Good starter set for AoS, or best starter set for AoS, edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
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Good starter set for AoS, or best starter set for AoS, edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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>Mfw highly considering a Chaos Dwarf army after reading up on their lore and seeing that they have AoS rules
But it's resin...but they look so gooood.
I'll be picking up the Spire of Dawn box as it comes out to get a decent start with Skaven, but don't know much of their lore.
which of the clans are the most used? Is playing skryre fun?
Moonclan Grots is best grots
So on the black library advent calendar (yawn), there's supposed to be something AoS related coming tomorrow, or about 2am for me tonight.
So, does anyone have any instructions on how to put the 40k Tzangors together with the double handed weapons that come with the kit and/or the instrument and/or other options? I want to put them together using the double handed weapons because they look awesome and maybe some of the other options.
Skaven lore is easy to read, and amazing! Try looking them up on google or buying a few old codex's on ebay! Skaven in AOS are one of the funnest armies.
any rumors about new elves lately? I saw the rebox of the old starter game with the high elves and am not feeling compelled.
the shoulders and arms are separate parts. When the instruction says to put on the hand weapons, autopistol, or chainsword sneak the two handed sword, command items, or shields on there instead
I wish chaos mortals had more ranged options
>any rumors about new elves lately?
All current model-line will be discontinued and replaced by btotally new armies fireslayers-size according to Atia.
Let's get some paint all up in this bitch!
After finishing painting all the rest of my duardin, I felt my quality slipping there near the end as I felt myself rushing through steps. So I decided to take a few weeks break from painting so I can start fresh on my centerpiece model. Now I got back into it, and have a few base colors laid down. Excited about getting this guy done and seeing him completely painted.
Revised 1500 point list
desu I feel crazy for even considering a list like this. WAAAY too many models
>Wulfrik the Wanderer
>Chaos Sorcerer Lord
>Chaos Marauders x40, shields
>Chaos Marauders x40, shields
>Bloodreavers x40, reaver blades
>Warshrine x1
>Chaos Marauder Horsemen x5, javelins
>Chaos Marauder Horsemen x5, javelins
1460/1500 points
167 wounds, 134 models.
Or would having 2x40 bloodreavers and 1x40 marauders do better? that would give a scary amount of killing power and some redundancy, but bloodreavers are really squishy.
>You will never have a unit of Slaaneshi arabian skirmisher on foot with javelins and short bows
Finally I have some substantial spare time after a shit-awful couple of months, so I decided to finally finish and paint the model that has been sitting atop my desk for all that time.
Still very early in the process, obviously.
Awesome, it's good to see this being worked on some more.
Do you have your own warscroll or do you plan on using it count-as?
I'd consider throwing the bloodreavers in two distinct units, 40 of those guys are unwieldy as fuck and will spend most of the time idle due to their lack of reach. It's not like you are lacking in buffs to make the most of them.
Also, give the sorcerer a familiar with the spare points.
The rest is pretty good.
>Stormcast Chariot
Also trying to figure out a new scheme for the scaly hide of the dracoths, since I've grwon to dislike the purple I've used so far.
I kinda like this one, but blending the colors is a fuckton of work for a crappy painter like me, especially around the belly where it's basically never seen in the first place...
Is that Voltron colour scheme?
- You have a Chaos Sorcerer.
- You don't have any Chaos Familiars.
- You have 40 points left over.
- A pair of Chaos Familiars cost 40 points.
They're super pricey user
Can you give us a sample of the old scheme with the purple?
Spire of dawn will probably come out to $50-60 on ebay
So all of that skaven shit for $30 or so
Are skaven the cheapest army now?
yeah that is all pretty reasonable sounding
I don't treasure the idea of building and painting another 60+ models over my 1000 point list though
Never seen Voltron (it didn't air over here in the 80s and I didn't give enough of a shit to watch it nowadays) , so at least it's not intentionally.
Skaven and Highborne, yeah.
Anyone bought the 5 man Plague Censer Bearer repack from GW? Are the models still metal? I assume not since they come with 32mm bases and there is no slotta variant of those as far as I know.
Rebased ogors from E-bay still cheaper.
I like it!
It's not obvious like the blue/red combo but I have 4 armies in 3 games, and they are all purple, so there is some bias
Isn't this the guy fro the Hunt for Mannfred audio book?
>Isn't this the guy fro the Hunt for Mannfred audio book?
Yep, same guy. This story acts as a prelude, methinks.
got these bad boys today
why did malerion and tyrion lamented the absence of elves if there supposedly were elves all over the realms before fleeing to azyr during the age of chaos?
I have no idea if this is true, but there is this theory that there were no elves but plenty of aelves, who are two distinct races.
