Are there really advanced humans in 40K? Like ones who didn't slide backward like the rest of the empire after the God Emperor got put on the Golden Thrown? I mean its hard for me to believe that all of the galaxy spanning empire would go backwards and become barbarians or religious fanatics just because the leadership couldn't contact them.
Are there really advanced humans in 40K...
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Also does anyone know where I can read the comic that is in my OP?
Yeah, the Emperor destroyed some like this during the Great Crusade.
Also why have none been found AFTER by the space marines or whoever?
I believe Lord Solar Macharius destroyed one in the 41st millennium. Presumably there could be more beyond the Astronomican range where Macharius stopped.
Because they weren't braindead primitives and they knew better than to bend the knee to the Emperor and his demands. Do you think any of our first world countries would negotiate with a force that invades and demands we all become their subjects and follow their religious belief (atheism, I guess)? Our entire human history has revolved around religion and freedom of religion. America was founded on the anti-thesis of what the Emperor would demand.
>Also why have none been found AFTER by the space marines or whoever?
Because the Emperor or xenos destroyed them all probably.
Found it, planet is Adrantis Five. None of it's wondrous technology survived.
Oh, that makes sense. I was thinking that if we were living in 40K universe and we encountered aliens we would try create an alliance with them against the orcs/whoever.
Thats what I am looking for: cases where the Xenos and non-aligned humans came together.
Being rational tends to get you fucked up in 40k. See: Raptors chapter.
There are rumours and stories of a section of the Mechanicus off beyond the reach of the Astronomican who are still at DAoT levels. The report was deemed heresy by Mars when it was made.
If there are, they probably are trying to get as far away from the galactic clusterfuck as possible.
answer 1: the galaxy is a big place, there is probably a planet that still a planet out there with dark age technology, but for some reason isnt using all the wondrous technology openly, is not being heckled by the inquisition or the admech, is very secretive, and is allowed a high degree of privacy
they ARE the ad mech
answer 2: if there were any advanced humans, it would go against the thematic overtones of 40k, that is everything is supposed to be in decline
Can someone post a reliable timeline of what happened after golden throne? I would love to know more about stuff like this () but its so confusing trying to put together a story given the way the video games/ books/ comics/etc come together.
>answer 1: the galaxy is a big place
While you're not wrong in this instance, I hate when people say this shit. "Can I have female loyalist space marines?" "Can I have Chaos SoB?" "Are there Gue'vesa Space Marines?" And then some faggot says "it's a big galaxy". No, faggot. The size of the galaxy doesn't allow you to straight up ignore concrete laws of the setting.
all is canon, but not necessarily true
there might be an element of literal genie
>female loyalist space marines
without female primarchs, and the operation was designed for males, the experiments quickly degenerated into horrifying abominations after only a short time
>chaos SoB
they have gone insane, with a poor view of reality, fighting against fellow imperials they see as chaos, and yet feeding chaos all the same
>Gue'vasa space marines
astartes go traitor to chaos all the time, perhaps a few decided to just become sellswords, and the tau had some shiny bits they wanted
Because He wanted all of humanity in the Imperium so He could monitor the psychic evolution. He really didn't want some guy turning into a psyker and exploding into an Enslaver portal out in the middle of Galactic Nowhere. The mere thought of that triggers the Emperor. The galaxy is a big place and all, but it is probably unlikely that unaligned humans could maintain super high tech given the horrors of the 41st millennium. To me at least.
>1: Orks
All it takes is a mekboy creating the first and only Orkish Atom Smasher to possibly doom your sector.
>2: Eldar
The Craftworlds types might see you as a threat later on, or will divert attention onto you to save their hides. The Dark Eldar will either steal your sun or send black hole boxes to you. The Murder Clowns have groups that destroy Hive Cities as a joke.
>3: Chaos
Infinite possibilities and they're all horrible.
>4: Necrons
You should know by now.
And not all Imperials are backwards. It depends on the world.
Good points. I just wanted to see Eldar or some not totally evil xeno group standing side by side with a human world against some chaos attack and a Space Marine force coming across this alliance and not understanding what is going on.
