What does Veeky Forums think of anarcho-capitalism?

What does Veeky Forums think of anarcho-capitalism?

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I Love it

only ideology that is consistent

>We should make sure we can't have a government we can maybe influence by voting rule us. Instead we should have private property owners who only care about money rule us. But its okay because I will DEFINITELY be a property owner and have a private army. The end.


Voting does nothing, democracy is a scam.

Its the worst system...besides literally everything else.

>missing the point of government-less institutions such as hospitals, police forces and firefighters, funded by insurance.

Basically if you want medical care, safety or someone to put the fire out of your house, you pay nigger

>inb4 we still need the army to defend us from le evil commies

There won't be need for armies when there are no dumb ideologies left, oviously we must nuke shitskins before taking the jump to the bracve new world

Ancaps are a pure abomination and should be shot on sight. Worse than feminists, radical centrists, and even communists.

It cant work and its somewhat jewish.

The absolute state of biz LMAO

What I hate most about crypto is all of you fucking autist ancappers.

It's literally as if a bunch of angry kids thought of their own ideology

Why are people always so salty about ancaps?

ancaps couldn't stand the r/the_donald nature of nu-/pol/ any longer and moved to Veeky Forums earlier this year. Veeky Forums is /ancap/ now

Because they are addicted to the asphalt jew.

Dictatorships are better, at least then everyone knows that if you want change the only way is to kill the person in charge. In democracies people are fooled into thinking they actually have a say and kept complacent.

the worst parts of anarchism and capitalism, together at last

Stay mad poorfags
How does it feel being on the bottom of the 21st century darwin's selection?

Brainlet ideology for people who think their high school econ class taught them everything they need to know.

These are the retards that try to explain markets with basic arithmetic and are constantly befuddled by irrational markets.

if you think it's an abomination I ask you to visit Venezuela, they would be far better without the government ruling their lives

Worst kind of anarchism. Social libertarianism (specifically Communalism) or GTFO muh face.

t. unironic fascists

> he thinks liberty can work with multiculturalism.

Anyone who needs an ideology is an upper-higher class retard in search of an identity.

A privileged sack of mollycoddled shit.

>he thinks multiculturalism can exist without a welfare state
>he doesn't realize the biggest (((hoodwink))) of them all is a (((social safety net)))
You were doomed from the beginning, goy.

retard is paying 50% on taxes and being ok with it

>social safety nets are inherently jewish
NSDAP had social safety nets

I hate those faggots. Fascism is the only ideology that works

obviously if too much government is bad, the right amount of government is absolutely none at all

Authoritarian Government with Free Deregulated Market and low taxes is literally the best thing ever

prove me wrong

NSDAP is a stupid ideology for idiot goyim; the only difference is which master you slave for. Your stupid fascist circlejerk has no power here, nu-/pol/

All i know is that thousands of brainlets are helping us ancaps defund governments with cryptos. Let them criticize, when they're begging to enter our private cities we'll ask them to cite democracy the god that failed before we allow them in.

The only consistent ideology.


>authoritarian government
>free unregulated market
Pick one.

They're about to create their own crypto.
Where are the ancaps? In texas with no tech.

How’d that work out?

Because it's fucking retarded and its supporters all have the worst case of superiority complex, and won't stop shilling it anywhere.

Seriously, try living in a welfare state, those guys are so fucking whiny all the time, making it seem like we're living in fucking North Korea

NSDAP was a political party, not an ideology you utter mong.
>you must be a poorfag
I probably have more money than you.

You don't need to pick one you get that right, literally socially authoritarian government that protects it's market by making taxes as low as possible and by slashing spending by privatizing education, healthcare and social security and thus attracting big corporations

>try living in a welfare state
>hordes of niggers and maghrebis invading daily
>fucking AnCaps are so whiny

Pretty well, turned the economy completely around in five years, then the UK got all asshurt.

> He thinks we can eliminate the welfare state without fascism.

>NSDAP was a political party, not an ideology
Seriously? So now the quintessential example of fascism wasn't real fascism? This sounds oddly familiar.

>we need a government to make sure the government doesn't get too big
Capcha: road any time

>only examples lasted a decade

when advances in biotech and 3d printing render the cost of every good virtually zero, anarcho-syndicalism will be the way to go for everybody's mutual best interest.

Anarcho-capitalism is definitely 90% of the way there towards liberating everybody.

But it's a less pleasant hypothetical world than taking the an-cap ideology one step further towards the liberation of humanity.

For example, in an-cap paradise if I want to drive on a road, they're all private, so I'll be paying toll after toll to get from place to place. Kind of annoying.

In an anarcho-syndicalist society, even all property will be owned by all. When there's a scarcity of resources, this system is tough but workable (see the early kibbutzim, or the communal efforts in Spain during the Spanish Civil War). When there's an abundance of resources provided by technology, this system is win-win for everybody.

Everyone is totally free to do whatever they want, there is no hierarchy, people can work in whatever capacity they feel and aren't stuck in particular careers and work as much or as little as they want, and everything is free.

