What's your favorite faction, Veeky Forums?
What's your favorite faction, Veeky Forums?
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In.. like all things or what?
In Scythe. Related image, user.
Polania. They have Wojtek. They just win.
>lancers escorting mechs
Explain for me this game/setting, because I like it already.
Their encounter card bonus is one of my favorites.
>It is a time of unrest in 1920s Europa. The ashes from the first great war still darken the snow. The capitalistic city-state known simply as “The Factory,” which fueled the war with heavily armored mechs, has closed its doors, drawing the attention of several nearby countries.
The game is a light 4X/euro/resource management game. A lot of people get thrown off by that. With the mechs, they anticipate a heavy combat-oriented game.
It also helps that their mechs are dieselpunk Mad Cats.
>Not based Changa
Wojtek is getting really tiresome as a meme in games
Rusviet Union stronk. Focus-actioning is pretty damn good.
Das Reich
Hot Russian chick with a fucking tiger is my second favourite, I must admit.
People arbitrarily declaring things they don't like to be memes is getting real fucking tiresome.
I guess you didn't play too many games lately. Or know who Wojtek is, so let's educate your sorry ass:
I know who he is. I haven't seen him in anything other than scythe, and I don't see how "hisotrical reference shows up more than once" = meme
>Hot Russian chick with a fucking tiger
I hate to be the first person to bring it up, but it needs to be said.
Porn when?
I didn't see how a military mascot being suddenly shoveled to everything around is not a meme, but hey, whatever keeps you going.
>Implying her design isn't porn already
Still, what is this "everything"? The inclusion in Scythe makes sense, and I haven't seen him crop up anywhere else.
>Implying her design isn't porn already
Sorry, I'm not into cripples.
The amounts of animals in this game pleases me. Who's a good direwolf?
It doesn't actually make sense, since Wojtek was WWII and Scythe is WWI, but in a comment on the original image acknowledged that it didn't make sense but that he thought it seemed fun so he did it anyway. That Jakub is a proud Pole who loves the legend of Wojtek is likely a significant factor.
The animals have no game function though.
The game's a bit of a mess to get used to because only part of your faction profile is fixed the other part is randomized (sort of like Smallworld races are generated, but considerably more complex). But once you do it's lot of fun.
I don't exactly see Wojtek the bear as being the same bear, since it's a very different timeline and such. What I meant was that if you're gonna assign cool animal mascot to your europe-based factions, it's a pretty obvious and fitting reference to make.
The game is a mess. As if entire effort was put on aesthetics, with almost no time or resources thrown on the game proper. Then comes the shitty design of mechs' figures.
Still, Rusviets all day, all night
Meh, flavor is a function in on itself.
Also, Invaders from afar? My brother has the base game and I'm thinking of getting him the expansion for chrismas, how is it?
For me it's fucking confusing to have Not!Poles with bear, rather than russians, while Russians are with fucking Siberian tiger. It just doesn't click for me.
You know how some things remain constant across all the alternative universes? Wojtek is one of them.
Can I ask what sort of games you generally enjoy?
I ask because I loved Scythe. I like eurogames although some of them are a bit heavy for me, but Scythe is one of my absolute favourites, with simple mechanics that lead to a lot of depth and complexity in the interactions between the board and the players.
Can't comment, only played the base game.
Wojtek is a Polish national icon and Jakub is a Pole.
user, Wojtek is literally unknown in Poland. Comes from the fact it was in Ander's Army and kids weren't exactly taught anything about Anders, first due to commie ruling, then because everyone realised it's not the best thing to tell kids how our allies fucked us every single possible way throughout entire war and we were only asking for more abuse. Now with conservative right getting into education system, I wouldn't be surprise if they would turn Anders into a villain and traitor, like in times of commie rule.
>Wojtek is a Polish national icon
I'm guessing you are not a Pole. Just read this user
>calling Anders traitor
>while shilling his daughter as cheerfull nationalist ol' lady senator and a prominent party figure
>And while cartering to his vocal anti-soviet sentiment
Well man, the Anders' Army legend and it's fightan' bear never had it so good. There is a rise in publications, IPN also cartered to Wojtek in many child-aimed initiatives.
He seems to become known as a basic cultural concept, as kids (and how much average kid knows of history?) in a scout troop nearby decided to take Wojtek as patron, claiming that Nazi-fighting bear is as cool as it gets in department of important dead figures.
But yes, history of Anders' Army is still not known as much as cool factor should indicate for our education system, a basis for historical trivia for most of us, ingnores WWII.
>how much average kid knows of history?
Whatever school system tells them - Hitler was bad, commies were bad, whatever happened before Hitler and commies is too long ago to care. Polish nationalism seems to be on the rise lately, it's little surprise they would dig up whatever misinterpreted icon is convenient to support it.
It's a shitty game with a cult following due to dieselpunk mech art.
Nobody criticising the mechanics has actually said why. I was a fan of the artist before the project was kickstarted, but having played it a few times I still love it. It's why I'm curious what about it people didn't like.
