What would you say has been china's biggest and brightest contribution to all things tabletop?
What would you say has been china's biggest and brightest contribution to all things tabletop?
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Are you kidding me? Look at all the anime and manga shit out there. Go to Barnes & Noble and they have a whole aisle dedicated to mangas and animes. Even Warhammer 40k has the Tau which are basically the chinese in space.
Anime and manga is Japanese.
Cheap manufacturing.
Many tabletop games (and the companies that make them) wouldn't exist if they were forced to rely on western manufacturing process.
There's porbably huge local wargame and chinese fantasy RPG played by millions but you never heard of it.
Same shit at the end of the day, it's all made by the chineses.
Chinaman models
are you baiting us user?
Getting taken over by Mongolia so that our Orcs and Hobgoblins can be a Not!Mongolian Empire.
The only game that computers couldn't beat...until now.
They made some nice Legacy proxies for me.
>Implying The Party would approve or allow such unsanctioned creativity
they made Wuxia movies, which has been a heavy influence for many RPGs.
For me, it's the inspiration that maoism provides when I have to make a BBEGs.
cyberpunk politics
Wuxia isn't technically china
Cheap models for GW shit
Mahjong and model forgeries.
Well yeah, but Japanese and Koreans are still Chinese.
Go. Most definitely Go.
Though the table top RPG as we know is it mostly just soemthign that's been slowly building up as a community within the past decade or so.
Sanguosha seems to be the really BIG board game. Apparently, it is Three Kingdoms flavored but very much inspired by Bang!.
D&D has been a big deal since 3e came over back in 2000.
Most foreign games aren't in Chinese with rules spreading across the table orally.
Khan Kon tabletop conventions are a big thing in recent memory that are building up the community and the hobby. One of their big events is a Vampire larp.
Literally every game piece in existence. If it's plastic, you can thank China for it.
affordable models
>buch of Chinese edgelords renting out a conference hall to do the conga and hop up and down
Somehow still less embarrassing than trenchcoat fedoralords
>Khan Kon
Are you fucking serious?
Yes. Khan Kon is real. I can't fault them for having a sense of humor.
Cheap and plentiful bootlegs.
That's literally it. Modern Chinese culture as dictated by its government inhibits creativity and imagination.
>The only game that computers couldn't beat...
Computers cant beat dark chess
No they just would not be able to pay their top dogs stupid money if they had to pay half decent wages.
I refer to the following chart whenever this comes up.
That and Calvinball.
>Wuxia isn't China
Kill yourself
>Implying you actually use creativeness in rpg, not recycling character and world archetypes that could easily be changed and used to make propaganda of the party
>snakes and ladders
He's right tho
Starcraft is waaay to low down.
Computer loses in poker ONLY against players playing via internet, since they fully ignore the bluffing part of the game and focus on stakes and card counting. Players playing with humans meanwhile tend to loose to computer, because part of their entire playstyle is not present.
Jokes aside, most of the animation is done by Koreans
Will we ever learn what the great noodle incident was?
>Bulma Fumando
>Not Bulma Enchanto
Yes I know what Fumando means, just let me enjoy my unfunny reference
>Cheap manufacturing.
>Many tabletop games (and the companies that make them) wouldn't exist if they were forced to rely on western manufacturing process.
Downside being that they can and will openly fuck you over and dare you to do something about it. Witness the fate of the game Leviathans, by Catalyst Games Labs.
He really isn't
>seven minutes in heaven
I disagree
>Gaming. Friendship. Unity.
Just like the real Mongols!
>By Gamers for Gamers
Hey...that's Interplay's motto!
>china's biggest and brightest contribution
>Human wave tactics replicated by the Imperial Guard
>Only 7 billion died
hue hue pls go
>RPG as we know is it mostly just soemthign that's been slowly building up as a community within the past decade or so
>D&D has been a big deal since 3e came over back in 2000
Funding the US.
Mandarin for "martial hero".
Sound pretty Chinese to me.
And don't get me started on the movies made by westerners.
China has a long tradition of epics about "warrior scholars" dating back to the early middle ages.
Elaboration needed.
Bluffing mostly only works in no limit games, usually Texas hold em. If it was Omaha, 7 card stud or draw poker I can assure you that players will lose to a computer no matter what.
Calvinball is just a D&D variant
Stamping out all of those shabby plastic and pot-metal playing pieces and cheap cards.
oh what happened? I wanted that game to be a thing, but found its corpse far too late.
C&P'd from an old thread:
>What happened? What didn't? There's a namefag over in the BattleTech Generals who can go into more detail, but the short version is:
>>made in China because otherwise the box'd be $200+
>>First print run was impounded by the Chinese government for breaking the 1-China policy (Taiwan was historically occupied by the Japanese, so the map had it colored as Japan. Not the same color as China).
>>Catalyst CFO stole $800,000 from Catalyst to do his personal home repairs - that money was supposed to pay for Leviathans secondary product (expansion boxes, etc). And somehow, the CFO kept his job after getting found out.
>>Tried to pry the stuff out of China, but the ship with the master mold plates on it sank on the way to Germany and the new producer
>>Lead artist died and the estate won't release the art and designs that Catalyst paid for
>>Catalyst was paying the Chinese to render 3D images of the art and create the mold plates; they asked for the CAD files and 2nd-gen mold plates to be shipped back to the US to find another producer, and the Chinese company said "pay us an extra $3 million for it all on top of what you paid us already or fuck off."
And yes, they got away with the last bit; CGL didn't have the money to pay the ransom or fight it out in court. Especially since the PRC government would've backed the locals for reasons of "fuck 'Murrica!"
If you feel like being particularly depressed one day, drop into /btg/ and ask "Not Entirely user" for exact details on how Leviathans and everyone interested in it got a no-lube ass-reaming, mostly by China.
holy shit that is incredible, what dicks that artist's family is though. suppose taking legal action would have been a bad pr move.
Just wait until Trump gets his hands on those Chinese fuckers.
>He's already refusing to lie about Taiwan like China insists everyone does
This is gonna be good
More likely, it wouldn't have been even remotely profitable, with all those other losses. Even if they got the art, they'd have to start everything else from scratch (Or at least pay millions and millions to get it running again). Spending even more money to sue just wouldn't matter.
Example of fucking chinks.
Comunism. Communist China is an incredible setting, best contribution.
That's what happened to the VOID plastics, and led to I-Kore's demise (to be reborn as Urban Mammoth)
>inspired by Bang!
Yeah, sure. "inspired"
That woman is not chinese, she's korean