Also never rr a push or both down unless you just know you won't be using the rr for something important later (end of turn and you have - # rr to turns)


There any word on the plastic dwarf release yet?

Any idea on whether or not the boxed teams will be in colored plastic or standard gray? Skaven were cast in gray, but that's an appropriate color for them anyway

Never, I hope. That team is the antifun. They have killed the interest in every league I've ever started because new players want to have fun instead of looking at a blob of beards

dwarves are so bad i rarely ever play against them
last time i did they had a bad time against my bashy humans

>the AI is bad/easy in Cyanide games

Guy you're replying to here, and jesus it is.
I tried playing this game a few times a while back and I always rage quit because I wasn't patient enough and made stupid mistakes and the AI kicked the shit out of me.

This time around, I'm noticing that the AI is making risky moves like picking up the ball or really stupid dodge attempts as the very first action and forcing a turnover before they even move anybody else.

>AV9 w/ strength access
>AV8 w/o strength access

How exactly?

It also has no notion of turn management (it will waste time forming cages in its own half of the field when there's only 2 turns to score), nor things like "A player with No Hands shouldn't be chosen for a High Kick event".


They're likely going to be gray, the colored plastic seems to be only a gimmick for the boxed games they do.

The Final Game of the STALL SemiFinals.

Come watch as mortal Enemies Tendril and Tooby face off once more to see who is truly King autist


Once you're good enough to realize that... It's time for the multiplayer. DO IT.

I'm just going to leave this here. The filename should explain everything.



BB2 League will be up and running at 2pm EST.

I need advice guys, because I'm such a fucking scrub noob.

I've only just started playing, and I'm getting my ass kicked every single time. If I kick off, my opponent jumps my team on the first turn and mauls them. If I receive and grab the ball, my opponent jumps my team and still mauls me. I play skaven, so I know I need to dodge out the way and use my speed, but when half my team is KO'd by turn 2, I'm fucked.

What the fuck am I supposed to do, aside from git gud? Any advice on deployment or positioning?

Get better dice.

Don't load up on the line for the kickoff, keep gutter runners spaced out so it is hard to pin them all down.

Go for the 1TT with chain pushes so you have the pressure, may only work once but you still have that 1 extra point

3 players max on LoS when on D, space out GRs. Try playing a team that doesn't have mostly AV7 when you are learning.

goats on bitches action

>tune in
>amazon player followed up, forcing himself to waste a movement to get 2db on a warrior

Zon player is going to fuck up a lot. Should be fun, right?

mighty blow and tackle are his first two blitzer skills
he kind of looks like a shitter
he has almost no normal skill ups either

Wow, yeah what kind of idiot would start with MB/tackle on GS pieces with block? What an idiot.

you know what user i'm a shitter, i just enjoy shitposting and making fun of everyone to pretend like i'm better at the game
i didn't even know amazons had s access, but even if they didn't i understand the merits of mb and maybe even tackle over guard in certain scenarios, but that would not prevent me from shitposting as i tend to do
apologies again user, i've failed

>Cuz I could swear that when I was playing my first game at my local GW store that the guy working there told us that you just had to double the strength to get 3 dice rolls and I'm wondering if that was just an error on his part or if that is indeed the case in the new rules and I might be missing some other things.

nobody working at a modern day gw knows the rules for bloodbowl

As the shitty, zon player. I gotta say. This thread got weird

it's a sad state of affairs when a chaos rolling double skulls isn't even worth typing /laugh over

>all 3 pack teams lose the first game and get a death/perm
>including crabs autistic minmax faggot team

That is a funny looking Troll. Here I posted a better image.


>has 6 skill ups
>block, MB, Tackle, Guard, Guard, +ma
>some how is a retard for taking the 4 best skills he has access to

>Not expecting the autism minmax team to do poorly

>cheat engine
>Learning the rules of the game

Really now....

>by the end of the season there will only be pact versus pact at the bottom of the pool

>Not the Veeky Forums suicide pact

c'mon son