Wouldn't that kind of "tolerance and friendship" or whatever be the only way to drive back chaos?
>Do you think any of our first world countries would negotiate with a force that invades and demands we all become their subjects and follow their religious belief
Yes. Countries merely capitulate to whoever is the most powerful.
If extra terrestrials came rocking up pointing their megaassblasters at Washington then you can be sure the government would fall in line rather than be annihilated.
>Countries merely capitulate to whoever is the most powerful.
Weaker countries have stood up to stronger ones all the time. Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Even if they are alive, they're probably part of the Cabal or Illuminati. Probably Cabal.
There was a story in some side blurb ages ago about an advanced human planet that got so advanced, it wiped out all diseases in its entire populace. This however infuriated Nurgle, who sent a warband against it, no word on how that ended though.
Not against a foe that is so overwhelmingly superior and brutal.
Know what's similar about all of those countries?
They were all run by a dictator at the time. Democracies tend to surrender rather than let all their citizens die. Dictators care more about their own power more. OP was drawing an America analogy.
Also backed by foreign powers of a similar level.
Also that, though it depends on the conflict.
Iraq received massive aid from the Soviet Union, but only in the late days of the Iran-Iraq war, not in the Iraq War against the US or its coalition.
But of course, Iraq also fared the worst of any of those examples, when looking at that conflict.
All of those countries you listed had support from either China or Ruissa or both.
Or with Iraq and Afgjanistan, they had support from the US which was then turned against them.
Even if it's not direct aid, the fact that they have access to a (roughly) equal tech level is a big deal.
If anything, this example would involve the smaller party having a much better technology level.
But compared to trillions of zealots from the Imperium? Not such a huge deal when both sides can still kill a planet from orbit.
There's all sorts of different places in the Imperium since it encompasses the known galaxy and billions of planets each with it's own culture, some of them are more advanced then others. Some of them even have divergent technology levels with certain aspects being far more advanced then others. So yes, there are really advanced humans in 40k.
>cases where the Xenos and non-aligned humans came together
Diasporex, Interex and the inhabitants of Calderis all did this.
Sadly the Imperium killed all of them
Daemon World. It proves that no matter what happens, the chaos gods can just say NUH UH and get their way. Just one of many antibodies against change the setting possesses.
How does the inquisition deal with finding a human world that does not worship the emperor? Do they destroy them or try to convert them?
there's a complete STC under the imperial palace and probably another on mars.
STC? My mind is drawing a blank on what that means.
>Do you think any of our first world countries would negotiate with a force that invades and demands we all become their subjects and follow their religious belief
Can you hear the sobbing from Europe?
I'd like to think th Diasporex weren't daft/unlucky enough to have all their eggs in one basket, Maybe a flotilla or a even a ship got away to rebuild far, far away. It's been about 10k years so maybe they will come back one day.
Do you have a single shred of evidence for that heritek?
I thought they were initially cocky asshats but became rational after their dickishness fucked them over.
yes. the thing about 40k is, it is such a giant universe, literally anything you want for story/campaign can happen even if it conflicts shit from other stuff. you want super advanced humans? ok, they were lost during dark age and great crusade never made it to them and now a rogue trader made contact and you are there to subgetate if guard or marines, steal their tech if mechanicum, or whatever you want, thats the best thing about 40k
Can I have FemOrks allied with SoB
People can and do resist despite horrific defeat, casualties and war crimes all the time. Rome lost every battle to Carthage, entire armies annihilated, and they just kept raising new armies and losing them until they won. The Germans cut off entire sections of Russian countryside and deprived them of food or murdered everyone. They leveled Stalingrad. Moscow had no dogs in 1945 because the people had eaten them all. 1916–1917 Germany had nothing to eat but turnips but fought on, have you ever eaten a turnip? The entire french Army, consisting of nearly ever male aged 18-22 rotated through the meatgrinder at Verdun, yet when the French soldiers mutinied they simply said they would refuse orders to attack, they where still loyal to their nation. There is no horror you can commit against men that will make them quit fighting. You can defeat them and offer them honorable peace, or you can kill them all, you can not terrorize them into capitulation.
