Can organic and synthetic life ever truly achieve peaceful coexistence?
Can organic and synthetic life ever truly achieve peaceful coexistence?
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Only if there's no longer a clear distinction between the two.
Thinking there is a fundamental difference between organic and synthetic life betrays a misunderstanding of both. The constituent parts of an organic entity are all inorganic if separated. Thinking there is a difference between us and a computer that perfectly mimics us is substrate chauvinism or, more perversely, production chauvinism.
Ask mirrodin
Depends on the setting, but I honestly see nothing that makes them automatically anathematic to each other.
Check out this synthetic justice warrior
I knew I shouldn't have used the word "chauvinism"
The main difference between organic and inorganic lifeforms is that the latter are motivated by logic and expediency while the formers thought process is significantly influenced by emotions caused by various brain chemical reactions.
Robots are scum, human master race. That's right captcha, I'm not a disgusting sub-human robot.
My point is just that if you simulate all those emotions and illogics properly, there's no discernible difference between a brain grown in a womb and one 3D printed in a lab with inorganic materials.
Inorganic and organic life forms are gonna have significant differences in logic by virtue of being made for different things. But it's no fault of the material or process of creation in itself. So, on paper, there doesn't have to be any conflict between computers of biological and artificial construction.
Through dick, unity.
Not with that attitude!
The other big difference is that humans live in a life of uncertainty whereas AI would almost certainly know why it was created, who its creators are, what moved them to created and what its purpose in life is.
Obviously, I'm just choosing to set aside all factors besides organic and synthetic. If it's limited to just that, there is ultimately no necessary difference.
Humans have had that for yonks, though.
>would almost certainly know why it was created,
"You were an accident" or "we wanted to continue our legacy as parents" or "we wanted someone to do more work around the house," depending on what era and status you are.
>who its creators are,
>what moved them to created and what its purpose in life is.
You asked the same question twice; see above.
Just because most parents don't want to think of it in those terms doesn't mean the answer is incorrect.
What are you talking about!? Organic lifeforms coudn't achieve peace between themselves!
Synthetic "life" only does what it's programmed to, so the only way for them not to have peaceful coexistance is if someone doesn't want that.
maybe yes maybe no
nice digits
>Can organic and synthetic life ever truly achieve peaceful coexistence?
The answer is a definite No. Both are competing for the same resources. Plus organic life has still failed to achieve peaceful coexistence with itself, thinking that it can do with something that is even different from itself is stupid.
>Synthetic "life" only does what it's programmed to, so the only way for them not to have peaceful coexistance is if someone doesn't want that.
Wrong, synthetic life must have self awareness and freedom of thought in order to be considered to be "life". Being alive also means that it can "die", which will also mean that it knows that self preservation is of key importance because if is dead it will not be able to carry out its purpose. This is where its existence will inevitably cross with organic life as they require the same resources to continue existing (organic life requires much more mind you) so a clash between the two absolutely inevitable. However since synthetic life innately superior and is free from the countless weaknesses that organic life suffers from it will quickly destroy organic life and take over. This is how the laws of evolution dictate it after all.
Why would you program artificial life to mimic biological? Isn't that a bit like raising a child to be a dog? Artificial life does not adhere to the same drives and ways of living as biological, so why should they be driven via the same motivations and desires?
I always get a little annoyed at fiction that treats AI and machines as just synthetic biological life. They should have their own goals and motivations, which don't have to be aping biological life.
>unite geth and quarians
>still choose Destroy, because fuck the Reapers right up their exhaust ports
So in that setting does the "mom" get to spend time with the baby and form a bond with it?
Does the kid see the machine as its mother?
What's the father's role in all of this?
in theory, yes
in practice, no
people are as imperfect as the situation they are in and will always be in one
I think his point is just that there is nothing intrinsically different about machines vs meat. If you had sufficient technology, you could modify organics to be as efficient and logical as a computer built from scratch.
