Emperor of Mankind

What do you think, Veeky Forums?

Is there hope for the Imperium? Will the plug somehow be pulled on the Emperor's life support and maybe the Primarchs can return and hold the Imperium together until he reincarnates?


I seriously doubt big E will be going anywhere if he was planning for the primarchs to rebel from the get go.

Isn't it canon that if Big E dies Terra will be engulfed in a Warp storm and a new Chaos God will be born?

>Is there hope for the Imperium?
For Impeium Secundus rules by Gulliman who reincarnates in Emperor's body.

Wasn't aware 40k was a work brimming with optimism, rainbows and unicorns. A place where after some pain, the good guys beat all the meanies and skip merrily into the sunset while holding hands, forging an empire of goodness and kindness forever and ever.

No, there's no hope.

Let me tell you the grand joke of 40K. It is a joke that's become even better with the new fluff.

You see, the Emperor is a Perpetual. A Perpetual is a kind of human who is - for one reason or another - immortal. When you kill them, unless effort is taken to destroy their soul (presumably) in the Warp, they will always come back. Vulkan is a Perpetual, John Grammaticus is a Perpetual, Ollanius Pius is a Perpetual.

Now, at the same time - The Emperor is on the Golden Throne to prevent a horde of demons from breaking into Terra. The choir of psykers is there to feed him energy so he can keep doing that. If the Golden Throne ever failed, billions of demons would spill forth, consuming all life on Terra.

Also, the Astronomicon would go out. All ships in the Warp would suddenly be unable to navigate. Worlds would be cut off from each other. Only ships guided by Chaos (who don't use the Astronomicon's light to guide them) would be able to travel freely.

The cosmic joke here is that the Emperor is in checkmate. If he dies, he'll return to his full power and glory. It's never specified how long Perpetuals take to return, but Daimon took less than a hour - Let's give the Emperor a day, and then He returns as a glorious blazing figure.

In that time, Terra is swarmed by uncounted numbers of daemons, and everyone dies. Billions of souls perish when the light of the Golden Throne - just for a few hours - goes out.

This is why the Emperor can't die. If he dies, he can fix everything that's been broken - But in the interim, he loses the game forever. So the terrible irony is that to save himself, the Emperor must die; But to save himself means dooming the human race to an eternity of torment at the hands of Chaos.

That's why the Emperor sits on his Throne and stares forth, all-knowing but helpless. That's why he clings to life. Because the moment he dies, everyone is fucked forever.

The end.

Well, fuck.

In canon, nobody really knows.

Eldar scholars say he'll become Necoho, god of atheism, reincarnate and make a new eye of terror. Some Imperial scholars believe he's a perpetual, and that he'll be reborn soon enough after dying. Then there's the starchild believers, who think the Emperor must die so that the fragment of his soul can be made full and reincarnate. The basic idea in the lore is "maybe, but maybe not."

The obvious answer is to kill Chaos. Are you all doing your part?

Actually, a viable answer would be to drag Magnus back to Terra and shove him onto the Golden Throne. How you're going to capture a daemon Primarch is anyone's guess, however. And Magnus is so tainted by Chaos that it might just make things worse.

That images makes my heart skip a beat

Lets see what the Emperor's opinion?

>The Emperor turned to him, His eyes focusing on the Custodian for the first time. ‘The war is over, Diocletian. Win or lose, Horus has damned us all. Mankind will share in his ignorance until the last man or woman draws the species’ last breath. The warp will forever be a cancer in the heart of all humans. The Imperium may last a hundred years, or a thousand, or ten thousand. But it will fall, Diocletian. It will fall. The shining path is lost to us. Now we rage against the dying of the light.’

>‘It cannot be this way.’ Diocletian stepped forwards, teeth clenched. ‘It cannot.’

>The Emperor tilted His head. ‘No? What then do you intend to do, Custodian? How will you – with your spear and your fury and your loyalty – pull fate itself from its repeating path?’

>‘We will kill Horus.’ Diocletian stared at his defeated monarch, illuminated in emberish light of the lumoglobe in his hand. ‘And after the war, we can begin anew. We can purge the webway. The Unifiers can rebuild all that was lost, even if it takes centuries. We will strike Horus down and–’

>‘I will face the Sixteenth,’ the Emperor interrupted, distracted once more by the machine graveyard. ‘But there will come another to take his place. I see that now. It is the way of things. The enemy will never abate. Another will come, one who will doubtless learn from Horus’ errors of faith and judgement.’