Things are decided by the workers themselves, ending the need for bosses or any kind of hierarchy.

This will lead to a new era of creativity and abundance for everyone.

Everyone will have the resources and times at their disposal to bring whatever crazy ideas they have to fruition.

Read Bakunin and Kropotkin to get a better idea of this. Collaboration and cooperation is the hallmark of an advanced society, both in nature and in human history, not infighting and competition.

Yes, the fucking AnCaps are whiny and simple-minded.

Step 1: Fuck it; I ain't paying no taxes and I'm laundering all my income through Monero
Step 2: Gov't has no monies for gibmedats

We prove ancaps were right everyday on Veeky Forums
>No one gives a fuck about our economic ideology so we had to invent our own coin


>he thinks anyone cares about the ideological aspect of bitcoin
enjoy your slow bleed

I wish that would work. I used to be an ancap before I realized how bad things really are.

Anarcho-syndicalism is just AnCap with the majority of corporate ownership being held by the employees and customers of the corporation in question.

>So now the quintessential example of fascism wasn't real fascism?
Correct, national socialism is distinct from fascism. Though fascism isn't inherently bad, there's still differences between it and national socialism.
>sounds familiar
Not really commies go, "I-Its not real communism" because they dislike whatever communist country it was. I quite like NSDAP's policies and if you'd said national socialism instead of fascism or not called NSDAP an ideology then I wouldn't have objected.

>Feels and moralism are a valid economic theory

>competition and heirarchies are bad
You're spooked son

>how bad things really are
And how did they get that way? the big fucking G's of God, Government and Goyim. Stop falling for the same fucking trick every goddamn time.

You might not care about our ideology but you're leading the word towards it.

How many XMR do I need to get a crypto-anarchist gf?

solid insight

>national socialism
Is fucking socialist; I don't care what Hitler quote you dig up.
>NSDAP political party stances
>guaranteed employment
>healthcare and workers comp provided by gov't
>complete gov't authority over production
>price controls by gov't
>unions and mandatory union membership
You are fucking lefty communists; there is no difference between you and (((them))) except for whether the gibs go to niggers or rednecks.

>implying competition won't be at all time high without gov interaction
>implying hierarchy (yeah that's how you spell it you dumb nigger) is real in a homogeneous white society


>That pic
Fucking hell, that looks comfy.

As many as you can get your hands on; that way you might get a crypto-anarchist harem!

Nice meme you have there

You haven't played rapture.

Like social darwinism, communism or fascism, it's a shitty ideology that completely ignores 5+K years of history to create an inhuman society.

If it became the foundation of society, it would lead to civil war and the country would resemble Somalia pretty soon.

TL;DR: Mongos

>competition will be at an all time high
Did you even read his post?
>Everyone is totally free to do whatever they want, there is no hierarchy
>Collaboration and cooperation is the hallmark of an advanced society, both in nature and in human history, not infighting and competition.

Yeah pretty much, I think that'd be much preferable to AnCap where the current power structure is essentially retained, i.e. CEOs run the planet.

If the employees and customers of Amazon decided how Amazon runs, it's inevitable Amazon would start to kick immense ass and deliver greater value to everyone involved, with all capital that would otherwise be wasted on paying C-level
and managerial dickheads so they can keep buying their $20k/night hookers now going back to customers and employees.

Technology would easily make this kind of scenario feasible.

damn, youre an idiot. the nazis enacted massive privatization schemes after acquiring power. anyone who makes the claim clearly doesn't have an understanding of national socialism, fascism, and socialism and just hurdhurddhh lefty communists hurrr whenever they hear "the left" or "socialism"

>For example, in an-cap paradise if I want to drive on a road, they're all private, so I'll be paying toll after toll to get from place to place. Kind of annoying.
crypto can make that automatized

Republics are the masterrace.
Fuck demoncracy and fuck authoritarianism

ancap memes are usually a solid rebuttal to the ideology

sidenote, I know there are plenty of pervert ancaps here that would get a kick out of this game: freecitiesblog.blogspot.com/

>he thinks a republic is possible without first removing the marxist threat via fascism

Dude its the jew that got us here, and the institution of govt isnt the problem, multiculturalism is. I tip my fedora to you.

pregmod makes it better

>technology would easily make this kind of scenario feasible
Yeah; it's called the blockchain. There's no reason why only currency can be kept on blockchain registers; you could easily maintain property right using the same system, which opens up using the blockchain for title keeping and corporate structure. Delaware already allows companies to incorporate on a blockchain and use "coins" as shares.

The only thing standing in the way of humans taking back sovereignty and capital from mega-corporations is our willingness to do it, but since 90% of people, like this cuck , are sheeple and need to be herded like filthy goyim, I don't think AnCap will actually happen until after the medical singularity of artificial gene manipulation.

tl;dr - the vast majority of humans are just too stupid for AnCap

pick related soon hopefully

I think collaboration would be the result of an utopic comunism, not anarcho-capitalism. The later depends on competition to find the market floors, otherwise monopolies would do what they are doing now.

This whole discussion just enlights the fact that it's not about ideology, just abundance of resources and technology.