/pol/, neither is that the case nor planned. Go back to your containment board. Or kill yourself.
All surviving human civs of the old night lost much shit.
The ones keeping most of it were the "kill everything that is not us"-faction, like the one planet the Macharian crusade found.
Negotiations broke down immidiately. So Macharius threw a moon on them and called it a day.
It also helps to realize what the old night was:
First Men of Iron - Skynet, all advanced AI tries to kill mankind. Almost succeeds, hence AI is still banned 15k years later.
Figures that more advanced planets stood no chance.
The warp storms everywere with everything that entails, and a shitload of psykers suddenly.
Population centres are now cut off from their food sources. Enjoy planet wide famine and civil war.
The new psykers for the msot part were food for demons, means demon invasions ahoi! SO any world who did not have means/will of either putting the psykers down or being able to shield them is fucked.
Studying this new human potential because science and progress? Demons eat you and your planet.
Now the human federation was more or less fucked. What did most of the Xenos do which had peace treaties with mankind? Conquest and extermination.
Eldar would go on murderfuck holidays because no legions of Man of Iron and Titans and black hole shooting ships in the way to fuck them up.
Other xenos claiming human populations as food source or slaves. Or just killing all and taking the planet.
Only the lucky, warlike, distrustful or fanatic civilizations survived.
Rationality is worthless if the warp exists and influences the physical world.
One of the mechanicus books had the main ark ship Speranza that revealed some crazy black hole time cannon from the DAoT and also have an STC.
Imagine if in reality the Mechanicus already had loads of STC and tons of spoils from other advanced human societies and Dark Age relics but they are so religiously biased and knee jerk about what is heretek or not. Like if their salvation is literally buried in their backyard but they just don't have the ability or will to exploit it due to fear and ignorance.
Classic 40k.
Converting, Missionaries exist for that job. Not an inquisitorial matter in most cases.
Occasionally AdMech will call dibs, tho. In that case they will send missionaries.
To be fair. In universe it makes sense to be careful as fuck.
The old night and the horus heresy were good lections why you should be.
>tfw you realize there were two female Primarchs
Problem is they needed to stay in one area because it was the only area with the Power Plants they depended on to survive. We're told they actually managed to resist the Imperium's genocide attempts quite well till the Imperium identified said power plants.
I mean it'd be nice if some survived, they had it very rough, but I don't think Space Marines slip up on genocide that much, Space Marines are pretty pro at genocide by now.
Or Interex, Calderis and Diasporex. They survived too.
Also I don't think Eldar were waiting for weakness to attack, they were the dominant hegemon, and they all pretty much died shortly afterwards anyway
>mechancus are pawns of chaos
>just as planned
Welp, another 40k thread perfect end.
I was reading something about the fall of the eldar and the techno barbarians of earth which were surprise surprise not barbarians at all. The emperor is a real fucking tyrant.
wha... how did you get pawns of chaos from that?
Emps was fighting entities that can "lolkilu" almost at any time. I think some hard choices were inevitable.
I can see why people think Emps was a tyrant, if you've never led anything ever in your life, you have no clue what kind of choices go into completing the overall mission.
“‘Faith shall ward the righteous from harm’, the preachers say… I’d sooner trust my life to something more real.”
–Arnau Caigin, known atheist agitator, executed for blasphemy in 814.M41
>neither is that the case nor planned
False. It is both--it is simply going to fail because cumdrinkers like you are on the rapid decline.
>HUU HUU /pol/
I get that playing pretend is what we do on Veeky Forums, but it's only current year for another couple of weeks. Reality came knocking hard in November, better that you prepare yourself now for the coming storm.
>Europe isn't already in ruins
>everything I don't like is /pol/
The denial is incredible
I can see why you would end up a corpse along with the emperor
I believe this is what you might be looking for.
That was a loyalist mechanicus ship.
I've no doubt that the Dark Mechanicus and various Heretek or other unapproved advanced tech societies floating around do have plenty of forbidden knowledge and even unholy "innovation", but ironically they do not have the industrial base to exploit those inventions.