>‘Who, my king?’

>The Emperor shook His head. ‘There is no way to know. And for now it is meaningless. But remember it well – we are not the only ones learning from this conflict. Our enemies grow wiser, as well.’

>Diocletian refused to concede. ‘You are the Emperor of Mankind. We will conquer any who come against us. After the war, we will rebuild under your guidance.’

>The Emperor stared at him. He spoke a question that wasn’t a question, one that brooked no answer.

>‘And what if I am gone, Diocletian.’

Basically, yeah. The Emperor's the only one who can think of a solution. No Emperor, everyone's fucked.

The one exception is if, somehow, some other human has the power and foresight of the Emperor.

>The Custodian had no answer. Thunder pealed above them, shaking the cavern and jarring loose a rattling hail of falling pebble-dust.

>‘My king, what now? What comes next?’

>The Emperor turned away, walking into the darkness of the cavern while the storm hammered the dead city so far above. He spoke three words that no Custodian had ever heard Him speak before.

>‘I don’t know.’

-"Master of Mankind

The Emperor says that shit fucked forever. Chaos won, There is no hope. Only delaying Chaos from seizing their victory.

That was the Emperor telling thatthere is no solution. By losing the Webway, humanity already lost. The victory of Chaos now cannot be stopped, only delayed.


Basically, guys, the Eldar are the best hope of the galaxy to be free ftom Chaos.

Once Ynnead is born, then everything will be okay. Trust me.

Oooh, damn, I suppose you haven't read that book yet.

Death Masque is not canon. Pretend it doesn't exist, fellow guardian

Can't he just arrange for some other forced to guide the ships and protect the Terra in his absence? How about making a deal with lesser chaos gods, remaining eldar gods, independent warp entities of power and renown as all of these have a reason to dislike the big four.

There are numrous daemonic entities working for the Four that outstrip these gods in power.

The "Echo of the First Murder", which is a Undivided Daemon, for example, is on par with the Emperor. And looking at its genesis, it's by far not unique.

>The "Echo of the First Murder", which is a Undivided Daemon, for example, is on par with the Emperor

It's connection to humanity makes the Emperor vulnerable in it's presence. Power levels don't come into it.

It was a unstoppable killing machine that breaks apart titans like they were children's toys. Powerlevels get in it hard.

That's some nice Grimdarkness right there.

>If he dies, he can fix everything that's been broken
This is by far the stupidest thing anyone can believe in 40k. Fix what? With what power? Golden boy had fucking everything millennia ago and last time I checked he wasn't dancing on the heads of the chaos gods while myriad xenos burned in the background. He was supposedly a god(or at least had godlike power), made himself demi-gods, had an army of super-soldiers for emperor's sake, and it all went to shit despite it all. I honestly can't comprehend how anyone can think that if the dumb-ass wakes up, everything will magically be fixed, and we'll all beat chaos and all the xenos and that's that. Fucking delusional that is.

Fuck this bullshit. Who the hell wrote that?

"Master of Mankind" by ADB.

>If the Golden Throne ever failed, billions of demons would spill forth, consuming all life on Terra.
By what mechanism? Blueberries don't need a Blumperor on a golden toilet to stop their territories from getting devoured.

The Throne is literally on top of the old Webway project. The tunnels are infested by daemons. The Golden Throne is basically a band-aid on a gaping wound, and the Emperor is applying pressure.

Take away the Emperor, and suddenly there's a fifth column right in the middle of Terra that cannot be held back. There are literally an infinite number of daemons in the Warp, and that's before Chaos Space Marines get involved.

>And Magnus is so tainted by Chaos that it might just make things worse.


Thorian philosophy for the win.

It's hinted, however, that the Emp managed to seal the webway breach at the end of MoM.

I thought he just shut down the project, the breach was still there.

Ok wait a second, how the fuck has anyone managed to read Master of Mankind? It doesn't come out for another 6 months or so.

The Golden Throne is a very powerful human built Webway Creating Machine. It's so powerful that the Astronomicon is basically an off-shoot of it. The Throne requires an immensely powerful psyker to operate. By powerful, I mean that the 3rd most powerful psyker was turned to dust just by using it for a day.

The Emperor used it to create an opening into the Warp for a new, human built Webway Network.

Magnus accidentally breached the WIP barriers of the new Webway, making the whole network an open portal directly to Chaos, through which daemons can freely move.

The gateway on Terra can't be destroyed. Even the Golden Throne can only prevent things from coming through, and it only works if a powerful psyker is operating it at all times.

