Spaceship models: lego edition

I am in need of models for my players

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There' needs to be a LEGO Homeworld mod/game.

or homeworld legos

I could really do with this guy not photoshopping backgrounds onto his ships

Damn these actually look really cool

Can't actually build your own though










best one













aaand I'm out


My life has been a wreck lately and looking at these spaceships is the most cathartic thing I've done in months

Is there any way I can purchase some of these models?

there's at least a few bootleg parts makers, but I really wish lego just let you order your own



They do.

Even before hyperspecialized legos, there were lego space ships.





The quality of those models is making me feel inadequate as a human being.

Thank you. I dearly needed that.


These are so fucking amazing. How does one even make shit like that. Some of them I could maybe replicate, but I have no idea how would anyone put something like together with all those angles.




And last from me, a mech for good measure.



Every time I see this stuff I'm thinking that somebody should get to writing a good lego spaceship and/or mecha wargame ruleset.
Can't be hard to make something better than MF0.

I know at least is from one such game, the cones at the base of the model are the hull integrity.





I'm about to scroll through the moc and see what I can dig up guys. This thread should probably be on /toy/ honestly.

to be fair, most of these are the same scale as ship models from bfg/dropzone, and op said he was looking for models for his players

Maybe you can console yourself with the thought that you haven't invested wasted the thousands of hours in building Lego spaceships necessary to become a spaceship virtuoso.

Well, we can have some fun once in a while anyways so I'm not too worried about it.




Google seems very interested in being able to identify sushi


What's that big red white striped part supposed to be?



homeworld ships generally tend to be very stripey, so I imagine it's just for the aesthetic.
or it's the galaxy's biggest candy cane. who knows?




I'll just come out and say it: ships that are minifig scale are superior.

>Google seems very interested in being able to identify sushi
They're pretty shit at it so far; I've been able to get it to accept any food and certain landscapes. Fuck Google and their attempts to use captchas as free labor


easier to diplay, better for game use, harder to build.
infinitely superior to monsters like

ah, you meant the people-scale, not miniature ships.
Well then, bad taste

Got me real excited for a moment.