Loyalists have almost unlimited resources and a glacial if not backwards research mentality, chaos and general tech heretics don't have the industrial base.
>Are there really advanced humans in 40K?
Yes, but they are very rare. Since the founding of the Imperium, any advanced human groups with technological expertise end up suppressed or absorbed by the Mechanicus. No doubt there are many advanced human societies in the "wilderness" space beyond Imperial jurisdiction.
>just because the leadership couldn't contact them.
The real problem was the revolt of the "men of iron": the AIs which served and protected humanity. That's what kicked off the age of strife, and it would have hit the most advanced worlds the hardest.
There aren't any left, because the ones that survived the Imperium woke up one day to discover that their friendly home AI had connected the wifi to the warp and the 3d printer had been making demonic killer robots all night.
Apriori Sector
Although technically that's not canon
FlashGitz is dead
>europe is in ruins
idiot yank detected.
try visiting sometime, you might learn something outside your bubble
There IS invention in the admech. It is just very slow and all new ideas must be based on older, proven ideas. Newer plasma guns for example use the basic frame of older ones and put some tweaks on it.
Please note that invention is a dangerous process in W40k. If there is even a single chaos diagram in your device, it can and will get corrupted. And that can happen very easily. A few copper wires in a certain pattern can show the mark of Khorne and BAM the whole thing gets infested by Chaos. A few loose wires accidentally show the mark of Tzeentch and suddenly everthing gets fucked. Chaos actively seeks to curropt technology.
Also, invention can only happen when there are enough resources, personnel and time available. And with the constant war going on, getting some recources from e.g. the tank production line is very hard.
And there is the political angle. Some young techpriest might think "hey, time to innovate" but his elders deny it. The other forgeworld two sectors over has the monopoly on plasma guns and we have a gentlemans agreement to leave that alone. In turn they leave our tank production alone. That way both forgeworlds have some political clout with the rest of the Imperium without stepping on each others toes.
Trying to innovate can also be seen as dangerous and rebellious, and get you branded as Heretk reaaaaaaal quick. Why try something new when everything works decently? The elders think this young one just wants to stir up trouble or show off with some new fancy stuff. Some rival wants to accuse the young one of tech heresy and what do you know, there are some fresh blueprints that violate the ancient basics set forth by tech priest X three thousand years ago. No respect for tradition, that young one.
Better play it safe and just move along.
>Pic related is Chaos trying to slip into new designs
okay ackmed , I believe you.
>can't even spell achmed right
wooow you're a special kind of stupid huh?
Who? Why are they dead?
There is no Arabic name that sounds like that. It's Ahmed or Ahmad. There no Achmed. What the fuck?
>There IS invention in the admech.
Their states in black and white that the Admech lost the ability to truly innovate a long time ago. Also that the Admech are sliding more into entropy and ignorance with the passage of time.
Their codex*
Those entries on the Tau are really inaccurate.
>concrete laws of the setting
None of which touches the things you hate. In fact " the galaxy is a big place" IS one of the concrete laws of 40k.
So dont be an assfaggot.
>that one /pol/fag who's desperately trying to derail the thread into politics but everyone's ignoring him
Muh fursecution
40k 3rd Edition rulebook has an "email" text of the latest innovations and discoveries done by AdMech personnel across the Imperium.
It mentions improvements in the computational power of "computers" measured in kilobrains, improvements on Leman Russ crystal-based batteries, new types of laser cannons IIRC, and a newly discovered STC design.
>still thinking that Imperium is most advanced humans
top kek, listen kid I'm 20k years old neet living a comfy life in eye of terror since resurrected Bernie Sanders passed universal income like in 25 millennium and I am shitposting by using my time machine, just as planed.
Fall of eldar? Lie. Chaos? Lie. Fall of humanity? Lie.
By the end of dark age of technology we were at the brink of technological singularity, but there were human purist assholes that was: Muh humanity, no progress, we want to live in shit like cavemen.