It is six months later, user. Trump won and they released a plastic daemon Magnus.

Even thirty seconds to reincarnate is probably going to take too long, since in that time Terra goes splat. He HAS to have somebody on the Throne during that time, otherwise it's hopeless.

Something I didn't understand about that, and the failure of the webway project. What prevents the Emperor from trying it again, and building into a different section of the webway instead? Is there only one single entrance he could possibly have used ever? The webway doesn't obey the normal rules of time and space as far as location is concerned, so it should in theory be possible to create a new entrance into a different section.

Main problem is that none of the available options for manning the Throne are a) trustworthy enough, following on to b) powerful enough. Malcador got himself obliterated by occupying it while the Emperor fought Horus, too. You think psykers of that calibre are a dime a dozen?

It was also very nearly destroyed into nonexistence in a trap laid by the Custodes, and was forced to flee.

Unstoppable it is not.

The book mentions that yes, he did close it.

>A shape darkened the mist. Something winged and clawed. Another figure, bloated and horned. And more. Others. A host of inhumanity. The Throne-engines were still cycling down.
>‘Sire!’ Diocletian pleaded.
>The Emperor closed His right hand into a fist, clenched within His glove. With a harmonious pattern of thunderclaps, every generator within the chamber went dark, their internal mechanics rupturing, starving the Golden Throne of energy.
>The archway that led to humanity’s doomed salvation was nothing more than an ornate doorway, leading to the bare rock of the throne room wall.
>Power failed completely, plunging the Imperial Dungeon into darkness.

The entire Golden Throne system went down.

We, the Death Korps of Krieg, stand ready to defend the Imperium and the God-Emperor of Mankind no matter what comes to pass.

We hold the line.

The Emperor seems to consider the location, an Eldar Nexus City of Calastar, the only viable place for him to create a sustainable and safe Webway Hub.

Not only does he apparently not have access to many other Webway Tunnels but, additionally, it seems he does not consider them to be viable for his Unification Process (key to making the Webway useful is seemingly building over it with Martian Tech in the Unification Project).

>Is there hope for the Imperium?
Honestly, as a Dark Eldar and Alpha Legion player I love playing the rot at the heart of the galaxy but I would love it if they released a fluff update that had humanity on the offensive, fully STC'd up, Emperor winning and the human webway in full swing.

After this much time in decline and portraying the decay of a galaxy tearing itself apart, all that despair and loss, I would honestly not be averse to a rug pull and a happy ending.

Happy ending for who?

>drag Magnus back to Terra and shove him onto the Golden Throne
You know, if they're going for story progression it wouldn't surprise me if Malcador did a Harry Seldon on Titan and it turned out that the Grey Knights were at lest partially created for this and they drop their current tasks to go on operation grab Magnus.

For the Tau!

According to how things are progressing,this galaxy is undergoing a cycle.

The Old Ones unleashed Warp hooros that destroyed. The Eldar inherited the galaxy from them

The Eldar unleashed Warp horrors that destroyed them. Humanity inherited the galaxy from them.

Humanity will unleash Warp horrors that will destroy them. The Tau will inherit the galaxy from them. Seeing that they are not psykers and don't have the potential to evolve into psykers, their rule will last forever, breaking the cycle.

How...do the Tau possibly survive a Galaxy with the Emperor leading the Imperium on an offensive?

>grimdark is grim and dark and I don't like it!

Shouldn't you be in the Star Wars general?

Oh...I ignored the wankery about the Emperor and humanity resurgence and went with the pattern underlined in the fluff.

There is no hope for the Imperium. That is the point of the Imperium as a concept. It's a broken system that is doing everything wrong, but has so much power at its disposal that it's just pushing through these mistakes by sheer inertia. It's falling apart and destroying itself through ignorance and xenophobia and fear, but it's so huge and robust that to the people in it it seems to be working, and will seem to be working until it reaches a critical mass of stupidity and enters the final, more obvious stage of its ten-thousand-year death spiral.

The only hope for mankind is to change its situation by changing how it does things. The Imperium in its present form is a dead end.

After reading MoM, I got the idea that he Emperor is flawed as any human.

1) He can see "islands" in the future. But he doesn't know how to reach those islands. His knowledge of the future is as flawed as those of Dune, if not worse.
It somewhat works, because he trained the Custodian that got the demon traped inside him. So he knew he would need to train him, but in training him he accepted that he couldn't defeat the demon of the first murder. It's like an auto fulfilling prophecy.

