Why don't wizards trade in there old robes for swank uniforms? Uniform color and/or armband can designate rank.
Why don't wizards trade in there old robes for swank uniforms? Uniform color and/or armband can designate rank
Because Comfy
Part of wearing a rope is declaring to the world you don't want to try. It's basically a step above sweat pants
Why wear a uniform if you're not required to?
Because tolkien didn't do it, and if tolkien didn't do it, it is haram.
Why even wear both?
Nah, you're a fucking wizard. You wear whatever the fuck you want, though in practice robes are impractical because lengthy sleeves and hems catch on things. Tight leather tunic and breeches are usually best.
Cus they're broke
Robe color, trim, insignia, etc. can indicate rank.
Uniforms tend to come with institutions for them. If there is a Wizard Institution, there stands to reason there will be a uniform. However, the wizard uniform will more likely be the ceremonial robes that we have today if they're anything like a college or university. A wizard in military or law enforcement employ will likely wear the uniform of that institution, with a signifier denoting them as a wizard in some capacity.
Because wizards aren't some kind of organized, unified faction. They're individual people with powers. They'll dress however the heck they want.
Completely agree.
This hooded robe meme needs to end.
I think that wizard robes and hats are to magic what labcoats are to science.
Even in professions where they aren't needed, such as psychology or computer science, the labcoat is a powerful role accessory associated with science that tells laypeople what to expect. People see a white labcoat and assume (rightly or wrongly) that the person wearing it is smart, competent, uses proven scientific methods, and has spent years learning the science behind whatever they're talking about.
Maybe long ago magicians found some function in wearing robes, and still do in some fields of magic. But the public association between wizards and magic might be so strong that most magicians think it's too much work to try and change it.
Also, I think that long-coats can substitute for robes in many cases when colored and embellished properly, giving a similar general shape to the robe, but with better mobility and a more modern look.
Uniforms are uncomfortable.
Now I want to play a Paulie Walnuts type wizard, maybe use a lot of Bigby's
I think that like lab coats most magical robes and hats are used to protect the user from the possible side effects of their own magic. What I thought the reason for robes was that you could imbue one object with a shit ton of runes reinforcing the fuck out of it so when you mix the magical version of boiling hydrocholric acid and boiling sodium hydroxide you don't end up with mana burns and scales on your feet.
If you want people to take you seriously, you've got to wear the right clothes.
Wearing a uniform just makes you look like another soldier. Not a master of the mystic arts.
Being a Wizard cop or being in wizard military unit sound rad as fuck. Where can I enlist?
>Military Wizard Police
>It sounds like you've had a little to much scrying my lad, it's the polymorph cell for you sunshine
What kind of computer scientist (past the 70s) wears a labcoat?
Labcoat sounds comfy AF.
Actually you're right. I was thinking of the 70's for that particular example.
There was a wizard in a track suit in the Day Watch movie.
>lives in a stone tower
>in blistery cold fantasy setting
>with no modern heating
Of course you wear thick huge robes.
I mean, sure, but like, why when you can make fire with your brain?
They do now! This is immediately going into my campaign.
>tfw group doesn't want to play my high-fantasy SWAT campaign
I've got good news.
My wizard wears a track suit and smokes/drinks heavily. What does that count as?
>Becoming a 1984 Mageocracy with Colleges replacing the Ministries
Your good news reminded me of some old news
Your old news is news to me.
Out of the various times I've played Wizards, I think only one of them actually wore robes.
Two of them were Spellswords, so they wore armor.
The other usually wore nice travel clothes, since big, flowy robes tended to get in the way while riding a horse.
i mean, do you run everywhere? because its faster than walking?
maybe wearing heavier clothes is less strenuous than maintaining a fire spell
>not classy suit
I tip my hat to you.
Or you can be a Warlock from Destiny and have a swanky uniform that IS a robe as well as an armband that signifies rank/order/allegiance
I should really get around to watching Brotherhood.