>Those sexy sexy treemen
that makes no sense
especially considering "elves" are never mentioned, malerion and tyrion too were looking for "aelves".
I'm not a lore guy but i'm interested.
>if there supposedly were elves all over the realms
Weren't almost all aelves consumed by Slaanesh?
>Weren't almost all aelves consumed by Slaanesh?
I seem to recall that happened during the death of the old world, the age of sigmar has these subfactions of aelves that were presented during the age of myth and survived the age of chaos fleeing to azyr, wanderers, phoenix temples ones and the white lions above the others as I remember their fluff more.
use other minis like mantic chaos dwarfs- yes they are not that good looking but for me they are like old warhammer fb minis silly and fun, but quality is much worse then gw
You guys think i can use this as steamtank in dwarf army iam also using dreadball dwarf as berserkers/Slayers
Spire of Dawn already sold out in the uk.
That means another of their christmas deals totally sold out before its even released.
Is that guy who thinks AoS doesnt sell still here?
he would probably say they bought it for WHFB or some retarded shit
I really can't see that happening. They would have just cut them with everything else last year.
I would have bought it (2 of them, actually) just for WHFB, but arrived too late. Why would it be retarded to buy it for WHFB? It's amazing value.
Veeky Forums, what are the bases/size shown in this
I need to get some.
he would say that no one bought it to play AoS, is what I was trying to explain
Moldlines on the wheels, user
Hes talking about the standard "aos doesnt sell they bought it for whfb/40k" excuse meme
It's the new oval for bikes/cavalry, the Oval 60mm x 35mm
Thanks, and is
I bought a box, its pretty easy to work out with torso goes with which arm. You get two 2 handed weapons on each sprue, a big sword and a big axe.
It's a counts as dwarf lord on shieldbearers. It's a little big, but I can't think of anything better for it to represent, and I made it for the LVO
Too small. Doesn't fit the same basic size for a good representation.
Censers are now resin
But censers are also fucking dogshit, man, worst Skaven unit by far and since i assume you're Pestilens, Plague monks all the way
>king on shieldbearers
That's pretty much what I expected. Which loadout does he represent? I mean, at first I'd think Great Rune Weapon, but the suit also looks heavily armored, so the 3+ from the Ancestral Shield would also work.
Also, relics and command traits? At a guess, I would suspect Relic Weapon and Tenacious.
Great rune weapon because look at the size of that hammer. And he has the relic blade so it becomes damage 4, because look at the size of that hammer.
And he won't be my warlord because my lord-celestant on dire bear is a little tougher to take down.
But all is not lost. I'm taking a unit of longbeards so he can still use his command ability when I need it.
I hate the new models they look like transformers.
Yeah, saw those as soon as I took the pictures. Already removed them, alongside some lines along the lion's ears and the support structure of the chariot.
Also, I am considering magnetizing the feet of the two guys so I can switch them out for a single hero every now and then.
in aos bases matter less i think so even beyond that i can stick him on steamtank base
I didn't mention bases. That would be a small awkwardly shaped steam tank. To me a good counts-as is when it's a believable representation. I've seen a conversion of a space Marine rhino dwarfified that is more believable as a steam tank. Also i don't think you realize how small that model is. It fits comfortably on a 50mm base. I know because I own one
Is Gorechosen actually funny/worth? My 4 friends and I are tempted by it, but at the same time we fear it's too simple
No the 170x105 is massive
That's probably 105x70
I got one too, iam thinking about convertion him cuz yes he is smaller then dred and rhino is too big . i want walker as a steamtank so maybee i will use dred
I don't even see the dreadnought as a suitable counts-as steamtank. You are missing the point. It's not a good representation.
But got ahead and do it, and every opponent you will talk to will say they are cool with it, because they are being polite. But know it's really not.
Hey guys, r8 my Chaos familiar
guys i am back after 10 years, wtf is Age of Sigmar. what is happening.
Someone pls explain to me
they sqashed Fbt and make it in to skimish game with less entry cost game and less rules . its not bad - its easy you can still play with all minis and only shame that they are not using old world but you can still pretend that AOS is in old world. as a Fluff goes its big sand box so take friends and make your own fluff- If u wanna play with points and stuff look for general handbook
so to make it tl;dr, it's cheaper and less convoluted?
Anyone got an idea on how to get a model for settra that doesn't require dropping 300 bucks on ebay?
Yes Start collecting boxex for aos are good boxes and rules are easy. i love old FB and mane mane rules but after some time i want some easy quick games . there is a layer of strategy in aos no that super deep but there it is . People are mosty mad abour killing old warh with is very sad but some times changes are needed. I am playing both its fun in both games
WHFB was not selling. Its popularity was reaching all-time lows. It needed a revamping to draw in new blood, because old blood was slowly bleeding away.