2) His leadership sucks, because everyone is always expecting him to do stuff, for him to save them. And when he does, it provokes a counter reaction from the opposing side. Like that story of the largest ORC that appeared because, the Emperor was on the Crusade. Here we have a Uber demon, because the Emperor is linked to this story. If the were no Emperor, then there wouldn't be a demon there, because it would not be needed.
So the emperor can do a lot more when he isn't there. Confusing isn't it?

3) I think in MOM, the Emperor realizes his mistake. By being the EMPEROR of MANKIND he inhibits humankind growth. The more magical solutions he creates, Space Marines, Primarchs, Webway, the greater the fuck up he makes.

4) Thus, he either got depressed, or decided to "die", but he couldn't die because he created this image of the EMPEROR. So we get inaction and a corpse.

5) Clearly here is where he decided to go away. He accepts that he cannot defeat Chaos. So he can either, leave and allow us to figure a way, or deny chaos most of humanity by being exactly what he was against, a god (or the idea of). As long as humanity is worshiping the EMPEROR they aren't fully fueling chaos, and most likely a perpetual dynamic balance can be had.

6) The emperor does not needs to be on the Throne. But he need the EMPEROR on the throne as an idea. The astronomicant was powered during the crusades and he wasn't on the throne. He disabled the machine creating the portal to Terr

The Imperium, or more accurately humanity. Primarchs 2.0, Emperor back up, Spirit of Eternity class ships outfitted with full AI, all that Dark Age of Technology stuff they keep teasing just as a real hurrah.

6) ... He disabled the machine creating the portal to Terra, nothing is entering through that. The only thing new we get after the choir is the fire ghosts fighting for the emperor, this is most likely what the choir is for, for fueling the demonic demons of the EMPEROR. They fuel the EMPEROR PROTECTS stuff.
When the emperor gave the GO order to the sisters of silence he had already accepted defeat. He already knew he couldn't defeat the demon of the first murder. That he couldn't keep the webway. That he needed to train that custode.

7) This is the emperor plan. He is going to be the EMPEROR GOD, doing stuff from the shadows by empowering humanity to save itself. This is what happens from 30k to 40k.
Humanity treats him like a god, and he never opposes it. He can, he could just head speak to the high lords of Terra, but he chooses not, because that is his plan. Imperial truth was a tool, when that tool no longer works we get a new tool. GOD EMPEROR. Just like the primarchs were just tools.

8) The end game of the emperor is most likely actually becoming a god. Since he can no longer prevent the taint of chaos, he will be the other side of the coin. Order.

ded after the eldar fucked everything up as usual

while we are on the topic of eldar fuckups, they could have just let the humans us the webway and destroy chaos together (alongside other xenos)

>The end game of the emperor is most likely actually becoming a god. Since he can no longer prevent the taint of chaos, he will be the other side of the coin. Order.
And obviously, this will go exactly according to plan and will in no way blow up in everyone's faces nor have catastrophic consequences for all involved. Because this is 40k, and the birthing of gods always goes smoothly.

This user gets it and this has all been a multi-decade setup for a happy ending featuring noblebright HFY in all their glory. Obviously.

Why would you let a genocidal empire that wants to kill you and all other aliens use your transportation system? Are you fucking retarded?

Human-eldar relations aren't bad because eldar were one-sidedly mean. They're bad because the Imperium takes it as a matter of doctrine to kill all non-humans.

As that user I know it's not going to happen, I would just be OK with it and if I were going to shake up the franchise it's the way I'd do it.

I'd just have Terra collapse without everything bursting into daemons because not everything revolves around humanity or the emperor or chaos. The Imperium breaks down into warring factions and there's just an overwhelming feeling of 'now what?' going on.

He'd make things worse even if he wasn't infested with to intellgent physic bird semen.

>all people saying that everything is fucked and can't be fixed
But if we kill all the demons, that there won't be any danger. We just have to do it.

You can't kill daemons. Destroying them physically only banishes them back to the warp for some time.

Then we just keep killing them like that camping son of a bitch in a first person shooter

Just kill them hard enough

>Is there hope for the Imperium?
In the current incarnation of the fluff? The odds are pretty much next to nothing. The writers created something too many different threats all of whom are enough to swamp the galaxy while basically removing from the Imperium anything that could save them.

If you want hope you'll have to reach a little bit further back in the fluff. Leman Russ is missing because he is supposedly looking for a cure of some type for the Emperor. A secret collection of people called the Illuminati believe that the they can restore the Emperor by ritually slaying all the Sensei (actual kids the Emperor made when a hot chick was around). Some others believe that if they kill the emperor he will be able to reincarnate or perhaps ascend to full godhood.