Kimblee is way too swag, not even fair.
This looks based af
Or they could all start dressing like this.
God, that game was beautiful.
Shame everything but the gunplay was pretty much shit.
Well they probably play D&D all the time user
I'm dressed like I come from PE, you're dressed like you come from Church.
SWAT unit.
Special wizards and tactics.
>Special Wizard Assault Team
Does he also have a propensity for squatting?
That's a uniform for Russians, though.
>Select all tiles that match the description: Falcon
>It's a fucking hawk
Goddammit Google. One job.
It was pretty great while it lasted: soviet industrialised magic, telekinetic soldiers, airships with broadsides of sorceresses turning themselves into energy cannons
Even got a videogame and a d20 Modern splatbook
Sadly the comic's been on "hiatus" since 2008
But that's not Adidas.
Even better.
If all of swat is made of wizards.
Kamen wizard?
I don't follow the series, so do not know if want...
>Kimlee is too insane, not even fair
Fixed that for you mate
Special Operations Response Corps
Magic Association's Gendarmerie Especial
Had a wizard who was leader of a mercenary company once. The uniforms were simple, such as they were- a leather vest with pockets and pouches for spell components that had the company logo tooled into the back. Furthermore, every member of the company was required to carry an enchanted weapon they had made themself as part of uniform requirement.
Robes can be uniform.
Because robes ARE swank you fucking muggle.
I don't know. To me, uniforms indicate someone who's part of a familiar establishment, and I prefer magic users to be something strange, mysterious, powerful and dangerous. I guess it works in settings where magic is an integral part to mainstream society, but i've never really been a fan of those. I feel like something's lost when you can stroll down to your local university-certified wizard to buy magic items.
Generally because wizards tend to lean towards being creative, and uniforms don't exactly channel that. I have been wanting to play a military magician lately though, a destroyer who follows orders.
> Uniform for Slavs.
Historically, blacksmiths were considered powerful and mysterious and all that.
Setting rocks on fire in secrecy and twisting them into metal tools weirded people the hell out and smiths were considered pretty dang wizardly, yet you could walk over and buy tools any time
>the little bits of lore and backstory that you can create with your character appearence
I'd like a wizard that just looks like a regular dude until he starts casting.
Why does every adventurer feel the need to wear a hooded cloak wherever they go?
Why do barbarians prefer to be half naked?
Why do humans dress in such boring clothing all the time?
These questions need answering.
>Why does every adventurer feel the need to wear a hooded cloak wherever they go?
If you spend your life on the road and out in the elements, a hooded oilcloth cloak is pretty much mandatory for keeping dry, keeping warm, and keeping the sun off you.
If you actually wanna run this I'd sure as shit be down. That sounds awesome.
I never knew that, but that makes sense. Most of what doesn't appeal to me is the idea of sorcery as something ubiquitous and understood, but I guess that's still avoidable as a local artisan and vendor.
Perhaps an experimental one who works with sensitive materials, or a crazied hobbiest who makes his own silicon chips in his basement.
This show is actually the first thing I thought of when I thought of wizards in uniforms. Not Kimblee, but the State Alchemists. It made sense for them to wear a uniform as government employees, and those were pretty decent wizardy uniforms.
>chain links stretch because of lazy animation
>St Dunstan's Bizarre Adventure
Those are for slavic wizards only.
>Perhaps an experimental one who works with sensitive materials
That'll take a clean room suit, as you barge into the physics lab.
Have fun with plate armour in games then.
That pic reminded me of Alexia's Demons, that has scientists and wizards working together.
They do wear labcoats most of the time. Except when they need to get naked for a ritual.
Special Alchemical Service,...
the possbilities are endless
Hoods keep sun, rain, wind, snow, dust and more off of your head.
Not pulling a Shocker and forming a secret wizard military. Mysterious uniformed men and women pop up and preform powerful supernatural feats and teleport away.