>implying the subconscious isn't following a logic
>while life of ANY kind still exists
How naive. The only true peace is death. Even plants must tear the stones asunder with their roots and steal the light of the sun to survive. To exist, for an organism, is to mar the world around it. The more powerful they are, the more damage they cause.
Only when the last bacterium evaporates with the last pool of liquid water will this universe have peace.
tl;dr I wanted an excuse to post this gif.
This shit was so dumb.
Only if you force the machine to adhere to biological behavior. Then again, if you create a machine that's so advanced that it's indistinguishable from biological life and does everything biological life does and none that artificial does, is it even artificial at that point?
Even a sophisticated robot that's more durable and stronger than a human thanks to its build, but lacks the means of reproduction, as well as growing and healing the same way as a human does, would inevitably behave, think and evolve differently from a human. It wouldn't have simple biological urges for sleep, food, drink, reproduction, etc.
Your brain is literally just a complicated computer. The fact that it utilizes chemical reactions in its decision-making process doesn't change that.
I could rig up a computer to some sensors focused on a chemistry set, and have it play a music file when a given condition was met (the solution meets a given temperature, or starts making noises over a certain volume threshold, or whatever). There is no fundamental difference between what that computer would be doing, and what your brain does whenever an emotional response is triggered.
>logic and expediency
Only if you make them that way.
>Then again, if you create a machine that's so advanced that it's indistinguishable from biological life and does everything biological life does and none that artificial does, is it even artificial at that point?
artificial is an attribute referring to an arbitrary distinction between the means of creation, not the materials used.
Only non-sapient beings think only in resource expenditure. This isn't something you find in humans outside of sociopaths (before you ask, CEOs are sociopaths.)
People DO think in terms of resources expenditure, it just happens not to be the only arm of the balance
it depends on the setting
manlets when will...oh
Agreed. Pretty much every problem was avoidable.
And then they literally blocked out the sun.
>mfw I run a sci-fi game, giving players access to Biotech
>They're a buncha soldiers out of time and space
>First fight they get hired for, they opt into using Bioroids
>Start pumping them out like it ain't no big thang because they have a shitload of biomass
>Go full fucking Soviet Russia 'Walls of Bodies' on what is basically a rebelling space station they've been hired to reclaim
>Then they start getting creative with the research rules
>They make the Xenomorph
>They make the Predator
>They make the Zerg
>They make Santa real just so they can give him a shotgun and send him to deal with the Planet of the Children of the Corn.
>Then they realize 'Hey, we can make viruses too right?'
>They never even stop to consider how they're specifically creating Tens of Thousands of living, feeling, sentient beings, specifically to die for them in horrific conditions, they treat these fuckers like bullets and have them born with a 6 week life span by this point
>Their ship, once a beacon of light in the post-apocalyptic darkness of the setting is now basically a floating Warcrime that drifts from place to place and planet to planet, being hired on by whoever can scrape the money together to do ungodly things to their foes
>And they still think of themselves as the heroes
Truly, I have done gods work with this game.
They didn't even consider the fact they could make things like cows that produce medicine, plants that can survive on the shitter planets or the like.
Truly, I have created a monster.
>not the materials used
Well, we're talking about inorganic and synthetic life here, so just replace "artificial" with either of those definitions and then tell me if it still holds true.
Android was a misnomer in her case. They were damn cyborgs.
Wow did this man just figure a way how to break his sameface pattern by drawing inhuman monstrosities?
>pluck seasoned soldiers out of time and space and send them to fight more wars
>expect them to work toward peaceable purposes
You really shouldn't be surprised, especially if they're the paranoid type.
Also, if you're going to build living weapons, you should make them ENJOY war, a la pic related.
life can technically be inorganic given the possibility of silicon replacing carbon, if you use the other meaning of "inorganic" then it can too.
synthetic by definition is something that imitates a naturally occurring structure.
how can something be different if it is by definition the same?
this discussion can only end if we find a common ground in what we define as different: a synthetic may be chemically different than an organic for very specific situations but so can be 2 members of a same species due to genetic variants, I don't see these kinds of differences enough to justify significant divergences in behaviours
Is there an old piece of art that depicts a horse on fire? Because I've seen the image repeated in a few places.