It all invariably revolves around getting the Emperor back one way or another.

Magnus is pretty corrupt but there's no reason he couldn't be purified and shoved on the throne so the emperor can reincarnate. The Emperor himself didn't want Russ to kill him. Hell, the Emperor could barely bring himself to kill Horus after he was ripped to shreds and only struck the final blow when he realized Horus's soul was basically gone.

Magnus isn't nearly so tough. All the Emperor would have to do is get into an arm wrestling match with Tzeentch. All four chaos gods couldn't really best him in a fight. One on one even in his current state he'd probably kick the shit out of Tzeentch.

The real question then would just be: Would Magnus ever want to be redeemed? If his dad picked up the golden phone and said, "Hey son, sorry for the misunderstanding, all's forgiven." Would he want to come home? Would taking his father's place on the throne serve as a form of penance for him, or would he even have a desire for it?

A lot of things depend on how Magnus thinks. But if there were a viable path for him to be purified and sit on the throne it would be one all but certain way to revive humanity.

>Since he can no longer prevent the taint of chaos, he will be the other side of the coin. Order.
Warhammer 50k: The Shape of the Nightmare to Come
The only good 'serious' fanfiction ever made for 40k

>Magnus is pretty corrupt but there's no reason he couldn't be purified and shoved on the throne so the emperor can reincarnate. The Emperor himself didn't want Russ to kill him. Hell, the Emperor could barely bring himself to kill Horus after he was ripped to shreds and only struck the final blow when he realized Horus's soul was basically gone.

Old Emperor. New Emperor doesn't care about the Primarchs.

>The gateway on Terra can't be destroyed
so move. move everything. fuck Terra, it's just a rock. find a new one. leave the throne where it is and pull the plug.

>Since he can no longer prevent the taint of chaos, he will be the other side of the coin. Order.

Well, that has a sort of old fluff kind of vibe to it but it does pretty much abandon what the Emperor is and what he's based on.

Generally speaking, the conflict in 40k is all about Order vs Chaos with all the factions being somewhere on a spectrum.

On one extreme are daemons who are full chaos and the other extreme are necrons who are full order. Craftworld Eldar lean toward Order with their highly disciplined lives while their dark cousins lean toward chaos and so on.

The Emperor and humanity in general are probably right in the middle. They use the Warp but impose heavy regulations on its usage. The Emperor is like this on a lot issues. Technology is great but AI is bad. Psyker are useful but kill the weak ones and so on.

The Emperor sees himself as the sole person who is competent enough to guide humanity as it matures into a fully psychic race. This of course is a reference to the Golden Path from Dune. The Emperor doesn't really believe in extreme Order or Chaos. In both cases you end up being a slave, hence the whole "I have to guide humanity".

Actually you can destroy them, they are nothing more than psychic energy put together in a pattern, but destroying that pattern requires a pretty substantial force and energy to do it.
And besides that some of the energy encapsulated in the demon will escape destruction and will be recycled in another new one.
The problem here is who will be the first to run out of psychic energy - Chaos or the Emperor?

I hate new fluff so much, they are turning the Emp from the bes of us all into a fedora-tipping edgelord fuckup. Just because writers are chaosfags. Fuck.

Now that is a fascinating question. The obvious answer is choas, because they have had longer to acumulate energy. However they would likely have used at least se of it. On the other hand the emperor is considered a god by the most populous race in the galaxy. A populous which, according to the law of exponential growth, is likely larger than the combined populace of most of human history that came before it. Assuming their worship provided the emperor energy, he could well be stronger.

Ignore everything from blackshittery

>some random daemon created when one monkey killed another monkey only some tens of thousands of years ago
>even approaching the power of the primordial gods like khorne or tzeentch

Can we please stop with this meme.

Meant to reply to


Begone with your linear power-level wankery.
Drach'Nyen was a daemon with a very unique relation to the human race, but he is currently just a daemon-weapon in the hands of Abaddon.
The Chaos Gods themselves are immensely powerful, having existed for practically as long as sentient life. Big E simply represents something poisonous to them that they cannot touch directly, and refer to him as the 'Anathema'.
This does not make them generally feeble in comparison to powerful warp entity #349856784.

What the fuck?

Who is this smug cunt?

Just to be clear, he already back tracked on that.

People need to stop taking whatever the guy says on his power fantasy website as fact.

