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Late night comfy edition. What makes your characters comfy and happy? What are they doing while being comfy?

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> What makes your characters comfy and happy?
A good book, some nice cider, and song and music of a certain someone.

He's recovering at the party's demiplanar base, a village they rescued from the clutches of an orc invasion by shunting it into another dimension. Has it really been almost ten years since that day? He's dozing off in front of the fire with his head in his wife's lap, his six-year-old daughter snuggled tight against his side. He doesn't have to head back out for a few more days, at least. Thank the gods for small mercies.

>monk deflects an arrow
>it was a crit
>it's deflected into me instead

Should I be upset? Because this made me very salty.

Hey, quick rules question. What happens if I were to empower one of the spells in the Path of Numbers lime? For example, the Lucky Number spell. Would my target get two possible options to get the bonus on?

>What makes your characters comfy and happy? What are they doing while being comfy?

A good book, some peace and quiet, and the company of his pet dog. Standard mage things.

thats not how that works, the DM was being a shitter

That would not deflect the same attack back at you

Throw back arrows requires a new attack roll


I wasn't the attacker. I was just near the monk when he deflected the arrow. So it went to me instead.


So what, your ALLY monk redirected a fucking arrow into you?

thats what i'm getting, which is why i've been saying his DM is a SHITTER

Because he's actively punishing him for taking a bad feat and playing a bad class, like, the fuck?

Can anyone help me out? I'm trying to find games to apply to but am really bad at siphoning through the shit on roll20. Can someone help me find games to apply to? Suggestions on ones to look at and the like.



Hands down the best game on roll20

>Late night comfy edition. What makes your characters comfy and happy? What are they doing while being comfy?
My last character was a combination commander of what amounted to misfit special forces as well as running an planarly famous dance squad.

He was also a family man. Spending time with his wife and children helped him to relax, and unfortunately his wife and children often got threatened.

The most comfy he is would be spending time with his old war buddies drinking and playing cards while his kids play in the other room.

Last adventure I almost screwed that up by dying for the second time and having my soul actual destroyed.


>deflect arrow
>bad feat

Not my fault the best games are the ones that are not running.

I've already applied to it.

Deflect Arrows
>deflect one projectile attack once a ROUND
>can only protect self
>garbage dex build faggotry
>requires a free hand and shitty preqs
>only goes into shitty feats

Cut from the air
>deflect as many attacks as you have AOOs
>can protect yourself and those adjacent
>glorious strength build
>doesn't require a free hand, prereqs are strength, and weapon training which is easily acquired and valuable
>goes into fucking amazing feats

Deflect arrows is a garbage trap option.

Aranha likes looking at the stars. Or just hanging out outside at night. Pontificating on the world. Enjoying the quiet, watching the world sleep.

Sandpoint's not cold enough to bother her through her spiderfuzz/exoskeleton, so a few times she's just fallen asleep on some otherwise inaccessible rooftop.

I'm ok with Smash from the Air deflecting pretty much every spell except disintegrate, which makes no sense because that's not how disintegrate works. It should effect the sword like disintegrate does to anything it touches.

We're also playing with extended/exploding crits. Rolling either a 1 or a 20 means you roll again, for as many times as you roll a 1 or 20.

I've seen skeletons fall over and explode from rolling three 1's in a row. Nameless soldiers have stabbed a golem with a spear and made it explode. One time I rolled two 1's on my initiative and ended up knocked out for the entire encounter because of "the residual effects of the oracle's Color Spray he used in that spot a minute ago."

90% of rolls are done privately by the DM. The only rolls we see are attack and damage rolls we make ourselves. We've never seen him actually roll anything.

This whole game I've been actively trying to avoid having to roll ever, forcing others to instead. The constant fear of suddenly outright dying just because the dice said so isn't great.

Just like how fire should affect the sword? Or acid?

There's a little thing called being That Damn Good.

Hell, there's even precedent. Ray Shield's stamina trick lets you protect your shield from whatever you're bouncing away, so you could do it with a shield too.

Okay, your DM isn't a shitter.

What he is is a fucking TURBOFAGGOT.

Like god damn. My sympathies.

No, stop that. It doesn't have to make sense, it's supernaturally effecting the spell. Stop placing "logical" limits on non-casters in a world with dragons and wizards shooting fireballs out of their ass.


Your DM is a retard and probably isn't rolling at all

My condolences. You're being novel'd

It isn't though. Feats are Ex unless otherwise stated, not Su.

I would rather it effect the sword honestly.

Well fine, even EX abilities don't have to obey reality. It's still a shitty excuse to fuck over characters who don't need to be fucked over even more.

You're complaining about the 'reality' of a fucking disintegration spell.

