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Not today death.
Build companions to follow.
Was posting second in the new thread part of your plan?
> That "evidence" comes from places like World Net Daily and InfoWars. As I said, conspiracy theory sites.
> implying the MSM is any better
Just because you don't like what the evidence shows doesn't make it any less true.
Old, off-topic drama does not belong in the new thread. Remember to report.
28 Companions are being added in this addition. The full extension will follow later tonight because shittery but you should get a pretty decent idea who's joining just on the names.
Of course!
>I had no intentions to insult the incomparable user and his CYOAs,
This isn't a good look Ordion.
Well this is no longer HARAKIRI EDITION
good job!
oc, page 2 coming after people make choices
Fuck off. Censorship is the last resort of the irrational.
Well congratulations! You posted your update!
Now what's the next step in your master plan?
See, I can strawman too. You're off-topic not just for this thread but for this board, and if your "esteemed" opponent shows up to pick a fight again he'll get the exact same.
Now sit down and talk about CYOAs.
Working myself to death. No survivors.
And of course he's ignoring the fact that the Commission on Federal Election Reform found that there were serious problems with voter fraud in places that lack voter ID requirements. But of course, everything that disagrees with his ideology must be nothing but a conspiracy theory, right?
stop that.
Felicia, fucking Dante and mother fucking SPEEDWAGON got canonized?!
I don't even need anything else.
>Rainbow Pick
Watch this, baby.
If shitlibs want to post their lies, they should expect to be called out on it. The blame rests with them for lying in the first place, not on the people who actually respond with facts.
Do you want me to tell you about the typos?
>Finished Calculus Final
I might actually have some time to work on my cyoa. So don't worry, It'll be here soon enough.
Did something happen last thread?
Yes please user.
Let's go then.
>INSTRUMENT: Ritter Jupiter Bass
>SECONDARY OBJECTS: Mic, Hardcase, Amp
As usual, a lot
As usual, nothing of importance.
here ya go
>The strandberg boden 8
>Rainbow Pick
hoping that the rainbow pick doesn't turn me into a little girl
drum machine
Liberals whining that "Trump lost the popular vote" even though that doesn't matter at all.
Then, when people pointed out that even that was only because California let millions of illegals vote, they started accusing everyone of peddling conspiracy theories.
So pretty much just the usual. Leftists bitching about something.
I'm gonna start this thread out by dumping everything I've ever made, starting with the first and most popular.
This one also has a few variants which I'll post if y'all would like.
Is it a calculus CYOA?
>Jupiter Bass
>Rainbow Pick
Bring it on!
No. It's a cyoa where everyone else has gotten all of the good choices and you get left with the scraps, for lack of a better term.
I have almost all of the rough draft in pdf form if you want to see it.
For Kuro Neinta you have
>-/+ Capable of serious manipulation when she can be bothered to, be warned it is quiet messy
You forgot to put Ethereal before manipulation.
I noticed this because it was my build.
Thanks Highlander! Super Exciting!
I don't know why, but for some reason people decided to start bad mouthing his cyoas calling them generic and boring and stuff. Ordion makes nice cyoas that are popular, so idk if people were being contrarian or what. But Ordion probably wasn't in a good mood by then.
Worm bet1
You made that?! It's a fun one!
>Tower (magical focus)
>Settlement (1,000 people)
>Townsfolk(change species, customize culture, increase strength/toughness)
>Planar Affinity
>Form Change
>Immortality (no needs, reform in a week)
>Elemental Magic
Demiplane is vast savanna scattered with mountains, crawling with monsters and eldritch abominations. Plane affinity so that we can train various animals as pets for hunting and guarding things. Have village of diverse and exotic amazons that have culture obsessed with hunting and slaying monsters, kind of like Norn in GW except amazons and not shapeshifters. They'd hunt giant serpents that hide under the sand, nomadic centaurs, and giant carnivorous birds that live on top of mountains. Amazons live as tribe that shares everything and are very cooperative for survival. Forging strong weapons and training hunting pets are important to them. I live in tower and am leader of the amazons because of powerful elemental magic that is strongest close to my tower and because I can turn into a dragon to fight off biggest monsters. Take form change so I can be tall, strong amazon. Occasionally travel to earth when things are calm to check how everything is back home.
it's obviously a joke, silly user.
