Warhammer 40,000 general

No more servo skulls! another victory for the PATRIARCHY! EDITION

>previous thread
>Freshest Rules:

>Stale PDFs:

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:


>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

Epubs are shit. SHIT.

FIrst for the machine god

Not an argument.

Reading comprehension user. They're the same as Orks in the sense of all of them being Cyborgs and using a bunch of robots for war. The difference being that most Ork models actually look good, while AdMech troops and walkers are the result of trying to mix a bunch of different things together and ending up with a nonsensical mess.


1. An Initiative increase across the board. Boyz are now I3, Nobz are now I4, and Warbosses are now I5.

2. Army-wide Furious Charge.

3. A Ballistic Skill increase across the board. Boyz are now BS3, Nobz are now BS4, and Warbosses are now BS5.

4. Choppas are now AP4. Big Choppas are now AP3.

5. A Toughness increase across the board. Boyz are now T4, Nobz are now T5, and Warbosses are now T6.

6. A Leadership increase across the board. Boyz are now LD8, Nobz are now LD9, and Warbosses are now LD10.

7. Army-wide Feel No Pain 6+. This can be improved with Wargear and Painboyz up to a maximum of 4+.

8. Painboyz and Mekboyz are Elite choices. You may take up to 3 of each type as a single Elites choice, and you may distribute them as Independent Characters.

9. Mekboyz now have access to Kustom Force Fields. A Kustom Force Field grants a 4+ Cover Save to all models completely within 18 inches, including vehicles.

10. A Waaaaagh may be called once per game, and grants all Orks in your army Fearless for that turn. Calling a Waaaaagh also allows all Orks in your army the ability to reroll their Charge distance for that turn.

11. Characters now have access to non-Mega Armour wargear that grants a 2+ armour save, 1 per army.

12. Characters now have access to non-Mega Armour wargear that grants a 3+ invulnerable save, 1 per army.


>I can't justify my shit taste

>Traitor legions gives a swath of buffs to every chaos legion
>most are still pretty bad
>Thousand Sons get six new plastic kits
>still one of the worst factions in the game (not counting Magnus the Friend Ender)
Huh, I though GW was supposed to be getting better. This really seems like the same old "throw a dart at the wall to see how good a release will be."

Is this a bot?


Pretty fucking high
Pushing something that unsettling out of your vagina cannot be good for your mental health

>being bs more than 2
fuck off newfag

Death Guard, World Eaters, and Emperor's Children to a lesser degree are all very solid armies now.

Thousand Sons are only bad because of point costs, which will be fixed next codex. Supplements and Campaigns only add Detachments and Formations.

What's the easiest way to paint Nurgle marines?

Go play like iron hands and call them orks.

>World Eaters
Worst melee faction.

Spray white, apply various green and yellow washes, paint metallics, add rust and grime effects, done.

Dipping is a really fast way that produce a decent quality end result (easily tabletop).

Super fast melee army - just don't run Berzerkers and you'll be OK.

>Paint green
>toss into a vat of every wash released

Wanting advice on how I can make my dudes into 13th company space wolves.

Rusty weapons would just be Typhus Corrosion > Drybrush Ryza Rust, right?

>super fast melee army
That loses to every single one of their equivalents.

>just don't run Berzerkers
Don't run their only unit that is actually half-decent in melee?

if you are too poor do buy the actual codex, don't bitch over the free ones.

I've bought the epubs you dipshit. The illegal free PDFs offer better quality.

What program should I use for Epubs?

its the news

>melee race

I dunno man, they did change the Rubric entry a bit and deliberately decided to keep the points the same.

Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminators just got new datasheets that altered wargear (both optional and base). There was nothing stopping them from dropping 30 points off that cost of a base Rubricae squad, or letting both/either squad sorcerers take the all important Spell Familiar.

Tzeentch discipline being dog shit and the fact that you can only spend so many points on Sorcerers before your list just doesn't have enough of anything else are also significant problems with the Thousand Sons.

When a new codex hits, it will likely remove the Spell Familiar, completely gutting Thousand Sons.

Death Guard and Emperor's Children are pretty good. World Eaters will be similar to GSC in that it will be fairly swingy depending on how many squads can get across the table turn 1. Alpha Legion are cute, but a handful of infiltrating CSM squads don't amount to much. Black Legion gets to pretend they have Drop Pods, Word Bearers get to pretend they're playing the good Chaos codex, Word Bearers might as well just play Iron Hands. Night Lords might be the best bet if you just want to play unaligned generic CSM.

>Don't run their only unit that is actually half-decent in melee?

OK, so you haven't read Traitor Legions at all. Might wanna consider not having very strong opinions about shit you don't know, senpai.

If you are too dumb to use epubs, don't buy them in the future senpai.

I can only lead you too water

It doesn't matter if they can beat other melee units it matters that they can move very fast and beat other ObSec choices in combat.

Also I'm assuming you've not had a chance to read Legions yet regarding how good regular CSM with MoK are in the WE formation are. So they basically become beserkers but cheaper and shootier while still just as good in combat and fearless.