So they progressed the story, called the End Times, which resulted in the worlds destruction. Chaos wins.
Then GW released this new game, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, which is the continuation of the game's story. It's a big tonal shift, but more or less warhammer.
The new game is really simplified, the rules are free, and all the old minis you had are still playable. It's cheaper to get into because they are offering deals on products now, and you can still have the big battles you are used to, but they don't need to be that big.
The core rules of the game are only 4 pages, but don't let that fool you into thinking there's no tactics and strategy to this game, when there's actually a lot beneath the surface, and the longer people play it, the more they discover about it.
Take you collection and give the game a shot, you might like it. If not, then there's 9th age or kings of war to consider.
Wait for Made to Order?
Doubt it considering tomb kings were removed because they 'didn't fit the fluff of aos'
yeah thats not why they were removed
Oh, really? Guess I heard from the wrong sources.
Why were they removed? They weren't selling or something?
This. They could have easily fit the fluff, but they were removed to trim the fat of the fantasy model range. So GW got rid of the least selling ranges, like brets and TK.
Really the crying from losing TK and brets comes a little part from the few people who actually played them, and a huge part from everyone else mentioning them as the reason "why aos sucks"
well it certainly looks cheaper, maybe i should jump to it from 40k
they never gave an official reason but people have their theories like
>not selling well enough
>hard to copyright mummies and egyptian themes
they cut some of the high elf stuff (spearmen, prince on griffon) but its coming back in Island of Blood so it's possible TK were cut for a re-release some time in the future
>they never gave an official reason but people have their theories like
We also have rumors and things from people who claim to be on the inside. Those ran pretty rampant near the beginning of the game. But really nothing concrete.
If anything give it a shot. Read the General's Handbook linked in the OP and go to the matched play section. None of the unit entries have points on them, that's all held in the general's handbook. Build forces from that and use the matched play battleplans.
But the FW models look so damn good though. And I adore their lore, the seem like Chaos only far more evil, I can't put my finger on it, but they come across as far more threatening.
Cheaper in that the models cost the same but there are better deals and a lower cost of entry, ie. To start a new army you dont need big blocks of troops.
If you find they went too far with the simplification, I'd recommend the General's Handbook. Adds rules for Points, character building, narrative campaigns and a bunch more.
There are actually large desert areas with pyramids in some of the maps, and necrosphynx actually show up in the books.
They were dropped because they never sold. Same with brettonia, they were barely stocking either of them in my local gw.
I really fun with 4 people.
It's easy to learn but I wouldn't call it simple. It's a real beer&pretzels game and is good for lots of laughs and schadenfreude.
>If you find they went too far with the simplification
actually i don't mind it, i'm a fucking tabletop normie and always hated remembering billion rules.
>None of the unit entries have points on them
ye i read it already, anyone can basically put out any amount of stuff. You just have to agree on that.
ye i get it
thanks for info bros, like i said it has been over 10 years, i think my few vampire counts just fell apart anyway so i would have to start gathering something else
I feel you. I love the FW Chaos Dwarfs as well.
Industrial Slavers in league with the forges of hell and a big fetish for guns and artillery.
What's not to love?
It just feels like they are an actual overarching doom, and I think another cool factor is that the world seems to have forgotten about them, that they are an arch evil that creeps slowly but surely.
Aelves only appeared in Azyr, but were absent in the other realms, unlike the other races. The aelf gods team up and capture Slaanesh, who had grown fat due to eating so many elf souls during the end times. After Slaanesh's capture aelves started appearing in the other mortal realms.
Their manlet size
I think it's kind of awesome. It makes em feel more monstrous and shit
>it in to skimish game
Actually most of armies larger than 40k armies.
Guys, was the Spire of Dawn a 1 off box or will they print more? I couldn't order one in time as I was broke and now it's out of stock
I think what he means is they moved away from rank&flank. In old fantasy rules the term 'skirmisher' meant units that didnt move in blocks and only had to keep coherency.
It was not a limited run. They will be making more to fulfill stock. They are just having a hard time keeping up with demand.
Oh man, thank fuck. I was planning to get like 3 and I just felt crushed when I saw the No longer available
I whipped up some makeshift paint racks for the paint set (the one that includes every paint GW makes) that she won down at the local Games Workshop store.
I am still amazed that my army of aelves has never lost a game in spite of over 15 games played against pretty much every tier one list out there.
>I think what he means is they moved away from rank&flank.
Yes and it's kind of pain in the ass, since unlike 40k game have much more infantry.
>the same post
Are there points out for the forge world stuff or is in the generals handbook?
FW points are not in the GHB, theyre in FW's downloads section