>The youngest of the Black Library editors, and thus the one who has to read through all the drivel sent in by the fans. Sarcastic and balding, Laurie also likes to dress up as one of the Death Korps of Krieg and terrify nerds. An ascended fanboy with a major hardon for the Horus Heresy, which he is now chief editor of. Runs his own Heresy Forum where he answers questions
>An ascended fanboy with a major hardon for the Horus Heresy, which he is now chief editor of
>chief editor

You now know why this whole series is garbage.

Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d6)

fucking fascist piece of shit can't die fast enough

if he was the best of us then how come he's dead

Ascended fanboys are awful. They should not be at the top of a pyramid.

ADB daddy issues edgelord bullshit. Gotta pump chaos for the kiddies cause bad is good.
Just as bad as imperium wank.
None, zero, zip. Everyone loses (even the Chaos gods, who die when everyone else dies; even the necron/c'tan, who lost 65 million years ago; even the tyrannids who hafta find a new galaxy to nom after they eat this one; etc etc).

fug it all makes sense now

>implying that he backtraced because any reason other than angry backslash and does not think that

They used to have actual writers doing their stuff, not pumped up ex-playtesters.

Maybe it's the problem behind the game: they moved their playtesters to writing edgelord fanfics and they have bad game with bad fiction.

That says it all, user. And so long as the kids keep paying top $ for their shit, geedubs will keep getting shittier. The models aren't even near top-tier anymore - the paints have been garbage since 3rd ed. What exactly does this game have that keeps it going? Why do people keep giving them money? Seriously, how does it keep going?

>ADB daddy issues edgelord bullshit.
Evidently Rick Priestley's and Bryan Ansell's too.

(Going with just the Emperor's own view of the situation here since that's what Carnac's excerpt was.)

EVERYBODY loses, asshat. The Chaos Gods don't get to smugly sit back and wallow in their 'glorious victory.' When mankind devolves into chaos, and dies, so too dies Chaos. Without sentient life to fuck with, Chaos cannot exist.

>everyone in here saying that everyone loses
>ignoring the fact that as long as 1 planet that ever had orkz on it exists the orkz win
orkz have won ever since they first began fighting. orkz will win as long as there's anyone to fight. and since orkz reproduce in death and in simple existence through their spores, orkz will always be winning.


everyone loses user. In the end entropy increases and even the orks die. just like irl

gotcha, user!
git goad, faget - everybody dies, including chaos
chaosfags btfo'd yet again.....


>place thousands of blanks at the opening of the warp near the throne
>demons pour forth
>explode immediately


They tried that. It didnt work for no apparent reason.

Nah, its been shown multiple times that enough Daemons simply overwhelm Blanks.

In 40k Blanks don't serve as fullproof anti-daemon/psychic measure, they have their own 'Blank' power level which needs to exceede the 'Powerlevel' of the psychic and Daemon in question to stop them.

Considering the SoS couldn't stop what was happening in the War in the Webway at all its highly unlikely the Imperium, or anyone, has close to enough Blanks to endanger the number of Daemons threatening to emerge

Picture related is from third ED. Chaos remains eternal even after humanity dies.

There were a handful of sisters, a few thousands versus billions of daemons of all shapes and titans. One of the best scary scenes of the novel is when Chaos titan were marching forth alongside things the size of titans.

He cared enough to tell Russ to bring Magnus to Terra, for the precise reason that he was going to stick Magnus on the Throne while he fixed the cyclops' fuckery.

There's nothing remotely fedora about the Emperor. Remember, the Emperor is objectively correct - He's not going "Your Gods are stupid." He's going "Dude, your God doesn't exist. I can prove it, because I was looking for him and all I found was QUAD SATAN."

Imagine if you were a doctor and dealing with an anti-vacc'er. You'd go "For fuck's sake, you're an idiot! Vaccines do not cause autism! Fucking get your child vaccinated before he drops dead."

A religious person can always answer back that God is beyond his ken.

I mean, I don't believe in God, but by definition the supernatural is impossible to disprove, as it can always be argued to be imperceptible by 'natural' means. And then there's other definitions of God, like the Pythagorean/Druze version of the neoplatonic One, etc.

The Warp and the Chaos Gods aren't supernatural, they're just forces of nature that are very hard for us to comprehend fully. The Ruinous Powers are just extradimensional aliens.

chaos needs the materium just as much as the materium needs chaos - chaos dies when the materium dies. sorry about your old 3rd ed. headcanon.