>Not join the Air-brigrade and swooping out of the sky to blitzkrieg the hell out of the enemy forces with Wind, Lightning, Fire, and Death spells?
>Not wanting to be a magical shocktrooper Veeky Forums? This is so you anons.
Beard whiteness and length pretty much already signifies rank. Also robes double as housewear. Why should some loser in a tower dress up all spiffy if he doesn't want an audience?
Don't forget that' it's also power armor with built in life support as well.
Many of the different armor pieces and relics you can get have lore significance tied to them and to the type of character you have.
For instance, There is a relic for hunters called Shinobu's vow which ties to a story of a Hunter named Shinobu who, tied and out of ammo, swore to protect a group of people trying to migrate to the city during the early days of the Collapse and she and her group did so anyways even if they were damn near slaughtered by the Fallen for it.
Others such as the sashs worn by Titans will have symbols pertenate to them such as the Hexagon which symbolizes the Battle of Six Fronts, one of the biggest conflicts to face the city directly where 6 Titan orders stood and held the wall.
A UNIform implies a sense of UNIty. It is a piece of clothing designed to create a sense of equality and sameness with others wearing the same uniform. It makes it so that when people look at you, they see the group you're a part of, just as much as or more than they see the individual. A uniform also generally implies submission to some sort of authority, that there exists someone from whom you will take orders.
Does any of that shit sound like something a wizard puts up with?
Depends on the context. People also wear uniforms to make themselves feel important and make quasi-military organizations to stroke their cocks.
Because traditional wizard clothing is anti-anti-caster gear
This. Sure, a wizard /could/ spend the time each evening chanting and waving his hands about and summoning dire creatures from the netherworld to heat his rooms, or he could just put on his damn robe, which also has the added advantage of having lots of useful pockets.
I understood that reference
Buy the new wizard collection by Hugo boss and purge the filthy kender in style.
Kabbalistic Grammarye Brigade
Federal Bureau of Invocations
Conjuration and Invocation Agency
so kinda like a harry dresden situation?
Harry wears a robe in his lab because it's an unheated sub-basement, and a robe is the best way to keep warm.
On at least one occasion, he couldn't find his formal robe in time, and had to show up to a White Council meeting wearing his tatty, potion-stained bathrobe.
irl thats what '''wizards'''' do, uniforms enhance ritual and ceremony and increase authority and 'protective clothing' like veils gloves and masks is worn when doing black magic, some people dress up in whole costumes some wear suits some just wear overalls, but even when in robes the robes are usualy standardised and uniform based on some system of this or that, or completely generic, like large black cloaks and hoods
clothes are usualy a integral part of the magical act/ritual/ceremony/whatever, even being naked is usualy reffered to as somekind of symbolic ''robe''
its all 80% psychodrama any way
Slavic wizards would wear uniform simillar to Harry Potter during Goblet of fire
kinda like this
Are they going to crash the wedding by summoning a demon, or protecting the wedding from outside demonic forces?
they sure dont look like theyre up to any good
Wizards have a uniform. Left to their own devices, you get pic related.
>Looking at pic
>Huh I never noticed that his shoes are geese
>Look up
>Always See Something New.jpg
Huh, neat-o.
they're penguins, actually
Huh, I could swear a moment ago they were geese. All this magic must be messing with my head.
The best kind.
Oh, you mean wearing an outfit that's so generic, you could easily be mistaken for a random soldier from any other modern sci-fi franchise?
I never noticed that he's sitting on a spider. Always figured it was a tree stump.
Now I'm wondering if someone is going back in an changing the picture every once in a while, then spreading it around to make sure it's the "official" version.
>stands to reason there will be a uniform
ID badge on a lanyard does most folk, armband,sash &/oe hat would be enough.
same but until the flying carpet takes off & she start blasting forceballs and lightening bolts from a pair wands that have been concealed up his sleeves/in his boot or belt.