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Legendary Veeky Forums Greentext/Stories thread 2
Fiona is cute! Cute!
> Reposts OP story from the previous thread
Well, at least the story is good, and the screencap is better this time.
I think perhaps on those grounds we can allow it, don't you?
This one's pretty recent but it made me chuckle.
>and the screencap is better this time.
>(1 KB, 73x125)
What are you talking about?
4.76 mb is not 1KB, user.
Helo again anons
Is that Windows 2000?
i have absolutely no idea.
>Crab-user here. Are you Scorpion-user?
That was indeed me, Crab-user. What ever happened to that campaign you were running with npcs based on us?
I hope he or she is still lurking.
now that could be a fun sidequest: have the PCs become food critics and go around a city just absolutely roasting everything they come across
Yeah i thought so too.
that was meant to have this.
he confused it with OP's image, for some ungodly reason
op here, shit i didn't realize i had fucked up with that image.
Alos there is more to this story i'll do my best to find it.
nice thumbnail :c
I should have double checked before i posted it, lol
Would take some weird mechanics to set up though
Let me put up a non-thumbnail version, then. I actually screwed up last thread's version and cut out lines on some of the mid-thread haiku on the second jam session-- this version should fix those problems.
>Maximum kek
I fucking hate DMPCs that arent interesting. Mary Sue ones are even worse. That fuckin wizard is a hero. if whoever posted that is here today, then I want you to give that guy a high five for me.
He even peels it just so the stem hole is right below the balls like an anus
> Posting a thumbnail
> Posting, from what I can tell, sir Bearington
Jesus Christ, user, I don't want to seem like an asshole, but please lurk more.
one kiss my ass, 2 yes it was sir bearington, not everyone has seen that story and it's hilarious, it was a simple mistake and i have rectified it with this.
nothing personal bruh. I was worried I sounded rude after posting that. Continue the stories nigga.
No problems here either man, just trying to Spread the stories and perhaps provoke some creativity in players and Dm's who might pass through, And now I present The Crimson Bat!
Please leave this board, return to plebbit and stay there.
The campaign petered out (everyone's schedules got busy and we couldn't find a good time to meet anymore), but not before the group was able to have at least one complete adventure in its entirety. Maybe I'll start up another campaign when my exams are over, idk.
I'll greentext the most memorable part of the campaign in the next few posts.
And do go fuck yourself, my good man, because i can honestly say I've never bothered going to reddit, Veeky Forums and it's various boards usually have any information I desire.
That's too bad, I always got a kick out of knowing it was going on.
The campaign was an urban one taking place in the souther trade city of Mura Sabishii Toshi, The City of Lonely Shores.
Mura Sabishii Toshi had been undergoing a fair bit of chaos in recent times. It had been a Daidoji city for the longest time, but had recently been confiscated from them as punishment for the Crane Clan (they had smuggled half the Spider Clan into Rokugan, and the Emperor was very displeased).
The Emperor, not knowing to whom he should give Mura Sabishii Toshi, leaves it temporarily in joint control of the Crab and the Scorpion, since neither of them really wanted land that far away. However, this very temporary authority over Mura Sabishii Toshi was extended by necesity when the city very suddenly became besieged by probably the largest and most organized bandit groups in Rokugan.
This usually wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the fact that most of Rokugan's military was rather busy at the time. The Lion were dealing with problems in Rokugan's north, and the Crab were dealing with a Shadowlands offensive on the wall. The Crane army was free at the time, but there was no way in hell that they were gonna break a siege on a city that just got confiscated from them.
Enter the PCs. Taking the role of Emerald Magistrates, the PCs are sent by boat to Mura Sabishii Toshi with a simple mission: keep the city in one piece long enough for the Lion to come down break the siege.
Op here, I appreciate the story but post other l5r stories or greentexts as your images if you can, saves on the image limit.
sure thing
man do I wanna play M&M now
Holy fuck. I have a character I have been playing recently named boxcar joe. I rolled a musically inclined hobo with a couch. My buddy said it reminded him of another character just like that, so we named him boxcar joe the magical hobo. I got a story about him.