I more just want it to consistent with the shield reflection which does have it effect the shield. I believe combat stamina came after Smash from the Air. So I suppose it is a change Paizo decided on making. I suppose that's fine. I think the base version of the shield feat should change rather than being a stamina trick.



>cut from the air
>requires lots of feat investment
>deflect arrows
>monks get it for free


Combat Stamina was before Weapon Master's, boyo.

What I am also wondering is what you actually do that renders the disintegrate ray non-functional. Or the other spells you hit.

It doesn't really describe it in the feat description.

Bounce it.

>The feat doesn't describe how to block every type of spell
>Let's fuck over non-casters.

No I'm saying the base feat should be changed rather than have it be a stamina trick to buff it.

When did Combat Stamina come out? Was it in Unchained? I thought it was later.

>deflect arrows being a bonus feat makes it better

No it really doesn't, deflecting ONE RANGED ATTACK A ROUND is pure garbage.

But if you bounce the spell it should effect something. You more render it non-functional.

No I'm just wondering how the fighter makes the spell not work. Because he is not deflecting it, he is cutting it.

Asking for clarification doesn't mean I want to fuck over martials.

If you're playing a monk well enough you should have a high enough AC that being able to deflect one ranged attack a round should be all you need.

deflecting ONE RANGED ATTACK A ROUND is probably all you're going to get at low levels

No its literally a waste of a bonus feat.

it doesn't matter because its garbage at low levels too.

Its literally better to take dodge.

Stamina was Unchained I believe, yes.

To be fair, it's not COMPLETE garbage. It's one attack you don't need an AoO for, or have to roll for. So you could use that one for the first iterative, then use Cut/Smash for the later ones.

By being That Damn Good.

How the hell does Spellcut work? That doesn't even affect projectiles or nothing, you can use that to cut a fucking explosion.

Uhhh, why not both? Like, I'm playing The One build myself, and I've purchased a couple potions of Shield and Mage Armor that all together get my AC to 30 at level 6. With all of that put together being able to catch an arrow a round is literally all I need because unless the opponent rolls unbelievably high I'm nigh untouchable.
Clearly it's with the power of anime.

>How the hell does Spellcut work? That doesn't even affect projectiles or nothing, you can use that to cut a fucking explosion.
Why is Spellcut so bad? Your total save should always be higher than you BaB.

there's literally better feats you can take. Shit you can get combat reflexes

A single ranged attack is going to do piss all damage.

Maybe he just hit the blast so damn fast/strongly that he destroyed it before it could HAVE an effect.

Like running your hand through a fire, you do it fast enough and it doesn't burn.

You don't need anime to be That Damn Good.

Really? Your flat bonus on will saves as a Fighter should be over 20? You know you still get to roll too, right?

It's two attacks if it's a bow user. It stops both arrows off Manyshot since they're one attack roll.

Over 20 AT 20, my mistake.

If you're playing a ranged build like I am though you shouldn't NEED to get Combat Reflexes, that's what I'm saying. Getting Snatch Arrow is for those times that the opponent somehow manages to get past an AC that's absurdly high and keeps you from getting any damage whatsoever.

thats still garbage.

>Maybe he just hit the blast so damn fast/strongly that he destroyed it before it could HAVE an effect.
But that's not how spells work, they potent the second they leave your fingertips if you're firing a ray.

You complained about realism then say 'that's not how spells work'

Would you care to rescind your position to reclaim what little self-worth you can from this exchange?

>Really? Your flat bonus on will saves as a Fighter should be over 20? You know you still get to roll too, right?
Yes, if it isn't you're doing something very wrong.

>playing a ranged build

"A zen archer’s bonus feats must be taken from the following list:

Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Far Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot.

At 6th level, the following feats are added to the list:

Focused Shot*, Improved Precise Shot, Manyshot, Mobility, and Parting Shot*.

At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list:

Improved Critical, Pinpoint Targeting, Shot on the Run, and Snatch Arrows."

So many better feats to take. so fucking many.

>You complained about realism then say 'that's not how spells work'

I'm not complaining about realism, I was more complaining about consistency for how spell effects work. At no point did I mention realism.






Floating in the sea of thought and emotion while meditating with her psicrystal.

She's started to build a mythal-like psionic structure to protect the city that she lives in and connecting her psicrystal to it allows her to tap into it more thoroughly. It allows her to read the surface emotions of people in her city and she likes just wandering there.

Wilders are wierd yo.

Okay, so I'm not exactly what one'd call well versed in level 20 optimization, but how does a poor-save'd class get it that high without just jacking a stat into the fucking stratosphere.

Base +6, cloak for +5, that's 11... Even taking Armed Bravery and nabbing all three items which jack up Bravery's bonus, that still only puts you at... 19.

And that's just for will, what about Reflex? With Fighter's Reflexes giving a +6, they end up at 17, unless they were a dexguy.