What I heard some people dislike the combat system. Usually this seems to be because they were expecting a wargame.
I do find that odd, because at no point was it ever advertised as a wargame. Even the name, 'Scythe', was chosen because of its role as an agricultural implement, not a weapon.
It's just fucking boring. You sit around building shit and maybe have one fight and then the game is over. I've played it half a dozen times and even tried to play aggressively to see what happened and it just doesn't really click.
Another issue is that if you somehow do get the drop on an opponent, you have a good chance of fucking them out of the game entirely.
In one game (I forget the exact circumstances) I managed to push back an enemy and steal like three piles of his resources and that meant that after turn 2 or 3 he was done for. The action economy well was too deep for him to ever climb out of.
But despite getting said windfall, I never got close to winning, because fighting is so fucking unrewarding EVEN AFTER YOU GET A MASSIVE REWARD.
If you love it, great, but I fucking hate games where everyone sits in their little corner and builds a pretty little economy.
Also, I think the faction balance is kinda fucked. Rusviet rush 2stronk.
People hate it because it's not the game they were expecting. Still not a valid reason.
pic very related
Dreadnought faction.
So basically what and said? That you didn't realise it was an economic eurogame? (Because that's what it is.)
>implying that Polish school system was not avoiding the 20th century for nearly three decades in order to avoid speaking about communism, national democrats and sanation movment in detail as it was skubbest of skub
Man, you know nothing about stuff you talk about.
Warfare still can earn you victory stars, secret goal (if applicable) and aforementioned resources. When timed right it can do a lot for you. But really expect just two or three encounters a game because even if you win it's still draining and military strength builds up slowly.
Mobility is very important factor - being first to take and last to hold the Factory is often deciding factor. Also collecting as many Encounters as possible can give you great advantage (especially if you're whatshisname with pick two).
I didn't buy the game, a friend did, so I don't know what he expected, but it sure presents itself as at least a wargame-lite, what with the mechs and leaders and hexes and terrain defensive and attack bonuses and all that.
I would like it more if it were a straight up economy game without the thin pastiche of mechs applied.
Basically, selling the consumer pizza and giving them a sandwich is bad, even if it's a really good sandwich.
Still seems to be mostly a question of personal expectation to me. I hadn't heard of it until I sat down and played my first game to see what kind of game it was.
The mechs are still a pretty big and important part of the game, but more for deterrent and blocking than actual open warfare.
So far, my main issue with this game is that Rusviet is fucking broken.
>why don't people like game
>people tell you
Are you the game creator by chance
I agree with that guy - it's so bad that I don't even remember how combat works.
Not really a problem, people are allowed different tastes. But complaining about combat not being rewarding enough in a resource managing game is pretty of.
Having your preference is fine, but criticising something for not doing something it never intended to do, and that it never intended to be, is stupid.
Scythe is an economic eurogame with area control elements. If you do the slightest bit of research, you'll find that's what it is. The only way to believe it's a wargame is to gawp stuidly at the cover and put no more thought into it than that.
Its theme is tied to warfare though, and it has combat in the system.
>Implying "Me, daughter of my father" has anything to say
>Implying she's not one of the most hated person for siding with those idiots
>Implying she's not tarnishing "my father" legacy
user, please...
And? There are plenty of boardgames that aren't wargames which have elements like that.
The game is like typical Veeky Forums's builder game. You do nothing, but expand without any actual goal. You can kick out other players by hitting them hard with your sudden attack, but all you gain is less players at table and even more boring game.
In short - the game has no goal other than bloating. It's like Monopoly, only with mecha and without any emotions whatsoever, because dropping players out of the game makes it even worse, rather than going for the win.
>Put absurdly high emphasis on mecha
>Make it a building game
>Mechs are just there, for no real reason
You are seriously surprise people are pissed about it?
Brace yourself, because now we will have revisionism put on the overdrive and the amount of skub already put in the proposed history courses is just fucking amazing.
>without any actual goal
...Except the clearly laid out means for acquiring stars, your own secret agendas and the general goal of winning the game? Because those all seem like pretty clear, obvious ones to me.
Thing is - the game had misamed marketing and basically created fuckload of expectations for combat-heavy game. Maybe not war-game, but still lotsa fighting.
And we have a classic builder where all actions are absolutely meaningless.
And even if we ignore completely the aesthetics, expectations and everything else and focus just on the game itself, then it's simply boring. It's a slog that takes roughtly 1,5-2 hours to finish, without any actual payoff, satisfaction or actual goal. I've played it so far with 4 different groups and the conclusion was always the same - "can we finally wrap this up?"
Game has catchy aesthetics applied, but it's just nicely painted shell, completely empty inside.
Hell, we are discussing the game at all, because it had catchy aesthetics! The premise itself is fucked by default, all that holds is visuals.
Not exactly surprised, more disappointed in people being stupid, making dumb surface level assumptions and then blaming other people for it.