>Thousand Sons are only bad because of point costs
Except Traitor Legions and Wrath of Magnus included updated Dataslates for Rubrics and the new termies. If they were going to make them cheaper, that was their chance.

Fuck Orks.

Seriously, they are such an awful faction I don't know why they are still in the game. They're silly and incompetent, maybe that was ok back when 40k was less serious but the fluff has moved on these days, there is no more room for Orks.

Remove Orks from the game, phase them out in favour of a more deserving army, stop featuring them in campaign books or anything.
Orks need to be removed from the game.

Rolled into waagh.
Boyz drop to BS1 and get double+1 shots with any ranged weapons. Gitz and grots are BS3.
Too much with all the other changes you've proposed.
HQs that don't use an FOC slot, up to 5 per CAD.
Didn't they already?
Might as well make them fearless until their next turn. Then they can take another round of close combat before killing themselves.
>11 and 12
Artificer armour/storm shield relics? I guess so. 40 points each.

No matter what program you use, there will be rendering errors with epubs. Readium overlaps letters for instance in the latest traitor legions release.

Think about it. DG and WE were all turned into Plagues and Zerkers-lite respectively, making the actual units useless. For what reason would they do this, if not because the units would be buffed next codex?

>Don't run their only unit that is actually half-decent in melee
>What are Traitor Legions MoK spiky marines with VotLW

Point for point, baseline CSM are pretty good in melee. Sure, they lose to more elite options from other books, but they're baseline infantry. Unfortunately, there aren't really any better non-character melee legionnaires in the book.

So in Legion - for 17 PPM vs. a Zerk at 19 PPM you get a marine with:

Bolter, BP, CCW
Fearless, Furious Charge, VotLW

I.E. a better Berzerker for cheaper that gets to move 2D6 before the start of the game that doesn't count as scout thus possibly allowing for a 1st turn charge and easily allowing for turn 2 charges into ObSec units.

Not an argument faggot. WS5 with Maelstrom of Gore is the only good combination unless you want to get shot at for 2 turns by Riptides and still miss with half of your attacks.

That would be solid logic. If those units were unique to one Legion. And not available to every single Renegade army/Black Legion/etc.

Look, we are right back around to just buy the physical copy then.

no problems with readium for me

Because the Plague Marine and Khorne Berzerker entries are extraneous. Trying to have Marks and Cults be different things was a mistake. It makes sense for Thousand Sons, since they're so different, and the Mark of Tzeentch really needs to find something to do other than fuck with Invulnerable saves.

How should I run a Slaanesh Chaos Lord, armor-wise?
PA, Terminator or PA+Steed?

I bet the people who say Orks can't have BS3 because fluff are the exact same people who defend Tau's recent giant titan robot suits and close combat despite fluff saying otherwise.

What's the rest of your army like?

A bike Lord with Bike Cabal and a Bike Squad could be a pretty decent T5 4+ FNP deathstar.


>gotta go fast

Orks should go back to being WS3/BS3 and with Furious Charge replaced with big grins.

>No Celestin
>No Repressor
>No rule section for Acts of Faith

SoB got one new model and lost a special character. Basically nothing changed. I can live with that.

Hope nids and ork get some love soon. Since SoB just got a pity fuck.

Chaos Bikers are generally regarded as one of their better units, so I assume many of you run them.

Does anyone use alternate models for them? The GW kit seems a bit naff, especially if you're taking a large number of them.

Don't forget the new formation is trash.

Rate me.

>Readium overlaps letters for instance in the latest traitor legions release

No it does matter, WE are all about melee supremacy in the fluff, they aren't Orks god damnit.

You miss the fact that a 2d6 non-scout will never replace a Rhino, you NEED that +3 and Fleet if you really wish to get a charge without being shot to pieces.

>implying they ever change point costs in non-codex books
Newfag much?

This is precisely my problem with the book.

2d6 +6 won't be enough for a first turn charge even if you got a 12. You'd still probably end up eating 2 rounds of shooting and give your oponent a chance to kite you, while Zerkers get the same 2d6 with +3 charge range AND fleet, and hit much more reliably.

I was thinking of making the Kacophoni, but now that you mention it having him go around with a bike squad in a warband doesn't sound bad

I haven't seen it. Mind sharing?

the acts of faith are probably in the unit descriptions, since they said its practically a remake of their current codex.

I hope they don't touch nids for awhile, otherwise they will get the new edition fuckover.

Nth for Snakegirl Sniper Teams WIP.

I really wish it was 6+D6. 2d6 is just so unreliable to build an army around.

The rest is nice, though.

>No Repressor
It's FW model and rules.
>No Celestin
This sucks.

plz no

>World Eater Butcherhorde Spawn
>32 PPM
>average turn 1 threat range of 28"
>5.5 S5 attacks on the charge
Can any of the other options even hope to compete? Spam as many as possible and you can pretty reliably lock the entire enemy army in CC turn 1. Throw in a couple Daemon Weapon armed Juggerlords to open hard targets, maybe a couple allied Cyclopia Sorcerers for utility.



