Can anyone explain this board and te type of people that use it?
Can anyone explain this board and te type of people that use it?
Republicans that voted for Moore, that and fags a pajeets.
Racist, mysogonistic, white supremacists
Not op but I have a question. I never cared about markets, but I just found out the DJIA has only 30 companies. How on earth does the number reach 24000 if its only the price of 30 companies. Is it like multiplied?
>this board
It's a board where people discuss business, finance, and cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, ChainLink, etc.).
>type of people that use it
Men and women who like to discuss business, finance, and cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, ChainLink, etc.)
My guesses based on experience.
White collar wagecucks
Other third worlders
Successful people (.1% - .5% of the board)
In order of most common->rare
But I don't understand what any thread is talking about.
DJIA, AEX, S&P500 are baskets, means there are some really big valued companies in it, the idea of these baskets is that companies balance eachother out giving more stable growth and returns. So yeah its very possbile for it to be that high.
Newfags like you op
Literally 99/100 threads are about crypto currency right now. Read up a few wikipedia articles about this and investing in general and you'll be good.
dont forget the students wanting to use gains to pay off their student debt.
Normies that are always having sex every 2 mins.
They pump the top 5 coins on coinmarketcap and sit with their chad gains at the expense of us alt coiners.
Care to link some?
To be honest, a lot of us really are successful but understand that this market is a competition and Veeky Forums is a tool. It goes several layers deep, but the Veeky Forums mindset that giant whales are manipulating ETH and BTC is less true than they think, though for smaller cap coins it is true. When you learn how to successfully use Veeky Forums as a tool to read the market, you start making a lot more money.
vitalik buterin
charlie lee
CEOs of S&P500 companies
jamie dimon
chinese government
cnbc fast money
right but how is that 24000 calculated because if you look at the price of the 30 companies of the djia it doesnt add up. thats what im having trouble understanding.
remember to take everything on here with a cargo container of salt. use Veeky Forums to find leads on coins and investigate them.
learn about common market effects on one of those free market simulators or just download a book on the subject, you'll be more prepared than most of Veeky Forums that way.
still, it's usefull to gauge interest or rumors, though as said, liberal amounts of salt.
Greetings user.
Basically people are investing their money in digital assets/currency known as cryptocurrency. Go read about the concept, but in the meantime think of these as stocks crossbred with currencies. You're investing in a digital product that can be hypothetically be used as a form of currency.
It takes a while to get the hang of, you'll go through the same stages we all have.
Don't let some of the nonsense and negativity here scare you away, this board can provide a lot of useful information alongside the manic nonsense.
As for the kind of people who frequent this board, that tends to be standard Veeky Forums autists, NEETS with money, your occasional /pol/ overflow and a whole range of others. As with any board, there's a culture to get used to, and sometimes the trolls and b8 can go for several layers. The best thing to do is remember to not lose the forest for the trees.
What board do you hail from user? I'm usually on /jp/ or Veeky Forums when not browsing Veeky Forums.
fuck off we don't need fucking normies
>or just download a book on the subject
Could you link one?
Aren't cryptocurrencies just digital money? What else could there be?
>What board do you hail from user?
i personally liked "trading wizards"
also something, though it's on stocks, which are far less volatile than cryptos
some powerpoint about economics
as for personal tips: Don't scare-sell, or sell based on feeling you are losing a lot. the market is far more volatile than anything else, causing noticable dips but also gains. look at week reports and not the hour ones, you will save yourself a lot of stress. decide whether you would want to trade (days, weeks), or invest (months, years). knowing this beforehand will save you a lot of headache when you held that coin you thought about selling and such.
also, know that "the market" is little more than a lot of greedy people wanting the gains. with more popularity, a coin usually increases in price, but it's far more likely that these new people will fall in the scare-sell hole and cause a big dip.
you want to invest or trade, user?
Thanks. mate
Well, we could call them digital money, but the vast majority of cryptocurrency isn't actually accepted for payment.
There's an absolute arseton of crypto out there, from coins cooked up by Pajeets in their basements, to major projects like Ethereum, to Chinese government-sponsored crypto. Some cryptocurrencies exist to solve problems, some are literal memes, and some are for storage of wealth. It's a pretty diverse topic, some people are interested in the technology behind a certain crypto, whereas others might just be here to buy-trade and make a buck.
Once you have a general idea of what's going on, put a few bux into a currency you like, and that'll help the initial fever go over without risking any real money. Crypto fever tends to last 2 days to 1 week. After that you'll be much more level-headed about things.
Look up an exchange for your country, that's how you can by crypto. Also, consider using Blockfolio. It can track your holdings, though you do have to enter them manually.
everyone on this board pictured here