> We were playing d&d 3.5.
>I rolled a human bard character, about 50, carried around a lute and had a couch.
>Also played hell with probability.
>we were about 4 hours into our planned 24 hour session.
>We were exploring a cave, our paladin was in front while boxcar joe the magical hobo was in the back.
>Out of the blue a tentacle grabs our paladin and begins dragging him towards a giant mouth
>its a fucking roper.
>We all roll initiative. I roll a 4, roper rolls a 3, paladin rolls a 1, and our ranger rolls a 3.
>Since im fucking boxcar joe, I dont carry weapons. Instead, I opt to chuck a loaf of bread at the roper.
>I roll a nat 20 and and the loaf gets stuck inside of the ropers throat. Within three turns the roper has choked to death.
>Always carry a loaf of bread.
Im starting to think there is more to boxcar joe then meets the eye. Maybe we should use him as an unofficial deity.
Not the last user, but it's for your own good to lurk moar. Look at your typing compared to everyone else's. You either don't understand Veeky Forums culture yet or you're underage to be posting here, either way you should be content with lurking for now
There were 4 PCs for this adventure
>Shuzume Anju
A Shuzume bushi from the countryside, she was very cheerful and optimistic, but also a bit naive. I often called her "Dorothy in Rokugan."
>Shosuro Ryuchi
A Shosuro infiltrator and responsible for keeping the ragtag group on point. Had a bit of a mischievous side.
>Yasuki Fumiko
a shifty-eyed hook-nosed crab merchant here to swindle the rokugoyim. Helped Ryuchi keep the party in line.
An Ichiro bushi with a crap-ton of strength and the hero of this little story. played exactly like THE BOULDER from Avatar, even down to his name.
Now, this particular story took place on the 3rd or 4th session of the adventure. The party had a plan to deal with Mura Sabishii Toshi's food problem (even though there was food coming in, the Yoritomo had a monopoly on it and were charging exhorbitant prices). The party's plan was simple: smuggle food into the city, and distribute it secretly through already-established opium dens that they knew the Yoritomo would overlook. The party already had a supply of food, and they had a Kasuga smugler on their side; all they had to do was negotiate with the ronin gangs who owned the opium-dens.
I'm aware my typing skills are somewhat lacking lacking and, frankly I don't care. I can post with exquisite grammar, spelling and even punctuation. You should consider that I'm not writing stories, and perhaps I choose not to for expediency.
can everyone just stop being dumb niggers and read the fucking stories??? or I dunno, post some of your own? God fucking dammit. This isnt /b/ or /pol/. Have some maturity people.
Yeah, Op here, sorry. I should never have let the troll bait me.
Through their Kasuga contact, the PCs were able to convince the ronin to meet with them on neutral ground: a local sumo-wrestling ring. The PCs arrive and are ready to start negotiating, but Boulder decides that, since he's has the charisma of a stone, that he's not gonna join the negotiations. Instead, he rolls on up to the sumo ring, and enters the lists.
So, while Boulder is happily showing off his impressive strength, the negotiations begin. Unfortunately for the rest of the party, these ronin they were talking too weren't throwaway NPCs, but actually several unique characters with their own skills and motivations. This, compounded with the party's terrible luck, made the negotiations a complete nightmare.
Fumiko tried to convince them of the many financial benefits of selling food for next to nothing, but was very quickly shot down by one of the mercantile ronin.
Ryuchi, in traditional scorpion fashion, tried to use blackmail. Turns out that one of the ronin was actually ex-scorpion, and she easily outmaneuvered his attempts at skullduggery.
In a final, desperate attempt, Anju opened into a heart-felt monologue about how the people were suffering and how the ronin should "do the right thing." This went about as well as you would guess.
The party was out of options, and they didn't know what to do. There were about to give up, when they heard a massive commotion from the sumo-ring.
Boulder had been rolling contested strength rolls in the backround this entire time, and by the time negotiations were finishing, he was against the local sumo champion. With a phenomenal roll in the high 60s, Boulder not only defeats the champion, but manages to lift and suplex his 350 opponent.