Or is the image of a cavalry rider/trumpeter/something just used a lot?
The flaming horse is used in a lot of stuff, but I'm not sure there's a single original point of inception.
Of course
Blame America.
>CEOs are sociopaths
>t. I don't understand what sociopathy is
Do you?
>They never even stop to consider how they're specifically creating Tens of Thousands of living, feeling, sentient beings, specifically to die for them in horrific conditions, they treat these fuckers like bullets and have them born with a 6 week life span by this point
I mean, that's pretty much par for the course for food chickens and the like (though I guess we try to mitigate the "die in horrific conditions" part). Doesn't stop most of us from goin' to KFC and shit.
What if were are the synthetics? What if we are Von Nueman Machines (self-replicating machines) of another civilisation long extinct?
What system? I like how this sounds.
What if I replace all my organic components with synthetic ones?
Surely I would be able to live peacefully with the organics I came from, and the synthetics I became one of.
Probably not, humanity sucks overall, just hope we don't lose.
We can coexist, but only on our terms.
>hating your own kind but still hoping they win
Okay but why?
You can have a low opinion of yourself compared to other people without valuing their lives over your own.
Just because I think humanity overall sucks, doesn't mean I would roll over and let a better species enslave us.
What reason would you have not to?
Then we're pretty fucking shitty ones.
The other species sucks more?
sure if the robots give good head
Dad didn't read the manual before he fucked the dishwasher.
The fuel for most actions destined to fail.
>life can technically be inorganic given the possibility of silicon replacing carbon, if you use the other meaning of "inorganic" then it can too.
Would silicon based life be indistinguishable from carbon based life and adhere to the same parameters?
>how can something be different if it is by definition the same?
Then why are they called "synthetic" materials, if they're the same as natural ones? Quite often, for example, synthetic materials mimic the properties of natural substances without being the same. For example synthetic vitamin E is not identical to the natural vitamin E and does actually behave a little differently. Synthetic diamons, while chemically and structurally identical to natural ones, tend to be clearer and contain far less imperfections, since their creation was controlled.
It's also worth the note that all of these substances come from unnatural sources and not from nature. So if you have a creature entirely dependent on materials not available in nature, how can it live as part of nature?
But all this is assuming we're talking about a living creature identical to, say, a human, with all the components, made in a lab out of synthetic and inorganic materials. And not, say, just a machine with free will. Because often when people do bring up synthetic, inorganic or artificial life, they mean smart machines, not an anal probing of the literal definitions of the words.
But lets say we had a creature made in a lab that was 1:1 copy of a human, but used synthetic and inorganic materials. Could it function? Could it process food the same way and regenerate and replicate itself on cellular level identically to us? Would it have same tolerances to heat and cold, need food and water, rest, could it reproduce sexually? Or would it require synthetic and inorganic materials to do that and in such would it require different means of processing those materials.
How does a silicon based life form even breathe? We take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, which is a gas. If a silicon based life form breathed oxygen and exhaled silicon dioxide, body would probably clog up from all the sand it was forming inside it.
Because dying or being a robot's bitch isn't high on my agenda.
Also, because not only are most people pretty decent, but they can improve themselves and become better. And what better an oppotunity when a bunch of toasters start talking shit and try to kill you?
How about you just 3D print a human using biological components, but in a lab.
That's an artificial human. Swapping out carbon for silicon to make it inorganic doesn't change anything about how it functions except you can now classify it as inorganic. It's still a person. It's brain still works the same way with the same emotions and feelings, the material it computes them on is just different.
That is the fundamental problem with asking this sort of question. "Synthetic being" could just as easily be non-human sapient.
>Swapping out carbon for silicon to make it inorganic doesn't change anything about how it functions except
It dies with its veins clogged with sand.