So as nice people we decided to fuck of into what was after called Eye of Terror, where we live as reality warpers it is nice. You can have comfy, easy life with your alien waifu or robotic waifu if that is what you want.
But we left behind some random faggot with Donald Trump's neural pattern and belief that he is made of combined shamans from prehistory. We figured that he will safeguard left behind rednecks quite well.
But then after millennia it went to shit.
That redneck, emperor came to us for help with some special low tech project, we helped.
But he used this for genocide. We asked some nice guy, Horus I think, to stop this and gave him some powers, but idiot decided to stop genocide with more genocide and he failed in the end.
Fuck that, bloody aggressive idiots we have enough. Now we cosplay as demons and don't wont to have anything in common with 40 millennium.
Emperor was a mistake heresy was a mistake.
We should have build a wall
>Middle Eastern refugees haven't been wantonly killing and raping in continental Europe, that's racist and islamophobic!
How's your wife's boyfriend there, bud?
FlashGitz made a comedy comic called Regular Marine about two space marines descended from one of the missing primarchs going on a space adventure then for some reason their comic and eventually website just stopped
At least as far as I know
They have a youtube channel but it's mostly vidya related
Not sure if that's dead though
It worked for Adrantis over 10k years, the guys who destroyed them were Imperials (because they couldn't conquer it by conventional means, despite having the Macharian Crusade vs one system), not xenos or chaos.
The setting's themes are evil and stupid people against other evil and stupid people.
While these things are a factor to greater or lesser extent, the difficulty of innovation in AdMech goes deeper than this. Culturally, the AdMech does not believe in discovering new things. They believe in re-discovering old things.
If one of us (even ones without scientific training) ran an organization dedicated to knowledge, they would try different things, experiment around and see what worked. "It was shit in beta, but they patched it and now it works" is a deeply ingrained idea for us.
AdMech does not think this way. They believe all knowledge already exists somewhere in the universe and the only problem is that they don't currently have access to it. Instead of experimentation to discover information, they go out on expeditions to find the place in the universe where the knowledge physically exists. Their story goes like this: "We had lost the secrets of this, but then a Great Hero went on a Great Journey and came back with the secrets." While of course you have the occasional free thinker who thinks outside this box, that kind of reasoning can quickly land you in hot water unless you hold a high rank.
>40k 3rd Edition rulebook
There's your problem
Perhaps but it's far too late in the game for any of the factions that are capable of working together to do so. The Eldar have been around so long arrogance is practically engraved into their very bones, the Tau are incapable of tolerating others who doesn't subscribe to their philosophy in the long term, the Necrons see no need to engage in diplomacy with other races, and Humanity has been burned too often to risk trusting others anymore. Cooperation may work but there's 40000 years of precedent telling people it's a horrible idea.
Ah, thanks. I had no idea what you were talking about but now I look at the site it looks really fun. Thanks.
Unless you sic Night Lords on them. And people wonder why Emps ignored what Curze did and never sanctioned him.
This is funny and true. I like you future-neet.
Oh just post the copy pasta
What should I know about the guys actively trying to shut down 'nids and Chaos ?
The tech in 40k isn't so opaque that it can't be changed, the AdMech just, as an organization, does not allow public design changes. The fluff for the Enginseer mentions that even guardsmen can modify their vehicles in their spare time, but the trained Enginseer refuses to out of principle.
It's not even unreasonable that they might think that - they're surrounded by a galaxyload of DoAT tech that proves their idea of all knowledge pre-existing to be rediscovered right.
OK lets try this. Lets find the most advanced pieces of technology in the Imperium that DON'T involve killing.
Uhhhh, gelar shields?
retard lefty
>What should I know about the guys actively trying to shut down 'nids and Chaos ?
That you're next on the list, and they view you as being so far beneath them that the only reason they don't actively wage a war of extermination is because they don't even view you as a possible threat.
They view humanity like a human would view a rat-infested property. While you'd ruthlessly eradicate any rats that you found in your home, outside of it on other parts of your property, you'd largely just ignore them until/unless you decide to do something over there. Then they just throw a smoke grenade/lay poison and come back when you're dead.