We made the same mistake, but I hoped against hope it wouldn't happen. I knew it would, though.
Many of these were made and last posted (by me) before editable .PNGs were considered to have embedded files.
Doesn't sound like my kind of thing.
This one was basically aborted.
>tfw the build you wanted to get in didn't but the one you didn't expect to did so you feel pretty ok anyway
While playable, there should be at least another row of waifus to this one.
What? Complimenting the user and apologizing for a perceived slight?
If that's not something that looks good, I truly wonder what does.
yeah it was too obvious I should have listened to my gut but guitar and pick made too good of a pair to ignore
well i mean, you're not a *little* girl... just a girl.
> Reotri has been blowing Duwall since they saved the god king of mankind
> Hugh Mungus shits on the imperialists
> user literally just threw the Red behilt shards to the Commercialist because he didn't give a shit
Ohhhhhh boy its a weird one.
This thing is all over the place in the best way.
Fucking perfect. I'll use my fleshweaver powers to become a little girl, and the combination of singing, charisma, and motor skills from the mic and the amp will let me become a supercute idol, just like I've always dreamed of.
I don't understand why I've been chosen, but I won't say no.
>DOMAIN: Long-Banked Coals of the Deep Earth
>BODY: Wings (126)
>SUSTENANCE: Food (96), Wealth (78)
>POWERS: Dragonbreath (54), Elemental [Earth] (18), Hibernation (6)
>SERVANTS: 6 Cultists (0)
Ah, if only.
Not sure if this counts, but I put it in my CYOA folder.
Ordion, I think you need to step away from Veeky Forums for a bit. You seem a tad worked up. I like your work, there are going to be those who don't and you may need to stop pursuing those people.
And now on to the one I've been working on this evening.
your heart led you to your dreams, user
This may be a rare example of a pure mystery box CYOA done right.
Sleep can wait.
Good job, boss.
And that's my dump. The parts of this last one that aren't yet in the images can be found here:
Well, so can the other parts, but scroll past them.
thank you! i appreciate that very much.
This one is pretty strong if it got some expansion.
Feel free. I'll upload the editable .png somewhere if you like.
Hell yes. I'll take that.
Don't worry Ordion some people just want to be annoyng
>btw I really like your CYOAs :3
You made a lot of CYOAs.
Alright I'll read it over the next week or two.
Here you go.
Well, we've been doing this for like five years or something.
Well yeah but now I'm a succubus so I have to choose betwen being a semen demon or hell!
wait a second can I have sex with girls to stay alive?
I liked the CYOA but got bad luck
Thanks user, I'll pax this through and hopefully have a 2.0 out some time this month.
You should know by now that this thread throws rationality out the window. Don't try to make sense of anything they say.
For you.
doesn't say you need heterosexual sex bruh, just says you need sex. i'm glad you liked it, i appreciate you playing it
He asked for advice on why his CYOAs were not getting reposted and then started to attack the people who gave him said advice.
a second question can I unlock shapeshifting as a succubus power?
as the creator i'd say no, because that would basically be giving you the powers of the fleshweaver. at least, not complete shapeshifting. probably something like just changing the size of your sexual features, or your hair color. superficial stuff like that.
Some people were giving him advice and some were trolling pretty sure.
Actually I said I'd include an endless roll of toilet paper because I got the idea from an user. I even apologized for any perceived offence and complimented the user.
Your definition of attack is very odd.
O well thanks!
You said that user's advice gave you an idea for an endless roll of toilet paper. From my perspective this was an insult because you were offended from what that user said.
I deal with a lot of passive aggressive people at work so I'm not really sure why you're trying to pretend you're being anything but. Just don't respond if you don't like what is being said.
Like I said this is a bad look.
How sweet!
>another row of waifus
so it's a wip?
Ritter Bass
Drum Machine
Isn't everything?
Well, we can't all see things from your perspective now, can we?
I simply told the user what idea I got from reading it. I mean if that is being insulting, then I'm surprised you do not perceive everything as an insult.
And my previous responses to him were fairly civil, asking for clarification and I didn't even insult him in turn when he called me a rude shit. If I were really trying to insult him, would I not have used that "rude shit" comment as a reason to insult him in turn?
Perhaps you need to stop over thinking about what someone said.