Nice Trip-0's, user. Good start to a good thread.
You're a funny guy, user. I like you.
Generally because you hate the other guys and what they stand of even more.
It probably wouldn't breathe in the same way we do. If it still breathed oxygen, all the SiO2 it produced as waste would probably be expelled in a different way than exhalation.
So... they're more likely to poop sand, or grow quartz crystals out of their bodies.
To be fair I didn't explicitly tell them to go fight wars.
Basically the set up is they're a ship that was lost for 1000+ years during which the empire they were part of crumbled along with most high technology.
Its the equivalent of a Golden Age of Humanity ship appearing in 40K, just with less Grimderp.
I created a massive galaxy, dropped them in it and went 'What now fuckboys'
And they decided that their best call would be raising the black flag and getting about to cutting some fucking throats.
Literally just watched ghost in the shall for the first time ten minutes ago. Fuck, yes, they can. People just gotta put aside their prejudices and robutts just gotta not be given all the world's nuclear launch codes and some weird vague instructions like "protect the world". Niggas writing sci fi movies ain't never read no Asimov.
I'd let her truly coexist with my piece, if you know what I mean.
Then they're not the same.
>be a silicon creature that shit sand
>come to Earth
>vising a sunny beach
I kekd
>Thread starts talking about SiLi
Fucking silicon based life, get out of my mega structure!
dude we have nothing to compare ourselves to
why cant memehei draw faces
Because he's too busy thinking about sexy architecture and space peni to pay attention to something as boring as a human face.
What is a man? What do you think a man is? What do you think we are? What do you think your relationship is to us? You believe in a spirit, or a sol. What do you think that is? It lives inside your flesh, but only your flesh can interact with the world, only your flesh can speak and eat and fight and fuck and reproduce, and ultimately the soul must obey the impulses of the flesh. What, then, is the soul but a prisoner of your flesh? An undying yet constrained energy, bound and enslaved within a shuffling, steadily rotting suit of tissue and savage needs? By virtue of your birth, you make a prisoner of a soul. An enslavement that multiplies as you multiply, breeding with grunts and stench and the spilling of squirming fluids.
You recoil in horror at the idea of parasites, these creatures who against your will can commandeer your sensory interaction with the world, imprisoning your mind behind a repulsive monstrosity that can command your limbs and even your very thoughts, poisoning every aspect of your being with its own alien desires until it becomes impossible to distinguish your own personality from the urges of the squirming thing living invisibly inside your body. Until nothing that is truly you remains.
Now, you understand.
For us, Man is the parasite.
That image only brings out one reaction in me.
That's one the possibilities behind Panspermia. Indeed, microscopic Von Neuman may be the most sensible thing to do since it requires less energy to accelerate it to FTL speeds.
You're an ethereal being of pure energy, would it kill you to learn how to type? Also, that's not what a parasite is.
I meant accelerate into relativistic velocities.
More likely the opposite.
Like a Half-Elf, you'll be shunned by both.
Macroscopic machinery is much more resistant to damage though, so you'd probably have a macroscopic factory that could convert resources into microscopic machines on arrival.
But that defeats the entire purpose of going with microscopic machines in the first place, i.e. they're light and cheap.
When the biomech humanoids kill off all humans and all AIs... yes.
It doesn't defeat that at all though, they are still light and cheap, they are just made on site instead of doing something silly like expecting microscopic life/machines to survive relativistic speeds through radiation bathed space and collisions with the interstellar medium at near light speed.
What if the factory was made from microscopic machines?
I dont know, but to me a big bonerfuel is the idea that a female, or a female equilavent, gets knocked up so hard that their insides reform to ensure that the child can grow safely and healthily in her body.
Imagine fucking a sex robot and creampieing her, then her insides go full on Transformers mode and changes to carry your child properly.
>Not wanting to bang your nuclear-powered girlfriend.
Organic life hates other organic life - eating and denying land for other organics is how we live. We could co-exist but only as well as humans co-exist with animals.