could somebody explain to me why wizkids died?
every time i look at my mechwarrior: dark age mini's i really want to play it again.
the unique tcg part of it was cool to.
>also pic related was amazing.
could somebody explain to me why wizkids died?
every time i look at my mechwarrior: dark age mini's i really want to play it again.
the unique tcg part of it was cool to.
>also pic related was amazing.
>could somebody explain to me why wizkids died?
Did they?
Those fucking masts. I can just thell they're getting ready to snap off at the base.
they where fine.
also the boosterpacks where as much as mtg packs.
okay. they have that shitty x-wing ripoff
mage knight was great as well.
>X-Wing above 40k
We did it Reddit
They weren't fine. Maybe their die cutting got better later on, but those first runs had some very tight sockets when they were fresh.
>We did it Reddit
Wut? X-wing just managed to beat 40k where 40k always winning over main competitors like Warmachine.
well they where very cheap, and in my experience did fine. when one broke i just fixed it with a tiny pin. but thats maybe more an option for me because i already had all that shit for gw stuff.
Pirates was amazing, frankly though it died because they sperged out on expansions each of which made the game worse (maybe minus the obvious PotC ripoff expansion, I enjoyed that one).
I mean, I guess they would also have died if they *hadn't* put out new expansions all the time, so it's a bit of a bind. But anyway, that's what happened.
Gamin on hexagonal grid require too much autism to ever become mainstream.
none of this was hexagon. i wasnt talking about battletech, which is still alive.
>being so butthurt
What's the problem with better designed game being more popular?
The clix are still a thing, but it's all her clix now. Has been for a while.
It's a combination of star wars being leagues more popular than 40k, and a wargame that appeals the lowest common denominator of wargamers. I don't consider it a competitor to 40k. Not because I think one is superior, but because one is a hobby, and the other isn't. I tried getting into xwing, but it was just so hollow and unfulfilling, like magic.
It's not hard to see why in terms of sales. Here in the city both games fire off events about equally, but in smaller towns and metros FLGS will have to commit to only one and it'll probably be GW. Also WarmaHordes requires fewer product to play and at a slightly lower price.
First part is supposed to say heroclix. Damn autocorrect
Second part was meant to reply to
Why is it that any explanation which tries to dismiss X-wing as less than a wargame in its own right always ends up being based on arbitrary distinctions and/or 'reee fucking normies?'
>'reee fucking normies?'
Irony, since it was GW who starting focusing on such market and casuals were main component of their dominance.
I know it's a wargame, and well designed too. But it's not a hobby, so it doesn't fit in the same category where you have to build and paint and base your miniatures. Of course you can do that to your xwing minis, but why would you? I'm honestly not surprised with its success because so many people care more for the game than the hobby. Many I see switching to it are those who don't paint their shit, or do the bare minimum with painting.
However i get the criticisms with 40k and am very frustrated with it as well, because I believe both the hobby and the game are important. But a product does not interest me if it excludes one of those aspects completely. So if I were to 'switch' from 40k to something, it's for another game with an equal hobby component.
It sounds a bit like your hobby is painting, not traditional gaming.
>But it's not a hobby
How collecting and playing isn't a hobby? No seriously, why GW fans always turning "elitist"-mode when it comes to discussion about X-wing, like implying that 21st century GW wasn't of the most fucked up thing in industry.
They got bought out by Tops who don't give a shit about anything but HeroClix.
If I collected and painted minis without them ever touching a gaming table, then you would be right. But I play with mine, and therein lies the difference.
As I have been saying, the hobby and game components are equally important to me. Something does not interest me if it drops one of those components entirely. This is why I am not into gunpla (hobby without gaming), or xwing (gaming without the hobby).
To me an ideal wargame is one that has a range of quality unassembled unpainted miniatures with lots of painting, conversion, and customization potential, and a well designed fun game.
As I said, right now I know 40k is lacking in the game part, which is why it have played it very infrequently in the past year. The rumors for the next edition are giving me hope though.
Anyway, this isn't about 40k, I am just explaining why I think xwing is more popular than 40k, and I am not surprised it is.
Technically collecting and playing is a hobby, but when I refer to the hobby component of a wargame, I am referring specifically to building, painting, basing, converting, customizing, etc. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
>. The rumors for the next edition are giving me hope though.
Nothing offencive, but I sear tthat heard something like this about 6th and 7th editions.
>Anyway, this isn't about 40k, I am just explaining why I think xwing is more popular than 40k, and I am not surprised it is.
IMO, but it's just one part of it.
>IMO, but it's just one part of it.
The other part is brand recognition. Star wars is massively popular. 40k can't even come close to its popularity. That's the other major driving force behind xwing's popularity.
>The other part is brand recognition.
Sure my young elitst, but here is the thing, there were shitton of Star Wars Veeky Forums-related things, but none of them was close to X-wing popularity, may be FFG just made better product than GW?
Are you completely missing the point of my posts? Do you just see "I play 40k" and completely ignore the rest?
The reason it's popular is two-fold:
>brand recognition
>well designed and fun game without the burden of a hobby component (and by hobby I mean painting, building, and all that).