I think spells should behave in a consistent manner. I think consistency is better for the game for the most part.

The sword would still have a saving throw though and use the fighter's.

Though it seems Paizo is moving towards deflecting/destroying spells with martial skill. So I think the ray reflection feat should chance to be consistent with Smash from the Air and not have the shield be effected.

Speaking of the Zen Archer, I noticed a while back that a couple of those feats have asterisks next to them, does anyone know what that's about?

this character has gained mythic ranks and is slowly ascending to godhood. She's stopped aging, needing to eat and etc.

This is when she's not crafting psionic items.

>shields getting nice things.

It ISN'T affected.

If you're GOOD ENOUGH.

See where this is going?

That's not how it works. Deflect arrows is literally "Once per round, when something makes a ranged attack at you that isn't like a boulder or a ballista bolt or fire or some shit, you say "no" and the ranged attack fails".

You dont fucking bounce it off to some other target. It would be like it hitting a wall, doing no damage, stopping and falling to the ground. The attack does *nothing*, your DM is a cunt.

+48 to will saves against mind effecting.
+39 against spell/spell-like/SU
+32 against everything else

don't post autism fighter as a real example.

>Autism Fighter
>Any kind of motherfucking reasonable

Fuck off.

Only if you spend combat stamina. The base version of the feat should be changed to get buffed.

So things have a 1/400 or 1/8000 chance of just having silly shit happen? No fucking thank you.

That's as fucking dumb as the "roll a natural 20 on an acrobatics check to jump - blast off to the fucking moon" nonsense.

He asked for level 20 optimization.

He didn't ask for reasonable.

anytime someone posts autism fighter they lose the argument.

>If you don't have 20+ saves, you're doing something wrong
>How do
>Autism Fighter

The implication was that if you're not Autism Fighter, you're doing it wrong. Which makes me want to shove a fucking corkscrew up your ass.

When it's a bonus feat you get at level 1 and you're not facing 5 - 15+ ranged attacks a round, yeah deflect arrows is pretty decent. Negating a single attack at low levels is pretty okay.

Not saying this makes the monk good or anything, but overall it's "okay". If it scaled up as you leveled it would be pretty cool.

Autism Fighter can be beaten by 'Any guy with free room for 2 feats' and a stealth focus.


If deflect arrows scaled at all, it wouldn't be nearly as garbage as it is.

or failing that, Wizard Kill Teams.

Honestly you could fix a lot of "bad" feats by just giving them fucking scaling.

It's a pretty decent feat as a whole. Low investment compared to the other one.

They can hide from him, but how do they beat him?

cut from the air is worth the investment, where Deflect Arrows rapidly becomes a waste

wizard kill teams.

Pretty much.

It's one attack you just don't have to worry about.

The thing is, if you scaled it to the level you could meaningfully affect multiple attackers' damage output, you'd be fucking immune to just one guy.

I don't think it's that bad if you're unarmed anyway. Less investment than Cut From The Air, more reliable, doesn't take AoOs.

And as I said before, you can always take both, using Deflect Arrows to eat the first iterative, then Cut to deal with the following ones.

Cut from Air line is pretty fucking reliable by the time it comes online.

Yeah, but not infallible.

Deflect Arrows is one attack you just ain't gotta worry about. It makes the whole defense a little more solid. Doubly so if it's a bowguy, since it eats two arrows from Manyshot.

And if it's not a bowguy, you have a bunch less to worry about anyway.

On a tangentially related note, why the fuck is Shatterspell dwarf-only?

No but seriously does anyone know what those asterisks mean? I mean, if you're playing even a remotely good Zen Archer I'm fairly certain that those feats in particular make use of ability scores that you're not going to be using, so do they mean that you use Wisdom instead of those other ability scores to determine the boost you'd get?

>playing human Fighter/War Priest gestalt
>use human FCB for more feats
>20 bonus combat feats
So friends, what should I spend all these feats on? Assume I have no feat tax relief rules and 3pp is not on the table.

As well here is a question. What does Adamantine actually look like?



Reasons. I am considering finally getting a lot of combat maneuver feats.

>weapon training is easily acquired
In what manner can you get weapon training other than Fighter 5?

>Smash from the Air feat line
>Shield Brace+Shielded Caster shield mastery feats w/Nodachi as weapon
>Obedience feat(s)
>More adv weapon training choices via feats
All of this

Do dirty trick, it's the only one that's worth it. With Combat Stamina the Dirty Trick lines means you can really easily inflict nauseated.

martial focus

Only for Weapon Mastery feats, remember. It doesn't count as weapon training for anything else.

Can I use multiple special materials for a piece of armor? Or can I change a special armor (like Celestial Plate) and add new enchantment/make it out of a special material?