I'd agree, but all of the cult variants are stronger, and have access to formations like MoG and Kakophoni which clearly set them apart from their "lite" versions.

Agreed, I don't like how the game relies so much on formations now.

You seem to really care about the fluff - I don't care at all. I care that I can use WE to sweep ObSec choices. I don't fucking care - in the slightest - if I'm a 'melee supremacy' army, I care about getting new tools to take help me win.


Worst kind of player identified.

Alpha legion. You can infiltrate an extremely shooty force in range of their best dudes with a cultist tarpit between.

I don't care about you not caring.

My usual list skeleton is:
2 Flyrants, 2tl Devourers with Brainleech worms, Electroshock Grubs

2-3 Mawlocs w/ Adrenal Glands

Some Zoanthropes + Venomthropes

Lots of Genestealer MSU

Main opponents are Forgeworld loving IG and Blood Angels

Fuck didn't notice. I hope they kept the Psybolt. My Chimera Heavy Bolter Gunboats of psykers needed those.

Not everyone is a powergaming faggot.


>Muh melee supremacy

Shut the fuck up. You've been tossing on about this shit for the past three generals.

no problem for me

Anybody know of any good canon lore that includes genestealer cults? I just read the codex and want to know more.

We also lost our LRR with psyflame and psybolt. Was it overpriced? Yes. Was it hilarious when you glanced a fucking Predator with a flamer? Yes.

Because the various reader/writer programs are maturing so they end up with fucked compatibility
Allegedly GW writers use Kobo for their epubs

Ciaphas Cain fights them a lot.

>an extremely shooty force
I don't know if I'd call a handful of Plasma Guns without ready access to rerolls an "extremely shooty force."

Alpha Legion builds that do well are going to be focused on drowning the enemy in outflanking, exponentially increasing Cultists. The handful of CSM lurking in trees and ruins will just be for holding objectives.

The lack of reliable IC infiltration is a bit of a deal-breaker.

>Alpha Legion are cute, but a handful of infiltrating CSM squads don't amount to much.

Alpha legions main strength is the sheer volume of special weapon available to them. seeing as chosen are both infiltrating troops. You can happily bring 10+ of both plasma and melta. combined with the seer volume of cultist (esp in the decurion), means you can end up with a very powerful force

their deamon weapon is quite fun on DPs as well, with an averge of 14 attacks (if you get off warp time) . The only truly terrible thing about AL is their 2+ relic, which provides realistically no other bonus, as is 25 points

why don't you use the superior malanthrope user?

For me readium splits a bottom part of a page to the next page

In some cases, yes. Anyways, PDFs don't have this problem. They are superior.

>"Cool, Traitor Legions is coming out soon! Maybe I'll start that Death Guard army."
>Death Guard are the new FotM

Oh boy, I get to look like every other bandwagoning chucklefuck until the next good codex comes out.

>your troops can all infiltrate
>but not your Lords or Sorcerors :^)

>worst melee faction

>army-wide Furious Charge, Fearless, and re-roll Charge distances
>Maelstrom of Gore grants Fleet and +3" to charges

They're not AMAZING, but they're pretty far from bad.

Also, Chosen/Terminator squads armed with Power Mauls hit at S7 on the charge at initiative. Just saying.

Poorfaggotry mostly. Lack of Forgeword bucks.
Also, I don't run many venomthropes or run them that often.

>pic related

ALL Orks weapons just should have more shots to them. Seems like the more fluffy and fitting fix to me, Orks are all about rolling buckets of dice after all.

That Leviathan is in desperate need of a toilet break.

Wait nevermind. It looks fine when I have the ToC open

I run mine either as a Jump Lord or a standard Chaos Lord. Bikes are for faggots.

I say, as I ride my motorcycle every day.

Interesting. I suspect it's because the epub format uses actual fonts bundled on your computer to render text.

Which creates the obvious compatibility issue if your epub uses non standard fonts.

Again, PDFs become superior because they just function as an image.

ah ok, I converted one out of the hive tyrant model and got into a group order to get the FW one.

Fuck more shots I want the ones I roll to actually matter.

Give Orks rerolls to 1s and 2s only and that is perfect.

did you play around with the settings at all?

>s-shut u-up! I'm tired of being consistently BTFO!

They're now good at GETTING INTO melee, but 4 attacks, FC and Fearless is nothing compared to Death Company and mounted Furfags.

So the Alpha Legion decurion gives them the same buff to cultist revival as the cultist formation. Does it say if this stacks/doesn't stack anywhere? It seems odd if it DIDN'T because the only place you can get cultists in the decurion is from that formation.

Only zoom, to confirm the issue existed at all levels.

Otherwise this is a vanilla install of readium.

It stacks. Whenever a cultist dies, you roll 2d6. For each 4+, you create an identical unit to the unit that died, which then enters ongoing reserves.