Sorry, just didn't sow this part in your posts.
>>well designed and fun game
But, what I can say you guys made terrible reputation for yourselves.
But again, sorry if i really missed it.
>But, what I can say you guys made terrible reputation for yourselves.
A reputation I am aware of, but not everyone fits into.
Again, I tried getting into xwing and found it a well designed game and fun, but without the hobby component, I couldn't see it as a replacement. I've found something else that is filling the niche I am into quite nicely, but I am not going to mention what that is because I don't want to derail the discussion any further than it already has.
Suffice it to say, I see why xwing is more popular than 40k, but it's not for the reasons most people think it is.
>they sperged out on expansions each of which made the game worse
A constant problem with WizKids. Expansions and Organized Play are their bread and butter, and they suck at both.
They expanded too fast with too many products that weren't high enough quality, especially for their cost. They've made a reasonable comeback banking on the collectibility aspect of heroclix and organized play promos.
hero clix is so shit.
i want at least mage knight, but i love me some mech warriors. or do some thing else. dont do fucking hero shit.
As a hardcore Heroclix collector I am obliged to agree. Rules wise there's only so many Batmen, Spidermen, Wolverines, Hulks, Supermen they can release without it becoming redundant. I love them dearly but as a game it's far far far from ideal.
About half the posts in the xwingtmg subreddit are people repainting their ships.
You're forgetting that the miniatures only come in 1 (rarely two) paintjob and people have a hardon for various Expanded Universe squadrons.
Also tons of people convert the Protectorate fighters as their wings rotate on the show and are static on the model.
It was topps buying them out. JW revolutionized the genre with clix. Topps bought them out, but being a sports card company thought that a marriage between sports, cards, and clix would be heaven.
MK had cards, PotC made of cards, NASCAR polystyrene card game, had limited viability because collectors thought it was weird to play with your cards, and kids did quite get the rules.
Topps made a decision to kill MK because of a bad mark 2.0 release, and killed a great tourney scene. I hade 50+ tourney wins, and three national championship invites. I won 36 boosters at pre-release tourney and had a blast.
Topps was built to sell cards, and that's the direction they took it. Hero clix they were able to ride a bit, but it was increasingly be card dependent. Eventually topps realized they made a business mistake because they could think in collector minis mindset. They had it for sell for a while as things were dying and NECA (bobblehead company) bought it. They focused on keeping hero clix which they had licenses for.
There was talk about a MK 3.0 and after a few email threads and trying to rebuild it, it became clear that the company was having difficulty.
JW went to form hair brained schemes and golem arcana, another tray based mini game that had a cool premise but never took off. JWs claim to fame was battletech. He does great at bringing new tech to the genre, but has struggled with sustainability after the great run with MK/H-clix.
WizKids has a very bad habit of making expansions without long term plans for the game. Power creeps get rampant
Agresively expanded into unfamiliar territory without demand, flooded market with products which competed with one another for consumer attention, largely abandoned customer service, and was run by small time retards looking to make a name for themselves at any cost.
>They got bought out by Tops who don't give a shit about anything
Only 2 Mage Knight mentions? Feels bad, and old.
>Star Trek Attack Wing
Relaunch coming!
Cards will be sold separate from ships in ship-specific packs
Ship models will be available separate
Ship-models-only discount bundles will be sold too
Paint jobs are getting redone
Core-set rules are getting redone with all the errata
Only three fucking years too late!
No more exclusive prize content crap gouging on ebay, 40-60$ single blister for one fucking card!
No more buying 15$ packs of shit you won't use just because you only needed a couple cards!
Fuck FF's X-Wing blister pack model! It sucked ass!
What are you talking about? Battletech's been dead and gone since 2001. Are you some kind of idiot who knows nothing of history?
Apparently you're the one who hasn't been paying attention... Catalyst Game Labs has the license for the tabletop, been publishing it for years.
Why Frenchmen always making same mistakes of English?
No they aren't. I don't know what the "Jihad" is, but religious warfare bullshit certainly isn't "Battletech" any more than invading space Mongols are.
Fine Timmy, you go ahead and crawl into your hugbox with your 3025 mechs, the rest of us are going to actually play BT.
Wow, you guys suffer from setting progression butthurt too? I just thought us AoS people had to deal with that.
Dude, you have no idea. Timmy probably breaks out in hives whenever someone wants to play with build value instead of raw mech tonnage.
I have a ton of these ships. What should I do with them? Convince some poor friend to learn and play?
I feel ya pain, bro. Salty grognards be salty.
BattleTech has it way worse, actually, it's just that the game is basically on life support so you don't see it.
Pretty sure the franchise would be wholly dead if not for MegaMek and MWO, somehow
That new big scale one has given it a shot in the arm, if my local scene is any indication.
the BATTLETECH game, by the Shadowrun RPG devs?
I haven't been to my local store in ages.
Make a diorama or save them for your kids :^)
Don't recall what it's called, sorry
>Only three fucking years too late!
Maximum KEK
sell them to me.
does anybody have any idea how much it would cost to get the license for that game and start selling them again?