Seriously, it's not even that hard. You look at the site and it tells you what the game is.
And if you've played it and you think the mechs aren't important, you're a fucking idiot. They're your primary method of moving workers around, they're key for claiming and holding territory and how you place and move your mechs is one of the most tactical parts of the game.
Could they have been refluffed as something else? Probably! But mechs are cool, and the role they play makes perfect sense in the context of the game.
Point me to one bit of misleading marketing. Give me one shred of evidence that you're not just talking out of your arse.
I backed the original kickstarter. And even if you just read the fucking campaign page, or the BGG page, or the game publishers page, or the *back of the fucking box*, you'd know you're talking shit.
You don't like Eurogames? That's fine. But acting like a shit because you made a dumb assumption just makes you an asshole.
>Game is about farming
If that's not misaimed advertising, then sorry, Jakub, but you are fucking stupid and your game is stupid and your marketing was stupid, but most importantly - you should feel bad about it.
I fucking love Eurogames.
When they openly declare themselves as Eurogames and have well-designed rules. This game is so fucking broken you can Rusviet the entire time and rape others, thus "winning" the game by getting rid of other players.
So all you did was look at the front of the box and make stupid assumptions.
Fuck, are there really people in the world who don't know the saying 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'? It's one of the oldest and most ubiquitous things around.
It's KOD that started a ruckuss and disrupted a pro-Anders exhibiotion. Don't you remember?
Contain your power level Warsaw cuck, it's Veeky Forums not /pol/ and you start attempting to scare some 'murricans that do not care about your backwater politics when discussing popcultural WWII trivia.
Fuck, back to the pol, both of you.
>S-stop bashing this game
>N-no, it didn't have badly-organised marketing campaign
>I-it's your fault to build wrong set of expectations
Jakub, let's be straight - you fucked up. You don't put the entire marketing scope, the entire Kickstarter campaign and the entire net advertising on "THIS AWESOME NEW GAME WITH MECHAS" and then sulken in the corner when poeople point out "Why the fuck there are mecha in farming game and where is combat?"
Remember "Obława"? A pretty good film by itself, but marketed as a fucking WAR ACTION FILM WITH LOTSA FIGHTING! and not a slow drama piece and an a Rashamon story, pumping all the 2 minutes of heavy action into all the trailers.
Scythe did exactly the same fucking mistake by making people believe they are going to get mecha game. And until you actually sit and read the rules, you can use the marketing campaign to delude yourself you are going to farm the shit out of it to get mecha in the end or something.
Instead it's just farming all the way around.
But blaming customers for believing into shitty advertising is just fucking wrong and low.
You didn't mention a marketing campaign. You mentioned the picture you saw on the front of the box. And have yet to provide any other evidence that you actually have a point, or any actual arguments as to why the rules are bad. I'm still waiting for an actual argument from you.
>You mentioned the picture you saw on the front of the box
Did I?
You can just scroll two posts up and read it again.
But stop making a fucking fool out of yourself already.
>People bitching about the rules being bad
>7th highest ranked game on BGG
>This doesn't count!
>None of it counts!
>You are all wrong!
I guess I'm done
There is such saying in Poland - "Let's all eat shit! Billions of flies can't be wrong!"
Perfectly sums up your "argument"
It's the only logical assumption, given you keep talking about the mechs being central to everything. The only way that you could have come to that conclusion is if you only looked at the pictures (and not too closely). Because literally every piece of text written about the game on any related site tells you what it actually is.
And given that you're typing, I can't excuse your ignorance by assuming you're illiterate.
Except they never pretended to be otherwise. I mean, I never ended up buying it but I looked in at the kickstarter a couple of times and it was pretty clearly an economic game.
My only real complaint with the advertising/visuals is that I feel like Poland got most of the 'Hey, lets do cool designs' and left other factions a bit less cool than Glorious Poland.
... and?
How does one connects with another?
Next thing you will say 3.5 was best TTRPG ever made, because it had the highest sales.
>Get caught on making shit up
>Still trying to play up moral higher ground
>With grammar
I'm done too
Uh... What?
Anyone remembers A Few Acres of Snow?
This game is even more broken and even more about bloat mechanics. Rusviets give me this fucking unpleasant gut feeling. The same one as French player sending out 6 early Indian raids and wrecking you so hard there is no way to recoup from it within next 30 or so turns, so you can already concede lost match.
Can you actually substantiate that?
I've played more than a few games, and while the Rusviets are good I think a lot of their 'power' comes from their faction benefit being the easiest to use, it doesn't really have much need for nuance or understanding the games systems. Every factions benefit can be just as good, if not better, in the hands of a skilled player.
user, AFAoS was infamously broken, with few tactics that couldn't be mitingated by anything, being very easy to use and most importantly - very obvious to use for even new players.
Nobody gives a fuck if there is this or that nuances strategy when you can put your enemy on knees with some trivial trick. It's just how people play games. Thus efficiency wins over being flashy.