Wr still need to abolish religion though. Embrace physics as your lord and destroyer

With 17 million Germans receiving assistance under the auspices of National Socialist People’s Welfare (NSV) by 1939, the agency “projected a powerful image of caring and support.”[36] The National Socialists provided a plethora of social welfare programs under Nazi’s concept of Volksgemeinschaft which promoted the collectivity of a “people’s community” where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated “8,000 day-nurseries” by 1939, and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families, and was involved with a “wide variety of other facilities.”[36]

The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941.[37] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible “for travellers’ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ‘support’ for re-migrants from abroad; alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.”[38] However, the physically disabled and homeless were persecuted in Nazi Germany.[39][40] The Office of Youth Relief, which had 30,000 branches offices by 1941, took the job of supervising “social workers, corrective training, mediation assistance,” and dealing with judicial authorities to prevent juvenile delinquency.[41] It is estimated that in the mid-1930s, German workers paid 15-35% of their income to taxes, social programs, and (due to government pressure) charities.


You're a lefty. When people say "the weak should fear the strong", they are directly criticizing your philosophy. You are untermensch.

You mean the little shitstain the keeps getting cucked because might makes right in the real world?

I hope one day to kill you

> oh no the NSDAP took care of the eldery and disabled.
(((you))) wouldnt want whites helping each other would (((you))). And german workers still paid less tax then than americans do now. Also there was no unemployment for able bodied. If you didnt work you didnt get gibs. Im not even a natsoc just need to btfo your fake arguments.

>the jew got us here
How did they do that? Oh yeah, they infiltrate and nepotism their kind into positions of power in government, media, etc.
>gov't and media aren't the problem, it's the niggers!
This is why you are and always will be a goy. You don't want to take power from the jews, you want to redirect (((their))) gifts from the niggers to you. You're literally just another nigger asking for gibmedats, except you have skin the color of semen instead of shit.

>he doesnt know the German welfare program was completely done by Donations, not taxations

I hope one day you do user, life is suffering

Stupid as fuck. Without a governing entity to enforce regulations people are going to hire for slave wages.
Doesn't work like that in real life

> assuming im natsoc.
Uhh no sweetie. I want the jew removed from power and multiculturalism destroyed. I dont want a welfare state or nanny state. You on the other hand dgaf about anything but your shekels, like the rest of the ancaps. Its hilarious you call yourself libertarian right when you dgaf about tradition or heritage.

I have no superiority complex, and understand if my ideal system was implemented I'd probably be dead in a couple years.

But I still stand by it.

He never said that they lacked social safety nets, he said they privatized industry. Which they undeniably did. ub.edu/graap/nazi.pdf

Used to be one, then I found out about kikes.

Im not ancap but that literally has nothing to do with ancap... minimum wage needs to go

>take care of the elderly and disabled
>whites helping whites
Nice strawman. Nobody said you shouldn't take care of your own grandparents. Why the fuck should other people have to pay for your oldfucks though? Oh, because you can't afford it because you're a degenerate NEET who's only redeeming quality is his "aryan" features. No, in that case nobody should be required to pay for your parents healthcare, because they brought such a stinking little shit into this world and now they need to eat the fruits of their labor, i.e. nothing at all.

>no unemployment for able bodied
>guaranteed employment for able bodied
>gibs for able bodied employed people
That's the fucking point; you're forcing valuable citizens to employ people with no valuable skills to create the illusion of unified prosperity. It's a sham and people who are unemployable should be left to be unemployed and starve because they are not valuable to society, regardless of their skin color.

Onc again genius, the Germans welfare was done by Donations. you were forced via taxation

Limited Liability Corporations are a product of government law, they won't exist in an ancap society.

*you were NOT forced by taxation

>I finally removed that stain, so to speak

Can someone explain this one to me?

>there's something more important than shekels
What? What is so special that it doesn't have a monetary/utility value ascribed to it but is nevertheless worth our consideration? Nothing, by definition.

>nazis "privatized" industry
/pol/ please go; your stupid undergrad paper on privatization of industry in nazi germany is irrelevant. Any actual economist will quickly tell you nazi germany is not at all a free market.

>being ok with taxes is a matter of some 'ideology'
>Typical simplistic explanation given by some person who has to hide behind ideologies because they are afraid to stand behind their arguments on their own.

Ancaps reek of someone who is interested in being a lawyer, but is to stupid to go through the whole shebang of training oneself to be one.

1933 Hitler decreed the banning of all private charity organizations in Germany, ordering NSV chairman Erich Hilgenfeldt to “see to the disbanding of all private welfare institutions,” which provided the National Socialists the means to engage in the social engineering of society through the selection of who could receive government benefits.[2] Hitler had essentially nationalized local municipalities, German federal states and private delivery structures that had provided welfare services to the public. NSV was the second largest Nazi group organization by 1939, second only to the German Labor Front

>you can't "donate" to any cause, it has to be to the party
>it's a "donation" but if you don't do it the fuhrer will shake his finger very hard in your direction
Fucking stupid LARPing nazi shits.