The party was impressed, obviously, but disappointed that Boulder was able to win his sumo match while they failed at their negotiations. However, as it turns out, the sumo champion that Boulder just defeated, and in-so-doing befriended, was also one of the ronin gang-leaders who the party was negotiating with. He too, like Boulder, knew that he was awful in negotiations, and decided to do a little wrestling instead.
After a short conversation with the sumo-ronin, and explaining their situation, Boulder was able to convince him to lend them his opium dens.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a player managed to out-social the most cunning NPCs in the campaign with nothing but sheer strength and good sportsmanship.
now this would be a good sci-fi villain backstory. like Star Trek TMP but with less Shatner and moving slightly more sprightly.
The best kinds of necRomancer in my opinion, are the ones that remember life.
I think I might have nutted with this dude as my dm
At the risk of sounding like a pleb, the fuck's a CHIM?
it's Described in the story but it's an Elders scrolls thing that Tiber Septim and the one Dark elf triumvirate god had.
In a nutshell, it's being the player AND the character.
Thanks, I gathered the basic idea, but I didn't know the setting/system and it was bugging me.
It's actually kind of obscure, not really ever mentioned in any of the games, afaik.
I do know I first heard of it on The Imperial Library while surfing UESP's lore section. and yes essentially, i thought it was mongo when i first read about it.
corny, but true
>captcha: sushi
>at this point, captcha's gotten me to choose sushi enough times I'm convinced that an anti-bot program is developing a favourite food
>or, more worryingly, it's figured out my dislikes. ROBOT UPRISING WHEN
This totally happened.
You'll find the full cap in /k/ humor threads sometimes. It's pretty awesome. That user ends up going to their trial since they're on a green card or some shit and the gov't obviously doesn't like the vigilantism. Ends up with a ton of people speaking in their defense about how the blonde dude specifically helped them. From helping little old ladies across the street to stuff like anons story. IIRC ends up getting citizenship.
At first I thought it said "Khorne" and I was ready for awesome hilarity. Wasn't bad though.
Some OC:
>playing eberron campaign
>at top of bloodstone tower in Sharn
>for some reason I wasn't able to walk
>paladin had to carry 200+ lbs of sword mage up several hundred feet of stairs
>He didn't want to do that again
>Me: "bruh, just throw me off the edge"
>GM: uh...user are you sure about this?
>Me: "Yep, just do it"
>GM: Roll for fall damage
>Me: "Nope, ring of feather fall."
Falling in general has been surprisingly common in our game so this ring is on of my favorite magic items. Everyone always forgets that I have the ring.
I also have a habit of near suicidal last stands in my all consuming quest to purge evil.
>same bloodstone tower
>innabasement trying to break it to stop evil ritual
>earlier BBEG had stolen my magic goggles
>He was a tiefling and an asshole.
>Evil enough for purging
>plus I liked those goggles.
>Party succeeds in our goal, tower crumbling all around us
>also find my goggles along with random, cursed, loot (sword of -1, etc)
>fighting rear-guard while everyone else runs out of the tower
>last move before tower collapses I use a teleport power to make it out
>changeling got a 1 on his roll, failing miserably
>Luckily he was already immortal due to epic destiny shenanigans
Plus I have a long history of setting fire on fire. Such as the tiefling, a fire elemental, a couple devils (different from demons), and one or two others that had their resist fire decreased by 20.
I read it in full first time i saw it thought that was all of it when i googled it, obviously i was wrong. As for the Kord story/the thread in general, i'm glad someone's reading these and they're not all something people have seen before, and that you're enjoying them.
nice, this is the kinda story I like to see
Honestly I love these and I'm more than willing to read them multiple times.
Hell, a few have even inspired characters. Such as my D&D one I was talking about. I got the inspiration from a story about an user who made a crazy dude who was obsessed with purging his subjective perception of evil. I don't have the cap and it's been way to many years since I read it to recall the system used.
Anybody know if there was ever more to this?